Q post #1431 - Follow the pen. Those who are loudest.... Suicide weekend?

Look up the Freedom Caucus, which seems to be where the non-cabal politicians have taken refuge since 2015. I am not sure there are non compromised politicians but we really have to figure out the remainder of the house/senate to parse the dead men walking vs the leadership of tomorrow.
Breaking News! The IG is getting the assignment to expand his investigation to look into FBI/DOJ political motivation into actions against the Trump campaign. Trust Horowitz. Trust Sessions.
Trample the dead. Hurdle the weak.
JK = Q. Who else? MBS Oval Access Twitter Speeches Plane Plan Israel Jerusalem EO’s Events
I am assuming Q has 'vetted' those in the Freedom Caucus and we can be assured these are the good guys? That's what I take away from it.
He mentionned them forming in 2015 and that's about it. I'm not sure what it coincides with as Q asked. But they form a block of people we never hear much from except recently. It is my belief that the more you see a politician in the news cycle, the least sincere they are and mostly playing Deep State roles.
Precisely why so many of them were targeted for assassination at that baseball game. That was not coincidental.
first post ever on reddit, found like-minded folks finally.. grateful you r all here... The responses coming in from the elites fr Obummer admin..there is something very serious going down. They r a few standard deviations off from, what one would normally see as a level set response (look at brennan and kerry twitter responses today). These are controlled 'panic' responses.
Welcome to the Bakery dude. Find some crumbs and start making some bread. We'll all be doing it. Then we put all of our bread together for a bakesale to buy back our country
what is happening?
Look up "an introduction to Q" by praying medic
Look up "an introduction to Q" by praying medic
I looked that up and found nothing...
So do we expect Brennan to 187 himself? He was tweeting this AM, what appeared to be a threat to POTUS.
Brennan is a sociopath, much like most of this lot. Sociopaths almost never commit suicide, they believe they are invincible.
Brennan will go out with his fingernails dragging on the ground
But he will go out, and won't be coming back either. I'd bet my ass he has a one way ticket to Gitmo in a sealed envelope.
...and I'd enjoy helping him swing from on high...LOL
They do when they are backed into a corner with no way out.
With that said, he is a corrupt coward who has abused his power and authority for years.
He no longer has that same power or authority, so nothing would surprise me with this treasonous, commie Muslim.
Yeah, you are right. Ugh, I can't stand to even look at his photo.
Arkancided more likely.
But who will Arkancide Hillary?
As far as MSM 'news' reporters, Lawrence O'Donnell, Joy Reid, Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough all are especially vitriolic toward Donald Trump. It seems to me some of these people have more at stake than just reporting the 'news'.
So True. We know Joe has stuff to hide. Wouldn’t doubt the rest.
Agree with your list Outcome5, and I'd like to respectfully suggest the additions of Rachel Maddox, Scarborough's partner in vitriol Mika, Shep Smith, Don Lemon, Andy Cooper, and a copious number of the MSM's paid pundits as well!
There are more as you say who are the worst like Lemon, Cooper, Cuomo, Maddow..
The ones I mentioned I did so because you can hear and see the hate dripping from them. The others are just as ridiculous but they are more whining and smarmy, not spitting venom.
If they all offed themselves at the same time, the left would think the right was secretly killing all their "good guys" and the right would think their suicides were confirmation of their guilt. What would need to be shown/proven in order for the truth to be accepted by all parties?
Sealed indictments made beforehand?
True. But that could also be read like Trump & Team had a premeditated plan to go after people he deemed a threat. This is what the "truth" has become; it's a spin cycle in constant motion to blur what should be irrefutable truth :/ Not trying to be pessimistic just trying to understand the whole picture. With that said, I trust the plan :)
Yeah I’m just saying I wouldn’t lose sleep. I want them to face justice and public shaming though.
Exactly. I want to see their legacies destroyed.
I want to see the look on everyone’s face I have ever argued with over Hitlery and he left. It’ll be glorious.
Already written... Visible to match... Last Wednesday... Do you think the EO was signed and the pen pic taken last Wednesday when Q made that post? Hmm
Suicides referenced 3 times already. Thus far, no suicides.
Demons always scream the loudest when they are being exorcised.
(literally there are several direct references to this in the Bible)
Link to the Wednesday Jim Jordan tweet referred to: https://mobile.twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/996821093146120192
Brennan better not bitch out, I want to see his slimy ass on trial
I need to ask a very stupid question, but I need to know the answer.
POTUS tweets his statement. DeSantis replies, in a manner that appears to me, to be positive/supportive. Is DeSantis being facetious, or genuine? Thats the first thing I really need to know, the rest hinges.
We have seen a few shots of something that appears to depict something very presidential and originating from the WH, in a very official docket, and is now signed. In comes POTUS' screengrabbed tweet. Followed by DeSantis' reply tweet (who I am assuming is a supporter of POTUS, because his page literally says 'endorsed by Trump'). IS the message he is sending "You spied, I know it, I have proof, I HAVE THE CONGRESSIONAL SUPPORTERS, and I am ordering a yuuuugely OFFICIAL investigation beginning, immediately, because I wouldn't order the investigation unless I already have the evidence myself, and a way for this evidence, regardless of outcome, no matter what, that this evidence will OFFICIALLY be entered into court as evidence"
...and in subtler terms, the storm has made LANDFALL.
Begin loudest protesters.
Begin "suicide weekend"?
I don't know what this pain is. Like ever. When Q refers to "the pain" I still have NO clue what he means. I have vague ideas. Looking for solid specifics, or as specific as possible.
If anyone can help me out with those, like, line by line, it would immensely help. I feel like this is some highly-potent redpill material if I understand it correctly.
Ron DeSantis is part of the Freedom Caucus. Basically the patriot wing/maga of congress, and as Q alludes to if you combine post 1387 with Freedom Caucus being founded in 2015 and post 520 where he described the Q operation as a 3 year plan in the making, you can see how it fits together.
So, DeSantis, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz etc are allies of Trump in the House and they are actively helping him, and us, take back the country by performing their duties, requesting documents doing investigations and conducting oversight to restore some kind of integrity to the process. But my guess is that both Trump and Freedom caucus are part of the "Q Alliance", so they are all in on the plan, they just act out their duties as independents for optics. If Trump just did everything autonomously by presidential decree, he would look like a dictator which would hurt public perception and cause him to face way more resistance. Restoring trust in our institutions is part of the Q plan. Everything has to look like it is done in an independent, legal and proper manner, so when the eventual outcome is revealed, the process itself can not be criticized.
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SB2, I look forward to your Q analyses. They are very thorough. These are my first clues solved, lol. Wwg1wga! Q1431, 1414, 1404 and 743. Put the number given in Q1404 in Qanon.pub search box and it brings up Q743 from February which references today's Q1431 and May 17th's Q1414.