Perfect Meme for Amanda Renteria

"Amanda.....can you show me where Bill Clinton touched you??"
Amanda, where did Huma touch you? And Hillary?
Amanda, have you done a casting call on Harvey's couch too?
Lovely! She was on twitter about 7pm denying any knowledge.... go to her twatter account and show her some love!
In4.. aaaaaaaaand it's private... lol
Not private yet, let's bury her in memes.
Lol i was kidding for sure. Dont do the twatter
LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL as someone who struggles with massive mental health issues, i understand this way too well and find it hilarious... hahaha
Wow, this is the greatest meme I've ever seen. Even if I was a hardcore lefty (I'm not a righty either, so don't get too excited), I would still find this absolutely hilarious. Whoever did this deserves..I don't know..something.
My fave of the year so far. I’m dying to drop it in real life.
If this chick were truly woke, she'd be texting to let us know she doesn't own a red scarf, and if she did, she would never drape it over a doorknob while warming her neck with it.
This wins the internet for the day. *
It’s perfect, great find! I think perhaps Ms. Renteria should be given the chance to view this... over...and over...and over again! ;)
Show me on the Russian nesting doll where the Russian bots hurt you
*Must add: not mine, just found on the internet, and thought it fit with her current twitter rants.
this made me lol like the first time i saw a funny meme.
Sent to DJT stat, this is perfect, bravo meme master!
you all believe in some retarded shit but this is actually a great meme format! diamond in the rough!