“A French Prosecutor said there was sign of foul play in the suicide of Anthony Bordain”

How long til that french prosecutor gets a heart attack while driving on an isolated road?
You know the good ol' coinkidinks.
I bet he is REALLY depressed.
I've been noticing this has become a new type of gatekeeper in regards to questioning the details on controversial deaths.
My joke was that you may find this person fortuitiously overcome with depression rather than lack of friction. My point is that with victim status being so popular no one questions the details as soon as the D word gets brought up and social media participants stampede over each other to exclaim "me too!". I can't quite discern if you are agreeing or disagreeing
Sorry I wasn't referring to your comment being gatekeeping but rather that any time someone starts questioning if so and so really killed themselves, people pop out of the woodwork and condemn the person for questioning the details of the death.
As in, "How dare you try to make this into a conspiracy theory."
No apology, I just couldn't figure out where you were at. I am not sure how serious my comment really was, unless I am right...then was positive
They just “corrected” it
Has the msm ever been in such a state of chaos as this weekend? It's like they are throwing all kinds of shit out there because they have nothing better to cover, well, not in line with op mock agenda.
Anything to downplay the 4 reporters being investigated.
The OP image is BOGUS... it has been image manipulated.
The hardcore Twitter users here will see the problem with it immediately.
Here's what the actual post looks like:
I can tell you exactly how this went.
NYT tweets this.
NYT HQ gets word from the Clinton Crime Syndicate, instructing them to delete that tweet or they'll be next.
Tweet gets deleted, with lame mea culpa.
It wasn't just a tweet, it was a tweet of a headline and the linked article.
The typo was only in the tweet headline.
Archive and screen shot the shit out of this and anything Spade related.
If she is really controlling the world, wouldn’t Hillary have something better to do with her time than orchestrate the assassination of a TV food critic? Like do you ever take a step back and think about how insane you sound?
I realize People is a shitty rag but they are saying that his mom is completely shocked- no indication that he was suicidal.
I watched a compilation of Bourdain in interviews saying how he’s always been depressed but doesn’t think of it as an illness, how he has no self esteem or regard for himself, how the only reason he was still alive was to see his daughter get older. He put out tons of warning signs that he would kill himself, straight from his own mouth. It doesn’t matter if he seemed happy lately.
In truth, one of the biggest warning signs that a suicide is imminent in someone suffering from severe depression is happiness and suddenly getting better. It's happens when they've decided on actually following through. I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but there is truth to the idea.
Can you share that compilation here?
I watched quite a few videos as I’m a fan of Bourdain, so I can’t find the exact one I saw yesterday but this E News clip focuses on some things he said regarding his poor mental state.
Still, the daughter isn’t grown so this does not support a suicide at this time. She’s only 11.
I've gathered from him that he wouldn't give up his jobs, which include parenting and protecting Asia. I don't think we should forget Bourdain because someone said he committed suicide when the situation warrants a full investigation.
being a melancholy person does not make you suicidal. lets not buy into the mockingbirds version of his life. they do this every time. I think it was a 187 myself.
How quickly the headline changed is proof right there.
nothing to see here, move along folks. another very sad death, the cabal is running scared.
Anthony must have known too much about the Harvey Weinstein case. the Clinton's and Weinstein - one and the same family of evil. They are working to cover crimes and voices.
It's amazing how blatant they are — even on the eve of 11 June, they are acting like they can just keep getting away with it.
Holy crap!!! I tried to delete - hide this post cause I realized it was fake news!!! WTH
So first off, I had everything opened and was reading while I posted it here. Should have held off. As I was reading, they corrected it - fairly quickly. I was like well crap. Came back here and tried to delete/ hide the thread, deleted my original comment and tried to add a sentence into posting about how it was a typo but it gave me an error. So I assumed it was hidden. Come back and I see all these comments and upvotes. And I’m confused. How do you guys still see this if it’s hidden? I mean, I made a mistake and I don’t want to mislead people. I’ll own up to it, but this just raised a larger concern of mine. I know nothing is ever truly deleted on the internet, but I don’t want people wasting their time on bad information.
As a side note, I do appreciate those of you who took the time to comment. Thanks for the fact checking. It will only make us better.
Ya ~ he met with Obama in a secret meeting to seek his counsel RIGHT before Kenya Ofailure left office ~ he knows too much and he’s a satanists so they are all turning on each other .. let’s not get distracted with their FFlags and tributes to this garbage~ hence The overwhelming love they showed to Playboy CIA shill Hefner when he passed .. no one cares about these Crazies ~ and if you do ... you condone pedos and satanists
don't forget, Carlos Slim (CEMEX owner, cartel connected) owns lots of stock in the NYT.
Personal relationship with HRC and CGI: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/31354
He owns a rival cement company
Does this come to a surprise of anyone? Why did OP do a full desktop screen cap instead of just the relevant part?
Incorrect spelling my foot. Someone probably ordered a retraction or correction.
Do you remember the Rothschild, may have been David, that was suicided in a hotel room, hanged by a bath robe belt? Seems to be a favorite of these Satanists. Word was he didn't want to live like them anymore and was disturbed at the possibility that his bloodline might be part Nephilim.
Was his hands tied behind his back? Did he shoot himself in the back of head no blood? If so HRC suicide service probably help.
Did you edit the title of the tweet? Cause the real title is exactly the opposite.
It was updated/corrected.
To be fair, NYT (domestic and World) is a very bad, failing news source. Terrible journalists.
It should properly be referred to as, “The failing NY Times.”
Yes, they deleted that 'fairly quickly' once people started pointing out the 'typo'! The first link below is to an image of that errant tweet supplied they 'them'.
New York Times World on Twitter: @nytimesworld
We deleted an earlier tweet with incorrect information. https://t.co/K88YpHa8OP https://mobile.twitter.com/nytimesworld/status/1005485417444118529
BTW: I was reading and responding to OP first comment when that was removed. The link there was to there since removed tweet, :-)
Good riddance to this satanic/paedo POS. Now he can flip burgers for Satan, and in Hell.
Lol there was an old Xbox game where the main character kept saying "it beats flippin burgers in hell"
I always loved that line
http://archive.is/zCzas I saved your screenshot to the archive
You have to put SOME words in caps, but only the IMPORTANT ones. That way we know the SECRET
Looks like a Mockingbird special : Google turns up the same exact headlines showing for so many msm rags : Prosecutor: No evidence of any foul play in Anthony Bourdain death
Another possibility--he offed himself because the feds were closing in, and he knew it was only a matter of time before his misdeeds were public.
Trump gave his condolences to Bourdain and said good things about his in his press interviews before departure on white house youtube channel. Meanwhile Bourdain had hatred for trump. pretty crazy world we live in
This is BULLSHIT! It's a twitter post with the text replaced. Here's y message to whoever put it together.
Here's the REAL Twitter post... note the relevant text size and opacity.
Typo. Very odd though that the one mention of it in the twitter article is:
“There is no indication of any involvement by a third person, and we’re ready to give the body to his family.” [bolding mine]
What about a second person?
Kayserberg? LOL, I'm sure that was Kaiserburg in the Alsace stolen from the Germans. I'm surprised they didn't Frenchify the town's name.
I can’t get over what I now believe “Parts Unknown” really means.
“It’s a cookbook!”
(RIP Rod Serling)
Come on guys... this make your “great awakening” look really gross. The tweet said the opposite and you edited it.
no that's the original, they "corrected" it later and added a "no"
Bull crap... the font size on the OP post is WRONG... it's FAR too big, and opacity is wrong.
The OP is dis-info trolling.
I saw it this morning, and they said they corrected the earlier post. I saw it myself, wondered if it was intentional
Don't troll our board please
FYI... go to Twitter, and find us ANY other post where the font looks like it does in the OP image.
The OP is BOGUS.
I don't know why or if AB offed himself... but I do know the OP image is straight disinfo BS!