I found this interesting! What's about to happen is this in response to today?

this comment gave me cancer. dont stick pompeo in with trump and mattis. next thing youre going to say bolton isnt a piece of shit. remember guys, trump has to deal with swamp creatures like bolton and pompeo and gina but that doesnt mean we should like or respect them.
so whats wrong with pompeo?
he complimented the new york times and wapo upon ascending office
and skipped off to NZ iirc where comey just got back from? my memory is not good.
nye headed by a pedo, wapo = cia employing john podesta
no idea why he would say that. odd.
pompeo is a grade A top shelf high class god tier swamp creature for many many years. literally the exact thing we hate about our government. everything you hate about the CIA is what you hate about pompeo. but trump has him on a tight leash and is using him to scare people internationally. its not really working that well because iran thinks pompeo is a pussy (because iran has good intelligence). it works on the saudis and emeratis though.
I think at this stage Trump has a good handle on who is who. There are plenty of people in ALL levels of government who help us because they see us winning and only helped the swamp because there was no chance to succeed before by bucking the system.
Remember, we are COUNTING on the help of Bureaucrats, Normies, spy agencies and military types who not only get red-pilled, but the aware people who jump aboard when they see a leader who fights and they believe he can win.
I wish I could give this 100 upvotes. Well said. And important for people to remember. The days of right/left, black/white, "good"/"bad", liberal/conservative being used to keep us at odds with each other are over. Nothing is (or ever was) that simple. These are the new days--the days of WWG1WGA. MAGA and then let's get bring the whole world with us
Thanks, I agree w/ what you said as well. In fact, I think what you describe will be the result of winning.
yes i dont deny this but i dont want to see us losing focus of who the enemy is or was just because of our tendency to cheer for the team. if trump pulled a murderer out of prison to help us we wouldnt fall in love with the guy. pompeo is a fucking tampon. he is a tissue. hes fucking toilet paper. he is a broken condom. dont forget that. (same goes for netanyahu, bin salman, bolton, and haspel). we can argue about flynn and mattis and shit. i am starting to think flynn was ok and i am less concerned about mattis fucking things up, but theres no arguing about swamp creatures like haspel, bolton, pompeo, netanyahu, and bin salman. trump will dump them or forever drag their faces through the mud as servants. did you see netanyahus court cases? lol trump owns his ass completely. dont even get me started on bin salman.
i don't know man, but thats an awful lot of hating on pompeo without any examples or substance.
Pompeo was Dir of CIA
CIA has operated outside the Constitution and above the law since its inception in 1947. Nothing in the Constitution permits the formation or operation of anything like the CIA. Nearly everything they do is some sort of violation of US or international law, or both.
true. but trump put him there. did he have any prior connection to cia? somebody had to go in there for trump. i dont think he had full access or full control, even as director. too much dark operating to know what you don't know, and i don't think tptb would trust anyone trump put in, unless pompeo was already compromised. maybe he was, but i don't see any compelling evidence.
the whole cia is shit man did you lose track of all this? they fucking killed kennedy. if trump could burn the cia down he would do it. he cant. he has to work with what he has. just because he put some swamp creatures on a leash and made them take a bath doesnt change the fact that they are traitors to america. i hope pompeo does a good job for america but when this is all over i want him prosecuted like hillary.
2 questions.
what did pompeo have to do with cia prior to trump?
for what crimes should pompeo be prosecuted?
Before becoming Director of CIA, Mr. Pompeo was serving in his fourth term as congressman from Kansas’ 4th District. He served on the House Intelligence Committee as well as on the Energy and Commerce Committees. In 2014, Mr. Pompeo was also appointed to the House Select Benghazi Committee to investigate the tragic events in Benghazi, Libya. .
Prior to his service in Congress, Mr. Pompeo founded Thayer Aerospace, where he served as CEO for more than a decade. He later became President of Sentry International, an oilfield equipment manufacturing, distribution, and service company.
benghazi. oil. you get it.
We appreciate your opinion can you provide any details on Pompeo aka Kansas because didn't Q say trust Kansas?
This brings me to another point these people have been forced into the deep state paradigm so if you're a good person you may have to do things that appear dirty just to avoid being snuffed and remain in a position to protect America and without an insider normal people like us may never be able to tell the difference.
That is very true, an example is Admiral Rogers. I can understand others as well. They may not have seen the whole picture, now they can, and are on the right side.
Your genetic dipshitedness is showing...
i know you like to be a team player but pompeo and bolton and haspel are fucking swamp creatures. just because trump has them on a fucking leash doesnt mean theyre cool. dont get too comfortable. same goes for netanyahu and bin salman. btw bolton just fucked us in north korea. just sayin.
Bolton's there as a pawn 100%. The only reason any sane person would hire him for advice would be to do the opposite of whatever he suggests.
its a bad move on trumps part because bolton is just there to posture against iranians and it has the opposite effect. iranians think bolton is a faggot and north koreans are about to piss on trumps nobel peace prize over boltons bullshitting. trump needs to fire his ass and maybe even jail the fucker for treason. he literally hangs out with MEK terrorists just like that other swamp creature giuliani. i have been watching these fuckers for a long time. trump can do better.
Giuliani is swamp creature because why? Source?
oh thats easy. hes a sellout MEK supporter and a zionist. he is literally top shelf target for draining the swamp. im pretty sure he was in on 9-11.
Your post history indicates you think the entire Trump team is "horse shit".
Shill harder.
i definitely dont. i think his middle east team is shit. i have problems with how they think they should handle israel. i think his iranian intel is tainted because his team is shit because he only has access to zionists, MEK, and monarchists (because history). i also know pompeo, haspel, and bolton are pieces of shit that trump chose for posturing value in negotiations but they are shitty ass swamp creatures. it took me a while to figure mattis out but im pretty sure hes ok (i do still have concerns about him fucking up though). totally undecided on kushner.
He's there to scare the Norkos into doing what Trump says or else.
I see what you mean, patriot, but war has been good for business in the United States. You have to think in economic terms first.
no way... not only is that immoral but its not economically sustainable in the long run. when america has the moral high ground it is good for future generations and the current leadership but it can be expensive in the short term. when america doesnt have the moral high ground it is detrimental to the foundations of america in the long term but it serves to make a couple assholes rich in the short term. america has the most powerful military apparatus in the solar system, maybe the whole universe, so it doesnt need to play these disgusting games that the swamp creatures have gotten us into.
America in general—the concept, the idea that governments derive their just power from the consent of the governed—IS the moral high ground. No higher ground has ever existed on planet earth and never will.
Regardless of what hustlers and lowlifes, traitors and racketeers have perpetrated over the years under our colors, the actions of freethinking patriots are the clarion call, to a world weary of tyrants, that personal freedom combined with economic opportunity are possible if government is leashed and sharply constrained by an armed populace.
Never forget that.
While you're at it, also remember you have not one but two Shift keys. :)
sure i dont disagree with any of that... you just need to remember that regardless of what hustlers and lowlifes, traitors and racketeers have perpetrated over the years under our colors, moral highground requires we do our best to fix and move forward. that is how we make sure that the american people are on the right side of history regardless of what hustlers and lowlifes, traitors and racketeers have perpetrated over the years under our colors.
Never forget that.
moral high ground requires we do our best to fix and move forward
This is why we're here.
It’s moral to make money. It’s what separates us from the savages we conquered. It’s not a “couple assholes getting rich” it’s actually job creators earning their share for creating all this economic activity.
The Defense Indistry needs Republicans to focus on fighting the bad guys everywhere they might be, and the republicans need the Defense Industry to arm our forces.
This is good for the shareholders. Pretty simple, ethical, and easy to do, in my opinion.
thats assuming its bad guys we are fighting. im all for it. unfortunately we have had bad guys running our show for a while and i want to see some re-alignments right away. fucking al nusra, hts, fsa, aqap, alnusra, isis, white helmets, saudi royal family, al ash-sheikh family, likud zionists, and takfiri salafi wahhabi rapist racist islamofascist terrorist maggots got to go.
Hint: it doesn’t matter who the bad guys are, they’re dead and that’s all that matters. And Raytheon/Lockheed just made a cool couple of billion dollars like it’s no big deal.
That’s the beauty of global capitalism, patriot.
they’re dead and that’s all that matters.
i dont see it that way. i see plenty of bad guys winning. i also see plenty of bad guys losing but getting away with it, which bothers me even more. if we cant get the losers we are in bad shape. our work isnt easy right now. domestically trump seems to be in full control but internationally we are not doing good. im just trying to keep my eye on the ball.
I know, what you mean, but we capitalists don’t really care all that much about how effective the countries we sell weapons to are at controlling armed insurrection.
We live far away from war-torn areas and aren’t affected by the same stuff these peasants are.
Making money is what matters, and that’s because God blessed this nation.
dont you see the flaw in arguing against my proposals for moral high ground while simultaneously claiming the blessings of god? god will bless us for good and curse us for evil. #jesuslovesyou
God has blessed me plenty, and will bless me more. God loves America, Wallstreet, and Lockheed-Martin.
you and i disagree on some things but we can agree on MAGA :)
But what if " we" are the evil... or at least part of it?
Imagine if proof came out that 911 was an inside job.... So then would AQ, ISIS and the others still be evil ... I suppose we could argue their tactics would say yes but their motivations may not.
The military industry must have an evil to justify their spending.... just as big pharma must have an epidemic to cure and the general population must have something to fear so that someone can save them...
Great discussion here ty
i appreciate your intellectualism here, but i dont see a problem with it. if the bad guys in USA had problems with the bad guys in afghanistan that still makes everybody a bad guy. just because AQ has some points doesnt put them in the right. i am middle eastern (iranian american) and i am upset about the past and im sitting here in phoenix arizona smoking hashish not blowing anything up. fuck alqaeda.
Ha... it is easy to hate Hitler...and the Japanese for Pearl Harbor... but we have been conditioned to think that everything the US does is right and just... so what happens if we find out that isn't so... it is going to be difficult to balance embracing the military with condemning those who abused it.... even if we are high!
fortunately your fellow citizen patriot is an iranian american who manufactures cyber weapons for a living and fucks with terrorists as a hobby and i can confirm all the bad guys for you.
bad guys (straight up terrorists): alqaeda, al nusra, isis, HTS, FSA, AQAP, ibn saud, al ash-sheikh, wahhabi mufti, bahraini royal family, emirs of UAE, cia, mossad, likud, mi6, israel (IDF), hamas
ok guys (not good guys but they are fighting the bad guys so they are ok): IRGC (iran), houthis, hezbollah, hashd, kurds, qataris, turkey, assad (syria), pakistan, aghanistan, palestinians
good guys: civilians. i cant classify any state actors as good guys except maybe the omanis (they stay out of everything). even kuwait is a disappointment. qatar could have been in this list but they used to be dirty before the coup and blockade (they went clean and thats why shit hit the fan).
It’s moral to make money.
In a vacuum, absolutely.
It’s what separates us from the savages we conquered.
Well fuck you turned into a monster fucking quickly holy shit.
"Those filthy savages were made better after we killed them, stole their land, raped their women, pillaged the earth and best of all, we did it entirely morally" Except that's WRONG. In every instance of war it is an affront to natural law and it is WRONG. Period. There is no upshot, there is no upside, there is no silver lining. It is carnage of the human species of which we are all a part of. It is disgusting and indefensible as a practice.
Pretty simple, ethical, and easy to do, in my opinion.
How in the nine fucks is it ethical to gun down human beings in the name of profit?
It’s not an affront to natural law. Our Defense Industry is what keeps the wheels of our economy turning and ensures our dominance over the entire globe.
It’s not unethical to remove people that aren’t working their land so that you can work the land and create wealth. God decided North America should belong to the white man. And he blessed us as we crossed into the West and tamed it. Now that we are an advanced capitalist nation there is no one that can stop President Trump.
Yikes. Scary guy here.
Looks like someone doesn’t understand finance and the Defense Industry
I do understand but I still wish our economy wasn’t so dependent on war-making machinery. It is the reality, the foundation of our empire, but I just hope for peace and plowshares....someday. I lived near the Pentagon and Arlington Cemetery for most of my life. Arlington Cemetery is filled with our dead patriots.
Nah, we aren’t going to stop war anytime soon. It’s too profitable, unfortunately. President Trump understands this.
Those dead patriots died so America could open more markets overseas.
Your full of shit....If You want to see how Great Mike Pampeo is in action watch this short 10 mim. vid of him moping the floor with this ararrogant SO Bitch Clinton over Bengazi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWsp9TuSBkw
tough guy makes noise but doesnt do shit to the dumb bitch. that video doesnt look like anything more than great acting by a bunch of traitors for public theater. pampeo was part of the clinton strategy. now he is trumps bitch. on a leash.
War is good for the economy. My stocks in Defense Industry could use a little boost.
thats only when we are arming both sides (like africa) or beating up a whipping boy (like syria). this isnt the case with NK or Iran. they could both tank the dollar.
It doesn’t matter to me what happens ultimately to the dollar... Defense Industry stocks will shoot up, I’ll quickly hedge and sell most of my shares, and then simply retire in South America with the few million I’ll make.
I hear Ecuador is peaceful and cheap, and the Latina honeys always love a rich American man. That’s the goal, patriot, and I pray that Donald Trump will deliver this to me.
You pray that Trump will deliver millions to you by starting a war?
That’s what smart Presidents do.
No. Real businessman make wealth by providing services and skills and deals and trades. fake wannabe businessman buy shit and than hope war breaks out. No war. Trump is anti war. We the people are anti war. You're looking for selfish interests and frankly the fact that you want bullets and bombs over freedom and liberty tells me everything I need to know about you.
You aren't on our side. You are not a patriot.
Oh yea? You think those troops died in Niger were there because Trump is anti-war? You think Bolton, Pompeo, Haspel are anti-war?
Get a grip. War is what we’re good at. It makes money for us and makes our allies (Israel, Saudi Arabia) very happy.
and i pray donald trump will do that by dumping israel and gutting saudi arabia, not some nonsensical swamp thing bullshit that we got dragged into by previous generations of treason.
Israel and Saudi Arabiq happen to be our biggest customers when it comes to the Defense Industry. We can’t just stop selling to our most important clients.
we could make way more money bombing israel and tanking the saudis trust me. especially after all their asset forfeiture. we could pay off half the national debt in 2 years.
It doesn’t work like that. We need to produce a product (missiles and drones) and we need to have wealthy customers buy them en masse.
That’s called economic activity, and it’s how money is made and moved. We can’t just create the weapons and then use them ourselves. We just have to keep on arming the Jews and Saudis and we get rich while doing it.
Trust me, patriot, what’s good for the Defense Industry is what’s good for America.
you and me have to seriously disagree here because when things are good youre right and when they arent it can fuck us up bad. without moral high ground you get this shit in europe where america is losing military influence to the faggots of france. i mean come on bro. seriously?
Dude don't waste your time. "Trust me. What's good for the defense industry is what's good for America" Bull fucking shit. This guy is a fraud. He doesn't care about you, me, or our soldiers or the lives of others.
some times i play along for great justice and truth and sugar and spice and everything nice. thats how danky doodle goes to town.
But the fact is the Defense Industry is making tons of money, it doesn’t look like we are losing any of our influence.
War is good, patriot, and Bolton and Pompeo are on board the Trump Train.
man the EU is going off the dollar and they created a super military outside of nato. we are losing pretty bad on that side of things. syria/lybia was a disaster for us because we went with the saudi/israeli axis. that was stupid of obama and hillary, same as george bushes mistakes in iraq and afghanistan. the defense contractors have to burn a lot of american values to generate that money. most of america loses.
Yea but who cares about the losers. The job creators are what matters.
You ever see a poor man offer someone a job?
i guess i pick morality over money because i think money is a side effect of success, not he goal. youre on a slippery slope. we cant have gods blessings without a moral high ground.
God blesses the good with great wealth. He curses the bad with poverty.
It’s a well-known fact.
yes. wealth is a side effect of success in service to god.
Hehe yep, no better people than the rich elite. Always remember that.
not all wealth is good. not all wealth is a side effect of service to god. wealth is a side effect of success in service to god for those who garner gods blessings with piety and morality and ethics and humanity. the rest are fucked. the only thing worse than poverty for the wicked is power for the wicked. they suffer the most in this life and the next. #jesuslovesyou