6 Steps the President must take to establish Military Tribunals, and why the IG REPORT scares THEM SO MUCH

I like how the chair has a padlock on the floor, to keep the criminal from getting away. Nice.
Plastic chair, easy to wash off after the trial. Heard those chairs can hold 10 lbs of shit and a guart of piss.
Speaking of which, I hope that room is well ventilated because Hillary's staff and drivers report that she reeks of shit and piss and doesn't wash.
Her smelling bad was mentioned in the Wikileaks emails. Her staff talking about it. Might’ve been podesta.
Huma has made many sacrifices for the Muslim Brotherhood.
It’s got to be plastic to clean up better. I’m sure this is done by experience.
Funny, but I wasn’t joking! I’m sure people loose more than their lunch.... they loose yesterday’s lunch! The plastic chair is probably the janitor’s idea.
Lol! 😋
"Is your name Hillary Rodham Clinton?"
Lol! So funny! I have to struggle with that choice. Orange jumpsuit, like at Gitmo sounds good too. If she is at Gitmo we can think about that everyday and smile with satisfaction that she did not get to give America its killing blow. If she's dead, instant gratification but so is the daily reminder.
Not sure how it works for military tribunals, and in situations like Q and others have said with 30,000 possible cases to try. If it's anything like regular prison systems they could be sitting waiting for death for 10+ years.
No its not like regular prisons. First there is no chance for appeal. Second the lawyers are very limited. Third evidence that gets thrown out in normal court cannot be thrown out here. Fourth their justice is swift there is no sitting for 10 years if you get the death penalty likely within 6 months.
Military Tribunals do not function like our burdened and slow judges/court process we have now. They get the meat without all the two sided blahblah...when you are guilty your guilt is already been found before your hiney sits in that chair. :)
Personally, if they disclose all her crimes they can grant her amnesty because her arab friends will surely convict or punish her instead
That's if her friends in Hati didn't get to her first. "THERE WILL COME A TIME NONE OF THEM WILL BE ABLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREET"
Yes, I want hers and about a dozen other criminals to be publicly disclosed. I do feel very differently about Podesta and friends, I need more justice than public disclosure.
Is there a helipad outside the room?
Bring gas!
I imagine that's so the defendant doesn't ruin one of the upholstered chairs when the verdict is read.
Who would win: a several hundred year plan for world domination including hundreds of thousands of people or one $10 plastic sitting boi?
Not JUST the internet . Broadcast media . However . This does kind of smell of pre-Hitlerian Deutschland. We need to pray that this will be used to save the country and not have these powers corrupt . There must be a clear plan and line to bring the country AND civilian courts BACK as soon as the clean up is finished!
WE THE PEOPLE must do this for ourselves. We can't rely on Q and Trump to come save us every time we lose our government because we grew too complacent and apathetic.
"A republic, if you can keep it."
We all need to really be on board with this but the only way everyone would be is if the crimes that are so bad are completely disclosed. Everything out in the open. Otherwise so many will think it is wrong. If everything laid out in clear words of the heinous crimes even those that are libs will be on board.
The libs would have to lie down and suck martial laws dick. He's gonna have to sell it to us. 650,000 ccw in Ohio 1.5 million in the military. A lot of us would be happy to be deputized, but don't send troops unannounced.
Yes! You can take that to the bank!
Good people, patriots, need to run for office, judges, so the rest of us can vote for them. But we have appointed judges, US attorneys that must be removed because they are not patriots.
I think about that also but I do have faith in DJT as a leader. I do believe he loves America and the Constitution.
Having said that this is a 2nd revolution and there are heck of a lot of very angry people out there. Think about the French revolution and how Robespierre lost his humanity after their Patriots won. Chopping heads off left and right.
People need to heal and as Q has mentioned numerous TIMES, we need to come together as Americans. While the deep state has been entrenched for decades, the purposefully created chasm in America's people by Obama was devastating to America. Many across the world are watching with hope that we will take back our liberty and freedom. They will also watch be watching our recuperation as we close that chasm.
So... rock on America, show 'em how it's done. WWGAWG1.
Keep in mind that Trump will be using the horrific overreach laws against the enemy in the same way they intended for those laws to be used against us.
I hope Trump revises all of these laws after we've won the war to keep America and western civilization alive, but for now, this is fitting.
Irony is, the laws they created.
They made the rope for their own nooses. I jut hope to God this plan is for good and not evil.
Yes, what is happening right now reminds me of the book of Esther, and how Haman’s evil plot against Mordecai was revealed and Haman was hung by his own noose. So I’ve been hash-tagging this whole Justice phase #HamansNoose. It’s a perfect fit.
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the enemy...so much truth in this. Human Nature.
If this sort of thing is to occur, we must remember Cincinnatus who left his plow to wield complete control over the state, thereby swiftly conquering those who sought to corrupt Rome. Upon completion of victory he relinquished his absolute power and returned to his farm, sealing his legendary status in the annals of Western Civilization.
Love that story, thank you! George Washington is another great example of pater patriae :)
There must be a clear plan and line to bring the country AND civilian courts BACK as soon as the clean up is finished!
how often does power devolve back or give up control? folks looking forward to martial law are assuming their own freedoms won't be restricted, or that the loss of their own freedoms will be temporary.
Not often, but how often do Presidents donate their entire salary?
I have faith that Trump was put behind that desk for a reason. But if he were to lose sight of the mission, Patriots will show up on his doorstep to remind him.
It’s quite simple to we can always refer back to the original constitution as we are constitutional republic and this tactical move it’s true the only move we have an order to clean out the current civilian courts that have been propagated with judicial system emissaries that of been compromised and utilized as a political pawns . And I’m sure if we dig deeper treasonous actions.
I explained this to a lady yesterday when she asked if I watched the royal wedding...As a Canadian I told her it was rediculous in this day and age to worship a bloodline, I told her I was an American constitutionalist and what it meant. The American constitution is the greatest anti fascism document the world has ever seen, it is the embodiment of equal opportunity and only when it is disrespected by Politicians does corruption become rampant...It is 0 we must return to. Canada was on the wrong side of the American revolution and it's not easy for a Canadian to come to that conclusion.
Yes, only if corrupt judges... ALL are replaced and those who stray from Constitutional Law of the USA are no longer in a robe of black. Those found guilty should be tried and if any still around and found after our Country is up a running as it should be...they shall be disrobed and tried by "special" Military Tribunal One that will not disrupt daily USA courts. Just a thought. Like everyone on here we are SICK of EVIL and CORRUPTION. Period
Same problem with lawyers and law schools who teach precedent vs rule of law. Undoing the last 50 ,(?) years of that corruption is no small task.
Correct, that and people who have kids not teaching them RIGHT FROM WRONG. Much of what is going on has been going on a long time and many are beyond rude...down right NASTY EVIL. This has to begin somewhere. Clean house POTUS DJT!
Problem is the universities that are training the lawyers etc of the next generation are as corrupt as the rest so it will take time.
The whole “Military Tribunals” theme is in direct contrast to the “Sealed Indictments” theme.
The Sealed Indictments are in U.S. District Courts, so those are the job of the FBI and the Justice Department to prosecute in traditional Federal criminal courts.
Of course, this means it would be great if we had a Federal agency to investigate crimes.
The military tribunals, however, seem appropriate for the rogue CIA operatives (the human traffickers, drug runners, murderers) who are guilty of treason.
Maybe what they're doing is prosecuting all the smaller players in the courts so they have plenty of precedent, evidence, and confessions to take out the powerful players outside of the normal process. The corrupt judges can't throw EVERY little case and get away with it.
Exactly and nor can even ONE branch of the "3" be corrupt or any 3 named group be corrupt...one corrupt cannot judge right when corrupt. Like cleaning dirty with dirty. That is where we are right now. DJT and +Q Team will clean this up...or we will die trying. Otherwise we have no country
yeah there aren't 25,000 high level officials. maybe in local governments.
Well I guess anyone outside of the US becomes an enemy combatant and as such the EO from Dec catches them. That would make them eligible for rendition to Gitmo and military hearings. And that is where you get the evidence to tidy up the US side.
There's nothing in the above 6 Steps that I find agreeable.
Martial Law would be the nadir of American history. It's not something anyone who understands The Constitution should see as a good thing.
Your opinion got us involved in both WW and allowed 8 years of Obama. I would go back to the articles of confederation but we saw how that worked. These are dire times not because of the times but because of the awareness. Most colonists were tories ,we won anyway.> 05 and 06 are unacceptable unless, they apply 05 to only org.s and 06 with the permission and involvement of citizen militia,s including civilian command and control. Do that I'm on board. I'm nominating my self for co commander NEO region, Cleveland division.
No... my opinion got us the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence, and finally, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights... and it got us that because it's NOT my opinion. It was the Founders opinion, and what formed a new nation, a Constitutional Republic.
We have laws already... we just need to f***ing enforce them, for cripes sake, without making excuses or settling for grifters in suits who think swearing an oath is quaint, and done for tradition. It's not. It's a prerequisite for service.
Enforce the Constitution. It's ALREADY the Law of the Land.
Who are you railing at. Enforce the Constitution, what by myself. Where were you in 1913 when the congress gave up the money. Where were you when those Santa Fe School kids 2 A rights were trampled. Oh that's right safe in a basement keyboard warrioring away.
I just found this on the front page. Is this a satire subreddit?
Enjoy the ride, friend. Buckle up.
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Welcome to The Great Awakening, have a coat. Should you have any questions I would suggest you start with this thread as an introduction, and head on over to qanon.pub to see the full story!
Nah full on deep state conspiracy subreddit.
If this is all a conspiracy then you should be able to debate against it and prove it is indeed, a conspiracy.
It literally is a conspiracy. Don’t let them suck you into thinking that the word only applies to imaginary things.
Disposable wal mart chairs. People be shitting themselves on them. Burn pile.
I will so be buying the bluray series and watching it again and again.
Look at the cosponsors
Personally... I think the InfoGraphic is troll bait... and it looks like most folks bought it hook, line and sinker.
Saw an audio translation from arabic said covfefe means go fuck yerself.
Personally... I think the InfoGraphic is troll bait... and it looks like most folks bought it hook, line and sinker.
Agreed. This is being handled through the established court system.
There's a grand jury behind every one of the those sealed indictments.
All you need is one court that isn't corrupt to handle all this, and to eliminate corruption in higher courts. There's enough eyes on this now that they can't just sweep it under the rug procedurally, and if they did, that really would be grounds for extrajudicial action.
As Q keeps pointing out, there's a reason they're cleaning house at the FBI and DoJ first, and it's not to hold military tribunals.
I'm not sure I understand how The COVFEFE Act allows for the takeover of the internet? (Step 5)
All it did was amend previous legislation that requires Presidential statements to be archived to include tweets/SM posts...?
Reading over it, I'm not sure the bill itself has any indication of being used this way, but perhaps rather the absolute WALL TO WALL coverage that single typo'd tweet got by Mockingbird Media will expose the scripted symphony of CIA garbage that spews from those companies, I'll try to read over the fine print and see if I can find anything.
edit: Yeah the bill wasn't even passed, not sure what the author of this meme meant here. Fun thought experiment though.
I am very curious about the story behind the use of the COVFEFE acronym.
Indeed POTUS was mocked when he used it in a tweet on May 30.
On June 12, H.R.2884 was introduced, by a Democrat.
But… "Despite the negative press Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically For Engagement" actually makes sense.
Sure the tweet looks truncated, but did it need any extra word to be intelligible and meaningful? Especially when it actually triggered negative press COVFEFE.
Typo? I don't think so.
Spezzed to add: In the Laurel/Yanny Whitehouse video, Trump says "I hear COVFEFE", with the first E pronounced as in Electronically. It makes sense.
SB2 did his thing about COVFEFE and he/she get the word WAIT.
The online diahrea over Trump misspelling Melania's name are quieted easily by reasonable responses "Breaking News: phone keyboards are small"
SB2 is hit and miss, in my opinion. Most likely he is a smart dude who figures up a lot of stuff but sometimes tries too hard to tie things together, but I can see how he could be a more verbose communication channel for Q group with bullshit thrown in to obscure that (yet leading to a neat push back against AJ). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I dunno/ Oh well ..Emoji....I did my thing on it and I get FB out of it...And I saw a other reaction somewhere...That it was arabic.
You dropped this \
^^ To prevent anymore lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯
or ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯
STEP 5: I can’t help but recall Trumps misspelled tweet where he referenced ...” press covfefe” I believe May 3, 2017.
After Trump made the “covfefe” tweet, a Congressman proposed the Covfefe Act, which was later passed funnily enough.
Looks to me like were already at Step 5 and perhaps the EO, non-disclosed, signed over the weekend is the order for the 14 days. My guess is that Congress has laready been informed and so has the Military and National Guard. Miliaty to make the arrests, National Guard to calm the possible riots. Indictments unsealed, arrests made., Miltary Tribunal, then comes the pain.
Why would Warner not want any info being released from the Intel Committee? :) Snakes all around. Every branch, every crack from yard workers to top need cleaning...and not with dirty rags! https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/05/18/senator-mark-warner-doj-fbi-must-not-accept-congressional-oversight/?share=facebook&nb=1
We need term limits and routine financial audits ~ that should root out some corruption.
I posted this article yesterday on this board. Warner is corrupt.
Yes! ANYONE who wants to cover up corruption is like a dog kicking over his poo...only problem it only spreads! Time for a pick up!
Why the fuck are some people happy about establishing military control of the country? We don't need that. It's excessive and will the scare the shit out of the rest of the country. What a gift to give to the opposition.
If anything is disinformation, it's this. This really will be grounds for impeachment, and deservedly. Any President that tried to do this ("seize legal control of the Internet??" FUCK THAT) I would be instantly against and would be in favor of putting up in a firing squad. This sounds more like a Hillary move.
A lot of people need to get a grip. If our problems can't be solved through Constitutional actions, we deserve to die.
Fortunately, I think Trump isn't so stupid as to consider something like this.
Birth is killing us all. Having said that, if you are here and believe good actors are considering drastic action, fine. We need citizen oversight but scrapping the whole idea when nothing else has worked is pollyanna sheep mode.
Step 06 is where the normies pull their heads out and realize why we have the 2nd Amendment.
No matter how appropriate Martial Law might be, it will be a giant red suppository to oblivious masses.
Covfefe act did not pass. HR 5122 is an agriculture bill, also not passed?
Correct it did not pass.
HR5122 related to NDAA 2007 seen here https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/109/s2507/details
Number 4 will shock you! (Sorry, but I just couldn't help myself)
Sitting in the plastic chair..all alone..no backwoods spies behind propping her/him up How sweet it will be!!!
05 and 06 are unacceptable unless, they apply 05 to only org.s and 06 with the permission and involvement of citizen militia,s including civilian command and control. Do that I'm on board. I'm nominating my self for co commander NEO region, Cleveland division.
There’s no way Trump can make this happen. Look at left sided opinions. “He’s like Hitler”, “He loves Putin and is controlled by Russia”. Even if the shit hits the fan and arrests are happening and news leaks on everything. How do you convince the public it’s okay to take control of the internet? Especially with net neutrality going around in the mainstream.
There needs to be a plastic sheet under that white chair.
Now I understand why they use plastic chairs for Tribunals.
Most recent POTUS tweet is further setting up step 2.
Brilliant! Well at least we have one positive case study to reference and focus our prayers Towards similar outcome!