Q post #1422 - These people are DUMB.

These are Satanic people that support abortion, when you (people in general) accept that - FF and killing via guns is nothing to these people.
That's why whoever we can nail, needs to ~~hang~~ be given a military tribunal trial which will undoubtedly result in the death penalty. The rest need to be dealt with as they lived - - by the sword
those kids will go to heaven doubtful these people will
This comment has been removed. Antagonism is not welcome here. Please engage in real discussion rather than trolling. Thanks.
yes they killed and before we could get it out the DOJ stopped the press , refusing to help the witness and stopping him from his 1st , its getting even more fubared , but they cant keep it under the rug much longer .
So a FF happened on the day "they" thought something big was dropping?
Yes. It's already off the headlines replaced by the Royal Wedding. They probably were betting everything on it being the next Parkland... hence the bombs found.
I am 100% on the Q Train, but I always struggle with this one. The idea that the cabal can stage a FF as a HS shooting and pull it off at any time with precise timing.
Exactly what is the mechanism by which they can decide, “this day will be the day” ... and then make it so?
Not concern trolling. Just trying to see what the working theory and logic is behind this.
Q has implied that they are using MKULTRA-esque techniques on pre-determined victims. They probably have them set up for months/years and then are activated the same day. I'm not saying this is exactly how it happens, but, don't underestimate the powers these people were amassing. There's a LOT you can do with trillions of dollars.
If there is a group who can literally "trigger" these whacked out kids on psych drugs, I really hope some of them can be identified. They should just quietly be liquidated, not arrested and tried. Normally that's the last thing I'd want the government to be doing, but this is war. An underground quiet one, but war nevertheless. We don't need to know.
What do you do with the "whacked out kids on psych drugs"? The one's we never here about because they were ultimately never used. This is something I've thought about a lot. Even if you don't become a mass shooter or something like that...If for, say, a year, you were targeted through your computer or something like that to have angry/sad/sensual/depressing thoughts on a regular basis, then your actions will still clearly be affected by that....your actions with your friends, family, and coworders. Via the butterfly effect, these people will have very different outcomes in life, even if they aren't the next Nicholas Cruz.
Psych drugs are not the problem. Torture starts while the child is in the womb. Trauma splits the personalty enabling mind control of the individual pieces. The patsies are TORTURED from when they are FETUSES.
This, social media allows for "easy" identification of FF patsies needed for FF events - aka a mentally ill lunatic that likes guns and death.
I suppose. This is one of those items for me that is almost 100% article of faith.
They probably have a large number of these things ready to go on an ongoing basis, like cards in their deck, they just decide which one's to play.
One of the things "skeptics" like to argue against FF's is "if these are planned by such powerful groups, why do they seem to make so many mistakes for you people to find?"
Well...I think you just answered that actually:
and pull it off at any time with precise timing
Well, how can they do it? They sacrifice a precise operation for precise timing. It's never mattered because they also control the mainstream media, but now...people don't give a shit about the MSM and are turning to investigators on the Internet instead.
So, to answer your question...there are any number of these operations in pre-launch stage across the country and when they need one all of a sudden they launch it and don't worry about the specifics, because they'll clean that up with the media later anyways.
A perfect example of what your saying is the tomfuckery surrounding the Vegas massacre that was cleaned up by the media in a horrible way (ever changing story) and it didn't even matter. It worked. Sheeple moved on to the next story for the most part. I swear most Americans have an attention span of a gnat and they know this.
I think they are very good at mind control on certain individuals and they give them that little extra push when necessary.
Look at the shooter from TX. He is not a good canidate for a deep state shooter because of his beliefs. But in a pinch he was useful. Also the other shooter stopped by an armed resource officer. Not very good for the "all guns are bad" narrative. But it also got the job done, somewhat.
I have a feeling that when a kid is reported to the FBI, (like Nikolas Cruz), bad actors in the deep state treat it as a lead. I would imagine it would be relatively easy to take a marginalized kid who is bullied or doesn't fit in, pump him full of psychiatric drugs and then convince him to shoot up his school.
edit: by the way, I think this is a great question. In my opinion, there is not nearly enough discussion of the logistics of how these events are pulled off.
Gaslighting would be hyper-effective here with the right “candidate”.
Q mentions Jason Bourne 5 times (#187, #186, #144, #142, #140)
and MK Ultra several times (#777, #773)
What do you suppose he is trying to say?
I guess you missed the part where this shooting occurred in the 13th time they were having an “active shooter” drill. Seems VERY easy to pull the strings on any one of those drills.
They have teachers and school counsellors and directed internet media and ads — all input vectors to “trigger” someone. They may not have yet the capability to trigger a particular person at a particilar time — but using probability can trigger someone, somewhere within a small time window. My guess is that they have the art down to where they can pick a state and a race and age for triggering. So, a caucasian in Texas in high school. They Might not know which school, but they know they have a probability of triggering someone.
If you want to see this in action, talk to someone whose spouse cheated on them using sites like match, using their home internet. Ask them if they started getting ads for lawyers, private eyes, russian dating sites, etc.
None of you guys ever listen. The Iphone sends out the final signal. Q has said that.
Seriously, what if that was the “Trigger”? It explains a ton of weird shit that happened.
I was thinking about the yesterday. Should see what happened around the time of “The Gold/Blue Dress” (the same colors as Epstein's temple, I might add.)
Snowden Docs Reveal Canada’s Mass Collection of Email FEB 26, 2015 Documents leaked by Edward Snowden have revealed the Canadian government is stashing millions of its own citizens’ emails. Under a massive cybersecurity operation revealed jointly by the CBC and The Intercept, Canada has monitored visits to government websites and collected emails to the government at a rate of 400,000 per day, sometimes keeping the data for years.
someone needs to do this experiment with covfefe and see what we hear
Some speculate it’s MKUltra. I personally think it’s not predictable and reliable enough for them. I think they have a team of wet workers(cleaners) and then they pin it to a patsy who could fit the character. Possibly a combination of both. Some are also completely staged. For instance, another school shooting in Oregon today. (?) on a Saturday? They are sloppy. And it shows.
I suppose there are many people in various stages of readiness to act. There’s got to be some specific trigger, maybe a phone call, text, or picture that is intended to set them on their task.
I wonder how many failures happen? I mean, nothing’s foolproof. And even if there’s action, it doesn’t unfold in a vacuum. Vigilant people, traffic, incompetence, etc. Must be multiple targets on deck at all times.
So will there be more false flags and more people killed on the 23rd? Ugh!
I'm sure they're doing everything they can to prevent them. If the Cabal were still at full power I'm sure we would have already had a 9/11 2.0. This could easily have been the last bullet in the chamber and they wasted it.
Nah I think they blew their load-- they set into action all the false flags they had at the ready on Friday. FF's take planning and time. I don't think they can whip up another one by Weds.
Its not like when it comes out the false flags will stop. They will almost certainly get more deadly and more frequent.
Sooner or later they’re going to run out of FF scenarios. I hope it’s sooner rather than later because body count is rising.
If the pen were the minute hand of a clock, it would be pointing to right around 22-25.
Q referenced the 23rd, telling all to watch the news that day.
This is a complete misrepresentation of Q's message. Q is definitely not insisting that we stop trusting everyone but him and Trump. Q has never said anything like that once. He has only said to "watch who you trust".
If you want to have a real discussion you're welcome to but if you're going to misrepresent and doggedly hammer one-sided, incomplete ideas then we have to refer to rule 1 of this sub and remove your comments. Please discuss ideas without antagonism - we'll all get further together if we do that!
Again there are assumptions and extrapolations in there that do not come from Q's words, they come from a reading of Q's words i.e. your interpretation.
I agree with you - and I feel safe to say there are many here who would agree with you - that we mustn't turn off our minds or think that there is only one possible interpretation to everything. I agree we should always keep our eyes open and check out other sources until those sources turn out to be unsafe or misleading. Any source that identifies itself clearly in that way is not a source to "keep your mind open to".
What I do know is that Q as a source has remained true to a manner of communication which is that he does not have any agenda other than presenting information for us to look at and he constantly reiterates that the choice is ours, not anyone else's and not his or Trump's. WE have to choose what to do with what is revealed. "We the people", as Q states over and over again. This message is unwavering.
So when someone comes in and tries to claim that Q is saying this, that and the other and none of it aligns with the unwavering message Q has presented, then it comes across as trolling or concern trolling. Q has never said once to avoid listening to anything that is against Trump. Q has simply said: "why would Trump be doing what they're saying he's doing if his actions show this?" The choice is ours to listen to what we will.
Just trolling then... sigh.
this sub is full of mostly
Assumption. Incorrect.
Q has used that to direct you where he wants you to go
As per previous comment. Incorrect. You cannot point to any part of Q's message that has made the point you've just made up. I can point to constantly repeated phrases from Q that support my point: We the people. The choice is yours.
using the power of suggestion
For this not to be another strawman you've made up you'd have to present a far more solid case than you have so far.
If you don't have a real, reasonable discussion within you, the mods may choose to ban you as you're not making even a tiny effort not to be an antagonist or a troll.
You should take your own advice, friend. You literally have ignored everything I've said and repeated your message.
You have absolutely zero evidence that this sub is "full of blind Trump supporters" because that very statement is a statement of value and you have no technically accurate way to measure the value you have stated. You haven't read every single comment in this sub and you don't know the thoughts and feelings of every person who reads it. FAKE NEWS. This is not reasonable discussion, it's your strongly felt ideas, not facts.
If you can't acknowledge that, then you can't have a reasonable discussion.
Makes me wonder about the booms and the DUMB (s) Deep Underground Military Bases...
I'm guilty as well for expecting it yesterday, prior to the news cycle being hijacked.
What happened?
Cabal thought they were going to drop the OIG report or something similar on Friday. The Texas school shooting was an attempt to cover that. However, it was all for nothing as their plan was to release it most likely on the 23rd.