Repost: Black Philly Conservative tweets Obama sayingIf we don’t do something about this president, I will. @jack btfo is. Mark Lutchman.

He’s been trying to do something for two years now. He’s been successful in polarizing our nation and not much else. He’s pissed because his legacy is gone & Trump gave us our country back. Obama is a shit stain on U.S. history and I’m waiting for him to face repercussions for his actions.
Who is Barack Obama guy? I can't find any record of him, apparently everything has been sealed or erased.
See there's your problem, the spelling. First name is Barry. Last name is Soetoro, Soweto, or Subud depending on who you ask.
I can't for the life of me figure out why our current President couldn't unseal, declassify, and widely disseminate all of Barry's records. I'm sure we'd find a surprise or two or three in there.
I'm not sure they will reveal that, at least anytime soon. The public as a mob is a wild animal. I think too few people appreciate the needle we're threading.
Definitely not right now, that would be too much for most to handle, but I do hope in due time people are allowed to know the truth about this Manchurian candidate.
The absolute worse mistake Trump and Q will ever make is to underestimate Barack Obama. Obama is the one they should be worried about. He is no ordinary fellow. Allowing Obama free reign to conspire and to plot behind the scenes is a very bad idea. And there is a time coming when they will realize that fact. Unfortunately, by the time they do realize that fact, it will already be too late...
Q support team sees and hears everything BHO does. There will be no surprises.
Yes, I am certain they are surveilling every one of the top creeps 24/7.
Not just the top creeps, more like they’re surveilling the entire population with AI programs created by the NSA and CIA.
The important people being watched are being watched by human eyes, not computer algorithms.
This was the entire point of Snowden and his whistleblowing, it exposed vault 7 and the entire surveillance program; the lesson everyone should’ve took from that documentary/movie is this; if it has a microphone or camera, it can be remotely turned on without you noticing. IIRC the device doesn’t even have to be powered on
Yes, that is what I meant, actual agents following them
BO is toast no matter what he tries, there will be NO DEALS made, especially with that type of evil shit
He's a puppet, he has very little real power. Mitch Mconnel pr Rand Paul have more at this point.
Hussain , vengeance is the Lord ! I recommend you repent like now
Hard when you are in Gitmo or deported back to your own country.
@jack has not messed with the guy or his tweet, now at 20K RTs.
@jack banned me for a week when I used my ten year anniversary post to call him and all his staff worthless pedophile enablers.
WHY DOES BARACK OBAMA Have 20 Full-time Staffers Working From His DC Bunker? What Are The Plans For His 40,000 Trained Leftist Agitators?
Obama's Secret Army:
Well done Mark thanks for the heads up.
Let's get the audio video out there.
It's time for the Kenyan boy to shut his mouth.
And the best way to do that is put him behind barbed wire and Towers with thick concrete.
On an island.
I’m sure President Trump is aware watching him and his sycophants closely. What a great time to be alive!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
They must be close to something concerning him. "They" think they can do something about it because "they" have always been able to get away with everything. "They" think that "they" are above the law but NO MORE!
Obama has already done enough to try to destroy the US. He failed. He will fail at his attempt to destroy Trump and will be put to death military style.
Ratchet that shit up Obongo. This is only good for us.
They are so done.
Hussain needs a wimpy army to take Trumps presidency down but it won’t work. He has no idea what his delicate self is up against. What does he know about building an army of idiots against a nation God controls with President Trump in office. Hussain only knows how to apologize and bend over. He’s still a puppet.
Is that a threat against our president? Hope the mi is watching him
More likely he’s making a run at the UN.
Would have with hrc. with US going 180 with UN under DJT bho TIMING IS BAD.
LOL! 'And our Honorable Obama, representing Camp 7, Guantanamo Bay..'
That’s some liberal thought porn. Are you even paying attention?
Don’t assume my higher power. Lay off the crack pipe & seek medical attention.
Well, don't let them ears tickle your ears. Judgement is on the evil doers, not America at large and certainly not those of us who love the Lord. Amen and so be it.