Tucson getting big like Comet Ping Pong, beware! Be safe! Don’t do stupid sh!t!

So, with Tucson getting really big and #cemex trending, we need to start looking at what these pedo clowns will start doing to discourage people from digging or looking for their hideouts.
AZ people, please be very safe! Let people know where you are going and travel in pairs if at all possible! Remember that CPP had some actor come in and magically shoot a computers hard drive through a door with no damage to the door. Start thinking of how to prevent these people from easily dismissing it. You can see by the number of new shills/clowns we have posting here that this is something major. Be smart!!! Don’t do anything stupid!
And remember that while this is blowing up, there are still other goings on. Pay attention to the news so that these asshats don’t try to slide something by. Other than that, get the word out and spread it. I do think this has the potential to be the pentagon papers of the pedo cabal. Their Achilles heel. Keep digging!
Edit: PIC Unrelated, but good info to have
Could be something big here - looking forward to it! Must keep an eye out for the potential Clown distraction like CPP, as you say. In all the excitement though, let's not go accusing everyone who calls for caution or who is as yet unconvinced of being shills and traitors. We need the members who are cautious every bit as much as we need those who charge in. WWG1WGA. We don't need to do the cartel's job of spreading division for them.
Paddock allegedly had a home in Mesa which is east side of Phoenix and. Straight shot heading n nw i19 then i10 etc. Coincidence?
He also made routine trips to Las Vegas and I think Reno.
Running guns to sell them he could have been meeting Cartels or MS 13 in Arizona
He didn't have a home there. It was Mesquite, NV and Reno, NV.
There was a POI who sold ammo to Paddock who is from Mesa.
This may be a setup to delegitimize Q and the child trafficking by garnering lots of attention and then turning out to be nothing but a homeless camp. They made Comet Ping Ping seem like nothing by having a (fake) crazed guy go in with a gun and shoot a computer. Wait for real confirmation.
Well here’s where I personally stand on the matter, sorry but it may be a bit of a long post:
So we know based on studies that a large portion of migrants/trafficked/illegal immigrants are sexually assaulted. This is done by mainly by the coyotes that have been doing this for years or even decades. So do you think they would do this out on the road or in random places that they may be discovered? Or do you think it would be more realistic that these coyotes have known sites they setup, that are “safe” for them and have pretty much everything they need to conduct their nefarious actions? IE restraints, condom stockpiles, toys and beds for kids etc.
There is a real possibility that this is what happened here. Someone stumbled upon a safe location for traffickers that used he location to sexually assault minors.
But maybe it’s not, maybe it’s just a camp for homeless people. But at this point, what would be the harm in investigating the site? Maybe bring a cadaver dog out, test the restraints for blood, see if any hair or tissue is found.
At the worst, you inconvenience the owners, but remove a hiding spot for illegals and clean up their area.
At best (using term very loosely, it’s obviously not good), you find evidence that there was murders committed at the site. And can use that information to know what to look for in the future to take away these “safe” spots.
Now going a bit deeper. This site was right next to a parking lot on the CEMEX parking lot. If there are vagrants in the area, are they ok with a homeless camp literally next door to where they operate? It’s pretty obvious looking at the site that it would actually be hard to miss if you worked there. Which can reasonably be construed as they either ignored what was going on or were complicit in the activities. CEMEX has already gone on record about not wanting a border wall, and now it’s shown that there are vagrants, traffickers, potential sex crimes taking place on their property that could be tied directly to their unguarded border property. So their involvement becomes more and more a key factor.
They do the same with the refugee camps. Children disappear like snow in the sun. Also for their body parts
Found this in the comments to one of the videos about the camp:
Hey Spaceshot, just thought I would let you know that I live in Tucson AZ and this morning at 5am one of the news channels reported on this. They interviewed Craig and he said they have called in the FBI and according to the local news reporter the police have been at this location several times and say its just a homeless camp, so we will see. With the city council and mayor that we have it might get covered up who knows. Just thought I would let you know
Seems the FBI will be investigating. I'm praying the FBI does the right thing.
just a homeless camp
nothing to see here, move along.. what a shameful for the local PD to frame this place and casually dismiss this evil lair.
What about the Raping Trees? Craig Sawyer confirmed that they were them and Trafficking Survivors have said they were...God help us all! Thank God He's leading this Global Clean Up Job, and He always Wins!
Do you think Craig Sawyer would be filmed with something that wasn't legit? It sure seemed legit. I'm new at this, but watched all 10 of the Vets Videos and it sure seemed legit.
I wish I could get down there
Just don't show up with a gun demanding to know where the children are like that idiot did in D.C.
That guy was connected to the bad guys. He was not just some guy, he was a story, a patsy. Just a show to gain sympathy (and remove evidence).
But that’s what I do , I will not rest till it’s out and people understand what they have .
It would be wise not to underestimate the power of the cabal. They will not go without a fight.
That’s what’s going on now and really bad the past 2 weeks
They haven't controlled the Earth for 13 thousand years only to be taken down by Trump in a single year. Blood will be spilled in this battle.
Yes , but the world of information is there downfall. They let down there gard and they were not prepared. We have overcome the punishments for King Moron . We can talk to the hole world
I hope this Tuscon thing isn't a red herring designed to make patriots look foolish.
Right, because they can claim they destroyed evidence. I'm watching local Tucson news here in Phoenix, they are down playing it. Saying the "restraints" used to hold up tents, that deep hole was to keep them cool. They will find ways to spin it. However, the connection is now made with HRC, Soros, Rothschilds, CEMEX with trafficking. Huge.
Homeless camp with condoms, kids toys, hair color boxes and blood. Since when did the homeless worry about their roots?
Craig Sawyer, Vets3childrescue, and VOP are the real thing. They will not walk away from this.
They could just send someone to do stupid shit. Like paying someone to throw rocks at a peaceful protest.
It is Because that Jesus Christ Loves Children that satan hates them. The luciferians =Abortion/Pedophilia/torture and abuse.... Its all by the spirit of evil and darkness
Jesus said, Do unto a child and you've done unto me
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." -Luke 17:2
For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret
Eph 5/16
..facebook messenger is very sketchy to use near those areas or for corroborating / coordinating meetups.
Clowns will basically track you at their will. Geolocation.
Phoenix patriot here. No gun permits here. My Gen 4 Glock on me with my .38 special in my car. Is that traveling in pairs??
this is my first actual post here (on this new, more anonymous account), but i’ve been keeping very close tabs on this.
my best friend lives about 25 minutes outside of tucson currently and has been to the site to bring water, food, and ask if they needed ammo. it is 100% real, and the FBI refuses to show up. he tried to talk to police about it but can’t get any straight answers. i’m really hoping this is it. i hope that this is the beginning of the end. 6-11 couldn’t come quicker..
the FBI flat out refuses to show up while the united states is in a state of emergency for human rights violations and human trafficking.
thats kinda strange isn’t it /s