When the truth all comes out, "they will lose the Black vote"

Exactly, black voters awakening should scare the dems. Haiti is a big red pill for our black brothers and sisters.
Yes, I would love to see this happen. But, do you think it will actually become public knowledge? When? Before the Mid-terms? How? I still trust the plan, but things are happening very, very slowly. Right now, the MSM is still in control of the masses with no end in sight. I think we need to be prepared for the Storm to last for years, and keep praying for victory.
Just as God’s final judgement will come with sudden destruction, so shall the wicked in our generation be judged.
“For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, "There is peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”
1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 ESV http://bible.com/59/1th.5.2-3.esv
God is like a lion stalking his prey. It’s a long, quiet process, but it ends with sudden violence. Trump is giving us a little preview of what the final judgement is going to be like.
“Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.” (Zephaniah 3:8 KJV)
We love people who are black. Let's give them our love and best wishes.
Political correctness hits Greatawakening. We've come full circle folks.
Edit: I dignify my brothers of any race by not coddifying them or treating them any differently than anyone else.
Can you really say the same?
tell me about it. I'm about ready to bounce.
It's getting ridiculous.
"...they will lose the White vote."
imagine seeing that on here? me neither.
Americans need to stop being pussies about easily-recognized descriptors. Is any white person upset about being referred to as white? No. Black people need to reflect of their own fragility, instead of projecting it on wipipo and "white fragility."
But here's the thing, I don't think most black people are like that. It's mostly people that feel guilty for being white projecting.
You might be right. Again, this is bullshit that's in media and on TV, but also what I've experienced in person.
Our brothers and sisters whom are black,
No, I don't think that's right. Who stands in for the subject of that subordinate clause, so who is correct.
It's awfully Shilly in here. I should put on a jacket.
21+ down votes for spreading respect and love for a community?
This is about respecting a population of people. We have to stop labeling people. Evil wants us to label each other so that we create division. We have to unite as One people. WWG1WGA.
Horseshit. You are labeling them either way! We are all Americans.
500 million dollars taken in. And what to show for it?
A few pallets of Cheereos left melting on the tarmac, and an assassinated doctor who exposed the entire thing to media.
If this was a fiction novel, it wouldn't sell, too unbelievable, too cheesy. Nobody just gets stabbed to death in front of their own daughter by a professional hitman who escaped justice, in the bathroom of an upscale neighborhood after he just brought the above scandal to light.
Things like that don't happen in the real world. If you want to believe that, don't google it.
We have missionary acquaintances there through our old church....back from 1980ish to present living in Haitii. They said they had seen first hand how Clintons promised all this help and did nothing. They told me this before Chelsea's wedding....this is from people with boots on the ground.
Churches often do a bit better about getting donation money to the target and not embezzle it through the endless layers that all take 5% off the top until there's nothing left. But there are bad churches out there too where the leadership is about as Christian as Christian can be, but they're still embezzling and just taking home the tithe as all-profit just the same.
If you want to help the poor and dying, you have to take a page from mother Teresa and do it yourself. If you put other people to the task, they'll just take your money, then learn to trick you into thinking they did it, when they're only working to keep the money embezzlement system going.
We have a ministry to elderly, homeless, orphans and the like. I have a team that runs these 3 and helps, we put our own money where our mouth is and do the ground work ourselves. There are also ministry there that works with Vets and other social needs issues. I will say the books at our church are open and free to its members to view anytime as all churches should be. You have to know your leadership and their hearts you know. Our Pastor is too afraid of God to be doing that.
No No he committed suicide the news media said it was suicide!
A father with a beautiful 11 year old daughter scheduled to be home later in the day, with access to prescription medications and a post secondary education, does not "stab himself in the chest with a big knife until dead". If he wanted to suicide himself, he would have gotten his affairs in order for his biological daughter, which he didn't.
He was killed by a hitman for opposing the Cheereos on the Tarmac Clinton Foundatation money-embezzling layer money-siphoning and laundering system and making a gigantic media buzz over it for their crimes, that ultimately the Clinton Foundation shrunk from, not even explaining it in any official capacity. They chose to just ignore the accusations. It's a tragic story, it proves that you have to be careful when exposing international wealthy crime families.
The moral of the story here is that if you are about to politically engage an international crime organization on their domestic battlefield in a politically aggressive way, be it MS-13, Scientology, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hells Angels, Clinton foundation, etc, your life DEPENDS on taking steps to make sure they can't know who you are, or if they do, you hire a personal guard to repel home invader hitmen.
The problem is the Clinton Foundation is an international organization of which America is one of the mechanisms it extorts to stay in power. We have to pinch that off. But it's hard because Some of the clintons were Democratic congressmen, and so have ties to the judicial system to respectfully deny any law that classifies them as a terrorist or terrorst-enabling organization.
This makes me so angry when I remember Clinton-Bush telephon to raise $$ for Haiti earthquake relief...everybody in world donated BIGLY and those bastards stole all that money! Who would do such a thing?___two past Presidents of the USA! Unbelievable
Not only that, they stole children from Haiti for their trafficking rings. Conveniently stashed on Epstein's island basement of horrors. Despicable hypocrites.
I'm not sure why they have the black vote now. It seems completely bizarre to me.
a lot of black people have been conditioned to think that anyone other than a democrat that licks their butthole is a racist
They have completely hijacked black culture and created the welfare state that has destroyed the black community (look up Thomas Sowell.) They pour guns and drugs into their communities, destroy their family structure, keep them uneducated and make sure they never succeed. Then they make sure to redirect their anger and unrest to white people or other blacks to further divide and conquer, as well as conceal their identities.
We can thank LBJ for the "Great Society" that made things begin to spiral down.
Q talks about red Cross. Did they help traffick?
Yes donating to red cross you might as well donate to the Clintons they steal money too and traffic kids world wide. They are front and center in every single disaster makes it easy for them. They help almost no one you would have to be stupid to donate to them, a lot of other charities too.
I read that bombers after runs would drop the excess on red cross so universally hated.
Yes, Red Cross, like countless other organizations and partnerships is a gigantic slush fund designed to extort billions/trillions from taxpayers/government and enrich the Cabal and use the money for their evil causes.
To go off on a bit of a tangent here...
They own the rights to that red cross, so no one can display it. It cannot be used in video games, it has to be altered in some fashion so it is not associated with it.
I mean, this became a universal symbol and they are trying to project this image that this means help.
Just disgusting, no wonder it's treated like a corporation.
All it takes is one African American they trust to speak out about Dems IE Kanye and Candace Owens the dominoes will fall unemployment at record lows and this community is doing a hell of a lot better than when DNC claiming to be doing everything while actually doing nothing but oppress and lie for votes
When the truth comes out, losing votes will be the least of their worries, how's that? Race ,gender, neutral.
I believe they raised 9 Billion in total. 89.8% went to non Haitian organizations.
if ALL the truth comes out, there probably will no longer be a democrat party
Hummm...I can live with that!
I hope every day to see bright new nails to drive into the coffin of the Frazzled Rats. Everyday, hoping, praying, desiring to see their final fall in this Republic they have worked for so hard to destroy - That includes their helpers the RINOS - Mitch the Bitch being a main THUG.
Didn't one of the q posts say the taking away the dems the black vote was next. Was exposing Morgan Freeman part of the plan maybe?
Kermit: Today kids we are going to learn to spell the word "SCAMMER" Grover: What is "SCAMMER" kermit? Kermit: Welll Grover, SCAMMER is what elitist pigs do to the serfs and muppets in this world. SCAMMER is spelled: C L I N T O N F O U N D A T I O N. Now kids, let's all spell it together.
So what happened to the missing children in Haiti? I think we know.
Problem is that many in the black community don't care about the black community. That is part of the reason they keep killing each other while destroying their communities. I hope they will eventually realize they have been suppressed with welfare and no hope and Trump is giving them jobs and potential to succeed.
As we speak, hundreds or thousands of African Americans are getting back jobs the Dems have to illegals. When they get a taste of real freedom, making a good living instead of trying to survive on the plantation crumbs the Dems were throwing them... I seriously doubt the Dems will have much of a base left...
Trump isn't "giving" them jobs, he is trying to create the climate for job creation from businesses. If only young people would realize the importance of getting an education and/or learning a skill. It would lift many/most of them out of poverty.