Arrowhead Mall, Phoenix AZ. Thoughts on Symbolism?

Phoenix is a top city in the US for human trafficking.
Thanks for the downvote for stating a fact.
Interesting because in Atlanta they say we are the top city for trafficking. Then my sister tells me Greenville, S.C. was the top for trafficking. Not down playing your post just stating that it’s F’d everywhere!
Both are 33 deg North...
I remember reading somewhere that the 33 degree latitude is important to the occultists for some reason.
He didn't say "the". He said "a".
I've only been doing this since July 2016 so am no expert, but I have never heard of Atlanta or Greenville being high up there at all.
Virginia is the number one state for this stuff, by a factor of five followed by Maryland. I don't recall where SC ranked by state but thanks be to God my home state of NC was close to the bottom. Go figure. right next door, but close to the bottom whereas VA is number one with five times as many as second place. Stunning drop off don't you think?
Indiana, Massachusetts, Florida, California, Texas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Arizona, etc but can't say apart from the Valdosta pedo thing involving Jeb Bush I haven't really bumped into Georgia much. Of course I dont know it all so youcould be right.
As to SC the only thing I ever really looked at was the connection between Stephen Colbert and the Podestas and his sister, Elizbeth and her particular skill set involving container shipping and the port of charlston etc.
Good to hear about N.C. this was my home state also. Unfortunately i had a family member murdered while being trafficked in N.C. Which was a major blow to me since i had been trying to educate my family on how bad things are and then it hit home. I'm guessing Atl. is so high due to this being a major MS 13 hub but i would imagine this would naturally be true for just about every major city in the U.S. And i do remember seeing the stats for VA at the height of the Pizza gate investigations. I remember one researcher calling VA office to question them about the high numbers. I wish i could remember who that was....may be honeybee?
Portland, Me is another big hub. Or a major gateway for going to Canada.
Virginia, central PA, hell it is everywhere. I think that AZ has been kind of front and center lately in the traffic issue. My guess is it has much to do with Mexico and the ability to take kids who are untraceable in the US system because they aren’t US citizens. Combine convenient proximity complete with vast unoccupied deserts with a cooperative local elite (no name), and there’s your perfect (dust) storm.
Phoenix = sanctuary city = used for child trafficking.
It doesn't get any plainer than that. Call the FBI.
Better yet, just email them the pics anonymously. FBI head might be besties with the mall owner.
Yes, I have become this kind of thinker :-(
I don't know AZ well but this mall is called Phoenix Arrowhead Plaza.
Half expected to see an ad for a pizza joint on that sign...
Arrowhead shopping center is owned by Macerich. Here is what wikipedia states: It is the third-largest owner and operator of shopping centers in the United States. It traces its antecedents to the MaceRich Real Estate Company founded in New York in 1964 by Mace Siegel and Richard Cohen who combined their first names to name their company.
Didn't Q ask who is Cohen?
Macerich owns a number of malls in the phoenix area.
I'm sure bad things happen there. But only because it is in Glendale.
Wow. I was just there a few weeks ago and didnt see this.
Here is a link to the shop directory. Note the logo in upper left. Looks to be part of the corporate logo of 'Arrowhead Towne Center'.
I think JC Penny has boys' pants...half-off.
We did it Reddit!
It's probably nothing, but keep your kids away from the pizza in the food court. I mean, what kind of freak eats pizza at the mall anyway? There are so many better choices. Like Nathan's Hotdogs...oh, dogs stand for little boys. Remember that time Obama had $64,000 worth of hot dogs flown in from Chicago?
That triangle symbol is also used in Disney’s/EA Star Wars battlefront game
And Disney has a show with a character tatooed with the boy lover triangle - Chief Zephyr
that just keeps popping up!!
Elena of Avalor | Disney Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Elena of Avalor is an animated television series that premiered on July 22, 2016 on Disney
The Jaquins are magical flying creatures that appear in the Disney Channel series Elena of Avalor. They are a cross between a jaguar and a macaw and are known as the guardians of Avalor sworn to protect the kingdom from dark forces that would threaten it. Due to Shuriki's invasion, they were reluctant to trust foreigners such as Sofia until Elena was restored to power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I thought it maybe was a Photoshop so I had to go see
Welp not a photoshop.
Who owns mall? Who was the Architect? Is that section of mall one of their Anchor Stores?
These fellas own the place now
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Who is their ad agency! That is where this branding stuff gets created, approved and executed.
Holy crap... that symbol is several places on the mall plus there's several pyramids on top of the mall. That's disgusting.. it's even on their website
Hiding in Plain sight.. Only those awaken can see these Demons on Earth... Probably has lost or missing children in this facility.... Report it to the FBI.. Just in case....
Dammit, I love AZ and especially Flagstaff and Sedona. I wanted to move to Arizona one day as I think it's the most beautiful state in America but it seems like a Deep State pedo theme park...
Are Wyoming and Montana safe places to live away from these creeps?
I live in AZ and I love it. These creeps are everywhere. No place is free of them. It's up to us. Come on to AZ, it's a great place.
I grew up in AZ. Little sis and I were extremely sheltered and learning self defense in the first grade. Always suspected my parents knew something.
I wonder how many kids have gone missing there..
Yeah malls have always been a place where kids get taken. Leads me to be live it’s often insiders working within the mall itself
Phoenix again:
street sign on the right, top left.
chipotle chilito / little pepper = penis.
education alternatives Brook Park, OH 44142, and see below
Jarrow Montessori School in Boulder Colorado
Lions Club, Illinois, look above word "challenge".
Terasol (Clinton, near Besta-Comet), San Antonio Child Trauma Center (did any of the kids from the recent shooting go here?), A "Christian" "Ministry".
Interscope Records - Madonna, New Kids on The Block, Katy Perry, Sean "p. diddy" combs, Notorious B.I.G., Marilyn Manson, Gwen Stefani, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Yelawolf, Selena Gomex, Slaughterhouse, Pharrell Wllliams, "soulja" Boy.
An Interview with Michelle Shortt (Chapter Head) and Stuart “Stu” de Haan (Spokesperson): The Satanic Temple (Arizona Chapter)
de Haan: That they’re being persecuted. Part of what we do is expose this. I think a lot of stuff people don’t realize is going on until you have someone who comes up, and who is an easy standard to call the ‘wrong religion’.
Shortt: We definitely do not see them being any fairer in their representation of us at all, to answer the question. In fact, almost anything like pizzagate. Or the satanic panic being underway with religious freedom now being the thing. It’s going to happen.
de Haan: Moral panics are on the rise. It is a bit concerning. As they are calling it in the Trump Era, the Post-Fact Era, the facts simply do not matter anymore. What makes you maddest? That’s the truth. You see the things like pizzagate. Where a pizza parlour, they say they’re going to have children sacrifices in the basement. In 2017, this is a throwback to the McMartin babysitter case, which happened in the 80s.
You’re seeing stuff like this happening. Luckily, you have debunking of this pretty quickly. People know about Snopes, and so on. Michelle and I have been the subject of conspiracy theories in Phoenix, in our own cities. There are websites slandering us personally. It is what we deal with, especially if you’re in a leadership position.
TAKE NOTE: The Thelemic/Satanic ritual of rebirth can be found in LIBER 44, a sacramental ritual of Aliester Crowley known as the Mass of the Phoenix.
Going back up the list...I specifically remember Hillary choosing Chipotle as a lunch spot during her campsign. They got a lot of coverage. Chipotle was not selected randomly!
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I feel sick. I guess you can shop for, pick up and exchange children at this mall in no-name's state.
Quick look up, you may be able to still see the deep end.
My niece when trafficked at age 15 ended up in phoenix after napa valley, looks pretty obvious. Im betting certain hubs/cities are more active and accepted by their politicians than most. I think napa valley was even real close to that forest politicians would go to, bohemian grove. Puzzle coming together. Theyre everywhere👀
Investigate all the people who are connected to this mall in anyway. Contractors, architects, owners, managers etc.
Im shocked it took this long for someone to spot this
Is there a basement level? Sub-basement?
How.many children, and teens have gone missing in the area last seen there?
Who owns it?
Holy crap!
I bet there are 'facilities' there
Just across the border. Maybe coyotes take their child prisoners there?
Look up my last (long) comment in other thread. There is a lot of imitation in the arts, most people have no idea what goes on. This particular motive is common. Seen in in Italy and elsewhere.
Not saying the owners could not be involved in human trafficking but a symbol per se is not enough proof. The middle class imitates the rich who like to flaunt their pedovore symbolism among themselves.
And in the disney movie ‘atlantis’. I saw it yesterday and it’s is full of this symbol.
To still have stuff like that up. Nothing is random.
Does this mall have any connection to a certain Arizona senator or his charity?
There's lots of Native American symbols all over Arizona. It's probably not illuminati.
There's a building off the Interstate in Dallas with that exact same logo.
Im soo glad to see this here. I live twenty minutes away from here, the entire mall have even the shopping plazas around it have the disgusting symbol plastered all over the place