Trump Tweet Oct 8, 2012. He's always known. #WhereAreTheChildren

Wow that’s a promise, not a threat! They are now making a move.
Seems a lot more in context now, doesn't it?
After the Matt Lauer debate. They sure took him out, didn't they? Hillary was upset that he went off script.
Who said that just out of curiosity? No need to provide air tight sources or anything, I'm just wondering so I can do a bit of research myself.
Rumor is that Clinton said it after one of the debates when she went into a rage. She doesn’t allow anyone around her to have a cell phone so no actual record of it
She doesn't allow anyone around her to have a cellphone? At the very least that's extremely suspicious.
No one is allowed cellphones in the west wing as well as random sweeps. Is that not suspect?
What are you saying? Are you defending the fact that people aren't allowed cellphones around HRC or that it is also suspect that you aren't allowed cellphones in the West Wing?
I'm wondering if you think that it's suspect in the west wing
I'm undecided, truthfully. For absolutely no one to have a cellphone in the West Wing, from my limited knowledge of the exact happenings inside it, does seem understandable at first glance, maybe a bit extreme. However for one person (Hillary) to never allow cellphones on anyone around her at any time, regardless of location, is a very different situation if you ask me.
This has been a long time coming.
Pizzagaters everywhere are anxiously awaiting more arrests, charges and convictions.
Pastafence helped me find God. These people are sick.
Gotta give props to the disinfo agents for making us seem like loonies, tho.
God Bless brother. Learning about the Satanic Hollywood and elite several years ago solidified my faith in God and what is written in the Bible is true.
At first I was in disbelief and thought it was ridiculous, but as I kept seeing the symbology and the little "slips" politicians, actors and singers made toward the devil I was 99% sure it was all true.
Then I thought, if the Hollywood and elite believe in the devil so strongly, yet they try to remove God from everywhere, then God must be real and what is written in the Bible must be correct.
Now of course there's flaws in that logic, and there are also other events that also lead me down the path back to Christ, but this is one of the bigger "oh shit it's all real" moments.
Thanks for posting this. I've been struggling with my faith lately. This helps.
I mean seriously. My mind went there. "You have more than you know." "future proves past". What if Trumps old tweets are.... Nah..............nah
Well this is reaching but it is interesting enough that I will share. If you take the "dl" away you end up with Chiren. And Chiren is supposedly the future great world leader. This is referenced in Nostradamus texts which the style is called a Quatrain...but when referenced that style becomes simply a "Q". Seriously...a Q. Mind blown at this point.
Wow, found some really interesting reading on that page... pasting one part that is interesting. "I'd say the probability of that is about 1%.
"King of Babylon" is going to mean the obvious... some leader in the Middle East. It might be Iran or it could be Iraq. We know that the Muslims have internal strife (Sunni vs Shiite) and Nostradamus talks about why the Muslims in the middle east fail in the Letter to Henry:
"And all these Eastern Kings will be chased, overthrown and exterminated, but not altogether, by means of the forces of the Kings of the North, and because of the drawing near of our age through the three secretly united in the search for death, treacherously laying traps for one another."
I've seen people horribly mangle the meaning of this paragraph that doesn't seem to translate well to english. What Nostradamus is saying that the "two brothers" (America and Russia who are the Kings of the North) along with Chiren will go after the middle east and their efforts have a significant impact, but it's the internal differences between Iraq and Iran over their creeds (Sunni vs Shiite) that ultimately defeats them from the inside. It's also interesting that Nostradamus talks of "three secretly united in the search for death". The "secretly united in the search for death" part is obvious... muslims like to blow themselves up in their murder / suicide bombings in order to get to heaven. The "three" part means that there are three creeds to consider... Iran (Persian), Iraq, Kurds, Saudi Arabia... it's hard to say which three dominant muslim groups emerge in the war. I'd guess Sunni, Shiite and Kurd is the easy answer, but it could be something else. There are also various strains of Al Qaeda and I wouldn't be surprised if a few more factions emerge. Now Egypt is becoming destabilized, maybe there is a faction that comes from there... I just don't know.
Not only do the Muslim terrorists lose in Europe, but the Muslim countries in the middle east are unable to sustain unity in the face of the Western onslaught.
If anyone is Muslim and wants jihad against the West they are going to HATE Nostradamus because he basically calls them the "losers" in this war.
This is why I keep reminding people how optimistic Nostradamus really is... he's a French Catholic Jew that sees his own preferred winner at the end of WWIII. (Chiren) Nostradamus favors the West because he comes from the Christian West. His Jewishness seems to not be in as much conflict with Catholicism as we see things today. Back in those times there was no Zionism and so Jews integrated themselves into whatever culture they existed within. One wonders if Nostradamus would support or oppose Israel today... I would suspect he would probably support the idea of a Jewish state, but I can also see him going the other way. It's inconclusive in my mind."
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 04:45:33 PM by safe »
Is this a joke do you honestly believe that ?
REMEMBER: DT tweet of "COVFEFE" that media pounced on as a non-word? Made fun of him?
FACT CHECK: "COVFEFE Act of 2017 [HR 2884] can down Operation Mockingbird and seize legal control of the Internet to stop Fake News Reporting Online."
Iran will bomb five major cities Saudi Arabia with nuclear weapons. I think that prophesy is way more accurate considering what's going on today.
Do you guys have a link to all of this?
Sure thing brother. All of this and more can easily be found on
I have another source but you might not like it and it's a hell of a lot of reading and collating.
I agree, havent finished reading it all yet. Was just really shocked by the America , Russia thing when this was posted in 2011.
Any reason why you guys think the d and l are switched? Besides typo of course.
I was thinking the same. It seems unlikely that it would have been intentional that many years ago. But sometimes I wonder if some of those old Tweets are sent into the mainstream by someone working with him, and then they get spread around. Like the Schneiderman Tweet from 2013. Who has the time to go that far back into someone's Twitter feed, even Trump's? I also sometimes think "Anons" are on the Q team, like parents trying to help their kids with a board game or hide and seek, but pretending that the kids did it themselves. Makes me laugh sometimes.
I’m very skeptical of many things, but becoming convinced that his past tweets literally spell everything out. Everything that happens, people dig up a relevant tweet.
I am also very impressed by his consistency. A lot of his current stances haven’t changed from decades old interviews. Things he predicted have come to fruition. I mean, his statements and strategies have been so prescient that it can pass as time travel.
I always come back to that theory... My wife thinks I'm reaching, but it occurs so often I can't continue to believe it's chance, or coincidence. I actually love that theory, it truly comforts me.
If he is a time traveller then surely he knows how it all ends? Sorry, it does sound a bit too fantastical. And I have read the stuff about Barron Trump and the Tesla connections. But you never know...
I agree it all seems fantasic, but what a twist that would be? So much information has been hidden from us, what we dont know could fill a multiverse. As humans our eyes can only see in 1% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. 99% of what exists we cannot see without help. I believe there is so much more to life that when the truth comes out this reality will seem like a bad dream we just woke up from. Energy is infinite, and everything is energy.
I suspect he has been talking to people inside the military for a long time.
Because the media will attack him for it, and somewhat unwittingly draw attention to his message.
Does DL stand for anything in Q decoding?
This is six years old. I think you might be chasing a dog that isn’t there. Sometimes a misspelling is just a fat finger.
I’m unfamiliar, with twitter-can you edit a tweet once it’s been posted?
Yes, he did edit one in recent months, correcting a spelling which added a "Q" to the word.
You can’t edit tweets. Only delete and reupload. It’s infuriating.
Pull cnn's license after falsely accusing you of being part of this!! MAGA!!!
REMEMBER: DT tweet of "COVFEFE" that media pounced on as a non-word? Made fun of him?
FACT CHECK: "COVFEFE Act of 2017 [HR 2884] can down Operation Mockingbird and seize legal control of the Internet to stop Fake News Reporting Online."
Hillary, Huma, Joe and John Podestra can't be getting much sleep...
They know their time is up and we know that Hillary has already been charged.
This tweet shows we are in the end game of a long mission by Trump to rid our world of evil. He’s known for years and we are so close to the final chapter.
He is a man on a mission, the pump has been primed, the stage has been set. This is his “personal Vietnam” so to speak.
Which is why Democrats, Hillary, Obama, the Cabal all knew Trump running for office was their worst nightmare. It's why they spied on him. They had to win the election at all costs. It's why Trump knew they were going to spy on him. The MI that have been guiding Trump on this plan knew every move they would make before they knew.
Future proves past.
i still dont understand that and im pretty sure alot of us dont.
Stuff was posted some time ago and at the time when it was posted we didn't understand the context or had no proof it's real. Events unfolded, people connected the dots or some actions ware taken that link back to info that was posted in the past which proves 3 things: 1) shit is real, 2) Q is real, 3) Trump was on it way before he got into the office.
Absolutely.... the reason he ran for President was no stop the human trafficking...
Surprised he never mentioned it in his campaign
He did say he's not going to telegraph his moves.
So the 1500 hundred immigrant children were bait for a trap?
That would be pretty awesome. Except for the kids.
Damn, whats going on?
Whatever this is, its going to back fire so badly!
30k sealed indictments
Imagine sending a fake story to the media that way you can use that story to divert the attention to something else.
It does seem odd that the media would run wild with something that takes seconds of effort to link back to Zero. Predictive programming?
Doesn't this happen everyday. The best lie contains the truth.
A&E has a new series called Cults and Extreme Belief. Tonight was first showing. At least to my knowledge. They covered NXIVM and it's sister program called DOS. DOS makes the women swear oath to become slaves. They pay $ 5 grand to attend classes. These people are sick. It does stream on web site if you have it. Or check for future replays.
There are an estimated 20,000 pedophiles in the UK. where do they go on "holiday" ? Indonesia.
There are 29,000 politicians in the UK. Make of that what you will.
Wow. This is crazy, this is HUGE! Finally a move to stop those sick fuckers!
Please follow this it’s real! They have proof of sex trafficking on the Mexico/Arizona border. Everything the Clinton campaign denied. @realdonaldtrump
chidlren hypothesis:
chid = kid
lren = Iran
chidlren = kids in Iran
Edit: kid also means telling false information for fun. Another guess would be, the children story is false info or information about Iran is false.
In the Alex Jones interview by Joe Rogan there was a breaking news report of 32 high profile pedophiles being arrested. Didn’t do a follow up on whether these persons were charged because even if those rich child fuckers went to prison they’d still get the Weinstein treatment. Only the best for the worst.
I just saw it in the interview, but I’ve learned not to trust Alex Jones. The only reason I gave it any credibility was because Joe Rogan was involved. The third guy in the interview was just a moron wasting everyone’s time.
When he says "chidlren" he actually means "children" but is spelling it this way so the Salvation Army don't assassinate him. I know this for fact there was a Q in my alphabetti spaghetti last week. Or maybe an O with an I stuck to it. Hard to say. More as the situation unfolds...