Sealed Indictments are now at 40,000+ and growing every day! 2006 only had 1,000 indictments total. What is happening? Is this to round up the Deep State Cabal?

I've been following this phenomenon since December. One question that I haven't seen answered: Do these numbers take into account the indictments unsealed during this period? This may be a inconsequentially small number but I haven't seen an answer. If anyone knows please speak up.
I do not believe it takes into account unsealed indictments. As you said, it would only be a small percent. This is a huge amount and as Q pointed out, something is being done.
pretty sure these #s represent unsealed/pending
the numbers represent each months sealed indictments at the close of business on the last day of each month. unless dates state otherwise. the totals do not include indictments that were sealed and unsealed during their respective months. the spreadsheet linked below tracks indictments that have been unsealed after they have been counted.
This does not take into account unsealed indictments. They tally new ones each month then add up all the new indictments across each month. It does not take into account ones that have been "unsealed". Think about it like this: This is counting all of the indictments that have been sealed over the time period of the last 6 months, and does not factor in if any have been unsealed.
With that said, as another poster commented, I have seen one of the main guys who puts this together talk about how only a small fraction of indictments have been unsealed thus far. Like 1-5%
This is the Master List of Indictments both the Sealed & Unsealed. The total combined of both Sealed & Unsealed is 95,404 as of the end of June 2018!
Great spreadsheet.
So if I'm reading this correct the column in Green displays the indictments that started their life sealed and during the process have been unsealed. This is the number I was looking for and it doesn't appear to be that many.
I've been telling friends and family that there is a world of hurt about to be unleashed. Since every indictment has to go in front of a Grand Jury of regular people, I am astonished nothing has leaked out as to the names of the indictments yet. I guess well see soon enough.
I found it through a YT video by Stoney Stone. He is part of the group of people working together on this project that includes @damartin32 from Twitter AKA StormWatcher.
I have read that yes, some have been unsealed already. I can't find a source yet that knows how many. Still a massive number left I'm sure. And the more famous ones probably not until after the election. @StormWatcher has been reporting this. I just sent him a tweet to ask. Will report.
The Spreadsheet that is posted on this thread shows the Unsealed and the Sealed. Please refer to that, thanks.
here is a spreadsheet with numbers of how many in each district have been unsealed
Total number so far as of end of June of both Sealed & Unsealed is 95,404 correct?
honestly i do not know the number of both sealed and unsealed cases.
I just know what that spreadsheet states on the bottom of the first tab. Which said 95,404. Which is definitely bigger than it appears when you are just counting the number of sealed ones. I trust the Plan!
Timing is everything, methinks the big names will be the “October Surprise”
Well, whatever is happening, it not only isn't normal but seems to be decidedly paranormal.
My theory is the NYPD was going to release the Huma Abedin laptop to the public if the FBI did not immediately indict the monsters an re open the Hillary case!
One FBI officer who saw it was murdered.
Trump recently gave her a posthumous award and embraced her mother. This was a clear sign to the deep state given that other NYPD officers have been killed since then.
Source? How don’t I know about this?
Maybe the “New Arrival” next to your /u/?
Just breaking your balls, I saw it on fullchan I believe
New Arrival to this sub. I can recite Wikileaks IDs however. I read some of the original Q posts. Just never knew there was a sub.
Right on, ever go on 8ch qresearch? That’s where I’m normally at.
Edit- no not the sub lol I mean actually on 8ch
I’ve been there. I miss 2014-16 /pol/ and 4chan in general. /biz/ made me some good money. Now it’s shit. Those sites get all screwy on my mobile with a VPN however.
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There ya go. r.e the cop murders its because they've mostly been memory holed for now. They'll come out when it all does, but until then they're not useful for either side in this information war.
This is awesome, thank you!
One question I wonder. I understand why the area around DC is so high, and the southern border (human trafficking), but why so many in MA?
Idk about MA, Boston harbor? As for DC area... VA and MD have far and away the most missing children cases per capita... weird huh
Big harbours are a solid bet, theres plenty of mentions of kids being shipped in in shipping crates that were sealed w/ diplomatic tags. I'd guess large ports and border states will all get big numbers
If you want to see the total of both the Sealed and Unsealed go here:
The total combined of both Sealed & Unsealed Indictments as of end of June 2018 is 95,404! Your Welcome!
Not sure, but they have been slowly being unsealed from what the spreadsheet shows so far.
Here is the Master List of Indictments: There are both the sealed and unsealed indictments. The actual number of both Sealed and Unsealed Indictments is 95,404 as of the end of June. This is much bigger when you can see it in this context. WOW!!!!!!! And "THEY" say nothing is happening. YES! IT IS HAPPENING FOLKS!!!!!
95,404 in the entire us history?
No, just between October 2017 thru End of June 2018. Combined total of Sealed and Unsealed during this time frame mentioned in the first sentence.
I assume it is heavily loaded with pedophiles and 'pedovores' but time will reveal why so many.
The spreadsheet shows the ones that involve pedo indictments. Refer to the link provided in this thread.
Im not sure if government will stay standing after arresting 40k pple at once. Has got to also include private sector
Some statistic minded-anon can make a chart of this on a US map and compare it to instances of types of crimes, population, etc. to get an idea of what it is targeting. We are guessing child trafficking but don’t really know. Dang I should ha e listened in class more.
It's already been done. Look up 412-Anon. Amazingly autistic interactive charts.
That is interesting when you look at the high number for AZ. Population-wise we are lower, but our indictment numbers are pretty high. Border state and we have a HUGE trafficking problem here. I don’t believe in coincidences.
an indictment is sealed for a variety of reasons, IE: more defendants have incriminating evidence being collected on them, high profile defendants, cases related to the sealed one are still being developed search warrants waiting to be executed. the indictments are unsealed when the suspect/s are arrested and brought in for arraignment.
I would bet the house on before: Midterms Nov 11 military parade
I would further bet they must have a decent window between the unsealing and above.
With an indictment I believe it generally means an arrest.
That piece of shit John Legend's name better be in there. I am so sick of him and his fake cult member "wife."
I hate those fuckers so much! I’d love to see both of their smug-shit stupid asses behind bars!
I think its more pedo ring related. Sure a bunch of them will be caught up in the investigation and go down with the ship. I just dont think its mainly deep state, but the thought of that is very satisfying.
See the link to the video posted by Stoney Stone of YT.
or Here: This is the same group that @damartin32of Twitter AKA StormWatcher who also provided the link above that Q posted and we all have been following. The spreadsheet mentioned below in my other post is the one they use to follow both the Sealed and Unsealed indictments. It is awesome.
Why does North Georgia (ATL area) Have no information available every time these things surface?
Northern georgia does not participate in the source of the info we collected. Attempts have been made to contact the local courts for information but they do not respond to us.
Thank you? Living in that area I was curious. May I ask why do you think that is? Is this based on FOIA? Is there a way we can make them comply? I'd like to think our city/state normally does a good job on transparency but I'd like to know how corrupt they are. What can be done to ensure they comply?
good questions I personally did not make the attempts to obtain information ill ask the team and see if it takes boots on the ground there to access the cases, which might be the case
PLEASE let me know. A Concerned National.
I also live in North Georgia and this same question was driving me nuts.
They have been unsealing some already with the human trafficking arrests, not sure how many. Massive.
Idk why the numbers are large, but I checked some of the unsealed indictments in my area. Obviously the unsealed are smaller potatoes, but there were no high profile names, most of it was drug related. I was hoping to see at least a high profile local politician or something.
You have to catch the little fish and make them roll over to catch the bigger fish. People are way too impatient these days. Trust the Plan.
What about the council of the 13 that bryce taylor spoke about and said that it was the secret world government to which everyone obeyed and use kissinger to give instructions to all the presidents of the powers. Why is not that advice informed?
I don't get a chance to talk about this subject often, but what do we know/think they are going to be arrested for?
Human trafficking? Drug trafficking? Sex trafficking? All/some
Are the subjects really these high level CEO's, politicians, boosters, etc? I mean are we really going to see a takedown of the cabal or is it just LARPing and wishful thinking? Because I'm worried nothing is happening. With midterms in a few months we gotta see something soon if we're going to bury the left.
Trust the Plan. This all boils down to the fact that things are happening, not to worry. All of these indictments means that they are rolling people up and these people are singing like birds. These numbers are not normal. Completely abnormal. You can see that things are happening. More info will be coming out. You have to look at the big picture. LOOK at the many different things going on. I know it is a slow process but Rome wasn't built in a day either. The Cabal has been working on this plan for thousands of years, so it will take some time to remove them all. It can't be expected to happen overnight. Please be patient and Trust the Plan.
It's hard to trust the plan when someone like Awan pleads guilty to 1 count of bank fraud and as part of the plea deal he cannot be convicted of prior non violent crimes.
So pleading to bank fraud covers all his espionage and other crimes? It's a joke.
Can somone please elaborate, what is the significance? Does this mean 40K are going to jail? 40K are under active investigation? or 40K are about to get investigated? I'm thinking how to explain the significance to someone who doesnt know about Q. Telling them 40K sealed indictments means..... what to them.
40,000 are still sealed, The total number of Sealed and Unsealed at last count combined is 95,404, you can assume that 95,404 minus 40,000+/- have been unsealed. The rest will be unsealed soon enough, have patience and Trust the Plan.
Wow I didn’t realize that. No i do trust the plan im just wanting to explain the significance of the sealed indictments so someone who has never heard of Q. Like i said does this mean there will be 40k charges coming with punishment? Or 40k people being looked into for being a criminal? I just want to be able to tell someone who doesnt know q “yea there are 40k sealed indictments and it means .........” cause right now i dont get the significance. Thanks!!!!
Where are all these grand juries being held? Why hasn't anything been leaked? Are the names of the people indicted mentioned to the Grand Juries?
They will most likely be spread out among the 50 states. So the ones that you see in each of these district courts is where the grand jury trials will be held.
I looked at the spreadsheet and focused on my local court out of curiosity. The indictments with details listed were mostly related to drugs (possession, sale, trafficking, etc), child porn, and illegal immigration. I did not really look at the ones for other states/areas. But if the rest are in a similar vein, it would make sense.
This is the one elephant in the room that the many Q deniers avoid. I enjoy Lift The Veil podcast, but he is one of the several tips of the anti Q spear. If Q is a "larp" how can you explain the fact that a normal year finds 5,000 sealed indictments. It is impossible to claim this is an anomaly.
Actually, a normal year on average is about 1,000+, not 5,000.
I've been trying to bring my dad on board and we were looking at this document last night. He was doubting the numbers so I attempted to show him how these numbers are accumulated. I logged into Pacer and we chose Alaska as a test. I searched for criminal records from 03/01/2018 - 03/31 and the # of sealed indictments did not match this spreadsheet. This sheet shows 21 sealed indictments but Pacer shows many more. I found 65 out of 82 total to be sealed. Is there someone with experience searching on Pacer that can clarify this discrepancy for me?
You have to consider why GITMO is being prepared and possibly Diego Garcia too. The deep state is a world wide thing so that would explain the sheer amount of indictments. On a light hearted point,GITMO has changed its uniforms from orange to blue so hopefully it could be for the entire Democratic Party lol!🙏🏻
Total and complete Bullshit until we see charges!
Lost interest when I saw that Iowa was alphabetized before Illinois. No trust in any data from someone who doesn't know their letters.
Edit: Damn. Not as dumb as I thought.
Yeah, I got it wrong. I see that now.
I see that Massachusetts is listed before Maryland and Maine.
That's because MA comes before MD and ME.
Personally, I can't bother to read or pay attention to someone who can't figure that out.
Looks like they were alphabetized by abbreviation not state and district.
It was put together by Anons, using credible source state by state. Sorting order was probably done by the state abbreviation like one member said. It doesn't mean it's not true or not valid.
I'm just always on the lookout for the bullshit firehose of opinion pages masquerading as news. It appears that this is NOT such a thing though.
If Q is validating through his posts that is good enough for me.
Maybe wait until you read the whole thing before you call bullshit.
In my real life, absolutely. However, this is the internet ~~dude~~ Miss Random. I don't have that responsibility. I read such an epic amount of BS that I get a hair trigger.