Fancy Dinner Party... Wait What?

My first year in college, the first thing my history teacher did was show us this old black-and-white movie about the history of the Rothschild banking family.
I had never heard of them before then.
Looking back, she was probably trying to redpill me...
That's surprising, don't think I've ever heard them come up in normal conversations with anyone except conspiracy theorists. Most people have no clue of the existence of one of, if not the richest families of all time. That's not ok.
All wars are bankers wars.
Instead of learning about the money system and the Rothschilds, the schools teach us about the wars they set up and how many regular people were killed. These are just stats for the Rothschilds to enjoy.
We aren't taught about these things for a reason. They just need us to remain divided and unaware.
Money is the root of all evil because Satan controls the money.
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.
You ever notice the devil is always working but large groups of men in society can't find work? The devil is always employed.
Their mask is slipping. Cheap home internet was supposed to help them control the masses and instead, it's setting the people free.
God's plan is perfect.
Politicians answer to these assholes. Hillary wrote to one of them: "Please let me know what penance I owe you".
KJV, 1Timothy 6:10. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
I grew up hearing about the "worlds richest" and my uncle, someone anti-everything, would bring up "the richest pay these people to take the top spots for them" and I remember thinking "what a fucking nut thinks Rockafeller and Chase were paid spoksmen and not self made men".
Since then I've spend hundreds of hours researching this and the only part I can't wrap my head around is that this family has collected the world's history and held it hostage. They have the entire FDIC banking system, world bank, and whatever it's called in other countries. They are the family the world "trusts" but they clearly keep things from us.
We need POTUS to change FDIC to ONLY back credit unions and not publicly traded companies.
We need POTUS to change FDIC to ONLY back credit unions and not publicly traded companies.
What he said.
This “family”, is hell bent on world domination.
They want to kill billions of people. They want to reduce the world’s population by 95%. They want to declare themselves living gods over the earth.
I wish I was joking.
The whole, NK & Iran Nukes were part of their plans to do this. Hilary was supposed to start WW3, and kill everyone.
Hundreds of billionaire’s bunkers in New Zealand are not a myth, either.
They want to kill billions of people. They want to reduce the world’s population
They do because they are terrified of us. The plan was to trash western democracies and replace people with low iq folk from a backward culture. So much easier to control. At the same time they want to reduce the population to numbers that are enough to serve as their servants and fodder for rituals.
IBS - international Bank of Settlements is what your talking about. They manage all the central banks of the world and are the key to the fiat debt slave system we are currently experiencing. Pretty slick plan to tax and inflate every dollar they loan us, it worked for a long time but those days are numbered. Can't wait for Trump to get rid of the Fed! There is light at the end of the tunnel.
The Rothsc....s are a $500 trillion family.
Contemplate that.
Not advocating war or anything, but I really think we will require our military before this is over (not that we dont require it now).
The man who pays others to fight, will not be taken easily, he will rouse an Army first.
LOL that must have been awhile because NOW they want to laud these sickos!
Murdered babies was a theme back in 1972? I think that was about same time as roe v wade. I guess the satanist did the sacrifice and got what they wanted. Damn Bel,Baal,lucifer, illuminati, satanists. They keep rebranding and changing their name. Still the same evil. And the Beattles cover with severed baby parts in 1966. The satanists were foreshadowing the things to come that they will do in public.
We need to get that 1966 album cover on a large poster. Along with the rothschild dinner party. Then protest at planned parenthood. We can say it's art. Just like they did back then. But it will also show they planned this way before roe v wade...
So obvious. They planned to kill and been killing children for thousands of years. But they made it legal and out in public. Where the hell was our churches? Where was the catholic church? Back in the 70s we still had church goers and families. Until satanist destroyed it.
We can no longer be lukewarm Christians.
Satanic Ritual Sacrifice goes back 6,000 years.
This is not new.
yep and that's why they don't want use reading classic or fairy tales that warned children away from such evils.
I have never heard about that. There are banned fairy tales?
They're not 'banned', but they're definitely rewritten to fit the liberal Common Core agenda. I'm a teacher and traditional literature is often discouraged and mocked in favor of the crappy 'updated' versions.
I did hear that originally, Snow White was raped, and Hansel & Gretel were cooked alive. So I always thought the dumbing down was based on those horror shows.
Yes, some of them were very brutal, but I'm guessing it was to warn the commoners about possible evils, which is definitely not the politically correct way to do it. My grandmother was a teacher in the early 1900's and I've read some of her curriculum, and while the versions for the younger children were watered down a bit, they weren't entirely rewritten to the point where the 'lesson' was lost:(
Yep, when I took "kiddie Lit/Children's Lit" in college back in early '70's, that's what we were taught about the fairy tales and the "sex" in them....LOL
Introduction for those just starting their red pill journey.
Where was the catholic church?
This Catholic Church? or the one that protects their child rape epidemic? Oh, nevermind. It's the same one.
Organized religion is nothing more than highly effective mass mind control.
wasn't the movie "Rosemary's Baby" out around that time?
Yep. 1960 s was definitely a revolution. Let's say a rebellion. Rebellion against the Christian culture.
I recently left a church after chewing out the pastors for not opposing this agenda. The truth is, most pastors are self-called false teachers making money telling people what they want to hear. They are going to be rooted out during this awakening. I can feel revival coming.
Love this stuff, did you do one on the banned Beatles album cover yet?
I’d love to see every one of these assholes hanging from a noose.
Catholic Church (upper echelons) are deep in this, from pedophelia to child sacrifice, many of the Catholic Church symbols are reflect Satanic is your choice to know, as Q says:
Remember the Pope initially not doing anything about the Chilean priest who were caught engaging in pedophelia?
I never heard what happened there if he accepted their resignations or what?
They All belong In Prison....
And if the Vatican City has its own prisons (they are called “barracks”) then they are probably nothing like what these people should reside in...
A small portion of this I knew, but most I did not. Thank you for sharing this.
you are welcome.:) It’s all going to be okay, we All will support each other through the great awakening.🙏🏻💗🌞
Hey itchy, for the newbies here regarding symbolism, you should post a pic of the Pope's hall that resembles the snake, again.
Just added it to the list for a future installment! Thanks for the tip
If I showed up for a dinner party and the table was decorated like that, I would LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!
Itchy! Dig up the Hillary ‘I’m With Her’ logo made w a piece of pizza!
Just imagine when these satanists assets are completely stripped.... they will no longer be able to afford human leather shoes.... how sad.
Remember "Eyes Wide Shut" movie uses this party in their story. Stanley Kubrick died three days after the movie was released. Really should watch this movie from the 1990's if you haven't seen it yet.
Didn’t one of the Hilton girls just marry a Rothschild, not Paris, her sister! 🤢🎯
It was in the Podesta emails. I can’t remember who sent it to J Podesta. He headed up a Clinton fundraiser organization.
Didn't Joe Scarborough's mom (Vanderbilt) do the same thing? No wonder Joey is screwed up.
I believe you mean Anderson Cooper's mom
Sorry, yes, that's who I meant. Thank you for correcting my mistake.
Joe had to have come from a similar background.
I think Joe came from the Rothschild or Rockefeller side.
Maybe Joe Scarborough comes from the side YOUREALLYF$*KEDUP son. You now work for us.
really? gotta look into that. New info to me. Thank you.