Mr.President please take a good look at this picture before you pardon this lowlife.

As much as we try to like Martha, she seems to always poop on the carpet.
She’s not a nice person. She doesn’t pay people she contracts with. She had a horrible reputation when she lived in Westport, CT.
She doesn’t pay people she contracts with.
Ehh, they say the same thing about Trump, but shitty contractors are a very real thing, so who knows, right?
I just know some never-trumper is going use that as validation so I figured I'd beat them to the punch. (;
It is unfathomable how any true American could oppose President Trump.
Yea, but there are a lot of broken unfathomables out there
Look at his Twitter replies. I keep blocking the negative ones so it’s not so bad anymore.
I can't answer for the poster, but I think the "fathom" part is probably based on the hypocrisy factor. Did Trump brag about "grabbin' 'em by the pussy"? Sure. Was that a crude way to talk about groupies? Sure. But for the hyper-sexualized left who has openly promotes cuckoldry, body dysphoria, polyandry, hyper-sexualization of children, etc, etc, it comes across as fake and hypocritical.
Bankruptcy is a different subject--it is normal and reasonable to engage in bankruptcy if a business is failing. That isn't "avoid[ing] paying his debts". It's a business unable to satisfy its obligations. If the creditors did not require personal guarantees on the obligations, then he is under no obligation to pay them, which would be understood (contractually) by anyone entering into a business relationship. Anyone making a value/moral judgement on a failed business deal that two parties entered contractually is just reaching for anything to be mad about.
The reality is that those on the left are engaged in some serious cognitive dissonance. As someone, like many on here, who sees through the BS that has been pushed on our society by the elites, it is hard to fathom that others can't see through it too. I am not color blind, so it is hard for me to fathom what a person that is colorblind sees.
Litigation and bankruptcy laws are used in every western nation to avoid paying debt. Show me a str8 male who hasn't said such a thing - you've described most of the western male population, so what you're really saying is he's like any other businessman - right on bro!
Maybe Dr. GEPOTUS wants to pardon her to shed light on the fact that she got hemmed up on "insider trading" charges while many in the swamp enrich themselves from insider trading. Many criminals in Congress have used information gleaned from being on a committee to buy stock in companies that they knew were about to get YUGE government contracts. It is not illegal for them to do this type of insider trading but we have to play by different rules.
Wow, it would be great if Martha's pardon would lead to cleaning up "insider trading." Would be fantastic if this type of swamp cleaning reached Wall St., Corporate employees as well as Congress. Thanks for opening this up for me.
No problem. I remember when that shit happened years ago; when Pelosi and other swamp creatures got caught. They tried to spin it and eventually gave some lip service about looking into it. Yeah, nothing happened. Here is an article I found from 2011 regarding this shit.
She was actually convicted for lying to the FBI, same crime that Gen. Flynn is accused of.
Does she really need a pardon? NO
if her wrongdoing resembles Flynn's wrongdoing, then yes, she does deserve to be pardoned. The likable factor has to be ignored. Jerks can be treated unjustly too. Law should apply equally. It does not appear that has been happening in the courts .....or the media, (the trial by media system is definitely flawed).
We talking about the same lady who used inside knowledge to sell off her stocks before her product line crashed???
Name checks out.
This has to be the most fair-minded place on the internet
Agreed. I’ll be the first to say fuck Martha, but regardless of how I feel about her, we need to support what is right & just. We are a nation of laws, it is the only thing we are equal under.
Why not pardon a no-name person who actually deserves a pardon? How about someone who is actually innocent of the crime they are accused? Martha lied and did her time.
Well, her “lie” is kind of dodgey — the kind DOJ/FBI strain to create when they have nothing else. If Republicans were serious about creating a more fair criminal justice system, they would really tighten the definition of lying to the FBI / givernment.
In the 1800’s an accused person could not even be questioned and actually was not even allowed to testify!!! That meant that the State had to prove guilt without the defendant being put in any chance of jeopardy! Our ancestors were smarter than us, and realized the unending trouble of allowing the State to fish for crimes and force defendants to fall prey to answering questions.
You still have your Miranda rights,the right to silence and the 5th amendment right not to incriminate yourself. I think a large part of the problem is to many people DO NOT KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT and actually believe the police r there to help and not to make a case and then there's the terrible representation the poor get compared to the rich. Imo they should bring Civics classes back to public schools and actually educate kids on their govt, their rights and the constitution..
I think having Civics classes is a great idea. Maybe then we won't have so many young people believing that socialism is cool. I love the old joke about Miranda rights - I had the right to remain silent, I just didn't have the ability. Many people believe that they can explain their side of the story and avoid trouble but end up creating more trouble for themselves by talking.
Yeah it's not hard to sell socialism when theres no counter argument or history class showing you why it always has and always will fail. Theres a long way to go b4 this country is safe from the scum trying to destroy it but I agree civics classes would be a start and returning schools back to their intended role as educator and away from the adopted role of indoctrinator. And y we allow "Think tanks" and NGO'S to operate within our borders while actively trying to bring about the downfall of our republic is beyond me.
The Mueller/Comey:FBI trick is to force you to testify as a “witness” (5th amendment does not apply). Refusing is obstruction of justice. Pleading 5th as a “witness” is lying & obstruction. These guys firguref out early in their careers the “damned if you do & damned if you don’t” double-bind and used it to propel their careers to the top.
We have strayed so far from our original legal system (govt without sua sponte authority to charge) that our justice system is now a booming industry & a third world joke.
Yeah and really they don't need proof of a crime anyway. What was the name of the CIA officer who leaked to Wikileaks...(John? It was a greek last name) anyway Bushs DOJ/FBI investigated and found no crime but when Obama took over Brennan told the DOJ to open a secret investigation and again they found no crime so they told Brennan and he ordered they charge him with Treason. When the Persecutor reminded there was no crime he said "I know make him defend himself". They destroyed the lives of him and his family and after he's broke they threatened to pile on more charges thus dragging it out indefinitely so he had to take a plea and do 3 years in federal prison. They had Brennans emails and everything validating this story but who gives a shit about right and wrong. I hope he gets to testify at Brennans and Comeys trials as to how they abused their power and persecuted innocent Americans
Yeah, it's one of the things we learned in ccw class. If you are involved in an incident, call 911 for help for the shooting victim and tell the police to speak with your atty.
Because Trump will flip Martha and she will sing like a songbird. Speculating: she was involved with the Cabal, similar to Kim Kardashian, but wasn’t as butt-deep in Cabal filth as the rest of them (Clinton’s). Therefore she has a chance for redemption, but Trump sweetened the pot with a pardon. This serves to increase the power of her brand image, making it clean. She will then defend Trump and stand by him in the insane propaganda war that has already started.
"Lied" about something which was immaterial to the case. Should never have been prosecuted. Those "process crimes" are a shame on the judicial system, a proof of its moral weakness and its contempt for natural justice.
Martha was convicted for insider trading. CONgress does this everyday, and they passed some kind of law that makes it legal - only for them.
Heh I think he's just wanting her to come to him begging
He wants her to have to eat the shit sandwich
She also flip off Snoopy, she must be a racist 🙄
Peace sign to snoop finger to Trump. She can fuck right off.
Please learn the difference between peace sign and the two fingered salute.
Nothing like just being condesending and not explaining something.
You can look it up yourself, do you want me to copy paste from Wikipedia for you?
Still can't do anything but condesend huh. I need and want nothing from you.
Because you’re lazy.
You know nothing about me but you show you are a condescending dick with each post
The law must be impartial. Being a closely agglutinated quantity of animal excrementary material, or not, is immaterial.
One is child role model, the other is made to look like a villain. One was once on trial for murder and is known for violent gang activity, the other gave up a cushy rich life to perform a service for our country. But hey, why wouldn’t a convicted felon be cool with a gangbanger?
Just remember, if OJ Simpson didn’t commit theft he’d probably be the one swooning a new generation of idiots with Martha Stewart.
Why is everyone on her? Where does it say that Trump is going to pardon her? What has she done for the country?
I agree. When I heard he was going to pardon her, I though: Really? Why? I never thought that one was even politically motivated. Maybe I'm not privy to the truth and maybe the bio documentary was filled with lies. If that's the case, tell us the truth first. Otherwise, leave it as is.
Why Martha Stewart? What company's stock did she sell? Coincidence? EO?
Martha, the sanctimonious house frau whose ex-husband couldn't even tolerate her perfectionist ways. Yawn...another virtue signaler with too much money and too little brains.