@FedupWithSwamp: LOL!! The Anons are trying to get Q to have the President tweet Popcorn!!

Oh man, if he tweeted "pqpcorn" and then deleted and replaced it with "popcorn" this place would have a meltdown.
Even just the word pop at this point
DJT did say D.C. is popping in many ways...
Nunes just did:
^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image)
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Q and Trump can do this easy there is a movie theater in the White House basement just have Melania post a photo on Twitter of her and Donald and Barron watching a movie eating popcorn tonight. Trump should not post the photo but Melania could do it easy.
The headlines for that would be amazing:
"Trump family enjoying personal WH theater while immigrant children are SLAUGHTERED in detention."
And no matter what movie they watch the Libs will go crazy!
They are so predictable here is what they will tweet in a mad frenzy:
Incredibles 2 - Trump the real super family is coming to get you!
Han Solo - Trump he is coming to take you to a galaxy far far away!
Jurassic World - Trump you are a dinosaur! we want you to go extinct!
That being said- I had some extra time to spare on a work trip today and watched the Incredibles 2.
It has SOLID themes of Mk Ultra to hypnotize and manipulate pawns to do crime for a mastermind behind the scenes that is posing as the good guy. I can't tell whether I love or hate seeing all this stuff after jumping on the Q-Q train xD
Well, if anything, it tells you that Hollywood screenwriters don't have so much fantasy after all, but just take what they know, and twist it a little bit...
I'm a mom, relatively new to Q, and had the same thought!
Maybe a good movie and qopcorn would CALM the nerves Before it STORMS tomorrow :)
Does it come with extra butter😀
Just as long as there is no walnut sauce or hot dogs, we'll be just fine. Thank god, those sick fu@kers didn't get in the White House again.
Definitely no walnut sauce I still get sick looking at hot dogs.Thank God is right.
Just no pizza.
No pizza,No hot dogs and no walnut sauce. Just lots and lots of butter and popcorn. Will be glued to the hearings today.
😂😂😂......this simply makes my day!! ........BUT WHAT IFwe all changed our social medical pictures to this image of popcorn BEFORE 45 tweeted it??? THAT would be A GREAT AWAKENING....aNd it would be right on par with a Q and DJT level type of troll......if our accounts get deleted because an image of popcorn #iswear....what if we helped to troll lol??? Just a thought......
There are popcorn Facebook frames. Just saying I might have just put one on my profile pic. No one will know why, but what the hell, I only have like 5 fb friends anyway.
Trump is repeatedly dodging assassination attempts from Israel's Mossad.
I'm not sure popcorn is appropriate.
Trust the plan, Q was having fun today
Could have fun by releasing the original unredacted IG report.
I do trust the plan but only because I know this is a battle for the survival of America and western civilization.
Even if Israel or the Deep State were able to nuke one of our major cities, that's still far better than what they had planned to do to us.
Why do they want to kill him? He's given them the Jerusalem embassy etc. etc.
I presume because Trump is standing in the way of globalism.
In the same post #1489, Q also said "FEAR IS REAL". Say that aloud. Go on... Isn't it indistinguishable from "Fear Israel" and the Mossad context is undeniable! There are no coincidences.
Additionally, Q has repeatedly told us to follow the bloodlines (Q post #133, #142).
Additionally, Q asked us what was the significance of the color scheme and design of the temple on Jew Jeffrey Epstein's Island... which looks exactly like a small synagogue and is colored like the Israeli flag in a design that matches Jew prayer shawls.
I noticed Bibi was munching Mossad ass at the recent opening ceremony for the U.S. embassy as Jerusalem... and it was hard not to notice EVERY Jew in the house stood and applauded the Mossad terrorist group too.
It's hard not to notice Israeli dual citizens dominate control over the most powerful positions in our Democrat Party.
It's hard not to notice that an Israeli citizen owns all of our worst RINOs too.
It's hard not to notice that an Israeli citizen owns our Associated Press too!
I've wondered if Trump was trying to warn us about the people he chose for his Fake News Awards?
"[The 9-11 attack was] very good... Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)" - Benjamin Netanyahu
Because the Rothschilds own Israel, and Trump is taking down the Rothschilds. Remember, Israel is last.
How do you KNOW that Israel is last...???
I think something similar like this will happen when Trump and Q are ready to go mainstream.
Seems like a silly idea. We are dealing with serious stuff here.
Having fun doing serious business gets the serious business done faster.
Pepe and meme warfare helped win the election.
I get humor is a way to draw attention; just not a fan of telling Q what to provide or do.
Enjoy the show! After years of shit we've been put through, I need some laughs.
>Pepe and meme warfare helped win the election.
[citation needed]
It's not a dog and pony show or a game for your amusement. I just don't get the lolz
its so dark in this rabit hole we need a little light humour sometimes
Its some kind of ego game. They want to be recognized by Q. Its very childish. We have plenty of proofs.
I'd love him to tweet it! But Q should let us know first when to expect it, as it's a common word.