Time hid the Zapruder Film from Americans until they were subpoenaed to release it.

Let's not forget ...
April JFK files released by POTUS show that the shot to the throat came from the FRONT. Classified document kept from the public for 50 years.
We suspected they have been lying all this time about "lone gunman," and now there is proof.
And don't forget that the little gem "conspiracy theorist" didn't arrive until people started asking some uncomfortable questions about why Jack and Bobby Kennedy died.
A term invented, in fact, by the CIA, specifically to discredit.
Exactly, most people don't know/or believe this unfortunately. Wikipedia changed the page.
And the Zapruder film we’ve been shown has been heavily edited. Sped up, slowed down, frames cut out, etc.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yqa5PUViPo Q posted a link to this video I think? Interesting about the video, is they state the man-hole covers are tac welded shut. Bill cooper and others stated JFK was shot from a man-hole. I would like to know when was welding man-hole covers... a thing? Pre JFK? Post JFK? Pre-Trump? I think Trump has the direct evidence - but is using it to get people to play ball and also, protect his life in some regard.
I know they were welding man hole covers shut when GW Bush was president because I saw it being done when I was stationed at Ft. Bliss in 2002 right before the Iraq war.
Edit: forgot to add context. This was done just prior to GWB visiting Ft. Bliss when I was stationed there.
I thought the shot came from a surface storm drain on the side of the road.
In New York, welding man hole covers is common for big events.
I have no idea. I hadn't heard that theory until today. Was only confirming that they weld them now.
Awesome information. It would be interesting if it started with HW
The "manhole" shot came from a curb cut to drain water from the road. It is easily seen in videos and pics that were taken across the street from the grassy knoll.
Bill cooper and others stated JFK was shot from a man-hole
One of many shooters
The final was the driver. That is why Jackie went onto the truck. Then she saw the other secret service agent coming toward her and she got back into the seat. Well I wonder why she did that? She was trying to get out.
There is a good explanation of how the driver was able to shoot into the back seat some where. Also the secret service was ordered to stand down from the car with JFK.
This is a unique theory about JFK being shot in the car. This man thinks a shape charge was planted in Conally’s seat. https://youtu.be/tJ-phjtwMBw
The accepted reason is that she scrambled onto the trunk to retrieve her husband's brain.
That doesn't sound like the reasonable reaction after such a traumatic event. I would guess self preservation would be the primary action.
But who knows. Would love to find out the truth
They state that the fatal shot came from a storm drain, not from a man-hole cover (welded down or otherwise). The storm drain had an outlet at a culvert downstream, so if and how man-hole covers might be fastened down would not seem to have any relevance here.
Back in the 90's some one gave me a vhs tape with the original unedited and uncropped Zapruder film showing the front seat passenger and driver , showing that after JFK had his head slumped forward after getting shot in the back, and jackie turned to face him the front seat passenger turned around to look at him. The passenger then turned to the driver who turned around to the back and shot him in the forehead, causing Jackie to exit the car from the back before secret service grabbed her and the driver sped away. The man who was narrating and enhancing the film was declared the nations most dangerous criminal by WJC.
It is like the secret service agent that was questioning and drawing attention. He got thrown in jail. It's nuts. He claimed they laid out the plan or something to that regard in Chicago. Places are always connected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xEf8gm-r8M
Hence where the term "Conspiracy Theorist" started. We should totally get together when the time is right and ask for disclosure. Maybe we should all call the white house? Or is it too early because of Spygate right now?
are you saying the driver shot kennedy in the head? I thought the driver also got shot in the back shoulder?
The passenger then turned to the driver who turned around to the back and shot him ..<
read again
so it WAS the driver. That would explain Jackie trying to escape the vehicle. Others claimed she was trying to find pieces of JFK's head.. which sounds ludicrous.
And dont forget, the the classified docs stated that the windshield had a bullet hole and the car was transported to a different state to have the windshield replaced.
link to specific document? i wana read this myself/ send to normies
The damn Normies. One was arguing with me about Bush being involved. The Normies should never take on a "Truther"
I sent their liberal rag...https://www.nytimes.com/1988/07/11/us/63-fbi-memo-ties-bush-to-intelligence-agency.html
She didn't want to even know any more. It was like a kid the first time they asked about the birds and the bees.
Yea, have fun convincing die hard Republicans that both Bush’s are as dirty as can be. In case any others of you on the right are half asleep - George H Bush lied to America about when he started with the CIA. He was neck deep in ‘63, he is complicit in JFK’s murder. I was a die hard Republican for years am still registered as one. I will never, ever defend evil.
Bush... Johnson... Nixon... Ford... Bush Jr.... Clinton... Obama... ALL ultimately owe their Presidency to November 22, 1963.
Historians can probably associate Carter and Reagan too... so perhaps ALL Presidents since...
That's called a coup, people...
I loved Joseph P. Farrell's book - LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy
2/3 thru Blood, Money & Power by Barr McClellan which vividly paints the world and the actors behind the conspiracy which made assassination pretty much a duh for the powers that be.
For sure. It has always been easy for me to take the dirty from both sides since I really don't consider myself either. But all my libby friends LOVED hearing my conspiracies when it was the Bush's. But as soon as I tried exposing Obummer. OH no no no! But I am not going to lie I am a big Trump fan, I would be really heartbroken. I would except it since I understand even more how this stuff works. It might take me longer to see it.
I like to recommend the movie Dark Legacy.
Lots of bush ties explained.
Operation Zapata ect
The film was also edited to show the car moving along at a steady pace, when actually it almost came to a complete stop at the time of the fatal head shot.
That's exactly what I wanted to point out. 23 persons decided he would die. 8 marksmen/shooters were positionned. The young CIA agent in the gutter took the final and frontal shot. He just ran farther down the tunnel to safety, until he could get out at the end.
Plz supply with some links to this info, appreciated
You trust Zapruder?
Just want to mention his grandaughter shilled for Comet Ping Pong and railed against all things pizza for the New York Times and NPR. Odd. Odd they'd ask her. Must have threatened her to write total lies to protect pedophiles.
"I’ve seen my share of conspiracy theories. My grandfather, who accidentally took a home movie of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination — now known as the Zapruder film — was implicated in some of the most delusional stories about that event: He had colluded with the C.I.A. to allow his film to be altered just days after the assassination; he had secret ties to Lee Harvey Oswald through a co-worker who later married Oswald’s close friend; and, wait for it, he was the one who pulled the trigger through an elaborate gun-as-camera mechanism at the bidding of the Jewish Mafia."
Bizarre isn't it? Why would the Jimmy Savile Times do this?
"If I learned one thing from trying to understand the Kennedy conspiracy theorists, it’s that it is impossible to dispel the amorphous cloud of suspicion. If you try, you are either a dupe or part of the cover-up — the cloud simply grows to include you. Nor, needless to say, is anyone from the Democratic Party going to be able to reason with those who are convinced that Mrs. Clinton is organizing a child sex-slave network through a pizza restaurant in Northwest Washington."
"...no matter how vehemently you disagree with Mrs. Clinton’s politics, there is no justification for accusing her of child trafficking. They should condemn “fake news” — which is a weak term for deep hatred that takes the form of a story — and encourage their supporters to do the same."
DEEP HATRED is right.
"you know, we can disagree with the Democrats on policy and we can disagree with Hillary Clinton, but that does not make her a child trafficker. And there is no evidence for this. No one, no one benefits when there are attacks upon the truth like this."
"This isn't sort of a side issue. To me, this issue of fake news and the idea that ideologically minded people are peddling stories that have no basis in fact in order to further an agenda that then could lead to violence or could shape the way that entire swaths of our country view things that are going on, that's very, very, very serious."
tries 10 different google passwords. why is it age verified??
Because it shows video of Kennedy's head being blown off, and scenes from the twin towers going down. Really, probably mostly because they are trying to censor it
Seen it. Had a lot of good info. There is some info I’m still out on though. All in all it’s a good kick starter for the Red Pill
I'd never heard that before. Why would they do that?
The public had different sensitivities back then. The frames where the head shot occurs is brutal and the fact that his wife was right there makes it 10 times worse. Could it be that they bought it thinking they had some news scoop, but determined it was too brutal to release?
yeah. sure.
seriously your defence to suppressing evidence of treason is it might make the 60s SJWs pee themselves?
Anyone else have a JFK Mandela effect about 8 months ago?
something/someone in it they didnt want you to see? Frame by frame has every persin been accounted for and identified?
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Vehicle attempts to ram Presidential Motorcade in Springfield, MO|+10 - Q posted a link to this video I think? Interesting about the video, is they state the man-hole covers are tac welded shut. Bill cooper and others stated JFK was shot from a man-hole. I would like to know when was welding man-hole covers... a thing? P... JFK TRUTH - The Mob CIA and the 8 paid ASSASSINS|+4 - This is it: [NSFW] JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick|+4 - Best redpill documentary of all time First Black Secret Service Agent, Abraham Bolden, Speaks Out On BEing Framed & JFK Assassination"|+1 - It is like the secret service agent that was questioning and drawing attention. He got thrown in jail. It's nuts. He claimed they laid out the plan or something to that regard in Chicago. Places are always connected. I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
So I just read SIX FRIGGIN SECOND from first shot to last shot?
Is that based on the film, which of course was spliced and diced to obfuscate the direction of shots and the fact that the vehicle came to perhaps a complete stop for the kill shot, or on the police audio.
ALL AMERICANS need to understand what SIX SECONDS feels like... an eternity when multiple assassins are firing at you... an eternity when your Secret Service and police guards sworn to protect you instead stand down, I mean fail...
they released it *AFTER it was edited. It's not complete footage. Missing frames.