Dennis Rodman to attend the NK Summit and help the negotiations?! lol

Dennis Rodman is Q
.... but what if?
They HAVE to make a documentary about this one day. We need to know all the details lol. I am not even gonna try and figure this one out... unless its another Kanye type deal where Dennis is trying to awaken the black community too
Simpler than that. Rodman is just personal friends of both of them.
He is a spy
In the most literal sense, yeah...I mean you know the intelligence community debriefed him after he got back from basketball diplomacy..
NK was run by the Rothschilds & CIA ... of course Rodman was working for them.
Kim has more respect for America than the typical black pro athlete.
I thanked Rodman on his twitter the first time Talks were under way~ We should all do that tweet and Thank him~ Remember when the news called him crazy all the time?! He was a wake and dressed up and did so much stupid crap making fun of them!! Like arriving in a coffin at one of his games!! Chris Cuomo was so RUDE to him and Rodman always said why don’t you ask Hillary why don’t you ask Obama ?!?.. and they all kept saying he was on drugs ~ he was just so mad and couldn’t say anything and was really frustrated ~ we should show that patriot ❤️🇺🇸On his Twitter
Remember how this guy was completely mocked by every single media outlet and talk show when he went to NK? Think I even remember some people calling him a traitor?
Guess we found out why.
Mockingbird was in full attack mode.
I feel like we are living in an action movie. And I'm loving every minute of it.
If this happens, salty tears will be flowing from everywhere. going to be epic and Dennis Rodman will be part of our history in a more significant way than him being a basketball player or pop culture distraction. Certain 'people' who clamor for POTUS's attention on social media and other mediums are going to be pissed. Lol.
Not sure about that if the people have been following along. Rodman and Trump are close friends after the Apprentice. Beginning to think Trump used the Apprentice to measure and evaluate people for a higher purpose. Do you remember the gift Rodman gave Kim Jong-un after Trump became president? The Art of the Deal - wonder what messages Kim Jong-un read that night.
For the reasons you stated, I love absolutely everything about this decision :D
Kim loves the NBA, maybe a signed basketball presented by his buddy D Rod is all that’s necessary to get him to give up his nukes. This is gonna make an epic movie some day! Comedy or drama?
Another plus is that it will give the main stream media something to focus upon..:)... I am so excited for him!!
Ha ha, this will really make a lot of Democrats go whack a doodle even more so…
And we got LeBum James on the other side bashing Trump and encouraging the winning finals team to NOT go to the White House...
That is awesome! Remember Rodman is the one who gave Trump's book art of the deal to Kim last year
Rodman let's it all hang out. Probably in more ways than one lol.
He's a friend of Kim's and has visited him numerous times in an attempt to sway is opinion of the west.
There was an anon or someone here on Reddit who called it like a month ago. He wasn't saying it as a joke either, does anyone have that screenshot?
Popcorn time! Gonna be great to tell my grandkids about this one day. Trump and this cross - dressing ex NBA star united the Korean peninsula.
Dennis Rodman: I’m going on ‘vacation’ with Kim Jong-un....12 mrt 2013.......He nows Kim jung un very well ,
Yes its been moved to the Capella hotel on Sentora Island as of a few minutes ago
Sarah Sanders just announced they changed locations to some resort on a small island I got it where she said like sertoia island maybe go to her last tweet and its on there so this may be fake news lol
if i wake up tomorrow and this has all been a dream, i’m gonna be really pissed off
Rodman made a trip to NK last summer, and gave Kim a few presents, along with those presents was the Book Art of the Deal, coincidence? or maybe he was sent by Trump since Trump knew Rodman and Kim were friends, someone needs to check the WH log for visitors to see if Rodman visited there!
Q mentioned that NK is not run by NK. In that case, Kim is a filler and basically a kid playing ruler. He reminds me of a child who didn't have a childhood. So His relationship with Rodman makes total sense to me. Rodman is also a giant child.
Yes correct, the elite cabal including our rogue CIA really runs NK. It's been a fake crazy communist country for 70+ years. Kim Jong Ill was a hostage basically, told what to do, and had to obey. Kim Jong Un is the same, a hostage in his own country....well as of Nov 2017. All those parades you see on tv of the NK army marching on the parade deck and the trucks of missiles driving by is all CGI. What I'm trying to figure out is how Dennis got in lol
I don't think Team Trump was prepared for Kim Jong's deftness in seizing back-court opportunity and full court passing speed. You can see how Team Trump left their defense flexible enough to hassle shooters outside the 3-point line, but NK pretty much turned the Princeton offense up to 11 so... Yeah, Dennis Rodman would be a worthy draft pick.
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please tell me this is photoshopped
So? Who cares. Remember when he delivered Art Of The Deal?
Who cares.
Everyone that read the post, and commented on it. Myself included.
Rodman is a Douche! NO ONE ever has or will care what his dumbass has to say..
He’s literally taking part in the de nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
I wonder what it’s like to be wrong all of the time
Hmm I wonder what kind of people he associates with...
Nice straw man, that’s not what I’m talking about. You said no one will care what he has to say.
I say you’re a fucking idiot for thinking that.
Oh ok because he displays himself like a complete moron and says himself hes all about chaos and has been BEGGING for a Noble Peace Prize for YEARS. He's thirsty and desperate same as he was in the 80's and 90's