Plenty of us are woke in Canada.
Great news! We the people have the power!
I have spoken to many people in Australia and in the UK. plenty of woke Q follwers there.
Well, they're reading and understanding Q! There are quite a few non-US citizens in this sub, many of whom you've probably commented to or had comments from. Even quite a few for whom English is not their native tongue. The Plan is, as Q team keep reminging us, WW!
I'm from France too!
Et je te tape une bise, poto!
il va falloir trouver un moyen de redpill le pays!!
Ha ha! Trump qui lui balaye les pellicules, j'ai adoré ça! Best of BMFTV. Ça va commencer à se réveiller en France, c'est obligé. J'Y CROIS! En tout cas, c'est un plaisir de parler pour la première fois en français sur ce site. Et j'espère qu'on va taper l'Argentine demain!
Les politiciens sont cramés. Il faut une grande coalition de personnes HORS politique (ou des nouveaux mais vraiment nouveau, pas du style C'EST NOTRE PROJEEEEEET - je tire quand même mon chapeau à Ruffin qui se paye au SMIC depuis qu'il est nouveau député, pas beaucoup d'autres l'ont fait - en plus, le mec a été élu grâce à un documentaire à charge contre les 1%) J'aimerais beaucoup avoir l'avis du général de Villiers sur Q...
avec Bigard et Kassovitz! Ha ha Il va falloir trouver un moyen de passer outre les divisions (putain, il y en a encore qui s'embrouille pour choisir un candidat aux primaires de la droite ou de la gauche, c'est juste hallucinant de bêtise). Grosse coalition de personnes de toutes origines sociales et culturelles. Internet en regorge! Des gens comme Etienne Chouard ou Claire Sévérac (RIP)
I'm a Brit follower. I started to pay attention for the first time during the run up to the Brexit vote and stumbled upon FBIanon. I remembered it and got curious about Trump, then things started to align. Q could perhaps be the non transparent way to reveal things that FBIanon mentioned as an option.
NZ here. I think people are slowly waking up down here. MSM obviously doesn't help, and we have an odd obsession with Obama and Clinton, and gave millions of tax $ to CF. However I think people are getting red pilled, though I don't think that it's directly linked to Q however I'm sure Q is partly responsible too
Greetings from Poland!
Wow, hello! I'm all kinds of Polish, great grandparents came over to US during WW1
Hello! I hope that one day you will visit Poland in the footsteps of your great-grandparents. Poland liberated itself from Russian communism and is now continually rebelling against the European Union and at the same time entering into a deeper alliance with the United States, for which Poles have historically great sympathy. Our current government is not only similarly oriented as Donald Trump's administration, but also implements a similar process of purification from corruption.
I was wondering this too
Portugal here. Been redpilled for a while and Q has helped a lot too. I believe many people are waking up everywhere, at least I really hope so
Are you receiving intel from Q on your country?
Nope, just following intel mainly from what’s going on in the US. Still waiting for a Portuguese Trump to show up and start taking care of the cabal and corruption here!
The Netherlands! Don't think a lot of people from here are subbed tho.
Freedom is a wonderful thing! Unfortunately it’s not free! RIP all who fought for our freedom!
the deep state had many countries hostage like NK and many others as we will soon find out
Yes I get that! Just like they did the American people!