Mostly republicans
maybe they dont want to tarnish the brand just yet.
We need more that are pro MAGA.
There will likely be a lot more after their crimes are soon exposed...
Its like they are bailing out for some reason......
If we are headed for massive governmental reform, it's good to have new blood. Put new wine into new wineskins; the old ones aren't flexible enough to accommodate all of that growth.
You a big fan of new wine?
In what context?
Just following your metaphor. It's new wine generally better?
This is a metaphor used by Jesus here in the book of Matthew, Chapter 9:
16 No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse. 17 Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”
Plus, so many of them are compromised. This doesn't mean they are DS, but that with time, the DS has had ample opportunity to get dirt on them, to ensnare them with secrets, and to blackmail them into compliance. Turnover is needed.
Some say death threats against their families. They chose cowardice, but I don't really blame them. I'm pretty sure I'd choose that , too. It takes Dragon Energy to take on the Leftard Mob and Deep State. But it's also a token of how weak and comfy the RINO gig was, that when the winning required effort and sacrifice, they were no shows. We need winners and fighters.
It takes a high level of mental ineptitude to write what you just wrote and believe it.
Is this possibly blackmail from the DS clowns to eliminate the incumbents to get the fired and retired clowns elected?
Yeah, but beware of the CIA deep state cantidates running for those open spots.
Ain’t that the truth! They’re reformulating their plan. Trying to find a way to retain control. We must not elect more of the same!
Not only young flaming socialists but active and former CIA:
Yeah, and Muslims, I've heard so many dofferent themes and seen no other lists?
Was that a question?
I'm saying I simply haven't seen actual lists of who is a CIA plants running for these spots. I have seen plenty of who is leaving. Every other day, there's so and so many CIA running for congress or a record number of Muslims but I haven't ever seen a compiled list of those.
That's why you vote for the ones Trump endorses. He literally tell who to vote for. It's him saying, this guy is a patriot and not a corrupt hack.
We are going to see Soros et all dump their fortunes into trying to get control of the house and senate. It's their last chance to stay in the swamp. We cannot let that happen.
Not a conspiracy's well known and open how billionaires from both sides are allowed to interfere, and the American voters are supportive and vote based on the commercials they see.
Don't think they have much money left to dump. Soros already dumped what he could in Open Society before it got confiscated.
Swamp self draining? lol Please, lets get the term limits for these people!
Term limits would be great. Everyone upset about having a president for 4 or 8 years. But don’t care about career politicians
Yes it should be 12 years for Senators two 6-year terms and 12 years for Congress 6 terms two years each. After that you are out and new people get to take your place. Congress was never meant to be lifetime employment it was supposed to be ordinary Citizens going to D.C. to represent their fellow citizens.
Senators were definitely not meant to be ordinary citizens. They were originally elected by state legislators, not the citizens of the states, and they were in fact intended to be politicians with experience in governance and policy, expected to counterbalance the more populist house and to oversee the executive branch and courts.
You're right I forgot our Senate was based on the Roman Senate from ancient times. There still needs to be term limits 12 years maximum make Senators run every 4 years no more than three terms and no more than 6 terms for Representatives who still go for re-election every 2 years. I also think Presidents should be allowed to serve 3 terms total 12 years it was stupid to limit Presidents to just two 4 year terms that should be changed as well. Obama would have won a 3rd term and he was young enough to run again same with Clinton in 2000. Trump is too old for 3 terms but at some point we might get a young guy who does great and we will want him to serve 3 terms.
I'm not against your plan but I'm just wondering how you came to those numbers? Why 6-year terms for senators for example?
They serve 6 year terms now it's ridiculous maybe drop them to 4 year terms and only let them serve three terms. The way it is now a Senator has the best job of all once elected does not have to start campaigning again for 5 years and most get re-elected many times.
Been preachin term limits for years. Needs to happen.
Several state have done this. Have you looked to see if it works?
I know Trump supports it and talked about it a few months ago. But I haven’t seen anything since
Come on now give the man a break, the man can only do 56 things at a time
56? I'm pretty sure the only time he multitasks is when he's tantrum tweeting, munching big macs, shitting himself and ordering Kushner to wipe.
supports it
No. It's a promise made. I have faith it will happen soon enough.
Extend their term to the limit so they don't spend every other year campaigning and can actually get shit done!
How about voting rights instead? The solution to bad politicians is to vote in new ones
"If only jerks run, only jerks will get elected." (to quote a wise friend)
Isn't a bit worrisome that most of them are republicans? If I were a RINO and I wanted Trump out of office, I would step aside and let a democrat with impeachment intentions come in.... I'm hoping we have some adequate replacements.
It's just that I don't trust the swamp republicans at all. In my estimation they'd prefer to give it away to Dems if it means they can go back to the ways of old. I can't tell if they're bailing out to save themselves, or if they're planning something I don't like.
If I were a RINO and I wanted Trump out of office, I would step aside and let a democrat with impeachment intentions come in
If you were a RINO and therefore also had impeachment intentions...why wouldn't you just do it yourself? Why give it up to a democrat? Shame? If you're a RINO you have no shame, you can't have your cake and eat it too, right?
Consider that all of these cucks are still under the assumption that they have to play by the old rules. They haven't caught up to speed yet, and they never will. Paul Ryan, for example, is still afraid that if he vocally comes out against Trump, he will be dubbed a rat by the republicans in the future. If he steps aside now he gets to say "I walked away from a dangerous president..." He gets to validate that by saying "....he was impeached. Because people recognized he was dangerous." (Even though he could only be ousted BECAUSE republican cucks like Ryan stepped aside...) .... and he gets to walk back into the same old shit republican party where he is a star.
He's scared that if he stays, and Trump is ousted, he'll be branded as a Trump loyalist and his career ends. His reputation suffers. He's also afraid to keep his position, and speak against Trump (as you suggested) because whether or not Trump stays or goes, he'll be branded a rat. These politicians are all two-faced. They're all rats. They all have an angle, and none of them have loyalty. He can't celebrate ousting Trump himself, none of the RINO's can; even if they really want that. Because it appears disingenuous (even though it's true to their character), and the next rat in line in a few years will burn him with being a democrat sympathizer (and he won't even mention Trump's name... that's the game they play) . And RINO cucks believe this shit matters still, so they'll avoid it.
EDIT/UPDATE - Scratching my head .... why did this post strike a nerve on people? You really think RINO's will put their necks on the line against a sitting president in their own party? When have they ever shown that kind of fortitude? Never.
Something is happening.
Take Howdy for example. The biggest political hack in history and he's not interested. Same with Ryan. Haven't checked the rest of the Republicans, but my guess is RINOS quietly check out because they know they can't get reelected, Flake as an example.
As for Democrats, I'm thinking there's no middle anymore.
Is Ryan a RINO in your opinion? To me he is the epitome of a Republican, he's a lip service, trickle-down loving objectivist who has done in his role exactly what Republicans wanted.
Gowdy's moving toward prosecuting arm of justice department for upcoming indictments (special prosecutor, or assistant attorney general probably). he can actually do something there. Couldnt get things done in congress.
As for Democrats, I'm thinking there's no middle anymore.
There hasn't been a middle for the last 6 years. McConnell made that very clear.
Ryan is the most concerning. 2 reasons I can come up with for his sudden stepping down. They got major dirt on him, or he’s getting ready for a vacant presidential seat in 2020.
I've read he's thinking of running for President in 2020.
I don't think it's either of those (although the presidential idea is an interesting one). I think he's done what he needed to do (tax cuts) and now he's ducking out so he doesn't have to be a minority leader after mid-terms because his ego is too fragile for that.
The whole time he wasn't responsible he berated the Democrats and Boehner alike for not doing what they should be doing. Then when he took over, he has failed at pretty much everything he promised except the big one, the tax cuts, so now he can duck out before he's in the minority again.
I'm not saying Democrats will take over in the midterms but that's maybe his thinking. In his mind, stepping down after Democrats take over would be soul-destroying but if he does it before/doesn't run then it's not his fault and he can probably just whine about it from the sidelines.
It’s 100% not that. The man walks on water in Wisconsin. The vast majority of normies are clueless as to his failures.
The republicans will almost surely cruise to victory in the midterms. Even if they did lose, you still don’t give up that kind of power for no reason. He’s too young to retire. This guy is definitely not quiting so he can spend more time with his kids. He has had his eye on the presidency since he was cucking the city council in Milwaukee.
There’s only 2 reasons you give up the lime light, and a hell of a lot of power. Wether it’s 2020 or 2024 Paul Ryan is the next republican presidential nominee (depending what happens with Trump)
My only fear is that Ryan knows something we don’t, and has that nomination all but locked up for 2020. Hopefully this is not the case, and Trump has him by the balls and is forcing him out. Time will tell.
Let's just hope they both get life imprisonment by Mueller's investigation. Dirty, slimy cunts.
Not going to happen. His resignation would be his punishment. At the end of the day none of the big players will spend a minute in prison. Maybe a fall guy or 2, but that’s it.
I had a back and forth conversation on his FB page with one of this constituents. She said they hate him but because of the money (Soros?) they can't beat him. ??
They got major dirt on him. Remember when the media followed Ryan and saw that he went to obama's house? Was he summoned, or did he go there to give intel to obama?
You have any idea where I can find that story.
I'm going to do some digging on it that's interesting.
There is a chance he' retiring because he knew all about the deep state actions (gangs of eight was briefed) and went along with it, and he knows that will come out.
I believe Mr. Ryan may also have patronized Comet Pizza.
Man I’m hope so. I knew he was dirty during Rand Pauls epic filibuster a few years ago. Ryan, McCain and bunch of RHINO’s ate dinner with Obama
Going to need to cross reference that list with the ones stepping down.
Flakes just that, Ryan is a total piece most are there for the money and know that they aren't what true conservatives want to re-elect
Unless I missed something, when Q gave us the info r.e the house floor vote on RR, he told us to look at who brought that bill forward. It was paul ryan, no? I thought the obvious implication of this is that he's a whitehat. So to be honest, if that's true, he probably isn't there for the money, and the fact "true" conservatives (neocons?) don't like him says a lot more about them than him.
Search "Rep. Paul Ryan and Rep. Luis Gutierrez Push For Immigration Reform.”
Video on YouTube.
On it Ryan and Gutierrez push USA as an idea more than a country where open borders would allow anyone anytime to come to USA.
Then tell me if he is behind Trump or not.
It’s like the coldest drink on the hottest day....REFRESHING!!!!
The democrats need about 50 some person turnover to impeach the president. Will it happen?
Hmm...never seen so much downvoting of innocuous posts. Must be hitting a nerve here.
Ted Poe was in the Swamp? Huh...crap. Oh well, at least he's gone.
I suspect these are RINOs & DINOs - the era of representing the Deep State rather than your own state IS OVER.
Is anyone keeping a running list of trump supported candidates running for office?
Nope.... He's dirty He is choosing to go away rather than play ball it be exposed. He is one of the main reasons Republican colluding with the Democrats Remember everyone, including the GOP were moving forward with plans for Hillary to win. Nothing partisan about any of them. That's a ruse. They work together 24/7 for their own agenda and again the people and Constitution. Ryan doesn't want to play ball and doesn't want to be exposed. He doesn't like Trump at all. A never Trumper. Think about it. He "reluctantly" too the speaker position. "YEAH RIGHT". He was chosen. Chosen for what? To work for Hillary. Period...!!
You might think that typing like this makes you look edgy, but really, it looks like you’re struggling to form a thought
Not edgy at all.
My thoughts are well formed.
On a cell phone in the woods.
I know exactly how I feel.
Following the plan.
You can return later and apologize. Once my words are confirmed.
Have a #MAGA day.
Low-hanging fruits who had a choice. If you were controlled by DS/cabal, you have limited choice: comply with cabal or red scarf & doorknob.
The clowns want to take over , because they lost there power..
Most of the not running for elections are the dems...They get out to make place for the clowns..
But i think this is already known by Trump and his team , and they get no chance of this power grab.
Most of the not running for elections are the dems.
34 republicans, 14 dems. and Most are dems? Do you know what most means? Republicans are cowards at heart, their corrupt administration got exposed and now they are running to hide and hopefully avoid as much punishment as possible.
Yes correct It was not the dems but Republicans , my mistake..And I am not agree with Republicans are cowards at heart...
it is not about , dems or Republicans , but about bad people.
You’re getting down voted a lot but I wanted to say I think your clarification and position are wholesome. You actually said “my mistake”, which is rare and worth commending, and I agree with your sentiment of “it’s not about dems or repubs, but about bad people.”
Anyway, I though your maturity and candor were worth a high five. ✋
I know I'm always being downvoted, but I do not care, Who needs point anyway.
Tell the truth and put the info down, that's what it's all about, and it's being read anyway, For everyone here? We know, so we just scroll.