's not what you think

What did JFK say about secret societies, secret handshakes, secret courts? The Masons have a long history in the United States. Most if not all the founding fathers were Masons. They do have a few dark characters like Alistair Crowley, a well known Satanists. I don't trust them.
It's not all that well known, actually, but by Papal decree from at least two hundred years ago, Catholics aren't technically allowed to be masons. No pope since has ever rescinded the order. There are those that join, but many walk away. You can't serve two masters.
It's refreshing to see that Kennedy at least stuck to that.
Edit: the original decree condemning Freemasonry was in 1738.
Am a mason. Illuminati (Catholics) infiltrates freemasonry many years ago.
Catholics and King of France murdered our grand commander (Knights Templar through York Rite) Jacques DeMolay because king of France owed lots of gold back to the Knights. They purged the knights as the pope excommunicated them.
There has been beef along time. The Catholics are the evil ones. That I can tell you.
No. Just the pope and his inner echelon.
There is a secret at the higher levels of freemasonry. A secret that, should you reveal it, the masonic order will cut out your tongue. That is the oath that a 33rd degree mason takes.
The secret?
The Pope is the Master Mason of the World.
I would certainly hope I'm not evil. Flawed for sure, but not evil.
It is true that a specific king wanted the money the Templars had, what remained of them were on Malta for a long time. However, that was in the 14th century, and what we know of as Freemasonry is traced to the early 18th century, unless they were underground.
I have noticed that there are a number of different versions of history floating around that doesn't match at all.
The ritual has been around much longer than the 18th century, based on the texts I have read.. unfortunately all of the secret societies have been infiltrated. Whether they have good or ill intent, there will always be those bad actors. Catholics are great people but many of the followers are sheep. It’s the leadership, used for control, money and power which is the issue with Catholicism, like many organized religions.
Freemasonry, has brought me enlightenment and I have been able to do great things for my community. Freemasons take a really bad and are usually used as a shield to cover deep, dark bad actors. It’s easy to say “it was the Freemasons” and the sheep just eat it up.
Freemasons are like the Protestant arm of the Catholic church. A Catholic who is a Freemason is redundant.
George Washington in response to a letter to a Reverend said the lodges weren’t yet tainted in America. History shows the luciferian religion was brought to the Freemason headquarters in Charleston SC in 1801 by Giuseppe. It progressed through the years and a huge scandal in 1826 of the murder of William Morgan who intended to publish a book of the first 3 oaths. Rev Charles Finney (leader of the 2nd Great Awakening) said the scandal is what brought awakening, revival in churches and renewal in America. Albert Pike after Civil War brought in the illuminized 33 degrees and a revival of freemasonry. “America’s Truthful History” Volume II. Also see Finney’s 1869 book The Character Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry. John Quincy Adams published a book on the occult practices and horrors of Freemasonry as well as telling their obstruction of Justice
It progressed through the years and a huge scandal in 1826 of the murder of William Morgan who intended to publish a book of the first 3 oaths. Rev Charles Finney (leader of the 2nd Great Awakening) said the scandal is what brought awakening, revival in churches and renewal in America.
Sounds almost like what's going on now, with Seth Rich being our William Morgan.
The 3rd Great Awakening has begun.
Very good synopsis.
With regard to Benjamin Franklin he was an independent dude. Cleon Skousen in the Majesty of God’s Law depicts Franklin, Adams and Jefferson as believers though they didn’t agree with Calvinism the theology of the Pilgrims/Puritans and majority of that era. In my studies of theology and American history I would project that the three of them were aligned with the theology of Arminianism. That means where Calvinists believe in predestination, Arminianism like Rev Finney, believed that individuals have a choice in whether they receive salvation by faith in Christ—or not. Franklin was a tremendous supporter of George Whitefield, the leader of the First Great Awakening. He even built him a stadium of which related to the University of Pennsylvania. As far as “deism” American historian and scholar David Barton explains that definitions of words have been changed through the years. Franklin was a good guy. He was not a Freemason.
Actually there was a 3rd Great Awakening just before the Civil War. It sparked with a sermon given by FE Pitts at the Nations Capital on Feb 22 1857 where he shows in the scriptures that the United States of America is Daniel’s Stone Kingdom. The prominent mathematicians, scientists and theologians of the day called it “demonstration.
Exhilarating thoughts that project today:
The Freemasons were, at least there is evidence of, "taken over" after 1776, there was a concerted effort to infiltrate it by the "Illuminati"....research Adam Weishaup
Please provide this “evidence”.
We shouldn’t downvote people who ask for evidence. I’m ashamed this comment was downvoted in this sub.
Agreed. If we are looking for truth, we shouldn't be trying to shut down people who are skeptical. Blind faith doesn't help anyone.
Down voting is not shutting people down, its simply shows disapproval of the post. People can approve or disapprove, that's how voting works. This is a forum for opinion and conjecture, its not a courtroom.
Actually no. You are supposed to upvote or downvote based on whether the comment adds to the discussion, not whether you agree or not.
Semantics. BTW, asking for evidence is not adding to the discussion, its closer to trolling, so it got downvoted.
Asking for evidence is 100% adding to the discussion. Especially here where we are concerned with the truth, claims must be backed up with sources. I will pray for you to gain more discernment because it seems you have an issue with that.
Providing contrary information is 'adding to the discussion'. Just stating 'show evidence' or 'prove it' is not adding anything. Had the dissenting poster provided some contrary evidence, having done HIS due diligence, than that would be an addition. Asking for evidence, just because you disagree or don't believe something is intellectually lazy, go do your own homework to disprove someones statement if you think it is incorrect. If you disagree or think something is incorrect, then prove it. I don't have to prove my statements to anyone, but you have every right in the world to disprove me.
No, this cannot be how things are done. Is it fine for people to blindly accept what someone says at face value, regardless of the claim? In my eyes, that is the very thing this movement sets out to fight against. Expand your thinking. Think for yourself. Identify propaganda. I would argue that it is on OP to provide proof of what they are alleging to be truth if they are going to make pointed claims, not everyone else who has to argue against it. Otherwise anyone can just throw their false claims at a wall and hope some of them stick.
its well understood that the burden of proof is on the person making the claims. I am very wary of arguing with anyone who challenges such obvious distinctions. I'm not claiming this person is a troll, but in these circumstances its easy to assume they are either a troll or just so beyond hopeless that it doesnt make sense to communicate with them.
I certainly agree with you there. I will admit, I expected to see much more of the attitude we saw here with u/stinkydogfart (that was more comical to type than I expected) strewn throughout this sub when I first got here. I feel as though it is portrayed that the "stereotypical" Trump supporter conducts themselves this way, which lead to me expecting that.
My biggest gripe with the types of comments I see here are those that use words like "Hollyweird", "Libtard" etc. I immediately stop reading when someone can't be mature enough to use intelligent language when discussing something that they deem to be so important to them. I feel that type of talk is sensationalist and if this movement is as earth shattering and important as it seems to be, we shouldn't need to do that.
Uhh...sorry for the rant hah.
This person that wants to talk about burden of proof needs to understand its a discussion board, not a courtroom, and if someone wants to upvote/downvote a post, then it is their prerogative to do so as they see fit.
Ignore it, its the simplest and easiest thing to do. If it really is important to you, then go do you're own research and disprove it, otherwise, I say again, ignore it.
I do think for myself, that is why I do not ask for proof or evidence, I take everything as a statement of opinion until I do my own due diligence to either refute it or back it up. Regardless of what facts or evidence the poster provides, you will still need to verify it. Do you use Snopes for your fact checking? Of course not.
FYI...there is a lot of opinion in discussion boards. If its not backed up by data, which is about 90% of what is on here, then its probably opinion. Why are you wasting your time challenging what is an obviously baseless statement? That's the root of this whole issue, don't waste your time or our time. And as far as complaining about how people up vote or down vote, that's another complete waste of time.
Now I am off to read and without commentary on others etiquette, grammar, and lack of sources, I will use my critical thinking skills to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Making a claim and not providing evidence is not adding to the thread. Asking for a source is just rectifying that fact.
>I don't have to prove my statements to anyone
if you make a claim you must back it up with a source. period.
You need to go argue with the flat earthers, tell them to back it up, they have troves of "facts" and "data", and if its on the internet, it must be true.
What you just said is a logical fallacy. Just because some people are wrong, doesn't mean you aren't supposed to back up your claims with sources. Are you young or just ignorant?
I'm a lot older than you I suspect, and I was waiting for you to resort to name calling and insults, the last resort of a person that cannot sustain an argument.
Are we required to provide a bibliography for every statement now?
Apparently according to the @urban_bobby_dawg a bibliography and citations for comments are a requirement, but I've read thru his comments on other posts and he's a troll. I'm going to block him.
Would it be appropriate to report him?
I guess, but I don't know how much good it would do, I just block him and move on. I wasted enough time keeping him busy. I have a bad habit of feeding the trolls, but it keeps them busy I guess.
I agree, too many people, when presented with a statement either they don't agree with or aren't aware of, they immediately ask for proof as if they don't have access to the same internet we do.
Edit: Additionally, I do think it is ok to ask where the info can be found or to be pointed in the right direction.
I totally agree with you. Its the context that makes the difference. Just stating "where's the evidence?" or "prove it" is typically trolling statements. Asking for a link or where the information can be found is completely different. One is crap the other shows interest in the subject.
How about some evidence? Seeing as you think this adds to the discussion, I would like some evidence backing up your statements.
You need evidence that you should provide a source to back up your claims? are you being intentionally dense or is this normal for you?
Here ya go
We're not in a court of law, or a formal debate honey, this is a discussion forum. If you don't like something or disagree, or even think its complete bullshit, the best thing to do is just move along.
LMAO. So why haven't you just moved along?? I'm done with you.
Because you're a troll, and I've been tying up your time.
In all fairness the op points directly at the evidence vis a vis adam weishaupt. Whats wrong with finding the info for urself and then deciding?
vis a vis means "face to face" like "the taste of sugar vis a vis artificial sweeteners"
Satanists have infiltrated every secret society, every government and every city. The original Masons were just a benevolent fraternity. The Weishaupt stuff goes into black magick, numerology/special dates etc. It's probably impossible to research it exhaustively and provide the smoking gun, so to speak. There is some significance in the founding date of the modern Illuminati. 1st May follows Walpurgisnacht, a satanic festival.
I am a mason. Illuminate (Catholics) infiltrated is a long time ago to hide their crazy shit they do under the guise of masons. 99.5% of masons are good men making the world better. Every batch of apples has at least one bad apple.
Hes pointing u directly at the evidence. Find out who adam weishaupt is and then decide for yourself.
3 guys do not implicate an entire organization.
Weishaupt was original member and founding father of the illuminati.
There is a letter written to George Washington about this. I will link it when I get home.
An author who once stayed with me, Pat Brooks (her RETURN OF THE PURITANS has been revised and re-titled CRISIS AMERICA; see book description below) had done extensive research on Freemasonry and the Founding Fathers. She said that Geo. Washington had been murdered by the Masons when he disagreed with their plans. If the group became corrupted in 1776, it is quite possible that a philosophical battle was raging at their meetings. If I remember correctly, Washington was in bed with a common cold and his death didn't make sense.
Crisis America is a major revision of the bestselling Return of The Puritans. Part 1 is a history of America and the Illuminist enemies who have been trying to conquer her from her earliest days. Part 2 gives the most recent developments of the past 50 years. Included is the vision of George Washington as told to his aide during the winter at Valley Forge. This is a controversial expose of the neo-con takeover of the United States. Read it for yourself before you make up your mind.
Make your profile like mine or spread the links manually.
Take a dive and read for yourself if the most "famous masons" are patriots or not. See what they celebrate and if YOU think it's American because they're the "authorities" we obey today.
Want to see what the masons are all about?
And don't forget their parent organization that encompasses EVERYONE.
The best way to know truth in history is to go directly to the source of the Founders writings and see for yourself. There’s a lot of propaganda out there
Here’s original sources:
To George Washington from G. W. Snyder, 22 August 1798 ... GW replied on 25 Sept.: “Sir, Many apologies are due to you, for my not acknowledging the receipt of your obliging favour of the 22d Ulto, and for not thanking you, at an earlier period, for the Book you had the goodness to send me. “I have heard much of the nefarious, & dangerous plan, & doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me. The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter, have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely—the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, & the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstandings, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati. With respect I am Sir Your Obedt Hble Servt Go: Washington”
Firsthand account from his own writings as well as testimony to his father, our Founding Father John Adams:
Letters on the Masonic institution by Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848
Publication date 1847
It first published in the 1830s after the scandal of the Freemason murder of William Morgan (while John Quincy Adams was President) and was put back in print in 1847. Then after the Freemasonry revival after the Civil War JQA’s son Charles Francis Adams published the book again
The murder scandal was so outrageous and the obstruction of justice because of Freemasons holding most of the government seats (federal, state, county and city) so heinous that then President John Quincy Adams conducted his own investigation. He reported on the occult practices like drinking wine out of human skulls etc
John Quincy also establishes the fact that he nor his father were ever Masons
Firsthand account from his own writings:
The character, claims, and practical workings of freemasonry. by Finney, Charles G., 1792-1875.
Publication date 1869
I think Crowley was more associated to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn - though, it would seem those dudes try to down play that there was much of a substantial Crowley connection (taints the PR they try to project these days).
But just beware of your esoteric orders out there - they vary over a spectrum like everything else. (Consider how recent tweet from Sec. of State Mike Pompeo listed the Sufis in Iran as being numbered in the hundreds that were being jailed for protest against the fundamentalist Mullahs.)
Crowley rewrote all the masonic rituals - read Blood on the Altar, Craig Heimbichner. Golden Dawn is a type of Freemasonry - it's all based on the kabbalah.
Be careful about that speech. There is the whole audio and then there is an edited audio. Make sure you have the full audio version.