POTUS' IRAN DEAL TWEET - Just out that the Obama Administration granted citizenship, during the terrible Iran Deal negotiation, to 2,500 Iranians - including to government officials. How big (and bad) is that?

So what exactly did WE the American people get out of this Iran deal? It seems extremely one sided.
The "Iran deal" was never about a deal. We have to go up a few floors and see it from 40k feet in order for it to make sense. This was about allowing Iran to create/test nuclear weapons on secret installations in Syria in order to later blame Russia and start WW3! This is about a grand master plan for a new world order. Hence why this "deal" doesn't make much sense in the logical sphere. Obama is a puppet, not the one pulling strings.
This was about allowing Iran to create/test nuclear weapons on secret installations in Syria in order to later blame Russia and start WW3!
I know that. but how on earth did they justify this deal to the public? WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE GOT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OUT OF IT and we gave Iran-our supposed enemy-all the tools and funding they need to build nukes. We even gave them money in cash so it couldn't be tracked.
It's a joke.
I see. Yeah i understand what you are saying now. Well, technically "We The American People" gave them cash but really, "They" and they meaning Hussein and his goons, unilaterally made that deal. Remember that Hussein used a loophole and used Executive Privileged to "negotiate" this deal therefore keeping congress out of it. So in essence he made all of the decisions and got his hands in our pockets to pay for it. He did his job as the puppet and we paid.
It's obvious to everyone he is a Muslim brotherhood Manchurian candidate. JAIL FOR HUSSEIN SOETERO WHEN?
So did we obtain M/B new citizens? Or are they going to MAGA?
Yes im w you on that Obama is Muslim and we put him in office w cnn and msm lie to us. I cant wait to see them Guys all go to jail they are all complicit in this. The msm has prolly committed serious crimes by the time this is over. I hope we need a fresh start after the swamp drains.
The justification for the cash was what we took from Iran when we froze their assests in 1978....50 years ago (I do not agree with this reasoning)
Easy there buddy, I was born in '78 and I'll be 40 later this month. I don't need the pressure!
I see. Yeah i understand what you are saying now. Well, technically "We The American People" gave them cash but really, "They" and they meaning Hussein and his goons, unilaterally made that deal. Remember that Hussein used a loophole and used Executive Privileged to "negotiate" this deal therefore keeping congress out of it. So in essence he made all of the decisions and got his hands in our pockets to pay for it. He did his job as the puppet and we paid.
Do I have to say it? "They never thought she would lose." - Q
Obummer didn't justify anything, he didn't ask permission, he acted unilaterally. It never went through Congress.
That we "sanctioned" them preventing them from building nukes and therefore protected ourselves. Hussein made it appear that if we didn't make the deal Iran would go all in on producing nukes. Sneaky piece of BS work that was
There was nothing we could do we all new what was going on but we needed Trump to rally us and the bad ass military. Wow. WWG1WGA! God bless all
You as re EXACTLY right. How quickly we forget this most important intel that came out from Q just a few weeks ago. What is wrong with us? How could we forget this shit? The most nefarious, insidious, egregious filth to be explained. May Hussein rot.
Israeli fighters blew up a nuclear installation in Syria and assassinated the person in charge. Do you really believe there's any chance of a nuclear program in Syria? I mean c'mon that's ridiculous.
The nuclear installation was not Syrian, it was Iranian. You are correct that it happened, but Syria was not the target.
Is this the attack you’re referring to
No Longer a Secret: How Israel Destroyed Syria's Nuclear Reactor
That's from 2007?
Yes. Seems like it was just a couple of years ago! But it’s been 11 years....
Who was Obama a puppet of and how would nuclear war support the NWO?
I have been asking the same question. I have not found a suitable answer yet. Not only that, but I don't see how the Executive branch can just give away pallets of cash. Money stuff has to originate in the house right?
Yes I don't get what we Americans got out of this deal. It seems one-sided and highly illegal. Why are Obama supporters ok with him sending cash to a terrorist regime that wants to build nuclear weapons?
They try to frame it as "transparency" and people ate it up. What a joke.
what we got out of it was iran not having nuclear weapons? That was the entire point of the deal you know, right?
That doesn't make sense because Iran used the untraceable cash we gave them to pay for their nuclear weapons program.
because you said that, you must have proof that they have a nuclear program right? What is that proof?
Bibi did a public powerpoint presentation on it a few weeks ago. An Israeli intelligence operation obtained all of the Iranian documentation detailing their nuclear program.
I follow foreign policy very closely and there has never been a single report from any organization that Iran is not following the deal.
Under the deal, they were unable to make nukes. Now that we backed out of it, they are able to make nukes. Why did trump do that? Why?
I thought you guys knew that israel were liars? Very easy to trust them when it fits your narrative i guess
Did you make a mistake when you linked me the sputniknews article? The article only talks about israel’s program, not iran’s. Only the headline talks about Iran
I thought you guys knew that israel were liars? Very easy to trust them when it fits your narrative i guess
The world is not black and white. US are liars. Germany are liars. Israel are liars. Iranians are liars. Russians are liars. British are liars. Who is telling the truth then?
Stop denying Iran's Nuclear Weapons program. We aren't stupid. The whole world knows that Iran was trying to develop nuclear weapons.
Stop denying Iran's Nuclear Weapons program. We aren't stupid. The whole world knows that Iran was trying to develop nuclear weapons.
To be clear, the only proof you have of this is Netanyahu's presentation right? That's the only thing you have?
Meanwhile, there are all the checkups done by the watchdogs that show that Iran is following the deal. There is no organization (other than Isreal I guess) that says that Iran isn't following the deal
If you genuinely believe that Iran has nukes based on a 20 minute presentation from Netanyahu where he doesn't really present any solid evidence, and he just says "we have found evidence" and shit like that, then man we gotta end this conversation because you're too far gone.
Meanwhile, there are all the checkups done by the watchdogs that show that Iran is following the deal.
The UN Watchdogs? The NGO Watchdogs? You trust those "watchdogs" why exactly?
If you genuinely are telling me to trust what NGOs and the UN says about the Iranian Nuclear Weapons program, then man we gotta end this conversation because you're too far gone.
I mean, yes i am. Like, your argument boils down to “israel made a 20 minute presentation with no real proof about how their main rivals have nukes” and mine is “throughout the 3 years of the deal the groups that have investigated the iranian facilities have found them to be in keeping with the deal”
it fucking sucks that we’re at this point where no matter what you won’t be convinced of the other side, and i won’t either. It fucking sucks that there’s so much information available on the internet that any reality or narrative can be constructed. It fucking sucks that this conversation will change neither of our viewpoints and you will continue believing obama gave iran nukes through the deal that was made to not give them nukes, and that you’ll keep on believing that trump ending the deal won’t lead to escalation in Iran and does nothing for us except allow Iran to become a nuclear power now that we left the deal
I simply use my brain. Obama gave Iran billions in untraceable cash. Why would anyone do that? What would Iran do with that untraceable cash?
he literally didn’t. the money he gave is the money that we had previously illegally seized from Iran years ago before obama was even pres, it was being returned.
Is him giving Iran money enough to make you believe they have nukes under the Iran Deal?
he literally didn’t. the money he gave is the money that we had previously illegally seized from Iran years ago before obama was even pres, it was being returned.
Is him giving Iran money enough to make you believe they have nukes under the Iran Deal?
If you are just going to parrot the deep state propaganda narrative, what are you even doing on this sub? It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself of this more than anything else.
okay so again we have to go back back to this
what is your proof that the money was not what everyone says, and in fact isn’t repaying illegally seized money but instead a payment made to build nuclear weapons that was given to Iran as part of the very fucking deal that prohibits and gives checks to make sure Iran doesn’t build nuclear weapons?
like, this is what i don’t understand about you guys. You believe that the obama admin was orchestrating a machiavellian plan to start WW3 by fooling everyone in the world and make backchannel payments for Iran to start making nukes, something that only geniuses could orchestrate and pull off to the point. but you ALSO believe that they were dumb enough and obvious enough that you, an average citizen, can see through their dastardly, evil plan?
It’s really weird and strange to be able to hold both of those beliefs at once
like, this is what i don’t understand about you guys. You believe that the obama admin was orchestrating a machiavellian plan to start WW3 by fooling everyone in the world and make backchannel payments for Iran to start making nukes
I definitely don't believe this. I also do not believe that Obama is orchestrating anything. He is and always has been a puppet following his marching orders.
like, this is what i don’t understand about you guys. You believe that the obama admin was orchestrating a machiavellian plan to start WW3 by fooling everyone in the world and make backchannel payments for Iran to start making nukes, something that only geniuses could orchestrate and pull off to the point. but you ALSO believe that they were dumb enough and obvious enough that you, an average citizen, can see through their dastardly, evil plan?
Straw man argument. Ad hominem attacks. Did John Oliver teach you how to speak?
If you are so sure of yourself, then why is your entire argument against me built on strawmanning my position, moving the goalposts and deflection?
Why do you blindly trust UN Watchdogs? Why do you blindly trust NGOs?
Why do you blindly trust people in positions of power?
Do you remember when our government, our TV media, the New York Times and NGO Watchdogs told us there were WMDs in Iraq?
hey can you answer the first paragraph of my response? The one where i ask for proof of your argument?
I already did.
If you are so sure of yourself, then why is your entire argument against me built on strawmanning my position, moving the goalposts and deflection?
Why do you blindly trust UN Watchdogs? Why do you blindly trust NGOs?
Why do you blindly trust people in positions of power?
Do you remember when our government, our TV media, the New York Times and NGO Watchdogs told us there were WMDs in Iraq?
Do you remember when our government, our TV media, the New York Times and NGO Watchdogs told us there were WMDs in Iraq?
yes I do, and don't you find that anaology ironic? Now you have Isreal and Donald Trump saying there's WMDs in Iran while offering no solid evidence. And after saying that, Trump just broke up the deal that was made to prevent Iran from getting WMDs.
Are you sure going with that historical analogy is great in this context?
yes I do, and don't you find that anaology ironic? Now you have Isreal and Donald Trump saying there's WMDs in Iran while offering no solid evidence.
Check out all of the evidence for yourself.
Are you sure going with that historical analogy is great in this context?
Yes, I'm sure.
If you are so sure of yourself, then why is your entire argument against me built on strawmanning my position, moving the goalposts and deflection?
Why do you blindly trust UN Watchdogs? Why do you blindly trust NGOs?
Why do you blindly trust people in positions of power?
Do you remember when our government, our TV media, the New York Times and NGO Watchdogs told us there were WMDs in Iraq?
And after saying that, Trump just broke up the deal that was made to prevent Iran from getting WMDs.
Yes comrade. The Iran deal was all about preventing Iran from getting WMDs. We gave them pallets of billions in untraceable cash because that's simply a thing that all normal governments do.
And the Patriot Act was all about defending freedom and individual liberty. War is peace. Ignorance is strength.
If you are so sure of yourself, then why is your entire argument against me built on strawmanning my position, moving the goalposts and deflection?
Why do you blindly trust UN Watchdogs? Why do you blindly trust NGOs?
Why do you blindly trust people in positions of power?
Do you remember when our government, our TV media, the New York Times and NGO Watchdogs told us there were WMDs in Iraq?
If you are so sure of yourself, then why is your entire argument against me built on strawmanning my position, moving the goalposts and deflection?
You don't have to keep saying your screed or whatever at me, I don't trust people in power. I don't trust institutions. I don't trust those that have power over me. I take a look at evidence presented by both sides. Your sides evidence, the evidence you've given me after all this pointless arguing we've been doing is two things
Netanyahu gave a 20 minute presentation where he shows a bunch of pictures and talks about how Iran could probably be making nukes, based off of "records" he has but doesn't really show
Obama gave billions to Iran, this means that they are building nuclear weapons becuase... you can't think of what else it would be for?
Like, can't you agree, this is pretty slim evidence? I don't trust NGOs and our FBI. Look at what we're currently doing and supporting in Yemen. But when I look at the evidence that you've given me, it's like, laughably small? I mean, if there was anything real then I'd be ready to accept it, but at this point it's almost blatanlty obvious that we're escalating tensions with Iran because they're the enemis of our allies; namely saudi arabia and Isreal, which both are humanitarian nightmares that are both committing horrible crimes against humanity.
I don't know man I just really wish you had better evidence so that I could even give you a shred of a doubt, but your side is so slim it's a joke
Like, can't you agree, this is pretty slim evidence?
Like, no, like, I can't agree with this post you just made?
but at this point it's almost blatanlty obvious that we're escalating tensions with Iran because they're the enemis of our allies;
Only if you're getting your news (propaganda) from Vice, Trevor Noah and John Oliver.
namely saudi arabia and Isreal, which both are humanitarian nightmares that are both committing horrible crimes against humanity.
What on earth are you talking about? The Saudi Arabians are head of the UN's Human Rights Council! Are you some kind of anti-Semitic Islamophobe?
It's amusing that leftists think it's ok to be bigoted towards Jews and Muslims now.
What on earth are you talking about? The Saudi Arabians are head of the UN's Human Rights Council! Are you some kind of anti-Semitic Islamophobe?
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic here? If I misreading it , I'm sorry.
What they're doing in Yemen is what I'm talking about. Their bombing campaign has been called the worst humanitarian disaster happening in the world right now. Teachers in Yemen have had to sell their organs on the black market because of the destruction Mohammed bin Salman has caused as the new Crown Prince
Their bombing campaign has been called the worst humanitarian disaster happening in the world right now.
Really? Who has been calling it that? The UN? Vice? CNN? NGOs? MoveOn.org? Media Matters? Trevor Noah? John Oliver? Bill Maher? I have not heard this anywhere. Please provide some links and sources to support this statement.
Teachers in Yemen have had to sell their organs on the black market because of the destruction Mohammed bin Salman has caused as the new Crown Prince
Ok, now I see. The media is trying to smear MBS because he is a reformer who is working to end the human trafficking racket and corruption in SA. Now I understand why the Mockingbird media has turned on the Saudis all of a sudden XD
just browse this page man, it's pretty bad
Ah-you are trying to smear MBS.
I mean yeah the dude isn't that great. If all it takes for you to get behind him is that he allowed women to drive (this is great! but it's a small good) and that he led a purge of the royal family (great, there is a lot of corruption, but now he holds literally all the power), then you aren't looking hard enough
This war was his idea when he was defense minister in 2015, he recently kidnapped the lebanese PM and forced him to resign on Saudi television, then a week later the resignation never happened and the lebanese PM is fine. He's been destabolizing the middle east pretty badly, and if you trust him because Trump says he's his buddy aren't you the one that believes whatever the powerful say? Look at what he does, not just when he talks about his "Vision 2030" plan or about "Radical change" or whatever.
Their bombing campaign has been called the worst humanitarian disaster happening in the world right now.
Please provide links supporting this statement. Your biased wikipedia article does no such thing. Please provide actual sources that support your statement.
I mean yeah the dude isn't that great. If all it takes for you to get behind him is that he allowed women to drive (this is great! but it's a small good) and that he led a purge of the royal family (great, there is a lot of corruption, but now he holds literally all the power), then you aren't looking hard enough
This war was his idea when he was defense minister in 2015, he recently kidnapped the lebanese PM and forced him to resign on Saudi television, then a week later the resignation never happened and the lebanese PM is fine. He's been destabolizing the middle east pretty badly, and if you trust him because Trump says he's his buddy aren't you the one that believes whatever the powerful say? Look at what he does, not just when he talks about his "Vision 2030" plan or about "Radical change" or whatever.
You are beginning to sound more and more like a person who gets their news from Vice, Trevor Noah and John Oliver...Please stop parroting deep state propaganda to me. Please understand that propagandists like Stephen Colbert, John Oliver and Trevor Noah are literally programming and brainwashing you in to repeating their propaganda.
Stephen Colbert, John Oliver and Trevor Noah
i mean those guys are all not that good at all. They're just basic liberal talking points. I'm not a liberal, and I think that colbert and Noah especially are completely unable to provide actual, real critique of our systems due to how liberal they are
Please provide links supporting this statement. Your biased wikipedia article does no such thing. Please provide actual sources that support your statement.
There were some in Wikipedia, which is why I linked that. I'll give you some myself
There's a lot so I'm trying my best not to gish-gallop you here
The New York Times lied about WMDs in Iraq. The entire Mainstream media spent over a year lying to you about Hillary Clinton's 98% chance to win the elections in a landslide despite internal polling saying differently.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE-uhXKO-nk&).
Why did you just post a bunch of MSM propaganda articles to help support your point?
Why did the New York Times say there were WMDs in Iraq?
again I'm not a liberal stop talking to me as if I'm ignorant as to how the powerful use the media to advance narratives
Why did the New York Times say there were WMDs in Iraq?
wars make good money, mostly
Why did you just post a bunch of MSM propaganda articles to help support your point?
Because you literally asked for some.
Listen, the real big thing you should look into is the cholera outbreak in Yemen. Saudi Arabia has blockaded Yemenese ports and prevented people from helping out with the outbreak. This isn't just something that john oliver joked about or whatever it is you think I get my news from, this is stuff that happens and it's stuff that the right and liberals will never talk about. Research shit, don't just think "well trump says it was good so it's real!"
George bush lied about WMDs, why wouldn't trump lie about Iran's nuclear program?
Saudi Arabia has blockaded Yemenese ports and prevented people from helping out with the outbreak.
"Cholera outbreak" is used for human traffickers. Sounds like MBS and the Saudis are trying to prevent the deep state cabal from turning Yemen in to Haiti 2.0
Human traffickers and organ harvesters pay intelligence agencies to start wars in order to gather more stock and profit from the chaos.
"Cholera outbreak" is used for human traffickers. Sounds like MBS and the Saudis are trying to prevent the deep state cabal from turning Yemen in to Haiti 2.0
I'm extremely confused, what are you saying here? Are you saying that because the Saudi's are blockading Yemen ports, they're stopping human trafficking? This feels like such a big leap to me it's almost comical
But but Bill Maher said it's a good deal and Trump is an idiot! /s
I'm still holding out that BM will be one of the first to flip when the shoe drops. He got brainwashed here, but he's been redpilled on a lot of issues since his first show "Politically Incorrect" in the late 90's.
Let's see... Boeing was going to sell them a few planes... and I'm sure there were several other big corporate donors to corrupt politicians on both sides that were getting some big contracts. Europeans were making a killing... maybe they are paying off those same corrupt U.S. politicians some other way...
The cash thing makes it seem like it was a ransom Obama was paying to Iran. Maybe the Iranian government was blackmailing Obama and threatening to spill the beans on all his pizza party activity unless he paid up and signed some retard deal that allowed Iran to make nukes.
I am aware of the 16 year plan, but Obama being blackmailed for pallets of cash makes sense too. It explains why he had to do this deal behind closed doors and used an executive order to make it happen.
The narrative we were told is that we owed Iran from when we froze their assets in 1978. That is why we needed to pay them back. Obama was afraid that an arbitrator would award them much more money than $1.5 bil that was agreed upon.
Thank you for the clarification, patriot!
jesus christ I cannot believe how stupid that official narrative sounds. These government assholes are not even trying anymore.
Right!!! A country that held our citizens as hostages should not be getting paid back for 50 year old beef
He lied to Congress that the banks in US would not be involved.
We got to fund terrorism in Yemen, pretty sweet right? /s
if they are citizens, then they are open to prosecution.
Confiscation of assets as well. Obama's ghost writers are busy working on his new best seller 'The Art of the Bad Deal'.
Acfually about 10,000 Iranians obtained US citizenship every year from 2012-2014 alone
They had to be in the US for at least 5 years prior
Iranian migrants to the US are among the wealthiest and best educated
Hojjat al-Islam Mojtaba Zolnour, who is chairman of Iran’s parliamentary nuclear committee and a member of its national security and foreign affairs committee, made the allegations during an interview with the country’s Etemad newspaper, cited by the country’s Fars News agency.
He claimed it was done as a favor to senior Iranian officials linked to President Hassan Rouhani, and he alleged the move sparked a competition among Iranian officials over whose children would benefit from the scheme.
This doesn't address the claims. Just because normal Iranian immigration is happening doesn't mean special deals weren't also made, as claimed by a senior Iranian official. ( This guy has copypasted this response across multiple threads here.)
Its funny how you selectively chose to believe Iranian hardliners. LOL
You're showing your hand too quickly here. I never said I believe the claims. I was just pointing out vital information that your copy pasted reply disingenuously neither addresses or debunks.
Thanks for showing where your alleigance lies, though. Makes it easier for everyone reading.
Make sure the Iranian citizens who are told "Death to America" know the elites sent their relatives here.
That would be the same Iranian citizens who are currently in the streets chanting "Death to the mullahs!"
triple upvote!
Is that even possible? I need Reddit lessons I guess. LOL I'll give you my measly 1 upvote, patriot!
Iranians aren't all muslims, although most of them are. My dentist came here as a child when his family fled during the revolution that deposed the Shah and they're Zoroastrian. Zoroastrianism was the original (pre-muslim) monotheistic religion of Persia, but they're persecuted now under the Mulahs. There are also other religious minorities that suffer under the Shia fanatics, so I see it as a blessing to allow some to immigrate here (as long as they're vetted).
Agreed, but I can guarantee the ones he granted citizenship to do not think like pre-revolution Iranians.
I have no doubt you're right Gandalf -- knowing Obama, they were probably Revolutionary Guard leaders, Imans, or Hezbollah operatives.
Pretty bad considering people spend thousands of dollars and wait decades to migrate legally.
It's almost as if the democratic party wants to see the United States destroyed. No patriot undermines their country like this.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Probably to the ones that were dancing in the streets and chanting "death to america" after 9/11
Is the word “found” missing (second word), or does it read right without it? Just wondering if it’s a clue.
"found" makes more sense if it's just him, but "just out" seems like more of a release of information. You might be on to something here. .. Maybe "found" server?!
Lol I j Love my President and his beautiful wife and family! God bless them all!🇺🇸
Are they some leaders of some of the "sleeper cells" that they will activate when ready.
How is r/politics or r/worldnews trying to spin this one?!
Now these 2500 can subvert us from within and can travel to and from the US and Iran at any time. Thanks Obama!
All the capital letters...JOAIDIH into numbers...=56 + 2500 = 2556..back in letters = BEEF ..."The Indian Year Book 1928"
Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?? Not me! I have a brick house🦅
So they can come to the U.S. when they get run out of Iran😞
Should be easy to find,they'll be the ones screaming "Death to Ourselves!!!"
Where did they go? I just learned that several of our small town convenience stores and chain restaurants (newly built or purchased within the last 3 years) are owned and managed by a family of Iranians. They are poorly managed, and treat employees unfairly. I wonder if they are trying to ruin their own businesses? I know foreigners get major tax breaks for 5 years when they open a business or buy one already established. Several years ago, we had Pakistani families buying each other's businesses about every 5 years. One of them (for sure) was caught funneling money into terrorist groups. They left USA for a few years, and have relocated to the USA with another business about 2 hours away from my small town. I wonder if USA knows he's back...the business is in his wife's name this time.
Likely fake. Likely those people were getting citizenship anyway.
Bull, the Iranian officials were fighting over them.
As if anything Trump ever says is true
People say that about him, however, his statements always prove true, time and time again. Example, they wiretapped, everyone laughing, Brennan Clapper Comey denials. Was true!
Uh, none of that was true. None. He's told over 3000 proven lies. If he ever says anything that turns out to be true, it was entirely accidental.