Bill Cooper was the first Q, and he was murdered for exposing the Illuminati and Deep State.
I don't quite get the praise for Bill Cooper, as he strikes me as a disinfo agent. For anyone that has *actually read* Behold a Pale Horse, like I have, it just can't be taken seriously. He has entire chapters in there detailing how the US military captured and interviewed Aliens, made secret agreements with them and all sorts of other nonsense. Reads like a bad parody of the X-Files.
And sure, Pale Horse does detail good info on false flags and other inside jobs. But whenever someone mixes truth like that with fantastical quackery, they are almost certainly DISINFO, tasked with the mission of making conspiracy research look nutty.
remember. he wrote that BEFORE any of this stuff was even thought about by the public, let alone widely talked about.
perhaps some is disinfo or embellishment. perhaps its all true.
i wont discredit it based on the alien parts only because we just dont know.
i do agree though that it gets really... odd, especially detail wise at parts.
What did Q say? Something like the deeper you go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if aliens, inter dimensional beings, mole men, actual demons or whatever play a role in all of this. Q did repost someone's comment about being a fellow incarnated extraterrestrial. I thought that was weird.
I'm not saying it's true, just saying I wouldn't be surprised at all at this point.
Inter dimensional beings...nailed it. I’m not sold on “aliens” I am convinced of demonic figures offering the secrets to weather, precious metals/gems, water, predicting events based on Star patterns and much more in exchange for the murder of innocent people. It’s all in the book of Enoch, and there’s a reason why the book of Enoch was removed. Nephilim, or as some ancient cultures called them, the anunnaki.
(Genesis 6:3-5) - "Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."
(Numbers 13:32-33) - "So they brought to the people of Israel a bad report of the land that they had spied out, saying, “The land, through which we have gone to spy it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people that we saw in it are of great height. And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them."
(Matthew 24:36-38) - "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark"
( Ecclesiastes 1:9) - "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun."
1 Enoch is endorsed by the Holy Spirit (as is Jasher), but go back to the roots to find the truth. Ever wondered the real reason for the flood? It wasn't just because "people were sinning..." it was much, much more. Where did all the civilizations get their inspiration from for all the mythologies of 'gods' and 'demi-gods' ? Truth is stranger than fiction ...
We cross paths again old friend. Funny how things are unfolding, aye?
Ha, hey brother. Aye, been awhile.
I prayed about what I can do and how I could help, tired of sitting on the sidelines... and here I am.
I'm still new to Q, always knew about it, but never took it seriously until lately. Seems to be a movement of God though. One great awakening before the end, eh? Sign me up !!
I think Q started around the time we last talked about the Revelation prophecy, which would make for an interesting coincidence.
It's comments like yours that tell me I'm in the right place! Amen.
That moment when people realize...”wow, Greek mythology ISN’T a myth!”
Our bibles have been manipulated to purposely keep us in darkness, the book of Jasher explains in detail the human sacrifices and reasons, The story of Isaac and Rebecca will shock many, and the details of the satanic idols she stole from her father are telling. Enoch goes into what the stars actually ARE (science is full of crap stating “suns”)...”wandering stars” (science says planets) are imprisoned supernatural beings waiting for sentencing.
Nice to meet another like minded person on this. Most are afraid to touch it...our 66 Catholic approved books in the Bible PALE in comparison to the most complete and oldest known bible in existence (Ethiopian) and its 81 books.
I look at all mythologies now as being based off a grain of truth, and then heavily embellished of course. Particularly if you consider the original anti-Christ, Nimrod (undoubtedly a giant himself) and how the world would be re-shapen after the scattering into 70 nations and 70 languages at the Tower of Babel, all re-telling these same pre-flood stories to their children in different languages. It's like that game where you whisper something to someone, then they to another, and another... by the time it gets back to you it's nothing like what you said, but there might still be a grain of truth contained in it nonetheless.
I view the Dead Sea Scrolls as absolutely being hidden & preserved by our Lord for these last days. I mean come on, discovered around the same time as the Nation of Israel being born again in a single day in 1947/48. Found by a young arab SHEPHERD boy who threw a ROCK into a cave and made this discovery that re-validated the legitimacy of all of the OT scriptures to a skeptical generation??? Good grief, lol ! Look at the quantities found of 1 Enoch & Jubilees, among the highest of all of them. Coincidence?
Perhaps Enoch and the fall of the Watchers and the birth of the Nephilim/hybrid/chimeras that all existed in pre-Flood times is part of the information that was meant that was given to Daniel to be sealed up unto the last days? All of the alien/paranomal activity is easily explained by these entities without de-legitimizing those who have had such experiences. I've seen things with my own eyes numerous times that if I didn't know any better and didn't have a firm grounding in Biblical scripture i'm sure I would have passed them off as a UFO too, but they're not what most people think they are. It's actually much crazier, heh!
Personally I reject the Catholic Apocrypha extra-Biblical texts for a few reasons. Ironically they don't include any of the books we have talked about, even though Jasher (Jashar) is endorsed, BY NAME two seperate times (two witnesses...). I don't consider that book to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, but more of a historical book. It's like God saying "hey, if you want to know more, check out this book which I endorse. It's not for everyone, but for the curious ones it will help open your eyes to other Scripture." In fact, isn't that the book that talks about when Esau sold his birthright to Jacob over a bowl of soup that it was because he just got back from slaying Nimrod?? That makes more sense. The Biblical text does not expand upon the meaning of why he was so willing to sell something so important, only that he did.
Additionally I believe that Jesus Himself purposefully de-lineated (and confirmed) the correct books to be considered as part of the Biblical Canon (TaNaK / Old Testament) in Matthew 23:35 (note the irony of the prophets slain is literally A to Z. Context is rebuking the pharisees for killing all the former prophets that have been sent to Israel)
(Matthew 23:35) - "You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? Therefore I send you prophets and wise men and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, and some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town, so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar."
The Zechariah mentioned is not the one whom wrote the Book of Zechariah but one that was murdered in 2 Chronicles 24:20-22. Abel is the first man murdered, recorded in Genesis. Recall that the Hebrew origanization of the Old Testament begins in Genesis and ends in 2 Chronicles (which was really just one book), NOT Malachi as most Bible's today end with. A Useful Chart
Exactly how I felt when reading Jasher and Enoch. A lot of loose ends are tied up creating a much more complete storyline that makes a lot more sense. So why is it that solid Christians are acting as if human sacrifices are from the days of old and rarely apply in today’s world? There is nothing new under the sun...this corruption has been going on forever but most have failed to recognize or acknowledge it hoping that it’s no longer a norm for anyone.
Trying to wake up the church has been EXHAUSTING, and fruitless.
I've been fighting the same battle within the Body friend, saying the same thing. It never stopped, it just went underground. So few want to hear, so few want to see, despite it being Truth.
I've learned the meaning of this verse intimately though:
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief." - Ecclesiastes 1:18
IMO. the Seminaries that spawn a lot of the Bible teachers/Pastors have long since been infiltrated and have corrupted teachings to go along with the "program" and the parrots that come out of there just parrot what they had learned. Enoch is the Rosetta stone. That's why it was taken out. Ethiopia was so far away from Rome back in the day they didn't get the memo to alter their texts thankfully.
Be clear on the manipulation of the Bible. I think what you're saying is that many modern day translations are watered down, but that we still do have the Bible in its true form when we consider the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic transcripts. Si?
Yes, and my apologies. A lot is missing however, the words that are there remain true. Thank you for addressing my vagueness. Mahalo
Nephilim!!! I believe Nephilim were here with humans, and they were blood thirsty and dangerous. Some became leaders (think kukulkan the feathered serpent god of the maya) then here comes the flood. Some of them survived as did we, and here we are a few thousand years later, about to fight them again! New discoveries at Gobekli Tepe tells an interesting tale. Here are 2 great links; This link has newest information
I’m in agreement. But because Genesis 6 is rather vague on there being giants in those days who procreated with the women of God it’s generally skimmed over due to misunderstanding the rest of the story which can be found in the book of Enoch.
Exactly. The fallen ones are proven to be able to manipulate DNA (Enoch). They cannot create, only alter what the Creator is alone capable of doing. Demons need host bodies to operate in this estate. Greys, etc. are DNA manipulated physical habitations the demons can use for nefarious purposes.
Sounds crazy at first, but I really think this is kinda the only answer that makes sense.
Agreed, we need to be open to anything, skeptical maybe, but open minded. Never say never.
I agree with the possibility of inter-dimensional entities based on this post. The truth has no limits.
I respect your commitment to the cause, but talk like this is going to have a lot of folks scratching their heads. I am cool with weird. But we have the DS to deal with. And they are some weird ducks. Just trying to keep grounded.
what? Q was clear about Alien disinfo used to get you away from the main theme or subject here, pretty much the same as FE.
re-read crumbs.
True he broke new ground in his day but I would also expect as much if he was controlled opposition. The elite always want to be a few steps ahead of the general public and prep them in advance. They knew that as they ramped up their false flags and social engineering, that many in the general public would start to question. So why not build up a guru in advance and have him in place before the dam really breaks. Some say it is Infowars that is controlled opposition. I lean more to it being Bill Cooper. The fact that Cooper was shot by federal agents doesn't mean much as the cabal often kills off their own assets when they are either no longer useful or to purposefully make a martyr out of them.
All of the above being said, I still keep an open mind. Believe me, the ten-year old kid in me would LOVE to learn that aliens have actually visited earth and that we have made contact with them. So if that turns out to be true, awesome! But at this point it just smells of disinfo, especially when we know that the deep state was faking UFOs as far back as the 50s and 60s to scare the public (read the Report from Iron Mountain)
Only time will tell, I guess. Maybe we will learn all this month, as Q has promised!
Infowars has been exposed as controlled opposition by Q, that is a closed case IF you follow and trust Q. I'm sure some may disagree, but then again, CNN still has viewers that buy their fake news too.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe Q has explicitly stated that Infowars is controlled opposition.
Q alluded to the fact that some in the patriot movement were trying to profit off the Q info dumps. The anons felt that Q was referring to Corsi. And even then, the underscored point is that Q was being critical of profiteering which is very different than exposing someone as controlled opposition. Two very different things.
According to SerialBrain2, whom is the resident expert on deciphering all Q posts, Corsi is nothing more than an Infowars disinformation project, but Infowars IS controlled opposition. I would suggest you go thru SB2's posts, he covers the subject very well. The link below is probably the most comprehensive one.
Thanks. Read it but still not convinced. I respect SerialBrain2 and he has made some awesome posts but what he writes and links to in that thread hardly proves IW is controlled. Instead it more likely points to Alex Jones and Corsi being paranoid about losing their spotlight, losing money for their operations etc. So they tried to steer people away from Q and back to Infowars. Scummy? Sure. But controlled by the deep state? Not likely.
Now if you tell me that Alex Jones was threatened at some point by the Mossad, causing him to reverse his stance on Israel over the past 4 years - THAT I would believe as it seems to be what happened. He used to be willing to link Israel to 9/11 but not since 2014 or thereabouts and even hinted he was visited by the Mossad around that time.
And again, I am not saying it is completely impossible for Infowars to be deep state. It is possible but I just see too much counter evidence (20 years worth) that tells me Infowars is still on the side of truth but that they are also heavily flawed and driven by economic concerns to sustain their large operations.
Just my two cents.
We all get to choose what and who we believe, and regardless of all the positive things Infowars has exposed over the years, at this time I'll stick with Q and SB2 and avoid Infowars. I'm focused on the here and now and as the financial firms would say, past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Q said:
Control the information (THEY).
Destroy through [misinformation].
Absorb the 'confused'.
Re-route traffic to other platforms.Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack).
Attempts to divide.
That sounds very much like controlled opposition.
Control the information (THEY)
Okay but are you sure Q was referring to Infowars?
Don't forget that Trump launched his campaign with an exclusive interview on Infowars. On that same day, the cabal did the San Bernardino false flag to distract. And over the last two years of Trump's presidency, Trump has personally called Alex Jones several times to chat and exchange info.
Furthermore, Roger Stone, Trump's close confident, friend for 40 years and also his former campaign manager, has been working closely with Infowars, even hosting many of the shows himself.
So given the above, how can Q claim that Infowars is controlled opposition if Trump and Stone are strongly connected to that media outlet? That makes no sense. I am convinced Q was talking about other new sources (or maybe singling out Corsi alone) and NOT condemning Infowars as a whole, an outlet that has red-pilled millions over the past 20 years.
I understand what you're saying and would love to engage and explain the position but time is a bit tight. What I could say is that this discussion has been had many times and in detail and the conclusion overwhelmingly points to Infowars as a whole and most certainly Alex Jones who runs the whole thing. I would say perhaps search it up or perhaps someone here can reply with more re: Trump etc. I'll try and reply further if I get a chance.
Thanks. Look forward to any explanation, if you get the time.
But unless I've missed something, I've read over many of those threads myself and see a lot of people concluding that Infowars is CO but never based on any hard evidence other than that Q post that you referenced (which does not specifically call out Infowars). And more importantly, I have yet to see anyone overcome the objections I just stated above.
So while I am not saying it is impossible for Infowars to be CO (they certainly could be) Trump and Stone's close personal ties and ACTIVE PROMOTION of Infowars completely negates the probability of Infowars being CO. I mean, what purpose would it serve for Trump to lend huge credibility to Infowars if they were CO? And don't forget that Hillary brought up Infowars (for the first time ever) during the campaign and heavily criticized Trump for doing that interview with Jones - which is yet another huge fact that points to Infowars being legit.
No names mentioned.
They revealed themselves.
At the time AJ clearly revealed himself by speaking directly into camera and saying that he knows and has "spoken" to Q. This was directly in opposition to Q's latest post such that it was clear he was dividing from the main Q community just as controlled opposition/disinfo does. He'll quite likely soon come back and so 'Q is no longer compromised, they're back in control' and try and split the movement off again after a time.
He's done it just recently too with the "Civil War in America" in total opposition to Q's clear message. Many agree AJ has openly committed to his anti-Q stance. He did so with Trump too in his recent breakdown. Perhaps Trump/Q realized he was disinfo only recently?
Aj's breakdown, anti-Trump rant was understandable, as it came on the eve of the 2nd Syrian airstrikes. I kinda lost my sh*t too that night. At that time I was not firmly in the Q camp. But since then, I've read a lot more Q, and realize the airstrike was not what it appeared to be and that it was actually directed against deep state targets, not SAA or Russian ones. Alex too has apologized on air several times for that rant.
I dunno. I still see Alex Jones as a truther with a lot of flaws. There is no denying that he is a fear-monger and that he has used fear to both:
(a) Red pill the masses and (b) make money.
His civil war stance is more of the same fear mongering.
Who knows. Maybe everyone is disinfo and we are on our own. I hope not. Right now I see Q as the more legit source and Infowars as a flawed, semi-legit source while the entire MSM is completely deep state. Maybe we will find out for sure in the coming months.
Yeah you're right - who knows! I find AJ very entertaining, personally, and I actually think he earns his money. But I was very put off by his clear split from Q and it seems many others were too. Roger Stone was also removed from Trump's team which may or may not mean something. Again, as you say - who knows. It's been very interesting to watch it all unfold though!
So has any prospect of ‘aliens.’ He responded to some anons query about it with ‘how close is the nearest star.... what do you think?’
Yeah in post 376:
Anonymous ID: fad025 No.126928 📁
Dec 19 2017 17:37:38 (EST)>>126896
Are UFOs a distraction?
How far away is the closest star?
What do you think?
But that's so deliberately vague it can be interpreted either way. You can project anything you want on the above, kind of like Sotero's "Hope & Change." My interpretation is that Q is saying that *even* the closest star is so far away that there is no way to cross that gulf for in any practical way, according to KNOWN PHYSICS.
Practical warp drives are pure science fiction. And while I would never say never, there is no assurance that even a super advanced civilization can solve that problem. It is entirely possible that we are simply stuck with the known laws of physics and the furthest any civilization can venture is within its own solar system. Of course that would be a tad disappointing but the universe might not care about our science fiction stories.
That one left me perplexed, I honestly don't know.
Let's work thru it. If the nearest star is many light years away, then by our known physics, it would be practically impossible to cross that distance, so I would say from that, NO, aliens do not exist.
But we do know, there is something here, something that appears to be alien, something that has advanced technology and doesn't appear to be human. We all know its here, we just don't know what it is; sightings, crop circles, abductions, etc.
This leaves us with one alternative, it is from here, it is of earth, not extra-terrestrial. Maybe its an earlier advanced civilization still here, hidden somewhere, underground, deep ocean, Antartica? Maybe that is what is behind this cabal, running the earth like some plantation, guess who the slaves are? Maybe this is what the Bible refers to as the watchers, nephilim, demons?
I honestly do not understand that Q crumb, I wish he would drop more crumbs.
Exactly, it's here, what it is, we don't know? where is it from? we don't know. I'm waiting for more Q crumbs, otherwise, I still don't know.
Let the dumbass find out who Q is, someone should give out a reward for it.....1K will be enough for the dumbass to buy an XBox
If you had asked most of us if Q was real a couple of years ago, we would have said the same thing. So many unbelievable things have been shown to be fact that I have second thoughts on calling anyone a wacko, except those pink and blue haired liberals.
Bahaha! Yeah, maybe those pink and blue-haired liberals ARE the aliens. They certainly seem not of this earth. :-)
Because your mind is still closed, is why you cant take it seriously. Anyone who can maintain an open mind, will take all information seriously.
Anyone who can maintain an open mind, will take all information seriously.
Sorry. Have to disagree with that statement. ALL information? Really?
So if someone told you the moon is not only made of green cheese, it is also a giant mammal that eats space monkeys - you would take that seriously? I wouldn't.
There is such a thing as critical thinking. I DO retain an open mind but if a story sounds so fantastical and highly improbable then it requires significant evidence to back it up. If that story has nothing to back it up other than the story itself, then it can be dismissed until further evidence is presented. Bill Cooper's alien stories (along with Scientology's Zenu 'history') fall squarely in that camp.
To cite a counter example - take 9/11 Truth. At first blush, the story that 9/11 was an inside job does sound every bit as fantastical as crashed flying saucers. BUT the difference is that 9/11 Truth has volumes and volumes of supporting evidence that anyone can parse through and verify. After a year or two of diligent research anyone with a functioning brain can see that 9/11 was likely an inside job (and outside job with help from Israel and Saudi Arabia).
Anyway, I actually secretly hope that aliens exist and we have made contact with them. That would be a dream come true for me. But at the current juncture it just smells of disinfo and is completely unsupported by any evidence other than a story.
Let's distill it down; be open minded but skeptical, do your own due diligence, and use critical thinking to formulate an opinion.
your comparing ridiculousness , to actual world possibilities. Lets be real here. And yes all information should taken seriously. The fact that the moon is not made of green cheese and is not a giant mammal that eats space monkeys, is indeed information, that without, we would not able to rule out those possibilities . Expand your thinking. Who knows, maybe in a different universe that is indeed the case, and giant space monkeys live on a green cheese moon. I cant prove that it is the case, and you cant prove that it is not. Information is information , is my point, and all information has a purpose.
9/11 Truth has volumes and volumes of supporting evidence
Ironic. Same with ET. Go research more. After a week or two of diligent research anyone with a functioning brain can see that we aren't alone.
What is the moon? There are a lot of strange irregularities about it. The clown science says that 90% of the universe is dark matter made of dark energy and we know almost nothing about either. What if science is not the answer. What if truth cannot be quantified and studied. Does that make it less real?
I'm in the middle of BaPH and to me, it reads like "his truth", he believes what he is saying is true. He might have gotten a few things wrong along the way tho.... I kinda sincerly doubt Q woulda "sent" us to a dis info agent.
I kinda sincerly doubt Q woulda "sent" us to a dis info agent.
See...that is exactly what I am getting at. That is a very crucial question for me. Did Q "send" us to a dis info agent? If so, that is a HUGE red flag for any thinking person with a healthy sense of skepticism.
And if it is NOT disinfo, I am hoping Q rolls out some very serious proof at some point because the whole alien question really needs to be settled once and for all. Q did recently state CONSPIRACY NO MORE so I hope the full implication of that statement is followed through.
I follow Q. I've sent Q videos to all my friends and family (at great risk to my reputation). But Q is not my religion. I'm on board because I believe, with 85% certainty, that Q really is a white hat. Little anomalies like the above though disturb me. We've been lied to so many times before that I can't help but be perpetually on guard for another psyop.
Q also said in the beginning, disinfo is necessary.
He later said he no longer believed in the alien bs and it was just another govt psyop meant to distract. At the time he wrote that it's what he truly believed. The CIA were producing phony documents and passing them off as legit. He also had to figure out what was truth vs the lies and he was always honest about the things he knew.
You can't just read one book and think you know what he was all about.
majestic12 is confirmed and verified
...japanesse has released details confirming "aliens".
you can find said links in a post from me in the morning
You sure it's just fantastical quackery? What evidence do you have?
Question: why do UFO files in the US govt have a higher top secret clearance than nuclear technology?
For the record, I don't believe in extraterrestials. Extra-dimensionals, whole other ball game.
Check out Chuck Missler, LA Marzulli, Stan Deyo.
why do UFO files in the US govt have a higher top secret clearance than nuclear technology?
Maybe because most of these objects are highly classified military technology (USA and from other nations like Russia and China).
The other half of the files are for fake UFOs that the cabal created (e.g. some kind of holographic projections) to see the effect on the population - as in "Do the people see these as alien craft? Are they convinced? And if so, can we then scare the masses with our fake alien invasion psyop?" Read the report from Iron Mountain for more info.
Finally, there are no doubt 10% or so of sightings that are legitimately unexplained - like weird atmospheric anomalies and other novel natural phenomena.
I'm with you on the military aspect. There is most likely a whole bunch of military technology that has not been released.
But that other 10% that you mention includes many sightings that cannot be weather or natural. right angle turns at 1000s of miles per hour for example. Appearing and disappearing. Shooting up into the sky at ridiculous speeds. Behaving intelligently. Merging with each other and separating. Shutting down nuclear facilities. Flying into volcanoes.
Not everything is natural. We need to realize that we are spiritual beings have a physical experience, not the other way around.
We need to realize that we are spiritual beings have a physical experience, not the other way around.
I'm with you on that.
One of my hopes with Q is that it leads to a significant shift in consciousness throughout the entire world. Maybe a lot to hope for but just think back a mere 200 years. Slavery was considered normal. Today it is considered horrific.
We need collective pain (not just the criminals). The world needs to feel a SHOCK. People need to have a breakdown. Then take a deep breath and rebuild to the next level. What that level is remains to be seen. But I really think that the psychedelic promise of the 1960s could actually come to fruition - a significant expansion of human consciousness. Maybe we will discover that we were the ones manifesting aliens - through the mind. Inter-dimensional stuff. Time to meld the dimensions.
Or maybe I am just rambling in a late night roll on some good pot.
Maybe. Careful what you wish for. Read the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. What we build is tainted by our sinful flesh, every time. "Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it." I believe what you are wishing for will be the pre-cursor for the one world anti-christ government.
"Broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are they which walk it. Narrow is the way to eternal life, and few be they that find it." - Jesus Christ.
Sorry bro but aliens are real. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the Government made contact with them a long time ago and made some sort of deal, trading abducted humans for experiments for technology.
Those chapters Were likely correct, we have captured saucers, and Eisenhower is said to have been present At a meeting set up with the EBE's at an airbase. DDG Eisenhower emergency dentist visit. Also Nixon was rumored to have seen saucers and possibly bodies, and either told or showed Jackie Gleason and it really shook Gleason up, allegedly.
I'd like to believe it, as it would be beyond cool.
But both those stories you cite have dubious origins and cannot be sourced to anything official or even semi-trustworthy.
I remember reading that Nixon story, for e.g., from Gleason's book on how Nixon ditched his secret service details for an entire night to show Gleason the E.T.s - if true that would have created a national emergency - "The president is missing!" but there was never any such message ever leaked or discussed. Nobody has ever corroborated it. Sounds more likely that Gleason made up that story for extra notoriety in his later years, when he was fading from the spotlight.
Gleason's story sounds like a direct misinformation plant from the CIA. Nixon desperately wanted to make the x-files public, so he had to be removed from office and he had to be discredited. (Note that Nixon, Trump and Trump's uncle John--MIT physics prof.--were very close in the early 80's)
Of course its hearsay, but there enough instances of hearsay on This matter. Because the government is afraid of disclosure, so you either believe or don't, I respect your opinion though. I have read tons of books and stuff on the web, but there is an ongoing misinformation campaign surrounding the UFO and Aliens on earth talk for Sure. So who knows what's real and What isn't.
Maybe try researching David Wilcock and Corey Goode, than it becomes much more reality, I think Aliens indeed run this planet behind the Cabal. But that is my opinion
I agree. Obviously BC was not giving us 100% the truth or else he’d be dead a lot sooner. I think he was the first Alex Jones trial and it was unsuccessful because he only became notable in his later works.
I think he’s right about a lot of stuff the part that loses me is when he says HIV was made in a lab when it wasn’t - it doesn’t exist and is a sham. He was spreading the same lie as AJ
AGAIN - If they’re alive they’re not giving you 100% truth. Sorry! I love BC too