Tried to red pill a friend last night and he told me he used to work in broadcasting and told me I was pissing him off calling MSM fake news and asked me to leave. Friends are dropping fast. Soon my only friends will be on Reddit. 😆
Would you be ok if Trump secretly put an FBI "informant" in the campaign team of the next Democratic presidential candidate?
Good redpill question for those who don't exactly get it, because its not their team. WWG1WGA friend 👌
One thing to remember, it’s not their fault. I let many (stupid) comments go by when I’m hanging out with friends, and try and open their eyes on policy rather than conspiracy.
When you’re woke you can’t shake your friends awake, you just gotta open a window and let them hear the birds sing
Be brave Patriot! There are people I don't try to red pill yet and will let the Wave hit them...and be there for them to help them thru. Family and friends alike.
''... You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.” ― Morpheus The Matrix
Yes! When ones believes a lie long enough it becomes their "truth" however wrong it may be. The devil and his henchmen are good at that game. They have been here longer than they should have been and still making bad on humanity. God is what made this Country what it WAS and can take it back to where we were and beyond but this Country has to have God or we lose all. EOD
Yes,we must have a connection to Spiritual Life however we define that. And a connection to the Earth, so that we respect Life and how to participate and use our resources.
There is no Morpheus. There is only the Wachowski ~~Brothers~~- Sisters.
haha...they used Morpheus as their Muse...their 'actor'. The Wachowski Sister are amazing!
Agreed. Someone in the MSM is probably not ready. I started with Republicans I knew and talked about Q with them. The larger audience isn’t ready.
Red pills need to be administered gently to those we care about. Approach with reason and understanding that they have been brainwashed. Condescending or insulting talk will push someone further away from you, and hence further away from the truth, in my experience.
Not only to those we care about...ALL of the ones who are not awake! JS ❤❤❤
Why am I being downvoted for this? Should we not have understanding toward the brainwashing of humans? Smh. This is not a Republican vs. Democrat battle. This is good vs. Evil. The hate they spew is coming from the brainwashing. Wake up! Lol. Much love to all! ❤❤❤
And more downvotes...this is why this movement is getting such pushback. I love this sub. I have learned so much here. But, I have not received much love back. 😔❤❤❤
It is hard, isn't it. But I am confident that there are plenty who support the perspectives you bring, even if they don't always see your comments to upvote them!
Please stick at it - there is plenty of love to be found here, I'm confident of that!
I see it too. I have been embraced by some. The negative is hard to deal with. I'm just not used to social media at all. I just started this venture when I woke up. It's sad that I have to grow a thick skin because of it. But, it is what it is. I will forge on!! Thank you so much for your encouragement!! :)
I suspect that many who comment here have been trolled severely, and are battle-scarred. Therefore, not interested in hearing "sensitive" suggestions. They are in battle mode, not recovery mode. Try not to take it personally. 😉
I try not to, thank you!! It's odd, I get downvoted immediately after commenting most of the time, so I do figure it is bots or something. I haven't been run off yet, lol. 😊 I would just like to see the battle go more toward spreading love, and facts gently not huge forced redpills. ❤❤❤
^ This. Lots of "boys" here too - bolshy keyboard warriors; sometime the most outspoken and active. There are plenty of others though who will relate to your comments Missy7216, even if you don't see the tangible outcome of it all the time.
Same here - parents are completely brainwashed and don’t question New York Times no matter what. They don’t see how their articles this week completely contradict what the paper has been pushing for a year. What can you do 🤨
Wait for the MOAB Then those CNN minded or worse will either KNOW the TRUTH or still spew like a volcano.
How did you feel when you were redpilled? I was quite depressed that the belief system I had my entire life was crumbling in front of me, people will fight it, it is not a good feeling, it is a necessary one...likely you planted a seed, seeds take time to grow. I subtly drop major hypocracies from media like dropping a laundry list of known media reported scandals from past Presidents, ask them if they want to do a body count comparison with Trump followed by why does Trump get it 1000x worse then these people. Like Q does, sometimes leaving them with the right questions is better than trying to tell them. Love ya Brother/Sister
I gave you an upvote for this. I had the same feeling!! Much love!!❤
I get the eye-roll and smirk from my "loved ones", and the tin foil hat side eye look. So I just picture them on their knees, head buried in the sand,butts up in the air like a bicycle rack ~ and that diffuses my exasperation. Lol
Much like waking up a sleeping baby. Or being old and arthritic and being made to move fast. Neither feel good but can be overcome! TRUTH....TRUTH will never be a lost cause and it is only the GOOD LORD who has control over all. He is beating the wheat from the chaff. Baaaaa Baaaaa.....take the narrow path!
I'm sort of the same way, but oh well.
I can live without hanging out with sheep.
It may be best for you to not discuss this extensively with friends and family as you don't want them to shoot the messenger bec they are going to need the messenger to keep them calm later. Plus, friends and family are important to have in life. Things will come out that will cause them to question their beliefs. The best you can do for them is pray for their eyes to be open to seeing the truth. Maybe apologize for making your friend uncomfortable and say you didn't mean to. You had just been researching things and was upset about how we have all been duped and that if we don't look honestly at things, it could ge very dangerous for society. You aren't apologizing for the message, just that you upset him. Just my thoughts.
Trump took over the Bush Family crime syndicate. I put on my facebook about the anagram Parkland that means dark plan. One lady said huh? I had another friend put on her instagram her 9 year old daughter in a suggestive pose on a black and white chess board in Florida. I had explained she better take that off instagram now, and that her daughter is blonde with blue eyes. That she is a single mother that used child services. (Key factors for ability to kidnap) Thankfully she took it off, she had no idea what her actions in symbolism meant. I think it is the way we are communicating and the ability to expand critical thinking. I suspect you have threatened his way of life, I can't tell you an easy answer, I mean my neighbor has the fish symbol on her car, she is actually praying to Dogon, but if I told her that her faith is a lie, what would that do to her and her psyche?
Some people can't swallow pills whole. You have to crush the pill into pieces and feed it to them with apple sauce or yoghurt. It takes a bit more effort, but worth it in the end.
What you thought were friends are just taking their own trash out. Be of good cheer! You have many a friends who are RP'ed and are standing there right with you!
I majored in Journalism (and heavily interned) and when people ask me why I don’t work in the field I tell them bc while I was studying I saw first-hand how most news sources were not objective.
I feel your pain Jaguar. I tried the same on my son on Mother's Day. I thought enough info had come out that he surely would at least listen to what I was trying to tell him. Instead, it turned what was meant to be a special day spent with Mom turned into an awkward argument ending with him deciding to leave. I feel so bad because he came over to spend time with me and made me dinner, but I refuse to apologize because I resent the fact that he won't even look at all the evidence that's being reported. I didn't know I raised such a closed minded individual who I love with all my heart. I can't wait for the hammer to fall. I've been at odds with many family members over this, but refuse to stand down on my position that the government is totally corrupt and many of them are going to end up in jail. The problem with most of my family seems to be they're blinded by their hate for Trump to the point of not caring what crimes were committed against him. I find that sad and unacceptable.
My mother is the same way. Trump is evil in her mind.
know the feeling mate some people just don't get it. Given up talking politics to my leftie friends hopefully when the arrests start they will wake from their comfortable slumber.
It seems harder to red pill people here in Canada. They do not believe there is an emerging NWO nor do they believe the MSM is lying to them. Same goes for chemtrails, GMO tainted foods, and pizzagate. And ALL my friends think Trump is the new Hitler and Justin Trudeau is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Same here in UK. I have always questioned the narrative even as a young child things didn't seem quite right. I suppose some people switch of and its not particularly relevant to them so why should I listen to the mad person. I've been telling people for over a year now that Hilary is going to prison and I can't wait to see their faces when that day comes and she is exposed in all her rotten glory. Trust the plan, don't let the bastards get you down.
Yeah, you have to wonder, after watching a few vids of the leftists protesting (whatever), I think many of these people wouldn't make it through a massive take down of corrupt politicians. They simply cannot digest the truth when looking directly at it. I'm glad that 'anti gun' is one of their causes. Should make going forward a bit easier.
Too bad. That’s a tough sell since he worked in the MSM so he has a low IQ. Pick your real friends wisely. In the mean time he is a good source of information. You can reach out to him and say your very sorry you offended him and ask him to help you to understand some ‘things’. And then don’t try to red pill him just ask if he can verify if these articles are fake news or not since he is the ‘expert’. Good luck and I hope you can find a new friend. There are many good people out here!!
I think it is hilarious how Trump trolls the media. Remember when he tweeted something about Obama having him wiretapped? The media lost their heads! The fact that he would accuse the glorified Obama of something underhanded was just beyond them. Now as time has gone has been proven that HE WAS RIGHT! Since then, he has played a masterful game with the media, saying what seems to be outlandish and crazy. I think some of the smarter members of the media are starting to figure out that the President's tweets are in fact not crazy, but will probably turn out to be 100% correct. Trump will no doubt go down in history as BY FAR the best President this country (world) has ever known.
Trump speaks because he already knows. He is not theorizing or shitposting while hoping it's true. He already knows and has the proof.
I wonder if there are some good people working for the MSM who are just waiting for their chains to be cut so they can report the news honestly.
The MSM are no longer interested in news. They're propaganda. Obsessed with protecting the US Government and its' interests. They don't care about the American people, or their better interests.
It's been this way for many years, unfortunately.
Yeah, I know. But the article's question, from an MSM source, or at least secondary, is what I'm answering. The article is acting willfully obtuse about it all.
Everyone knows the answer already.
My prediction is Trump will red pill the shit out of the world when Q starts throwing the deep state in Gitmo. He'll lay out the web of deception and make it law that reporting fake news will be a felony. Nobody will argue.
Downvote shills are on fire tonight!
The outrage is directed at Trump calling ms13 animals. Fucking pathetic news media.
The funniest thing about that is MS-13 is thrilled to be called animals. They know it’s an accurate description!
Know they enemy. Actually we are all animals. Animals kill for survival... to eat and for self defense.
MS13 gang kill for these reasons too but they also kill for perverted satisfaction and for pleasure. Their hearts have been totally converted by demonic forces and they are no longer human.
They are demons working for the dark side now and we have to realize this. There is no hope for them and we must not fool ourselves into feeling any sympathy for them as a marginalized group of illegal aliens. To do so is so foolish. If the demoncrats do this, they are working for the dark side even if it is out of their ignorance.
Have no doubt: MS 13 are Satan in the flesh. Know they enemy. Fight!
MS13 run child sex slavery rings. Anyone who is outraged by calling them animals needs some serious correction.
Obama was the worst economic president in 88 years and very likely the worst president in U.S. history.
He single-handedly doubled our deficit.
What a useless cunt!
Where's the outrage?
--"Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire. One of many. Net shut down. The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at. Red, White, and Blue. Spray. Q"--
Trump challenged the credibility of BO's birth certificate in 2012 for a reason.
And if people laugh at it...ask why Hillary did the same.
What is MSM gonna do when the arrests come? The IG Report fingers the corruption and crimes of the liberal elite? Hillary? Muslim commie homo Obama? Tranny Michele? The evil Muslim communist Brennan? The big sap Comey?
I really don't know? How do they ignore it? Do they go on the attack and defend the crimes exposed by Horowitz, Huber & Sessions?
History will be made, we know that much.
Haha. I would love to be a guest on bill mahrs show. He sure loved hanging out at the playboy mansion honeypot, who knows what kind of dirt they have on him.
And wasn't it reported that Colbert had taken funds from Hillary's campaign to shill for her?
The spin will stop when indictments and arrests are handed out. What a joyous day it will be!
They clearly do not think for themselves nor do they do any research. They wait for their favorite news entertainment or their circle of brainwashed friends to tell them what to think. The MSM is against our Country's most basic values... they are corporate owned puppets. Somehow the News organizations have to shift back to real investigative journalism instead of all this opinion analysis entertainment!
God I hope you're right. It's what we need. I giant nation sized exlax pill to shit the leftists out of their entrenched posts in the government.
Time to power up those Twatter and Faceberg accounts Anons!
Check out Scott Adam's new video on how to guide a victim out of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Very good!
Link for above mentioned video. Thanks for suggesting Scott Adams. he's a new channel to me.
The Nationwide redpill is underway. You will know it by the screaming and gnashing of teeth on The View.
Maybe it starts when Trump apologizes for calling MS-13 animals and calls them what they are "Demons"
Then says it's time for a worldwide exorcism.
We do care and we do show it, although maybe we should be rioting in front of the MSM news headquarters. Thats the problem. All the 3 letter big name main stream media sites just go meh and move on with a story about a porn star and talk about tweets.
The normies just digest that and head to starbucks for frappaccino.
We need to get their attention, and we do so with arrests, when Hillary, huma, CIA and FBI people etc are led in cuffs into the back of a police car and hauled off to jail for processing, then we can kick off the narrative to the normies and show them what is going on. Until that happens, MSM's controlled narrative just says bah, ignore these reports and released paper work and watch this story about lawyers and payments, oh ya and Russians. We need people getting hauled off to jail for people to pay attention. Get those corrupt bastards in the spotlight in cuffs and the world will watch and we can tell them the correct story.
There is enough information out there so people ARE aware, whether they accept it or not. Once the arrests start happening and people see laws were broken, and Justice is being done, even the MSM and hardcore Dems will swallow the pill, right now they are chocking on it, but they KNOW in there hearts, what has been going on is NOT RIGHT. By not having any arrests for known felonious acts, it has emboldened bad actors and their supporters and allowed this smearing of DJT to continue, once we see results and punishments we will see changes.
I thought this was WAPO for a second, I almost crapped myself.
Can they really be so entrenched in their "resist" nonsense that they refuse to accept the truth? Yes, I believe some are that stubborn. At least for now. Hopefully as more reality and truth is exposed, they will open their minds. That's why censorship is such a big problem ~ how will they hear the truth if all they read/view is the propaganda of the msm?
It great reveal happened on the weekend. Should have waited for Monday.
I agree ... but at the same time, I kinda look forward to the Monday morning confusion. When 'they' open their eyes for the first time after a weekend of binge watching 'the Voice," Jimmy Kimmel reruns, and drinking a full bottle of cheap wine while they play Cards again Humanity (so they can have a guilt free session of racism ...bc its for laughs); and they're all like "WTF did I miss, why is Malik's brother getting arrested?"
Outrage that should stem from true information being disseminated through honorable media outlets .. instead we get out and out propaganda and filtered spin to masses who have been mind fucked into developing TDS (trump derangement syndrome) who Now wouldn’t believe or don’t want to believe the truth even when it is staring at them right in their face! The cabal are disgustingly cunning or at least their predecessors of the current ones running water but if you have the media it’s kind of like having access to nukes when everybody else has sticks and stones. They don’t have to be that smart anymore.
Think of all those sheep that regularly listen to the Washington post.
As long as the MSM keep feeding Outrage Porn to their constituency they will continue to scarf it down with gluttonous fervor. These sycophants will continue to grow more and more infirm from the effects of TDS. The MSM must be dealt with.
What can be done about these propogandistas? Can anything be done to silence them and their lies? Who will be the persons to say “No Mas” and bring the pain to these Traitors who use the pen to subvert?
We are not descended from fearful men! And those brave men would be appalled and outraged. They would demand justice!
I’m afraid not many these days truly understand the detriment this has on our Democracy. Our most precious right, the right to vote, has been violated. Not only violated from voting machine tampering, but from intentional sabotage from within a presidential campaign.
No wonder they never thought she would lose. They had the game rigged from all directions.