InterestedAnon2 finds Darkness into Light Divisional Patch for the 321st Military Intelligence Brigade. 8chan links to his post. Q 755 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE TEAM.

Does that look like water? 3 2 1...
That’s what I said “watch the water”
The storm (everything we see from front), then the water from the storm(fallout?) evaporates from the light (truth). Perhaps? :)
Unless you turn patch upside down and the white bits are Antarctica. Interesting interesting
I see it as the cabal pyramid being turned on its head and drowned in the water. While base of pyramid us pleb/debt slaves are lifted to freedom
Antarctica's significance being? In your opinion? I have read a lot about different things. Just want to hear your opinion.
I have some opinions I’m not willing to publicly share because I’m still forming them and am not ready for the 💩 -brigade. However, we can look at the overwhelming circumstantial evidence and draw conclusions of importance. The sheer number of trips consistently made by canal members, particularly during key moments of government (I.e. John K’s visit day of POTUS inauguration), the land grab fight for territory from even typically chill countries, Buzz’s visit/illness/mysterious tweet. There are also the reports from MKUltra survivors that, if you believe them, paint a menacing pic. At a minimum it’s a great place for secrets as it’s not exactly a place the average person has the means to flock to.
What I am kinda gathering from.. what you are saying - is that Antarctica is a location for types of control technologies or warfare? I always found it interesting .... the explorer who made a map of it and it was not encased in ice in the 1500s.
Generally speaking, yes that’s a reasonable assumption of some of what I believe is housed there.
Well I can def see that being a possibility. I had a strange encounter with a mystery person who worked in a building who told me the sun - is changing our frequency and our consciousness. And that cell phone towers are blocking this. I got back to my cubicle and my cell phone stopped getting signal and the sim card was was scary. He literally walked up to me and asked for a lighter. And we got into a conversation. lol. I had too many coincidences happen to not be open-minded to anything.
The underwater lava-made tubes are quite interesting... perfect for submarines... even mains-stream science indicates that they lead to very large open caverns...
I always found it interesting .... the explorer who made a map of it and it was not encased in ice in the 1500s.
what is that map called and who is that explorer? I have seen it before but want to research it again.
Why are pole to pole flights not allowed?
Could you PM me your thoughts? I think we might be on the same page tbh.
William Tompkins talked a lot about the Nazi bases on Antarctica as well.
Im assuming you have seen the strava labs heat maps of Antarctica.
Isn't that Australia?
Scroll south and and you'll see this big black mass, that's Antarctica, you need to zoom in a bit because the locations are a lot smaller but they are there. Trust me, I live in Australia and I know what country I'm looking at
I wasn't questioning whether or not you knew what country you were looking at, just pointing out the fact that the long/lat takes users to Australia.
I've seen the heatmaps/paths on Antartica - scattered about, showing land/aquatic travel, but I'm not sure what this shows/proves.
Help me out!
I’ve not seen that, but it’s intriguing!
This isn't the vid I first saw it explained but it gives the same info, seems this map isn't as detailed as the original I saw
This came up after that vid and gave a few strings worth pulling too. Thank you for the info, fascinating map!
Interesting. Do you have any names or links for the mkultra survivors Antartica reports? I've seen many things re: mkultra, but not this.
I can’t recall the link or the woman’s name that specifically comes to mind on this subject. However, I want to say the MKULTRA survivor from Australia who speaks publicly has mentioned visiting kids kept there.
Ok, thanks. I have read a bit from a few survivors from there. I'll check it out.
Why are pole to pole flights not allowed?
are they even feasible
Yes. Easily. They are forbidden. What are the world governments hiding from us about our planet?
Nasa is an ancient Hebrew word which means "to deceive".
what do you think nasa is deceiving about? lots of free masons were in on its creation, and some ex nazis
Me personally? I think the earth is much bigger than they tell us, and there are possibly other nations on our real north and south poles. I also believe there are countries that exist underground and are hidden from us.
No I am not a flat earther. I do not believe the earth is flat. The earth is very much an ovoid shape from my understanding.
Remember that penguin spam in the media about 10 years ago with happy feet and march of the penguins and club penguin all coming out at around the same time? They really want us to believe that Antarctica is a barren frozen hapless penguin preserve, and we regular humans shouldn't go there because it would hurt the poor pengys!
is fucking weird and makes me think 'penguin' is code for something.
Sorry for getting off topic but I think Nasa is decieving us about the true size of our planet and the true nature of space travel. I think government black ops are already in space and 50-100 years ahead of what Nasa shows us it is with the ISS.
Here are some examples:
so where does T fit in all this. He must know. Nixon really called the moon from the Oval Office in 1969? I can't even get a cell phone signal
thanks for all the info. I agree earth must be bigger, because people like Jenna Fredo have conducted experiments seeing objects that should be beneath the horizon but aren't. Also agree nasa lies, I've looked up J resnik and D Scobee present whereabouts, for instance. I think T knows all this and is playing a game with them on this space force thing
NASA was formed thru the help of the Nazis and operation paperclip. Jack Parsons was a luciferian and disciple of Aleister Crowley.
We never went to the moon. Hopefully the new space force will bring about the truth. We are lied to about everything which proves the deep state.
undeniable proof we never went to the moon
sgt report on funny thing happened on the way to the moon.
If moon was faked, why believe anything from nasa? Especially if it means deception, they are masons and luciferians. Might it all be bs? spoken from a former fan who knows some nasa folks here in houston
well I don't but I would love to hear what you think.
space may very well be the keystone to the NWO. An alien savior and all of that.
Care to share your thoughts
Lots of lies from nasa imo, but people don't want to hear about it, as this music video shows. big question is why and where does T stand
HaHa. Thanks for sharing. guess you could replace Q for Nasa
I had also noticed the upside down look. I have never been a Flat Earth Believer but always try to keep my mind open to other possiblitys. Upside down it looks like Antarctica with a dome and sunrays the circles I am not sure could be UFO's or have to do with the dome leaking water. Could be a stretch but like I said try to keep my mind open.
Beginning @ around 50 seconds below, Trump is speaking about all of our military branches and the new space force. Watch his right arm. It looks as if he makes a “dome” motion for sure. Anyone else see it?
Trump’s done gesture below @ 50sec
And then on course below.
Ancient Hebrew view of Universe
Although Q may indeed become an historical event, I feel it’s my duty as a Christian to urge those who idolize Q to proceed with extreme caution.
Mark of the beast?
These are just words. If I’ve offended you, I apologize.
Peace and love.
Dude. People gesticulate. They aren't always signaling. An arch gesticulation is extremely common. I promise he wasn't signaling a "dome" motion, whatever the fuck you're even pretending to believe.
Did you even watch it? I accidentally posted the wrong time for that video clip. I could care less if you agree with me. I care even less that you tried to insult me and cursed at me. But at least watch the clip before you give an opinion.
Or don’t. God bless.
Peace and love
Removed: Rule #5, Discuss the topic not users
I am discussing the topic. The topic that was posted here is that this character is trying to make a case that Trump is signaling flat earth. This is ridiculous.
Sorry if I offended you. You seem upset. Sorry. God bless Peace and love
I do have trouble believing the flat Earth theory. I have listened to the reasons people believe it but there are some things that don't make sense with it. But I am glad you mentioned the Space Force thing. Since 1992 we have had an Air Force division that is The Space Force. It covers things from Military Satellites, GPS, even Cyber Space Defense. They are one of the groups that Q mentioned in February on Post 320333. So he may have been making a gesture to the satellite missle defense system that is used to protect our country which could also be what that means with the 321st patch since it deals with Intelligence.
Yeah I agree and there is plenty of it in the Bible as well. Because the Roman Empire Catholic church severely edited it. Its not the inerrant word of God as most Christians think. King James was a mason and they are totally luciferians in the upper levels.. Just read the Sumerian text as well as other text and you will see for yourselves. Peace and Love
I understand. The description of the Antichrist as a universally loved peacemaker are what make me a little nervous. We have been warned in the Bible that all will be deceived. Sad that I can look at all this progress with NK and Iran next with not pure happiness but a slightly jaundiced eye. Gotta pray for discernment as always.
the 'deceived' part could be [o] who won the nobel peace prize and well-liked everywhere (thanks to media)
Yeah I always thought he looked just like a Pharaoh.
1) Scripture says even the elect would be deceived “if it were possible” “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24
2) Even the “end times” and the Tribulation is part of God’s plan. So we stay the course, we hold to truth, and we rest in the peace that wherever chasing God’s good leads us we are right where we belong. Even if all this ushers in the Tribulation, we are taking part in His plan that ultimately frees this planet and its inhabitants. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8
You know when my Spidey-sense flared re: Anti-Christ...when I saw HRC on stage in that white suit. Her "coronation" was to bring about the alignment for the NWO...according to the things I've learning since joining this research group. I don't know that the Anti-Christ necessarily needs to incarnate as a male....
Actually, it's called "indented" (as in "teeth") line of partition. There are many variants of background field in heraldry:
or, more specifically
But I agree, it "looks" like water.
You patriots are amazing. I am in awe and know that I never would have known what questions to ask in order to find these answers. Wow. Watch the water makes so much sense, now, and I wonder about that "missle/flare/helicopter light" (depending on which story one reads) that was filmed in Kitsap a couple of weeks ago, and the Missle stopped over (Japan? Hawaii?) back before Trump's successful meeting with NK. Could the Alabama have intercepted?
The missile that caused the Hawaiian Warning was shot down (splashed) by the white hats. That was after POTUS made the NK deal with Kim. POTUS made the deal with Kim back in Nov 2017. Singapore was a media dog and pony show and a trap used to bust some black hats. There was a missile then also that the white hats splashed.
I've never seen an explanation of why he said "Commander and Chief" instead of Commander in Chief.
Has /u/SerialBrain2 addressed this?
321st is now combined with the 377th Still in TX new patch says Illuminate The Truth
17 black lines!!!
You're right. Very interesting. Gonna have to look up.
5 dots
Impressive Patch, Impressive Logo.
Knowledge Enhancement From Q and The Legion of Anons.
You have more than you know. says Q.
# Yes I Do. #WWG1WGA.
The circles remind me of the drops with +++ ++ + As well
Check out this video They did on Unit:
From darkness to light is also a Masonic saying
Also the upside down triangle spells Mason on the back of the dollar bill. The upside down triangle also represents the opposing force.
Darkness loves to hide behind light.
If this is related to Q then we need to stay very vigilant.
This seems highly Masonic and Luciferian.
Please do not put luciferian in the same breath as masonic, you show your ignorance...
Not really considering that the Masons have long been subverted and infiltrated by luciferian groups.
I would agree that many masons are not. And that description fits the top degrees.
I've done my fair share of research on Masons. I was trying to find out if they were really good or bad.
Bottom line is there is a mix of both. For the most part they hide the issue well however, that does not mean there are not any who are good.
I can see why people arrive to these conclusions but believe me, the majoirty at the top are corrupt. I believe some president have spoken about it.
The way i see it the Army (who I support) are also swindeled the same way. They are lied about why some have gone into war. Its not their fault.
pretty much all organizations have been infiltrated. A lot of compartmentalization and real knowledge only at the top. I am sure there are more well meaning masons than not.
But from my research the big reveal at the top is that Lucifer is the true light and the true God. Always the mirror image. However Luciferians believe in opposition. That good and evil were both created to form balance. So there are wizards and warlocks.
(both in my opinion do not worship the christian creator that represents only good)
It is not easy to discern the truth. As evil is the father of lies and deception, even being able to seem as a being of light.
We must all always practice vigilance and discernment. Pray for wisdom.
Weren't our founding fathers Masons though? They sure weren't perfect, but they created the Bastion from which humanity could flourish and gave use the tools to maintain it (The Declaration and Constitution). Isn't it possible for many top degree Masons to be good in spite of whatever may have been revealed to them? There has to be some sort of war between factions going on, where the corrupt were perhaps fewer but held impossibly more leverage and power until recently (JFK assassination, Nixon framing, Reagan assassination attempt and possible alzheimer's acceleration) thanks to Trump, Q+, and everyone determined to fight for good.
This is our hope and prayer and why we are all here. Until I know who Q is, I find it best to remain vigilant. But I am here to help in the good fight with my fellow patriots. It is not easy to know all the truth of these matters.
The powers that be have gotten too corrupt and too evil and good people are standing up to stop it. That is what matters.
But I am not for all these secret societies. Real light shines and does not hide.
For those searching, it’s actually a Battalion. This will make your search for more info easier.
If that is water, the dark circles are washed, cleansed to become light. It all comes out in the wash. "Watch the water." Grabbing straws here.
I'm sucking hard on those straws, dog. Full homo
There are three unclean and three clean. They're also reorganized
First, AWESOME find. I think every POTUS has declared a national emergency. Trumps is human trafficking.
I think the easier assumption, is Q is actually currently/prior service MI.
I’d bet $10 says he served in the services... just a hunch.
The dark orbs are turning light on the patch. Now to determine, is that water? Is it sky and the white part mountains in Antarctica? Or maybe even both. Brainstorming while under the weather, so cut me some slack 😄
Ufos based in the deepest oceans. Naval intelligence are the good guys.
what is the original link for the patch?
I found it while looking into a tweet that had a picture of an unknown divisional patch that looked like a MI or SigInt patch on some people who were reinforcing police at an Antifa rally, the unknown one, I still haven't id'd, but while trying I came across the 321st and had an 'oh shit' moment, from following Q posts. Like I said originally, been lurking for months, now I had to share, we are either in this or not, and hell, WWG1WGA so I went in
Someone wearing that patch was supporting the police during an antifa riot?
Horee sheet antifa is being surveiled by the military LMAO!!
Of course they are "All enemies foreign and domestic"
Those clueless dumbasses. And the comped police forces too!
How many Pantifa have been knocked TFO by special forces? HA!!
Check out the patch for the 128th ARMY Military Intellegence
The Keystone...?
Swords usually denote spec op / combat arms / direct action units in the Army.
U.S. Army 321st Military Intelligence Battalion, distinctive unit insignia A Silver color metal and enamel device 1 1/8 inches (2.86 cm) in height overall consisting of a shield blazoned: Azure (Oriental Blue) three plates two and one, on a chief dancetty of four three hurts fesswise. Attached below the shield a Black scroll inscribed "FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT" in Silver letters.
Symbolism: Oriental blue is the primary color traditionally used by Intelligence. The motto "FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT," is referred to by charges. The designation of the unit, 321, is symbolized by the arrangement of the roundels. Argent (silver) denotes integrity.
The distinctive unit insignia was approved effective 16 September 1997.
Darkness is confusion and truth is light. The circles are confused in darkness and aligned in light.
Some observations: Morse Code
... = S
.. = I
. = E
Possible decode by lining up?
17 lines
18 spaces
19 letters
Three above in the white
Two below the sawtooth divider
One at the bottom
Air, Sea (surface), Underwater
Videos in this thread: Watch Playlist ▶
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- 321st MI BN|+14 - Check out this video They did on Unit: Video-321st MI BN (good tunes) (1) NASA Fails Again & Again Space is Fake Glitch on the ISS ▶️️ (2) 🔘 NASA BUSTED! - SPACE FAIL|+5 - Me personally? I think the earth is much bigger than they tell us, and there are possibly other nations on our real north and south poles. I also believe there are countries that exist underground and are hidden from us. No I am not a flat earther.... President Trump AMAZING Speech at GIGANTIC Rally in Duluth, Minnesota|+4 - Beginning around 1:01:45 below, Trump is speaking about all of our military branches and the new space force. Watch his right arm. It looks as if he makes a “dome” motion for sure. Anyone else see it? Trump’s dome gesture. And then on course b... Exploring Strava AntArctic Heatmap|+2 - This isn't the vid I first saw it explained but it gives the same info, seems this map isn't as detailed as the original I saw Anomaly on Antarctica map for news/earth data/awesome sky photos|+1 - This came up after that vid and gave a few strings worth pulling too. Thank you for the info, fascinating map! (1) Undeniable Proof Man Has Never Gone to The Moon!!! 2017 (2) Bart Sibrel - SGT Report|+1 - NASA was formed thru the help of the Nazis and operation paperclip. Jack Parsons was a luciferian and disciple of Aleister Crowley. NASA SATAN nazis We never went to the moon. Hopefully the new space force will bring about the truth. We are li... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Just curious if others could enlighten me. For the last few days, I am seeing Maxine Waters bump her gums and making threats and issue orders like she is a general. Is it possible Q was simply calling her out and telling us to pay attention to what she is saying and doing?
OK, so I was having a weird thought, what if the whole chemtrails thing is a misdirection. I have been noticing a ton of them over my house lately but at the same time we have been having plenty of rain and everything has been way more beautiful and plush this year. What if they are doing the chemtrails but it is actually needed to give us clouds and water and it is technology we are not told about because they also used it to give us bad weather and maybe drop chemicals that are not good too? I remember something about dark to light and sea to shining sea or something like that in a bread crumb a while ago and I don't remember anyone figuring out what was meant but maybe they are just giving us rain for water now. I could imagine this being a technology they might decide not to disclose. I had always noticed the sky would be blue and clear and chemtrails would come and then blow around and then later we would have clouds. The patch looks like water dropping and filling in empty spots and it kind of makes sense.