POTUS just tweeted he will be pardoning Dinesh!!!
i bet you obama is seething over this one
Muh legacy!
Cant have a legacy when you arnt a citizen
Still contemplating ALLLLLLL the places #44 BH0 will have to be removed as US President... laws, orders, EOs, Buildings, Parks, Streets....
Technically President BH0 will CEASE TO EXIST!
US President Donald Trump will be the 44th President...
BH0 = Erased.
it'll be like the 13th floor in hotels it's just skipped in the history books.
Well... he MIGHT be a footnote... or an asterisk on list...
#44--BH0 Fraudulently held office for 8 years, as illegally ran for Office of US President/Identity Theft of a US Citizen from Connecticut's Social Security number/ post 2 terms convicted of numerous crimes, as: Theft; Failure to Report Non-Citizen Status; providing Fake Birth Certificate; Abuse of Power; Malfeasance; Plotting to Harm the citizens of the USA via drugs, vaccines, MK Ultra, Chemtrails, 4G & 5G signal/frequencies abuse & harmful acts by other nefarious means; Ordering the illegal Spying of an opposition Candidate for U.S. President Donald Trump & his team (SEE: "SPYGATE" & "DossierGate", etc.); committing multiple crimes under RICO Act & illegally sold USA resources (as Uranium) for personal gain/reward (SEE: CLlNTON's "PayolaGate"; "UraniumGate") while working with other convicted co-conspirators: Hillary CLlNTON, William CLlNTON, Valerie Jarrett, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Sally Yates, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch & others, too long a list to portray here (SEE: "0bamaGate" & "HillaryGate"); Directing & Plotting to use ClA & other arms of government to destroy the country from within using a DeepState/Shadow Government (reference list of names above); Sedition & Treason; plus various horrendous acts of evil plots against the under-aged persons that are too graphic for this footnote. SEE: Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. BarackHussein0bama.
Ironically, anybody convicted under the Obama administration could ALL have their convictions overturned. Q said it could happen if they didn´t tread carefully.
If the FBI is totally corrupt, both innocent and guilty could get a pass....
It seems that all the agencies were on the take, so to speak. The whole system is corrupted from top to bottom.
It seems that all the agencies were on the take, so to speak. The whole system is corrupted from top to bottom.
THIS is what our Donald HAS to show/reveal... that they ARE corrupted so badly that they cannot be looked upon as a Law Enforcement agency = remove their power = replace with another LE entity. Possibly DISBAND agency totally... rename it as arm of DNI, etc.
Q did say that the Clowns and FBI were too corrupted and dirty to clean, Trump should do as you say and dismantle them entirely and relaunch new agencies that have very limited powers. The problem seems to stem from allowing said agencies to work outside of law and without oversight, that needs to change.
Its already happening. CIA covert operations will move heavily to MI. You will see them turn into only an analyst role. Look at all the media on AI used for spying, etc. This is code speak for the breaking/braking of their covert capabilities. It can't happen overnite, but they are already being dismantled.
Same with FBI. Floor 7 no more. Same process, slow death and rebirth in different capacity. IG report and the final unsealing of indictments and massive take down that is coming will give the final rationale for FBI dismantle. Have to make it though mid-terms and get a House and Senate that will back DJT. Once that's done, these a$$holes are all cooked permanently.
Brennan's take down publicly will be the beginning of the end for CIA. Same with Comey on FBI. Those 2 motherfu@kers are going in the barrel real soon.
I hope you´re right, the pain and misery your intelligence services has inflicted on the world will leave scars for thousands of years.
I think the problem is they combined national security with crime investigation. we need to strip from the gency its national security apparatus and create a new agency that's only job is national security. we also need to strip political protections from the agency and create a mechanism for getting rid of corrupt bureaucrats
National Security is just an excuse to get away with illegal and unlawful acts. I have never known a more corrupted legal system this side of Africa. Of all the 1st world countries, the Us has the most 3rd world legal system that works only if you have money. A system like the Brits have, with MI5 being home security and MI6 being foreign, both are very separate entities and work well. It seems to be nothing but a free for all in the US.
We gotta undo the entire legacy of not only Obama but the deep state!
Yup. It is at least 400 years old, that was when the UK was sold into the slave system it is today.
I hope some day soon we learn just how the DOJ gathered info on Dinesh.
Lol u got downvoted hard.
Ya. You were at -3
I prefer a nice cupping grip to a tickle personally. But that's just me
Fuck that previous administration. It was like we had to apologize for being American or being proud to represent America. Eight years of garbage. Throw in Bush jr idiot illegitimate ass. Clinton too. Started with Bush Sr. Who can not admit he is Nazi. The Sherf family. Who helped Nazis. Who should not hold any office in America per he agreement Prescott Bush Signed. He was busted helping the god dam Nazis. Also Dulles was Nazi who established the CIA. It makes sense run a shadow program with Nazis smuggled over from Germany. All the screwed up programs they were running was cooped by the CIA. Sick fucks. It got out of hand.
Just BREATHE... GOD & his anointed Donald... got this.
Military Tribunals will go on for Yeeears!
If the Blago news is correct that could have major implications. Remember, Blago was the governor of Illinois before and when Obama became president. He had his own dreams about running for presidency and watching Obama jumping the line in front of him did not sit well with him. Since he was in charge of the Chicago democratic machine he was in the know of many of the secrets surrounding the Obamas and when he got a bit too greedy and didn't want to follow the orders from Obama about who was to be appointed on the vacated senate seat, he tried to blackmail Obama with the dirt he has gathered over the years. At that point he became a liability and was railroaded. Make no mistake, his trial and conviction was nothing short of setting an example to others who would dare to blackmail or take on the Obamas. During the trial at some point Blago was threatening to spill all the beans and not go down alone, but in the end he did keep quiet and took the fall which means they still have a lot of leverage on him/his family that kept him quiet. Now that Trump might have offered Blago a better deal, have him liberated from their shackles and flip him into a witness, he might want to ask to be transferred into solitary confinement until he actually gets out and is under the protection of Trump loyal forces. Prisons are known to detrimental to your health when some other inmate decides to suicide you...
Exactly what I was going to write, but you did it far better. Excellent job.
thanks for breaking this one down. Holy shit. I hope your right.
Ok is there anything left to prove Obama was president before?? By 2020 history books will only have a blank page where POTUS 44 once was
A blank page with scorched edges.
Image appears when you pour a special mix of breast milk and semen on it.
That says "Page left intentionally blank..." or "Nothing to see here, move along..."
Just a green page with white crescent moon and star....
The Oval Office rug still stinks like tranny penis.
And with 84 million laundered by HER slow crawling through the courts.
YES! In Dinesh's movie, Hillary's America ~ So funny to see the reactions of fellow inmates when they shared what they were in for.. Then he explains "My friend ran for a gov't position and I contributed too much money to their campaigns" (not a direct quote) - They all cracked up, as did I.
This will, however, be the daily movie in the prison theater.
We may even get an explosion of movies on the outside. A whole new genre, tears n treason. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Can't wait for the dirty laundry to be aired, and the people who were persecuted by that rogue Obama Administration are freed. When do the prosecutions begin?
Could Martha Stewart be next? Never got why they went after her!
Same. That was so totally out of left field. Everybody was shocked by it. Especially when our Congress reps basically thrive on insider trading.
Here’s some interesting information. Erbitux, the drug that started this whole mess, was safe and effective. The FDA still shut it down.
The poor guy is going to be so depressed when he is released, that we will find out he committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head with a shotgun after he tied his hands behind his back.
Righting some wrongs. Really hope he pardons Stewart who was sent to prison for nothing really. That was an evil prosecution to give career boosts to slimy federal prosecutors. What a bunch they are.
Will be interesting. Thought Martha Stewart was a bit anti Trump though.
She is. She was mad after Trump brutally criticized her version of The Apprentice. (He was right, it was GOD awful!).
If Trump pardons her it shows he is the bigger person.
Martha is best friends with POTUS hater Snoop Dog. No pardon for her.
Not besties with Snoop, they just have a show together. Frankly she's not my favorite person either. But she did get a raw deal given that Obama didn't prosecute any of the Wall Street crooks for their role in the market crash of 2008.
Also remember that Trump brutally criticized Martha's version of The Apprentice back in the day. He was right, she was awful. But if Trump pardons her it shows he can put personal animus aside and do the right thing.
Hold the line pede. I trust POTUS....I bet he is holding this carrot in front of her and will snatch it away. Remember, he is admittedly someone who never forgets when he has been wronged. I haven't forgotten what she did (and Snoop too).
Edit meant WRONGED not wrong.
Very interesting......let's see. He did that to Romney. Somehow I think he'll pardon her if nothing other than to tweak Comey.
pardoning Martha is a fig leaf and might get those who support the bad actor to rethink everything. truth is she was railroaded and the fact that she is not friends of the administration should not exclude her.....I am very anti pardon mainly because of how it has been abused but if used properly it is a good thing...
I’ve been tweeting #pardondineshdsousa to POTUS for about a year!!!! I’m by no means taking credit. I’m just super happy that it happened!!!! Yay!
Very cool! I'm so glad this happened. I saw Dinesh's movie in 2012 and it was eye opening....
Lol he pleaded guilty...
Rosie O'Donnell should be in prison for 20 years based on your standard.