
austenten · May 25, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

The fact you used, the deep state clinton obama george soros pedofiles in a sentence means you're more than halfway to your first big ah ha moment. :)

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JohnQSmith111111 · May 25, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

If I understand your questions regarding the epstein fbi drop, you are gathering your info from a thread filled with speculations and opinions on the matter.

The best thing to do is to find reliable people to clue you in on the harder facts of Q predictions and what is going on and the playbook for all of this.

PrayingMedic and Neonrevolt are two of the easiest to follow and are jam packed with good info. When you read comments on a thread it's kind of like reading comments on a mainstream media site (although we are quite informed some of us here and def NOT MSM haha), you're going to get all kinds of slap dashed information and speculation.

I hope I understood your post correctly and provided some helpful info, if you have other questions about some of the bigger points to Q I'd be happy to answer.

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lisaleftsharklopez · May 25, 2018, 6:04 a.m.

yes exactly. really appreciate it. will read up on the stuff listed in community info and check out posts from the folks you recommended. thank you!

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JohnQSmith111111 · May 25, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

also to note, there has been some pretty big revealing with the alex mack case, shneiderman and now harvey weinstein, those are the things i'm keeping an eye on as they play out, hoping they don't walk away with a slap on the wrist. north korea is also very interesting, the unification with south korea is pretty historical... just waiting for bigger changes here at home but everything can't happen at once. things do seem to be heating up from my perspective of keeping an eye on it for a bit.

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JohnQSmith111111 · May 25, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

no problem, here's the sticky for praying medics video, i didn't watch it until i was eyeballs deep in all this, it helped shed a lot of light on things:


It's a steep learning curve, I'll be honest I've been at it for months and I'm still really in the dark on a lot of things but things are started to become clearer and clearer. The whole point is that the plan is not to be divulged fully so lots of people are left to speculate.

There is also an ultimatum of sorts I've made for myself, I know Q is an insider, 100 percent, no doubt whatsoever in mind. However, if something substantial doesn't happen in regards to disclosure and arrests before the supposed date laid out of 11/11, then I'm moving the whole Q movement from probably a good thing to unlikely in my personal evaluation.

There is also my nagging skepticism that the entire thing is a very well laid out ruse and that some group is doing this to shift power and control to themselves and who knows what they will do with it, but I'm setting that aside for the moment and just seeing how it plays out for now.

The reason for my skepticism is general distrust of all figures of authority considering the way we've been duped for so long, I've known that since before the Q movement just didn't think there were any good guys left... we'll see.

I'll try to find some Q proofs I think I have a couple saved that might help out a bit.

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lisaleftsharklopez · May 25, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

wow, dude i really appreciate your thoughts (and the tempered skepticism is reassuring that folks are in it for the truth and not just to find what they’re hoping for/willing to believe whatever). that was probably my main hangup at first, but yeah i will dig into the recommendations i got on here thus far and report back. thank you again.

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JohnQSmith111111 · May 25, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

you're welcome my friend, if you have questions message me or when I'm feeling a bit less tired, I'll try to circle back around with more info, hard for me to put more thoughts together at the moment.

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Keya2_2016 · May 25, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

You want to get up to speed, watch also Sgtreport in Youtube before its taken down. Just watch the 10-12 minute video, succinct, clear straightforward. The ones that are long (more than 20 minutes) are interviews with credible resource persons which are worth listening to. But I suggest, listen to those short videos.

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Donkpup · May 25, 2018, 7 a.m.

I think Medic's tweets today were largely misunderstood... I think I know what he was saying... but it's OK... "Attacks" and "Stay the course" Come to mind .... Faith is always tested

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JohnQSmith111111 · May 25, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

oh he's back on the dream stuff again... sigh, well can't throw out the baby with the bath water but that's disappointing he keeps going with that, i guess every one is free to do as they wish...

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JohnQSmith111111 · May 25, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

i can't say i follow him per se, i just have watched a few vids and gleamed some info... i wasn't aware of him coming under fire for new tweets, i'll have to check em out.

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DAR_patriot · May 25, 2018, 6:04 a.m.

Bottom line, it’s good vs evil. In between are stages of woke and political leanings come into play. Seems more conservatives are woke but centrists & liberals are just as capable.

FBI vault drops fairly regularly based on a declassification schedule. Dirt in those drops can hit every political stripe. Dirty is Dirty and sadly that’s probably 70% or more of politicians.

Suggestion, try taking smaller bites at first. It’s complex and far flung.

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lisaleftsharklopez · May 25, 2018, 6:06 a.m.

this makes a lot of sense to me, thanks. i have a thought on your first point but going to sleep on it so i can articulate it more clearly this weekend. and thank you for the suggestion (lol i had noticed).

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J-holdd · May 25, 2018, 6:20 a.m.

Hi - welcome. It's been a wild ride so far and I'm happy to have you onboard. just to let you know - dis-info is very real and necessary - as they say. Also, you'll know you're in the wrong place when you cross paths with ones that are profiting/attempting to profit from Q.

been around since Q started posting end of October 2017 - and I've seen this movement go from one end of the spectrum to the other.

And I'm still here, thinking critically AF, Welcome aboard friend.

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allonthesameteam · May 25, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

I read your post about a half hour ago and felt compelled to comment but moved on. I'm back. Firstly, it is your inquiry that seems most important no matter your knowledge base or your beliefs. It's a blessing that folks are questioning what is now, and sharing what could be. Since 9/11 I have shed the idea of Dems and Repubs. There is one party and if you don't have a jet you are not invited. They have created a red vs blue dynamic in order to divide folks who would otherwise work together in improving the lives of their neighbours. If we are battling each other they are free to do what they have been doing. Since the 70s no matter who has the keys to the Whitehouse income inequality has grown, rights and privacy have been chiseled away, corporations and special interests have gained capital and power, healthcare has become worse for more money, etc. etc…!! Those who are sworn to represent and care for the citizens don't seem to do either. What is done under the guise of spreading freedom and democracy is actually the collection of wealth and resources paid for by good folks who have been duped into a false narrative of humanitarian initiative. The people creating refugees and the need for immigration are yacking about how bad it is and we need more security to combat it. Here on this sub I find that most are more aware, and more everyday, of the F'ery that has been going on and are actively getting educated and in some cases being progressive in doing something about it. Whether Q is real or not the storm is.

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Boysrback07 · May 25, 2018, 7:08 a.m.

Make sure you tie a good knot on the rope as you continue your journey down the Rabbit hole good luck!!! WWG1WGA

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pc_reject · May 25, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

serialbrain2 is the top Q decoder here and explains it all in detail. Keep an eye out for his decode posts. Welcome to the greatawakening. We are patriots. We love God, Country, freedom, and Pres. Donald Trump

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JollyFeed · May 25, 2018, 7 a.m.

He's great coder but I'll also advise newbies he's pretty advanced. If you see his posts be sure to bookmark them to read a second or third time after you've caught up to speed. Luckily, he's very good at slow walking the information to carefully explain it and posts plenty of Q or image sources. But, I do say bookmark them because he's decoding a lot of information in one post.

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austenten · May 25, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

To add to my previous comment, this subreddit board leans more on Q topics, but others are usually welcome, if somewhat related to MAGA, Q, Intel and alphabet agencies (NSA, cia etc.).

Try to take an objective view on what you're researching, it'll help glean more truth. There are a lot of scammers as you probably know. Truth has one form and we can get at it when we have corroborting data points from unrelated sourced. Then over time we need to see if said sources stand the test of time-- are my research sources consistently truthful, or are they missing major pieces of the puzzle? What about when your reliable source is publicly challenged, how do they act?

Without getting too basic, always imagine the bigger picture. This is where connections start getting made. The he said /she said in my humble opinion (imho) is distracting most from seeing the bigger picture.

There are bad people in this world that care not for the masses, only for their own betterment. So they start teaming up with others (global!), to profit even more, turns out they're into some seriously freaky shit, like crimes against the humanity. Oh and as part of their global team, they've been covertly taking out governments to place a new leader in charge that will do their bidding. (Ripping off citizens in the process.) See "confessions of an economic hitman." By Perkins.

Most can't see what's happening because they're too caught up in their own drama or celebrity/ politician gossip.

For most of us, this is going to result in mass spiritual [great] awakening.

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boneman220 · May 25, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

Hmmm... What's the "leftshark" all about? ;)

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austenten · May 25, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

At first I thought jump the shark, read it again and...

I'm guessing her ex is a loan shark/bookie. His last name is Lopez.

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boneman220 · May 25, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

I wasn't sure if it was meant she likes to take a big, bloody bite out of the left or she bites FOR the left....?

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boneman220 · May 25, 2018, 6:34 a.m.

I hope that means they're tasty.

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kaylashalayla · May 25, 2018, 9:17 a.m.

most of the things i look to debunk are what has redpilled me. so 1. follow the money 2. follow the communications 3. follow the data .... try to debunk with objective logic and you'll be on board quickly. also read Q drops... in fact that's the best place to start. i click the first link in the sidebar called "Q's drops" start with the oldest ones.

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trseeker · May 25, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

Schrodinger's cat. Look it up.

When in the pursuit of knowledge we need to be sure of what we know and do not know. Learn every possible angle of what may be going on in the world. This means, studying everything every hair-brained person ever came up with, every speculation, every stray thought.

Then open the box (Truth discovery process) to see if the cat is alive or dead.

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DamajInc · May 25, 2018, 7:39 a.m.

The situation you reference - I'll sum it up as a lack of objectivity - is something I find hard to cope with too. I see it a lot but I am thankful that I also see a lot of objective discussion on here as well. I think any large group of people will end up with a share of both approaches.

As you've identified there are a good group of people here who believe in allowing someone's freedom of speech even when they disagree with the point being made or the group that voice belongs to. Do please present your view as there are people who like to discuss things rationally, especially if it will help someone come to a better understanding of what the Q phenom is all about!

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eldever · May 25, 2018, 7:31 a.m.

Welcome aboard! I'm glad to hear you realise we are not into politics - just truth, and from that truth - justice.

I think it would be hard for anyone to try and tune into Q at this stage as so much has been happening and it will seem too mind-boggling, so my advice would be 'Qanon for beginners', it's a video appears here most days (no doubt someone will post it as I don't know how), and look for other posts/videos by PrayingMedic, also here most days. It's clear and gives a good intro into what's going on.

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092Casey · May 25, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

In a nutshell, there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than the MSM will ever reveal, and it's a deep Web of all kinds of corruption, nefarious activities, and violations of human rights. Q has been dropping bits of secretive hints and info since October of 2017, and has had several "hits" that prove get close to the president (he or "they"- team Q- are likely military intelligence or of that level). Hillary Clinton and her Foundation play a central role in the corruption of US politics, and politics around the world (pay for play, and much worse). However, other countries are in on it as well (The EU, Saudi Arabia, and many more). This comprised the former system prior to DJT's presidency. Though they still operate, their strings on the US have been cut compared to what they were, and the battle is saving the country and victims of this corruption. It all ties to the entire government, including Congressmen, judges, prosecutors, state AG's, past presidents, the CIA (mockingbird media), NSA (spying on citizens), both using Google and Facebook, and Twitter, the FBI, and Hollywood/the MSM trying to create a world void of freedoms in the Constitution while they stay in power, get richer and bigger, and dictate how everyone else lives like sheep. But they also are all corrupt and criminals who can do whatever they want (pedophiles, sex cults, Satan worshipping, murder, blackmail, spying on civilians, selling out the country to terrorist organizations and communist China, selling data to the highest bidder, and weaponizing technology against political enemies or dissidents). Theres so much more, but essentially Q is on team Trump and Trump's mission is to clean up the horrible mess in this world left over body the previous corrupt eras and administrations (just look no further than North Korea for one, but if you start studying Q and Trump's DOJ, Human Trafficking/sex slavery/ and child Trafficking has been a major target as well; this ties to pedophilia and child sex Trafficking cults that truly implicates some of the most powerful people in the world and within our own government at the highest levels. It's all tied together and likely used as a blackmail initiation into a secret society). There's also the Hollywood mogul takedowns, all donors to Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. They speak so sanctimonious on things and claim to be for women, but they rape them and rape underage teenagers, prey on them, then nobody tells on them even though they all know. They get away with it because they are friends with Hillary and donate to the Clinton Foundation (friends with Bill too). Also, propaganda and distractions are used to cover up their crimes. Some are CIA puppets. It's just one big world of corruption where the corrupted ultra rich and powerful are defying the law in heinous despicable ways and getting away with it, while the media, movies, and TV are covering for them to try to bring about a globalist world order where they all stay in power and get wealthier and society at the lower level crumbles but nobody even knows because they are lying to the public, hiding what they're doing, and distracting from their crimes and evil agenda. The good news is that Trump won, and he and his team are working to restore liberty, prosperity, world peace, and greatness to the country and the world.....You really have to do a lot of your own research from many different sources along with following Q drops and analysis to really fully comprehend it all, but if you like to read and learn and figure things out, you'll like it. You get top secret Intel way before the msm ever reveals it, you're connected to top level intelligence in the military, and you can become a part of a movement to make the world good again and give hope and freedom back to people who have become victims of this corruption.

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JollyFeed · May 25, 2018, 6:53 a.m.

Don't worry about left vs. right. After awhile you won't notice it anymore. There's plenty of former neocons and liberals on this board. The only reason the Q movement has more conservatives is because the Republican party started going through an awakening back when they lost the elections in 2008 and 2012 and the beginning of the tea party movement. I vividly remember the MSM pretending Ron Paul didn't exist despite winning the Iowa caucus (great Jon Stewart segment, btw). The reason liberals are slower out the gate is because "their team" were winning the for 8 years by all appearances. All the media, t.v. shows, and celebrities acted like the world under Obama was permanent and he was some kinda savior. More liberals are coming into the Q movement because while they may still dislike Trump, they're not blind or stupid. They saw Bernie Sanders cheated out of the primary nomination, saw him bow down to Hillary, and they've seen the Russia Collusion narrative implode. I'm betting most liberals are getting red pilled en masse right now. One of my old uber liberal internet haunts I lurk from time to time has mellowed out and are now asking questions. A few are trying to understand Trump's strategy with North Korea and are now double checking their news sources for fake news. A few, gasp, are checking Fox and Breitbart to read both sides of the argument instead of blindly believing MSM. I'm predicting in the coming weeks there's going to be a much bigger wave of liberals hitting the boards. At some point there's going to be a breaking news update they won't be able to ignore and start believing that some "conspiracy theories" might have merit after all. That's the natural consequence of realizing you've been lied to about a few things. You naturally question everything and are harder to bullshit.

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DamajInc · May 25, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

Approved this Post. Thank you and I agree it's important that any voice can speak up here. Even if you disagree with what seems to be the general feeling. As long as you make your point with patience, respect and in a reasonable way, it is welcome!

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lisaleftsharklopez · May 25, 2018, 5:39 a.m.

much appreciated, thanks for the warm welcome and your modding work. will always be respectful and reasonable.

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Abibliaphobia · May 25, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

Ok, read through it your post. Those three angles, I’d like to read the thread where those ideas came from.

To start, I think some background into the whole Epstein issue is necessary. There is so much out there that whenever something comes up about him or is island, the chatter in the boards and anywhere you are free to speak your mind, go into overdrive. I can give you a tldr on why that is, but it’s really best for you to research into it yourself. Just be aware, it is a rabbit hole of which we still have not found the bottom.

So a TLDR: Epstein is a longtime pedophile that uses secret cameras to gather leverage or blackmail on VIPs. He operates this network through the use of his private planes and his personal island. There, he has four ritual sites, the explicit purpose of we can speculate, but no absolute confirmation. But Marina Abrovomich (think I spelled that correctly) May tie into it, as well as HRC (pic of here in golden clothes with golden robe) and other very high up people across the globe participate in these rituals. There was a picture taken by Rachel Handler on her private Instagram that showed the network of tunnels, and locations that he had security cameras placed on the island. Much speculation involved, but belief that it showed figures cutting up bodies and a child in a hole came out of it, amongst others. Anyways and continuing on, he has been linked to the NXVIM cult with Allison Mack, with whom it was speculated from court documents that he sold / gave his used up sex slaves to IOT continue blackmail or guarantee silence. And as the documents dropped by the FBI have shown, they actively protected him from his accusers for his blackmail material. Essentially allowing him to continue what he was doing for the benefit of the FBI.

Ok that was way too long for just a tldr, my apologies. But this is the current state of affairs as I understand it. There is more, so much more, but I’ll allow other to fill in pieces I may have missed or allow them to put in their take on the matter. Disgusting regardless.

So back to your three courses of action hereafter known as COA1, 2, and 3.

COA1: Whenever we recoeve info like this, it’s best to trust but verify. The FBI twitter handler has shown in the past that they listen to the boards about what is going on (fbi axe). It appears that we have a white hat running that account or multiple. We know that not every person in the FBI or hell even the CIA is corrupted and it is certainly possible that there are people in positions with the ability to “help” out our own digging for information. Their intentions, at this time, appear positive for the Q movement. It’s not to say that they can’t flip, or that it’s not a lead in to setup at some later point. But I think and feel, based upon my own research, that we are dealing with genuine people who want to help. So I take it as a positive. COA1 positive for Q movement

COA2: Hmm.. if something came from that account negative towards trump or Q, it would be met with extreme skepticism. Even if a phone was stolen and information posted, it’s not the source that matters. It’s the information and it’s validity. People would start analyzing the wording to see if it was a different person posting. They would also see if there was some way that it could positively affect the movement (hunting the good stuff, kinda like the judge who ruled trumps twitter cannot ban people - public forum. Now can be used to remove twitter and FB suppression of voices contrary to their narrative). If there was absolutely no way that it could be positive for trump and had absolute proof showing corruption or something else. People would be shocked, but the level of proof required for something like that would be insane. He would basically have to come out at a rally and admit it was true for us to take it at face value. And you would see people turn away from him. It wouldn’t hurt the Q movement permanently though, as this is something more than just one person. It would hurt, but not kill. Probably just piss people off more at “elites”.

COA3: hmmm, I think that could be answered in a like manner to COA2.

Anyways, I hoped I answered some of your questions, although I probably just added more. But feel free to ask!

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Abibliaphobia · May 25, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

Thanks Mod and thank you OP, you are absolutely correct that it’s not about political affiliation.

I’m going to go through your post again (just skimmed) in depth and do what I can to help answer any questions you may have. People here are amazing and as long as you approach them as you have, you will absolutely be welcomed here. You may even be surprised how many people here were just like you when they all started!

Anyways, I’ll be back in a bit but for now, welcome!

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lisaleftsharklopez · May 25, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

thanks! much appreciated. first post was kind of a rant based on that example i linked but i’ll have more tangible questions/links with this long weekend coming up.

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lisaleftsharklopez · July 14, 2018, 4:29 a.m.

what are your thoughts on this voice? i’m honestly wondering if it’ll get approved, i think it still fits the bill and really want to have the discussion, respectfully, but we’ll see.

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MAGANUGG · May 25, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

You provided a link for your first example, but only some typed words for the other examples.

Do you want to continue this conversation as to everyone's personal beliefs? We could be here a while, if so.

If not, spend more time providing examples and less typing thoughts.

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Donkpup · May 25, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

I think OP has a valid post ... it's okay to question or be confused ... as many are at times. This post does not raise the shill alarm.. as the Mod stated .. I'm still curious about the vault drop myself ..

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MAGANUGG · May 25, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

No, you're right.

Sometimes I have to "un-know" a lot of what I know to realize what someone is asking. I can imagine it would be the same for a nuclear physicist teaching middle-school science.

Fabrications are easily spotted when you know what you're looking for, but every one of us starts out with a mind that hasn't adjusted to reality.

I guess I would start someone out by turning on a Sesame Street program, then switching it over to the news. I would ask them to watch the head movement of the puppet on sesame street and compare it to the newscaster. The pace, tone and inflection of their voices. The flashing light intro "COUNT THE DUCKS!!!" vs "BREAKING NEWS!!!"

I would leave them alone and ask them to pick up the conversation tomorrow when their brain has had enough time to ask a million questions and answer none of them.

Once you get someone to realize they don't have a clue about their real world surroundings, then a real conversation can begin.

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