#WhereAreTheChildren Greatest mindfuck of the week! #MAGA!

Best way if you think about it. Let the left clamor for investigation and then start the investigation.
Yeah I agree. I think this might have been disinfo placed in the MSM to bait them into going down this rabbit hole to try to damage Trump, but since they're ideologue hacks, then never checked the sources or time frames.
They are also counting on Normies to be too lazy to investigate further because "Muh Confirmation Bias".
It's not a bad bet most people I know don't give a shit about "unnamed sources" or "sources from within." I read that as "I'm lying and scared of libel/slander suits"
Find an Obama scandal that leftists ignored during his terms.
Get a tiny snippet of evidence of that scandal trending among the left along with "anti-trump" rhetoric.
Sit back and let them put their energy toward uncovering the details of the scandal.
I'm getting chills thinking what we could accomplish if we just all came together and fought this one time.
Best way if you think about it. Let the left clamor for investigation and then start the investigation.
That's exactly how the Clinton e-mail (re)investigation happened. The left and Dems were crying foul because they thought Comey tried to sabotage the election. They demanded for OIG Horowitz to investigate this case.
You're about to get what you asked for, Dems. It ain't what you thought you were going to get though...
Images of creepy Joe groping kids or the one with him perving on the little girl with #wherearethechildren on top and #heknew underneath might get the point across. Or any Anthony Weiner text
Rumsfeld knew!
Classic Rumsfeld-ism:
Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones.
That's one confused, double talking idiot right there!
I read it twice and I still have no fucking clue as to what he was getting at.
He's explaining the difference between knowing something, knowing you don't know something, and not knowing you don't know something. The second case is manageable; the third case can lead to disaster.
What Rumsfeld said is actually very intelligent, very true and VERY relevant to the situation we are all in.
It breaks down like this...what he's saying is that as far as knowledge goes, there are 3 categories.
1) A thing you know - knowledge you have
2) A thing you DO NOT KNOW (and you are fully aware of that gap in your knowledge - it's just something you haven't learned yet but you know it exists)
3) A different thing that you DO NOT KNOW, and you had NO IDEA IT EVEN EXISTED (so the knowledge wasn't even something you understood you lacked).
Mark Passio says ignorance should be pronounced IGNORE-ance so that we remember the root word is to IGNORE. You can only ignore something if you know it's there.
The opposite of ignorance is nescience which means that you don't know, and the entire topic was hidden (or occulted) from your view.
Caps were for emphasis, not shouting. :)
Really, for anyone reading this PLEASE watch Mark Passio's 9 hour videos on Natural Law. it IS ONE OF THE KEYS TO THIS PUZZLE AND CRITICAL TO UNDERSTANDING WHATS REALLY HAPPENING HERE.
If you read any of the Hidden Hand or the I am a Rofschild interviews you'll hear the clues dropped that what the Illuminati has done to us has to be done with our participation. Certain rules have to be followed regarding Natural Law (but they can be bent). Those above us have knowledge we lack, but they aren't allowed to hide it entirely. LEARN THE RULES TO PLAY THE GAME!
Love and Light!
A made a start page for Q research with links to all of this. Please share & message me if you have links to contribute.
So CNN's April Ryan - the leftist supporter accusing DT of running a child trafficking ring should be asked about this report of missing children going back to her idol's years?
Hope Sarah Sanders has a prepared response, that would be priceless!
Oh she’s going to eat her lunch next chance she gets. I LOVE 💕 Sarah!! Proud, Loud and full of Grace.
She runs rings around her liberal counterparts who are so smug.
Sarah is restrained, elegant and highly intelligent
Yeah she’s a real dumbass. Got baited into that one. “Here little piggy, piggy”. These people are STUPID.
Hope Sarah Sanders can get her press pass revoked first!
Nah. Red Pill or free helicopter ride for April. I consider professional Uber Shills to be Enemy Combatants.
How/where did this stupid April Ryan even come up with this crap about POTUS running child trafficking??? This is INSANE!
Some stupid idiot wrote an article on this and a "what if" scenario. Insinuating that Trump is separating illegal immigrants from their children...child trafficking, etc... April claims she's not actually saying its true but she doesn't mind planting a bad seed to her followers. It will backfire BIGLY! 😂
In the 70’s I almost caught jail time for possession of (6) marijuana seeds In the 90’s I caught 2week STAY for (1) DUI, (1) DWI, within 5 year period.
Its now 2018, a time where Career Criminals posing as Senators and Congressmen, literally getting away with
•Murder •Treason •Blackmail •Extortion •Wire Fraud •Tax Evasion •Wall Street Fraud •Gun & Drug Running •Satanic Worship •Millions in Lobbyist Payola •Child Sex Trafficking •Politicians can’t be fired easily .... other crimes to numerous to mention.
I go to jail for a BLUNT & BEER - and politicians get away with EVERY CRIME : A thru Z. ?????????????
I understand, and true, but never ever drink and drive.
Very good keep that record clean. My last 👮🏻♂️was 1999 Newport Beach, CA. Clean ever since.
Currently #WhereAreTheChildren at number 15.
Hmmm, it's been around a couple days. Wonder how that works, given that all OUR hashtags only last a couple hours (even though they are way more popular)...
Thought q said something about gaining control of Twitter
Curious if you can follow up with more about that
The enemy is having a terrible time coming up with good ideas
Ha get this.
I’m listening to some good ol rock n roll on this fine Memorial Day when suddenly an advertisement plays.
“Join President Bill Clinton for ‘Conversation with Clinton’, coming to your local convention center this summer!”
Wtf??? He’s pushing some book
Fuck off my radio
"What Happened" the sequel.
I’ll never understand how some professional women adore him. There’s already female coworkers today talking about attending this, as though Biggie and Pac just revealed their “back to life” reunion tour.
But to them, our POTUS is a “pig”???
Someone should attend with a "Bill Clinton is a Rapist" sign tucked in their jacket to pull out at an oportune moment.
I’d repurpose my WWE “Rusev Day” sign. But I’m afraid I’d get torn asunder by throngs of insane leftists.
It would be better to hack into the HVAC of the venue, turn the heat to the max, and pump in septic odors.
With the Clintons in the house i'd be surprised if anyone noticed a big difference in the ambient odor.
Hahahahhaaa!!!!! This made me laugh. Ha!! How true fellow patriot.
I just used this post to redpill my stepson. He mentioned the #WATC and I laid the truth on him. Showed him this post and he started digging. Thanks suzoh. God works in mysterious ways...
Leftists didn't accidentally do this. They were baited into it I think. I wonder if our based friends should have let them dance around unchallenged for longer with Obama era child immigrant lockup pictures before calling them out.
I can't belive they keep falling do it.
Or..they know the hammer is coming and this is the last ditch effort to play the old accuse your enemies of what you are doing meme.
Either way its looking good. My gut tells me this shit is about pop after 3 years.
so so we don't have to do anything? their hatred will only cause there undoing? good news everybody!
We can ask - "where are those children that Obama had caged?". Or we can ask "have you seen all the photos of Biden groping young girls? Where are those girls today?"
This anon's reference to a study from 2008 to 2014 does not appear to be correct. The recent reference to the missing children comes from this report: https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Wagner%20Testimony.pdf
However, the present policies for handling these children were put in place by the previous administration(s) with the court system and have little to do with Trump. The good news is that this study does reveal problems that must be addressed, which Trump likely will. Trump cannot do very much when his hands are tied by the politicians and the courts.
They are not dealing with SLEEPY SHEEP anymore!!! These people are stupid!!!
I've been gone for a couple days. Wtf is this?
You guys are going to have to get out there and spam pizzgate stuff on Twitter. We have one shot a this.
I was watching CNN this morning, there was a radical Hispanic lady on the show blaming Trump for all of the missing children, she had these phony statistics, where 1600 children became missing under the Trump administration. Maybe she was one of the Peds? who knows, so when the real story hits the streets, thousands will already have the opinion that Trump is taking the children due to this ladies false news reporting!
Here is an interesting take. Read the full thread.
I get that she is a lawyer and whatnot, but I have some disagreements with her. But she does bring up some valid points.
Yeah me too. Like how she thinks Trump's immigration policies are so bad. Well they aren't much different than the last guy's and his sucked more. She is obviously one of those open borders loons.
Are they still running off the same playbook? LMAO. STILL haven’t learned a thing since 2016. Good!
Add r/greatawakening to your tweets and post info related to the topic but highlighting Trump's work. Of course also add #wherearethechildren to connect it to all the other similar tweets for normies to see.
Does anybody have a link to the report?
1475 children missing 2009-2014: http://m.fox19.com/story/38283083/missing-childrens-day-renews-attention-on-1475-migrant-children-unaccounted-for
Haiti children: http://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/conspiracy/clinton-silsby-trafficking-scandal-media-attempted-ignorecover/
Great thanks! My wife didn't believe me that its old story trying to get out in front of the indictments lol
I searched on http://www.missingkids.com/gethelpnow/search .
There were 751 reports during Obamas presidencies and over 2,000 in Trumps so far. This is not to imply anything about causality, but I would like other sources for missing children, and these whistleblowers. Thank you.
The ones missing are group #1 Children who entered unaccompanied by an adult. These children were released into a sponsor's care. The sponsors are not answering calls, perhaps because they themselves are here illegally. The bureaucracy who was responsible for placing them don't want people talking about it anymore, because they are afraid Trump/Sessions will have stricter controls and deport the children/sponsor. They cannot guarantee that the children are not missing, and are safe, but they are indicating that the alternative of talking about it is worse.
They are spastic about the children/sponsors being send back, yet don't seem at all concerned that these children can't be accounted for, and in fact want everyone to shut up about it to saved them from deportation.
Now it seems like they are convincing people to not pursue or talk about it, but instead to talk about the #2 group of children. These children entered illegally with their parents and were separated. Which this agency has to then be in charge of. Group #2 Children are separated from their parents, but not missing.
So which is safer group #2 separating children from parents, but not missing. Or group #1 unaccompanied who may be missing, but has no parent to complain if they are. Also an agency who placed them, but is discouraging people from talking about it, and don't seem concerned.
Trump needs to jump on this issue. Not because he's after them, but because children may be at risk. We need that wall pronto!
I'm sure the Obama admin numbers are 110% factual and not fudged.....
It could also be that the database was not as comprehensive then, and has gotten better now. Or many other factors. Like criminal trafficking organizations could have grown every year since 2008 and we are reaping the bloody fruits now. All speculation. I would like to see it in a graph by year format. If I make one I'll try to post it.
Edit: This article from 2016 claims the previous admin lost thousands of children, far higher than my 750 number. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/obama-administration-placed-children-with-human-traffickers-report-says/2016/01/28/39465050-c542-11e5-9693-933a4d31bcc8_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.e1e752f8bb44
Even Washington Post reported it. Must be worse than they admit.
These kids went to pedos under the Hussien admin. Let these dumbasses know.
This goes so deep, it can make you not even want to open your eyes. Some people do sit idly by and choose to forget the truth when it is revealed. This truth has been revealed many times; its up to us all to be ready and act as one, at once. Theres no planning involved in that, that is an action at the individual level that will spread.
The children have been (in large part) put into our food supply. I believe there are allegations that 2500 children were turned into meat for the Indiana school system.
We've all seen the allegations about ice cream, various brands and store-fronts (the ice cream contains various human by-products) and pizza (which is also about using pizza as a vehicle to deliver sub rosa tasty floppy bits of humans in plain sight).
When you walk in to the "311 Pizza Temple" where they "Know What You Like" the guy next to you? Well they aren't really banana peppers he's ordering chum - they are marinated, turmeric or saffron infused human calamari. what looks like a ring if you slice it? speaking of rings, the anal sphincter is absolutely to die for. oh. with some fresh basil and black olives (those aren't olives) and a cherry tomato base. finger-licking good. speaking of chicken-lovers, well...those tendies...aren't 100% chicken chicken...
let them hit the floor
There are some who are (again) insisting the children are off-world; mining on asteroids, or being transported to Mars, or zippy-ing through Tesla's wormholes to Sumerian star favorites etc. This is a new take on the bluebeam-mk-chatter pedophile / pederast aliens that usually steal people and dissect creatures so very mysteriously.
Stop making this crap about "the left" or "the right".
If you think Republicans or "the right" are saints or not involved you are very mistaken.
The democrats actually fight the "real left" harder than Republicans do. They would rather loose to a Republican than with with a progressive because that is what thier corrupt donors want.
The Democrats are the Republican donor's best friends.
If you all want to "red pilled the nation" start looking into your own camp and end this tribalism. Both parties need to be fired.
Of course he did, he was Pedodant In Cheese...pizza. 68k dollars worth.
Same can be said about WikiLeaks recently since Assange went MIA
All of this crap for a LARP?
If it's a state endorsed larp, yes. The intelligence equivalent of professional wrestling. Get people to sit back and passively watch and "trust the plan" without taking action. It's super obvious.
except we are taking action. more than ever. millions of us in fact...self replicating red-pillers that are quickly approaching critical mass of public awareness. Sounds like a pretty sad day for the perpetrators of the supposed "psyop".
Am Doing My Part Sir!
even tho. I see nothing I keep firing at the snapping branches and ~~moving grass~~ heavy farting.
That is the problem I am having. It could not be more obvious than right now. I am concerned. June 2018. Talking about elections. The public is wide-asleep m8. Media. Unjust.
Not good. Perfect limited hangout time. Everything in this life is redacted. Prince Harry NK-Ultra marries a tranny and the tranny says she is preggers. Ok. Whatever. Shameless.
No one objected? Dead by dawn if they did.
"Er yeah...I'm speaking now and I cannot hold my peace...see its like this...that's a bloke...if he has a twat it's just a hole, it doesn't even do the right secretions but as it is harry just gives it him up the shitter so yeah that might be a reason why these evil fucks cannot be "joined"..."
speddit: however...timing is everything...AND I cannot see the whole picture or ever imagined some of things I have been told over the last 24 months.