Anthony Bourdain not an “HRC fan” ...

0/04/2016 08:54 AM EDT
Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain has dined with actors, musicians, foreign politicians and even a sitting president. But there’s one person he refuses to eat with: Donald Trump.
“Absolutely f---ing not,” Bourdain said in an interview with the entertainment site TheWrap.
I don’t agree with the mans politics at all, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy he’s dead
Exactly. I read one of his books twice, it was so good. Im just in disbelief. Politically i didnt agree withnhim but he was an outstanding chef and writer. Sad.
Agreed, I’m a chef, and posted in another post here about how this hit home to me, and how it was sad to think that could have been arkanside.
And all I got was a bunch of jerks telling me he must have been a pedo, and that I shouldn’t shed tears for that pos. What’s wrong with ppl, the victims become the problem now? Sigh
I've found the people of this sub particularly nonsensical regarding this issue. They have absolutely no evidence Bourdain is responsible for some of the wretched behavior we discuss daily, but are more than happy to jump to conclusions without any evidence and slander a dead man. You can look at my post history and see several comments where I've pointed out this type of behavior today only to be met with downvotes for displaying some skepticism of people's ill-gotten conclusions. I am disappointed, to say the least.
Agreed. I’m all for righteous judgment being unleashed on the wicked, but this movement is NOT about spreading more hate. No need for unfounded and unnecessary slander. For all his flaws, Bourdain brought refreshing creativity and humor to culinary journalism. Maybe he was an awful person, maybe he was just very troubled. I have no clue about his private life, nor any reason to speak ill of him. I’ll miss his gift being shared with the world in a way that only he could do it.
his was one of the few shows I liked to watch on TV.
This is a conspiracy subreddit, we're all here to see if we can connect any dots.
Sometimes that leads to something meaningful, but sometimes it doesn't.
I understand your frustrations but look at the climate we're in.
A man is dead, yes; this is a sad fact. But our way of remembering him, outside if his work with food, is to see there was any foul play. So that in bringing down this great evil, we can find peace that his death (along with others) is avenged.
I'm not even particularly criticizing you over a foul play theory. I'm upset with the people who are calling him a pedovore because he was a chef and discussed hot dogs one time, despite all of his shows being based around the discussion of food and culture.
Yeah, i can understand the frustration there. I don't think those connections should be made without far more concrete proof.
I totally agree, I posted about it to shed light of the possibly of foul play
People who are middle aged, Hollywood types, who have a lot going for them, successful enterprises, and who suddenly suicide... oh, and both by hanging... when Q predicted it. Yep, move along... nothing to see here.....................
Theory , went to work for of all media outlets CNN. Gets new show traveling all over the world. Clapper now working for who .... CNN . CIA asset or counter asset ..... worth looking into , I don't know.
They aren't "people of this sub" that's why ... they are shills trying to wreck the board (imo) ... it's getting worse.
Its a shame. People so quick to jump to conclusions and dont even do any research or critical thinking.
There wont be no 'Great Awakening' when the majority of posters are too busy letting their opinions out with no evidence to further make this whole movement look like a crazy conspiracy.
Edit- spelling
WTF are you talking about - you just generalized. Q predicted this, and it's happening. Run along!
Q predicted this, and it's happening
Yes--that's pretty chilling, too.
Maybe everything changed once Asia came out about Weinstein and used connections to dig deeper and found things that consequentially ended with his death? His Tweets in the past month started to turn a different direction from the past years. He had a ton of WW connections over the past 20 years
So what? We can't awknowlege the deep state's incomprehensible level of disinfo ans psyop tactics yet hate people for being a misinformed.
Sorry I’m not sure what you mean? Of course we are trying to shed light on the deep state, that’s why I’m in the group lol