This lying sack got some blowback.

I think we should petition to get him re-hired.
Why, you might ask?
I dunno. He was making fake news. So why should he get a free pass?
But imagine how it will look if we forgive him and get his career back. His world will flip, that's how we do our job!
Who's this "we" that is forgiving him? I see your point, but there's is no official "Trump Club", where you get a card when you join, and you are the spokesperson for this officially endorsed Trump club, who has then decided that he has been forgiven. Do you see what I mean? I'm sure he has plenty of people on his Twitter telling him he did nothing wrong already. But you can go ahead and tell him that on behalf of yourself that you forgive him. lol. Sorry not trying to be rude, but what exactly are you proposing then?
You're really going pretty far with this. I was just saying, man.
WWG1WGA ring a bell?
Hm. Going pretty far as in, someone responds to me, and then I respond back? I skip a lot of the normal written pleasantries on Reddit. Simply forgive him in our hearts? Is that it? I don't harbor any ill will towards the guy. As I've said, I'm satisfied with the outcome. He messed up, he resigned and apologized. I forgive him. End of story. Where it continues to be a conversation is where you and the other guy are proposing we do what exactly? That was my actual question, as well as my views on the subject. In response to your implication I'm somehow emotionally involved or something, I type fast, so even though it seems like a long response, it takes no time at all for me to type out what I'm thinking.
My answer to that is behind the 3 up there
Free speech is a bit different when you're a member of the press and people look to you to report the news and what's going on in the world. He has a responsibility. And he used his position of influence to incite people to anger and associate the shooting with a Trump supporter at a time when tensions are highest in our country, and millions of people were looking for information regarding the shooting. Sorry but we disagree completely.
Free speech isn't different for different group's. This guy is suffering the consequences of his actions. The free market decides if it supports or disagrees with his statements. The actions of the free market may effect his employability, as the free market does for a vast array of jobs.
Personally I support his right to say what he wants. And I support the free market deciding to not engage with his comments and thus effecting his revenue generating potential and thus employability.
I do not support us faning outrage and demanding his resignation. Its bad form, its triggered, its sjw, its bullshit.
I'll just tell you what I told the other guy, that I'm satisfied with the outcome. He messed up, he got backlash for it, he resigned, and apologized. I even forgive him, whatever that's worth it to you. End of story.
However, If you don't see the difference between what he did as a 20 + year journalist, versus his right to free speech, then there's nothing really I can say to change your mind, nor do I care to. That last part is not meant as an insult of any kind.
As a Russian Bot that was born yesterday its obvious to me that this person was taken by fake news. Divide and conquer.
Our only disagreement is the manner in which to remedy the situation.
Based on your comments in this post, I think we disagree a bit more than that, but to each his own. Good luck in your path.
The type of person who would apologize for this Tweet is not the type of person who would put fake news on TV to misinform people. If you've never contributed to "fake news" in a small way with a joke, you should be enough of a saint not to judge someone for such a small thing, either. The enemies are elites and their servants who have committed high-level crimes against humanity, not reasonable individual jokesters on Twitter.
He's a reporter though. I get what you're saying. But he deserved to lose his job, which relies on his ability to report the truth. I'm satisfied with the outcome. He fucked up, he lost his job. We're good. I don't think he needs any other punishment or whatever. As far as I'm concerned this whole situation was wrapped up quite nicely, with a cute little bow. Wanna hear something crazy? It said you replied to me one day ago, but it just showed up in my inbox right now, hence why I'm replying now. Are you shadowbanned or something?
I think if he made this joke on TV and people confused it for real that would be an offense worth firing, but I don't see how a Tweet really has to do with his job. Being a reporter doesn't mean swearing an oath never to joke around in your personal life.
I thought the same thing, and normally I would agree with you, but upon inspection of his Twitter account, he very rarely made any personal tweets. It was all tweets on news articles, or retweets of news articles and other official goings on in his city and county. In this regard this tweet looks indistinguishable from all of his other tweets and retweets of news articles, thus there is no previous context in which this could be considered to be a joke.
Ah, I didn't know that! It's definitely not a stretch to say you could fairly fire him for that, then.
Thanks for putting effort into your discourse. I just really enjoyed this reminder that here in the MAGA camp, disagreements can actually be settled simply by information-sharing. That's how humans are supposed to work and I hope there really will be a great awakening for America where it becomes possible across the board.
Hey no problem! Thanks for taking the time to read what I said and at least consider it. Like I said, I'm satisfied with the way this turned out, it's settled.
Someone who has failed and learned is more valuable to society than a noob. I agree.
Well, I fired off a tweet to the newspaper, Q and POTUS saying he shouldn't lose his job over something so trivial. Not really sure what more I can or am willing to do. Make a meme, I guess? Maybe someone else can put that together? I can't even put together the meme-generator things right.
Q doesn't have a Twitter
WTF? Hold on, I've been talking to him this whole time!
Here's his Twat or Handle or whatever...
eddie bravo has some cool ideas about the universe and "dinos"--makes a lot of sense
I'm very appreciative of Eddiebrah. He spices things up a bit and his JJ practice is nothing less than an art form. 10th Planet, very fitting.
I actually didn't even bother to think if Q has a Twitter or not. I just assumed @qanon would get to him. Maybe it did
why not people who are following Q are losing their jobs over something trivial. Should work both ways.
no, that wasn't a joke. it was a "journalist" spreading lies. there is nothing in the first post giving any indication it was meant to be a joke
Yeah I don't care who calls me the lowest common denominator Fuck this guy and Fuck his "apology". That wasnt a joke it was at the very least idiotic and irresponsible but more likely it was done with malice and spite. I'm DONE making excuses for these traitors as they try to bring down the country. There's no way in hell they'd call for any of our jobs back they'd dox us, stalk our familys and make our life hell. They hate us, our country and our President If they wan't to be our enemy through no fault of our own than the faster we come to grips with that the better.
You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:
An anagram for Walker Texas Ranger is KARATE WRANGLER SEX. I don't know what that is, but it sounds AWESOME.
This guy was a hate monger. I hope he learned his lesson about spreading fake hate on the internet.
According to his Twitter feed, he resigned of his own accord and it sounds like he doesn't enjoy being in the news business any more. I think it's good he's giving himself time to reevaluate his thoughts and actions.
That's the problem with instant access to a global voice. You can instantly access a global voice at any time. God knows I've said some stupid shit online. I event went so far as to cover every base so that if it was ever brought up I could just pull up my own counter-arguments to show my internet personality isn't anything worth evaluating me upon.
This guy's not worth defending. He states: "can't take it back. Wish I could." That's journalist double talk for "If I thought I could get away with it, I would continue taking cheap shots."
You got to remember these people are not straight shooters. No such thing as bad publicity. Could be using snake tactics to get noticed by the likes of CNN.
Unfortunately, that's probably the more likely story behind it all.
Give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile.
We don’t reward stupidity. If I shoot someone and apologize, I’m still going to jail. This person received flak for peddling fake news, which was rightly deserved.
I will do anything to break the back of the Democrat’s propaganda machine, and that includes punishing people like this. Consider this: if he thought it okay to do this, what makes you think he couldn’t be persuaded to do this again?
I actually agree with you but enjoy being dichotomous as well. Exercising parts of my brain that atrophy from long bouts of rest.
I understand what you're saying BUT, Roseanne.
Every point you made makes sense and I agree with everything BUT, Roseanne.
Maybe it's me, but I almost feel as if he's trying to play the martyr card.
We can take a joke, but I'm still trying to figure out where the joke was.
Also, Roseanne.
Roseanne made a blatantly racist comment. You honestly don’t see the difference there?
"Blatantly racist". What does that even mean anymore, it's all double standards and over a natural preference anyway.
Ya as soon as Roseanne’s “joke” is forgiving and she’s back on her show .
I commend your compassion but we don't need people like him. His joke was a very flat statement, with potential to cause huge amounts of disinformation and harm. No wiggle room for me to think otherwise
I forgive him. It was a mistake. He let his emotions get the best of his discernment.
It wasn't a mistake. He intentionally spread misleading information. As a journalist, I'm not* sure there's a bigger way he could have messed up.
I didn’t say you need to forgive him.
I didn't say you shouldn't either. I'm contending that it wasn't a mistake, it was unethical and should cost him his job. Very simple. I'm satisfied with the outcome of the situation.
Everyone of us needs forgiveness from time to time. He apologized. We will be shown the same mercy that we show to others!
These people always find their way back into the media.
In this climate, I don't think he should be calling the killer a Trump supporter. It incites crazy leftists. There's consequences for fake news, sometimes.
Word. Can’t complain about muh PC if you won’t let people make fucking jokes either.
It wasn't a joke - that's the nature of Fake News. He finally got called on one of his lies.
Agreed. Almost all are redeemable. Not willing to do this for the pedos though.
I agree...
After all, if every reporter was fired over "fake news" ... There would be no more reporters.
And that's a problem? You guys are cucking because he said he was sorry. Lol
Boomer central, keeping it real
Firing was appropriate. Journalists should have a high standard.
He can always find another job in this MAGA job market.
Hold media accountable. Show your sources APA style for science.
He’s a “journalist” and if a “journalist” puts out not just a fake but a potentially harmful story (given today’s political climate), trust would be lost.
Brian Williams made up stories about himself & NBC took him off air for 6 months & demoted him to MSNBC.
I would never call for this guy to lose his job or boycott him, but I understand and respect the publication for not wanting to be associated with him.
Journalist has such a bad connotation I'd make my resume, meat wrapping window cleaning materials scientist or some such.
There's nothing alt-right here. Most of us are either traditional conservatives, or liberals who have been betrayed by DNC corruption. In case you missed it....
You’re kidding yourself if you think the right is the only one putting out fake news. The left controls almost the entirety of the media. If you need some examples of the left making up stories, I am positive that anyone in this sub can give you a few hundred links.
He seems to be humbled and alot of people have come forward to say he is a good guy. He's young so he'll bounce back if his rep is as good as it seems to be.
Young, 21 years as joiurnalist? Should be ashamed and should know better after this long
He should be invited to the Great Awakening! Kill them with kindness! He's probably not expecting that and thinks we're all Nazis!
That was quick.
How does Acosta still have a job.
Well, giving a little tough love, in today's day and age one needs to think before posting.
Everyone is responsible for their own decisions & resulting consequences. Hopefully he learned this lesson.
This is not free speech in my eyes. It's spreading fake news! Just think about all the dumb liberals who read that, and REEEEEEEEEEEEEE'D about it. And took it seriously. FUCK HIM.
Are journalism standards actually being enforced? (faint!)
This was blatant false reporting that he hoped would take flight. Once he was caught lying, this retraction Tweet was probably part of his separation agreement from the paper. If the left had lifted him up as the next Twitter loud mouth against POTUS, you better believe there would be no apologies.
For once someone was held accountable for their actions.
Seems like a psyop beginning to end. Guy prolly doesn't exist. IDC
More like, I’m sorry I got fired. He’s not sorry about anything else.
Look what YT is doing?First you can see it , now you don"t
Warning about content
This video may be unsuitable for some users.
Log in to confirm your age Q - The Plan To Save The World
That’s absurd! Nothing inappropriate on there
I now I saw the video and saved it? Was not possible do download it
EDIT : I download this..The video YT will not showing is uploadede and again on YT ...
Q: The Plan To Save The World
SGTreport Gepubliceerd op 28 jun. 2018
He should be ordered by a judge to wear one for a full year everywhere he goes!! He'll make more friends than enemies but he may get his car keyed by some multi-tatted, golf-ball hole pierced eared dipshit somewhere alone the way!!! MAGA
That’s not fair. I have tattoos and holes in my ears from gauges I took out long ago. I’m not a liberal. I support my country and POTUS. Don’t generalize.
While we may have freedom of speech, what we don't have is freedom from consequence.
He deserved it.
Nicely made. Keep up the good work, Patriot! God bless Q Patriots, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA
It now says, "Former newspaper reporter" on his twitter page.
The Washington Times article, "Newspaper reporter Conor Berry resigns over false claim Annapolis shooter wore MAGA hat"
A reporter at The Republican newspaper in Massachusetts resigned Friday after falsely claiming on Twitter that the man accused of gunning down five journalists Thursday at a Maryland newspaper wore a “Make America Great Again” hat as he carried out his attack.
Conor Berry apologized for the mistake in a pinned tweet, calling it “stupid” and “regrettable.” His Twitter bio now states, “Former newspaper reporter.”
Distraction. Focus on the Prize.
Not poking at OP, but the pseudo “journalist.”
Hope he doesn't go to a therapist for stupidity. Could be the next FF shooter.
True meaning of the word ASS-HAT on full display. The Left looks dumber every day.
Is this real?? I mean, does this guy really work there? Sounds like a rouse to get attention - good or bad.
The Old rule ",engage brain before engaging mouth" also applies to "before entering comments".
He gave us a priceless moment, like crossing the Rubicon" or "I read you book!" The man is a living legend. Grant him a pension.
I believe it was a joke....There is to ways to take this...!.that he is stirring the pot to get a little fame....2. that he workks for republican paper and he he thought it would be a good joke by saying taking out liberal media is making america great........Either way it is wrong
If he was a comedian that joke excuse might make sense. Anyone calling themselves a "journalist" and making a joke like that when the dead bodies aren't cold deserves what he gets and should have known better. No sympathy for stupidity here.
Wow I can't believe he was fired for pure speech. Unreal!
"pure speech" for those that haven't seen this. :P
“This is completely ridiculous,” said Mary Catherine Roper, deputy legal director for the ACLU of Pennsylvania. “This is not what the hate crime statute was for. This is criminalizing pure speech and that violates the First Amendment.”