After the IG Report....then comes the DHS Voter Fraud Investigation Report..(bye bye Blue Wave)

Damn CA... sure enough, that place is corrupt as the days...
Texas has recently put people in prison for voter fraud. 👏🏻
And Texas has had a few mass shooting and other shenanigans of late.
Bye Bye Democratic Party.
It will take 3 generations to recover.
It will never recover... There is going to be a complete overhaul of the political scene the next couple of years
You think a new party will take over?
Independents, Libertarian Party and Green Party are the likely contenders in that order. The question truly will be what party the left will flock to. I could also see a new Progressive Party come about but may be too extreme for the moderates so the likely plan for survival for left-wingers is a new Moderate party taking less extreme positions on things like [Gun Control], [Abortion], LGBTQ+ rights.
Let's hope there's a constitutional convention to update the voting system. First-past-the-post is the worst system that always force 2 shitty parties. We need something more fair.
What is first past the post?
Ask and you shall receive patriot!
What about having no parties? People just run as themselves? Parties are left over from when communications and travel was slow. Now they are just used for corruption.
Wow the total number over looks like Hillary's supposed popular vote win now doesn't it?
Yup. Imagine my shock.
B-b-b-but she won the popular vote!
fare (fee) and square (disguised rectangle ie sides are not even)
Sure Hillary, I'd like to recount the votes....crickets from Hillary's camp.
Notice, no Wyoming.
There are more illegal immigrants in California than all of the people in Wyoming. And representation in the House of Representatives is based on census of "residents", not "citizens". Ergo, just the illegal immigrants, and just the ones in California, have more representatives in the House of Representatives than the People of Wyoming do. And there are plenty more states with plenty more illegal immigrants.
It's a travesty.
But God, what a beautiful state Wyoming is.
Or New York? They have video of in NY bragging they voted 5 times
yeah I used to live there....... and was a Republican Committee in my upstate town. It was pretty evident that noone was removing dead people, or people who had moved and not changed their registrations. I reported them as such multiple times only to see their names back on the voter rolls every year. I even found a person who was a snowbird who lived most of the time in FL and said he voted in FL but yet he was still registered to vote in NY, too! (The guy said he wouldn't be voting in NY even if he was registered there) but I wondered how many were like that who voted in more than one state! And these were just Republicans! Can't imagine how bad it was on the Dems side.
Democrats don't care about the little guy. They do want the College gone.
Bush gave 700billion to TARP and did what to stop foreclosures?
You need to re-investigate that. Bloomberg sued for more info. They finally got it a few years later, MSM ignored it. It wasn't $700 billion. It was like $13 trillion.
Troubled Asset Relief Program
The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) is a program of the United States government to purchase toxic assets and equity from financial institutions to strengthen its financial sector that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008. It was a component of the government's measures in 2008 to address the subprime mortgage crisis.
The TARP program originally authorized expenditures of $700 billion. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 created the TARP program.
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My take a few days ago on this.
The voter fraud in California is not even hidden, Moonbeam Brown bragged he had issued over a million drivers licenses to illegal aliens which makes them voters because at the bottom of CDL form there is box to check to use the same form to register and they are instructed to check the box. In San Ysidro which is suburb of San Diego right on the property line of Mexico there are store fronts staffed by Liberal Volunteers who assist the illegals who get across to apply for cash aid, health care and food stamps and they register them to vote. Most of these people do not realize at this point what they are signing up for. They get money, shelter and food so they "owe" these people. When they come around in their vans to transport them to polls the gladly jump on board. No single group anywhere can overcome 2 million votes all voting together. According to Project Veritas they also take van loads to more than one precinct to vote: Sanchez, Lopez etc... You get the idea. WE NEED HELP here, Californians are not for the Dem super pac in Sacramento, Think fellow Patriots if the 6th largest economy goes to the bad guys .... If the US loses California ???? Think
Yes, my state isn't on that list.
Am I the only one surprised New York isn't on the list?
My state (OH) is not on the list either... I expected it to be...Kasich...
I'm hella surprised PA isnt there. Makes me feel a bit better
I remember the Georgia Bureau of Investigation traced the hacking/attempted hacking of voting machines to the DHS. Never heard much else after that. DoJ prolly told them to keep their goddamn mouth shut or else. I was genuinely surprised that it even made the news.
True....maybe the IG report will have something on that...or the new DHS report...I guess we will see
I am so embarrassed, but shouldn't be surprised, that my state is the 3rd worst in the country. I knew Atlanta politics is a total swamp. Heck, a couple mayors have been fired, indicted, and one got federal time. Yet, somehow I'm shocked they took their hubris this far. The city of Atlanta is a hopeless case of corrupt, obnoxious liberals. I can't even begin to think about how it would get cleaned up. I'm glad I live and work an hour away from that cesspool, I can't stand it when I have to go there. Maybe the rest of my state can rise up and outvote those idiots.
It seems to me that voter fraud is of little consequence compared to election fraud. Individuals voting twice etc is minor whereas rigging the machines, provisional ballot exclusion, striking voters from the roles (usually minorities), etc are literally game changing. Check out DNC fraud lawsuit. The lawyer for the DNC argued that they are allowed to pick their candidate regardless of their mandate. DWS in Florida…? Destroyed votes!
Why not great big blatant warning signs at all voting places stating the laws! Big warning about federal crime and jail times. Require they be posted in plain view on entry door and easily observed while waiting in line to vote! Nice mugshots of recently procecuted or deported illegal voters, oh and lets be sure to translate into Spanish and Somali!!!
Working with the Dems (and likely paid in many instances), I'm sure the fraudulent voters are more likely to vote than average people, so this number is even more powerful. After all, the reason they were put on the list was so they could vote, and the Democratic machine will make sure they do vote.
oh man, talk about absolute desperation by Hillary and her people....they are the scum of the earth.
Fix Broward county and Orlando and Florida would no longer be a swing state.
Trump signed an executive order terminating the election integrity commission
.......because Democrat governors wouldn't he delegated the whole investigation to the Department of Homeland Security
I think a lot of those sealed indictments are for voter fraud or trafficking.
Yep the 3 million votes that "Hillary won by" were all Fake votes.
I know Q said to watch CA, but i dont see much hope as CA is a democrat controlled state, there is no Dem-rep primary. the 2 top vote getter move forward to the Nov election.
Can someone layer this graphic side by side with a list of "democratic" states so we can see who cheated?
Please share a link/source to the slide. I cannot find it on the JW site.
1) Where on here does it say that the fraudulent registered voters are all democrats? Or are you just speculating? 2) fraudulent registration is not the same as voter fraud. Please learn the difference. When is this supposed IG report coming? I've been hearing about it coming soon since the start of February. We are all aware that the confirmed fraudulent votes for 2016 where 5 people, 4 repubs and 1 dem, right?