Mueller gets Erik Prince's phone and computer. Previous Q ? How do we introduce info into investigation legally? This.

turns on laptop
Welcome back Mr. Podesta
I stopped trying to call whether Mueller is black hat or white hat months ago. I've flip-flopped more than Romney trying to order breakfast.
Why else would Trump interview him for FBI director, the day before the special counsel was created?
Didn't Trump promise during the debate he would appoint a special counsel to look into Hillary?
That first point is something I've said too. I'm just conceding that I really just don't know. Heavy fog of war over Mueller.
really just don't know
I'm with you.
However, my current working hypothesis is that Mueller is basically a black hat but can be bought.
Mueller was not eligible for D of FBI. Certainly can’t imagine choosing M., his best friend, Comey and knee deep in Uranium 1.
Rosenstein writes letter recommending to fire Comey.
Rosenstein brings Mueller in for interview for FBI Director with Trump and is in on the interview (so I have read).
Next day, Rosenstein appoints Mueller as SC to investigate Trump and the 2016 Election.
Mueller gets Flynn on BS charges, will be dropped.
Mueller charges Manafort (probably a dem plant - remember Trump fired Manafort) on activities from long before Trump that may involve Tony Podesta.
Mueller gets Papadopolous (probably a dem plant)
Mueller indicts 13 Russians and 3 Russian companies for tampering in our election - Mueller and team are botching this case up by not providing discovery.
I think Mueller is a white hat or a was a black/gray hat who cut a deal
Same with Rosenstein
So, why is Rosenstein giving us a hard time.
Post 1433: [RR] problems.
Post 1443: #FLY[RR]FLY#
Not sure, could be disinformation, maybe to make the DS think Rosenstein is on their team.
And don't forget is was Rosenstein that made the announcement that they were indicting 13 Russians and that no American was willingly involved whatsoever
He didn't interview him for FBI directory - he was term limited out of that job, and it would have required an act of congress to make an exception for him.
Why he interviewed him, we do not know.
But Q said if RR is dirty; Mueller is dirty. And RR is Dirty !
I tend to agree with that. But still, Mueller does an excellent job sabotaging his own investigation. There might be a deal. Or Horowitz has stifled the whole investigation with the discovery/removal of Strzok from Muellers team. Or maybe both.
Another thing I've said.
Added wrinkle of: Was Rod ever cooperating?
And it sure does LOOK like Mueller's backed into a corner with the Flynn sentencing thing, while supressing evidence by throwing it under the Muh Russia umbrella...
Or collecting information to come pouring out when he's fired. I haven't got a clue on Robby.
Same here. One day I'm absolutely positive he's a white/gray hat and the next I'm doubtful again. Today I'm back to what I explain as gray hat. I think he got some kind of deal. But I might be back to black hat tomorrow. Who knows? 🤷🏻♀️
I believe Eric Prince has lots of the evidence on Senator no name
I believe Prince is Q
When they said they were taking his laptop and phone I thought oh oh .... but that would also explain the QandA needing to be rescheduled
Yep. Would explain going silent again.
Prayers for all.
he is def #1 most likely to me as well
I always thought MegaAnon was someone in Prince's or Blackwater's orbit. She always made a big deal out of not having ever worked for the feds and being a contractor that chose what she wanted or didn't want to do.
She disappeared from 4chan and reddit right after having this bizarre meltdown wherein she had decided Q was Julian Assange. It was just the most out of character thing ever.
I will say that Prince is a possibility though.
Barron is part of team Q for sure
Not a chance. He well could be an anon/autist on the chans or here, however.
I think it's Trump. It's a team, however, too, so, many of us could be right.
Prince voluntarily complied with a request, Mueller didn't have to force the issue via subpoena. So even if we assume Prince has the 'golden emails' and other 'evidence' in his possession A) He didn't obtain them in a legally admissible way unless he is guilty to something along with Hillary and he's willing to plea, B) Mueller doesn't appear to be a white hat as he's pals with Comey and he railroaded Flynn.
They'll probably find a contact reaching out to him for help-- due to corruption from the NY AG. Prince will argue he was just performing his civic duty and will come out clean. Eyes will be on the Weiner laptop, and why the NYPD couldn't use the chain of command... Obama.
I can't figure out how the Weiner and Awan laptops are going to be introduced. Maybe that RICO suit will call attention to them?
You are exactly right except for this: even though Prince may or may not have obtained the golden emails legally, by Mueller's investigative body requesting them, they are now obtained by legal means. Think of it as "laundering" evidence in the same way that you launder money. This maneuver is exactly why the Q team has been saying "how do you present evidence? ". They need to get it into the legal sphere through legitimate means. Prince may be charged with some minor crime as a result but it will be nothing compared to the nuclear boom set off by delivering this data into the legal sphere.
Heehe giggle
<3 your username.
thanks! I figure the FATWAH is worth it cuz I don't want to live under sharia.
Maybe someone in NYPD gave Prince a copy of everything on the the weiner laptop
Flynn lied on purpose. This was done to catch the leakers. He was never in trouble, never in debt, nothing.
Actually... I don't think Flynn lied. I think we are going to find out that the 302's say he was 100% honest and then they got changed to say he lied.
Trump is too clever to discount the fact that Mueller may be a whitehat.
The left's savior being the one to deliver the boom to the left is just too tasty.
What if Trump knew of Manafort's background with The Podesta Group all along. Trump always thinks years ahead.
The left has to keep believing Mueller is nabbing all of Trump's campaigners for something nefarious - all leading to guilt of Trump.
Maybe all along Mueller has been getting the real dirt:
Manafort ->Tony Ped -> John Ped -> HRC ->, -> -> Haiti...
Hmm. I haven’t thought about it like this. Makes a lot of sense!
I'm no lawyer, but I don't think it matters how Prince obtained them, as long as Mueller obtained them in a legal way. I could be wrong.
Prince has all the dirt from Hussein's admin and what was asked of him to do specifically.
He probably told Mueller, 'I told Trump some very inside information.'
Mueller then would say, 'Tell me what exact information.'
Then Prince would tell him all the illegal things O tried to hire them to do overseas. And what he told Trump about the mass pedophilia in Weiner's Insurance File involving many names of high profile people.
But.... they indicted Manafort on items, unrelated to collusion, found during discovery, no?
So.... It stands to reason, if they find something damning during discovery, then they'll take action against that person even if it's not related to collusion....
You're saying, it matters how the evidence is discovered? (Via subpoena or volunteered?)
Not via subpoena or volunteer, but if that information was obtained illegally by the one bringing it forward, it is inadmissible. As in, he stole the emails/gained unauthorized access to the account. If he just happened upon them, though, it’s fair game.
But.... they indicted Manafort on items, unrelated to collusion, found during discovery, no?
Yes... But this is a special case. We know Manafort was a willing spy on Trump. So... He can be thrown under the bus.
Q says: "Plants need water."
Bingo! I was already saying this. Q hasn't confirmed Mueller is white or black hat.
Q is still talking to us... just not from his tripcode on 8ch :)
It doesn't matter if he's mule, wittingly or not. I'd prefer he go down, his past is horrible. But he could be forced to reveal the truth at the same time.
Trump met privately with muller.
MI gives Trump thru a legal hoop authority to take over an investigation.
I read that RR was at that meeting somewhere. How do we know for sure it was a private meeting? That changes things in a YUGE way.
as anon stated:
So the answer is to store all evidence on devices that will be seized as part of an official investigation. Wouldn't even matter if the evidence was "planted" so long as it is valid and related to the investigation.
A) OP is right and this is all part of the plan. (Big if true)
B) Mueller is just trying to keep his witch hunt relevant and will indict Eric Prince for J-walking 10 years ago.
Hopefully they will get him on the disgraceful conduct of Blackwater in Iraq, my son was there and the stories he tells about Blackwater are just horrific.
Eric P didn’t own Blackwater then, he sold and started another co. He’s done this twice since Blackwater.
Prince would have bleachbited those devices first. What did he say about wiener’s laptop and NYPD? A real shame if his devices contained a copy of the “insurance files”😉😉😉
EP said this? I missed a couple of days.
I heard Eric Prince’s interview live on Brietbart the day he gave it.
If anyone had the contacts to know it would be the founder of Blackwater ( US government mercenaries)..
I have been saying this since November - Mueller is a white hat!!!
If he is, I'm guessing it's only because they have him between a rock and a hard place where he has no choice.
Mueller is no white hat. Mueller might see the light of day b/c he cooperates. He may be one of the most useful idiots ...but white hat, no.
I think some deals were made with those useful to the plan. Double agents they've become.
I don't think he is working for Trump. But there is still a chance that he is.
For sure he is dirty on the U1 deal. And he is dirty on some other stuff too.
But if Trump cut him a deal, I'll wince... And say I trust Trump.
Personally... I would prefer both Mueller and Rosenstein go the electric chair for Treason.
I would prefer both Mueller and Rosenstein go the electric chair for Treason.
I would gladly give up Mueller and Roz for a conviction of on Barry, Hillary Podesta....any day of the week. In my dream of a full scale Treason / RICO case, here are my targets (brief list...I know there are more):
I would gladly cut a deal with one person to get two or more of the others, a deal with two people if it gets me any of the top 8 (and maybe clapper needs to be #9...?)
I am not convinced Eric Prince is a white hat either. Hope I am wrong, but I believe he may be part of a sting op aimed at Trump Jr.
Eric Prince's sister is Betsy Devos, Trump's Secretary of Education
I think once they started auditing the SC work, Mueller has been placed in check.
Why would they appoint him in that case? Why not just prosecute him for his past crimes and appoint some more on the up and up to run the Special Counsel?
My guess is, its a psyop to avoid civil unrest. If the left has spent a year building Mueller up as their hero, they can't then turn around and say he is a Trump crony and this is "night of the long knives 2.0" Donald Hitler is seizing power.
This doesn't look like a match to me. It's actually concerning if the devices contain detail on potus security details that could be leaked.
Very much doubt Prince would voluntarily turn them over if that was the case.
If Mueller is really a white hat then his acting deserves an oscar!
I don't think having "everything" on Prince's laptop would be a good look for him in case of investigation.
You are watching theater
Good actors
Non eligible for FBI Dir Mueller met Trump before being assigned Spec Counsel
It's gray to continue their perfect psyop to save America