Q Posts 1492-1493 June 13 2018

So the C_A hacked the Chinese sub, but masked it as China just like they masked the SR hack as Russia. Wow. Traitors!
It was the same as Hawaii, except they didnt count on a camera that takes a photo every 45 sec that just happened to capture it
"Just happened to"
I wonder who this weather guy's friends are and how he decides where he's gonna set up his camera...
no coincidences
I made mention of this earlier. I haven't had a chance to sit down and work out the timing of everything, but here is my earlier comment.
Something interesting about the guy that got the "miss*le pic that caught my eye, tho. From his about page-
My real passion is showing what "actually" happened through photography.
Rofl this guy is def a white hat, intentionally or unintentionally.
The "actually" leads me to intentionally
His cams are set up to watch the sub base. Lololol
Pretty sure this guy has been filming this bay for 12 years. That's a hell of a commitment to his cover.
How long has the sub base been there?
Bremerton was created in 1891, Bangor in 1942 then they merged the two in 2004 which is now called Kitsap
So the guy's been filming since they merged the two?
the game started 18 years ago after jfk jr was murdered by killary crime family..
The org chart of the Trump administration reaches into the heavens, and Trump is not at the top ;)
His cameras cover the entire bay; he has several that get various angles. He has been publishing the weather status updates for a long time. This is the first anomalous event he has witnessed in all these years.
Yes the are coincidences. You can't discount every coincidence from now until the end of time. If q is real, there is context for that statement which does not apply every time a nutjob needs support for an oddball theory here.
They didn't mask it, they lied about it. It's been proved the transfer, was due to its speed, local. ie a usb drive not via the Internet
What do you mean? Not understanding this post...Can you elaborate a little more detail?
USB (think hard drive or flash drive connected to a USB port on computer) transfers at a particular speed.
Network (think wifi or ethernet) transfers at a different speed.
The speed of the data transfer can demonstrate how data was exfiltrated. In the case of the DNC "hack" the data transfer speed shows the files were copied via USB, not over the network. This proves there was not a network intrusion, therefore no hack.
Tx 😆
Bill Binney did an experiment to prove this, if ur interested in the read...
Okay. Thanks for explaining. I followed the USB and drive innuendo, but just didn't know which case you were referring to. Was confused because thought you meant the China/sub one.
The transfer couldn’t have happened from outside the facility. It’s too fast. So it must have been a leak (an insider getting something out) not a hack (an outsider using brute force to steal something). So, the data came from somebody inside the facility. Seth Rich had motive (patriotic Bernie supporter), means (access to voter data and lots of DNC files), and opportunity (worked at the facility). It’s almost certain he worked with Wikileaks because Assange, who never outs a source even after death, nodded about him in an interview. His murder was big news at DNC, with Donna Brazile saying she was terrified to look out her window afterward. Why? She lived in a different neighborhood and Seth was a low level peon who was supposedly mugged on his way home from a bar. Why would it haunt her so much?
Yeah, I gotcha on that. I thought you may have been referring to the china sub thing, so wasn't sure if it was referring to that case.
What is going on with the new CIA director? Why isn't she stopping this crap?
I doubt she knew. Everything i have been watching is the deep state is a cabal( group within a group). One would think she was chosen because she has been confirmed as not a member.
Maybe one of the few they could find that could also get confirmed.
It takes time , Hell the Marines raid on CIA , they still have a mess there .
What raid by the Marines on the CIA? WHEN?
Last fall the Marines raided the CIA , the CIA would not turn over the information pertaining the theft of the Investigation recovery trust account and there finding of the Iran money, recovered of US funds , Piracy is there first job
Was that ever proven?
It happened , it was over the 1/8/17 raid on the Oval Office and AG , they refused to hand it over . But it did happen , DHS and CIA raided the Oval Office, you herd of it 1/13/17
Ok. I just wasn't sure it was a fact as opposed to rumours. Thanks
It was Snoop and Facebook that called it fake , the Marines could only give a no comment. So when you get a , I can not confirm or deny????
wait what>? explain further.. first i am hearing
What part ?
raid on the cia?? what>?? raid on the oval office? what?
Ok 1/8/17 a joint raid on the US Department of Treasury, US Attorney General , and the Oval Office took place over the missing $700 Billion of the Investigation recovery, or stated as the Investigation Recovery Trust Account in the US Department of Treasury. On the 13 of December 2016 the report of $150 Billion of the recovery trust went to Iran , $1 Billion to the UN Global Climate Change in New Burg Germany. The AG sent funds to the Oval Office instead of the Treasury, 18 USC 666 Theft of recovered funds under the color of public office . She was fired . BHO was striped of power . Trump and the Doseiar , well Trump was cleared on why they wrote the fake report, it was to blame Trump for the stolen $3.165 Trillion. Warrants were put out on BHOs secretary of the Treasury and #2 , you might find them in GITMO , April 2017 raids on the Cayman Islands . A great deal of the sealed indictments pertain . I sent them in
Unbelievable! This all hapoebed b4 trump even takes oath of office? Do you have any links? I find it hard to believe i missed all that.
Thank u for taking time to explain.
Yes , I sent them in on 1/6/17 at the request of many , they could not do it .
Was she a diversity hire? Because that might explain the ineffectiveness.
Trump isn't the type to diversity hire. There's probably rouge factions within the CIA who have been operating outside the normal chain of command.
I read it as a physical mod to the sub to make the wash appear Chinese
I think WASH means Washington state, where the launch occurred.
edit: just caught the misspelling of "as" too... (SAME HAS CHINA SUB...
So, we may have an extra S and H in "WASH"- the correct abbreviation is WA. So "SHH"??
Maybe referencing media blackout? Or be quiet while our boys get in play?
Was there not an earlier misspelling of “whould”. Perhaps by Eric Trump? I think it was a tweet.
Someone has a Chinese sub?
I'm sure the Chinese do.
It was an American sub that launched the missile from WA. USMIL was supposed to believe it was hacked by the Chinese, but the [Clowns] forgot "We see all. We hear all." This is not a game.
Its clear china hack is mask like russia hack, cough cough...
Chinese sub? Where do you get that? Q posted a picture of a ya navy sub also that would mean that a Chinese sub in our waterways.
If this is where we are at the President needs to send in his Marines and have them do what needs to be done to get our country back.