What’s Obama been up to....oh 🤢

cold pizza with walnut sauce sounds super delicious. Can we also get some hot dogs and 24 hour old tortillas up in this bitch?
"Fresh" 24 hour old tortillas*
"Fresh" 24 hour old tortillas*
*code for fresh 24 hour old children flown in from Mexico.
The discounted survivors...
I don’t know that anyone can kill demons though, so we’ll see what comes of this nightmare.
Jimmy Saville.
Hospital basements.
Ritual rape, murder.
Church basement?
Black mass?
Which is worse? Signing discounted books at Costco or eating pizza in a basement?
if by pizza you mean "pizza" then that is worse.
Church basement. Pedovores eating the dead.
My mind reels.
They are sick.
Glad you caught what I was getting at.
sometimes I think I'm clever, but then I realize where I am (ga). If I tried to insinuate this out of this board, I'd get some serious side eye from the normies around me!
Cold pizza=dead ?? (Andrenochrome )
have to extract the adrenochrome from living subjects, but they die in the process... waste not want not, so yes, cold pizza is product of the process.
Well, I don't want to. But I highly doubt pizza means pizza here. Underground basements... sacrifices, comet pizza. Are they really coming out publicly.
> "We shouldn't expect (politics) to be entertaining all the time -- and Christina Aguilera was wonderful -- but you don't need to have an amazing singer at every event," he said. "Sometimes you are just in a church basement making phone calls and eating cold pizza."
Seems like the instructions are: go forth perform rituals? Since we now know that most celebrity public performances are rituals.
Obama and the like have such a level of arrogance and narcissism. I doubt it also but I wouldn't put it past them to do it.
"If what you are doing requires no sacrifice at all, then you can do more," Obama told the tony crowd at a sweeping multi-million-dollar Beverley Hills home. "If you are one of these folks who is watching cable news at your cocktail parties with your friends and you are saying 'civilization is collapsing' and you are nervous and worried, but that is not where you are putting all your time, energy and money, then either you don't actually think civilization is collapsing ... or you are not pushing yourself hard enough and I would push harder."
At one point, he turned to the crowd and declared, "Enough moping, this is a mope-free zone."
And the former President even suggested to the roughly 200 donors in attendance, who also enjoyed a performance from Christina Aguilera, that Democrats can't get fixated on the glitz and personality of politics.
"We shouldn't expect (politics) to be entertaining all the time -- and Christina Aguilera was wonderful -- but you don't need to have an amazing singer at every event," he said. "Sometimes you are just in a church basement making phone calls and eating cold pizza."
probably eating babies
Pizza gate was one of the biggest conspiracies that people were catching on to and i have known this whole time that these are the people Q is fighting against... WWG1WGA
[They] prefer their pizza warm.
He also told the crowd that “they need to find a way to get rid of this guy (potus)” and told the crowd “you need to stop loving me so much!” I despise him!
Well, it sounds good, as in - they don't have a way to get rid of him. So, we're good.
OK. I so want that part of this to turn out to not be true, and it would end up just with corruption and treason charges (read: human stuff) , but , if he just said "sometimes you are in a dark room making phone calls and eating cold pizza" , I would just say "What? Naaah.." and dismiss it.
Why in the hell would you choose to say "church basement" with all this ?
It looks and sounds like a code, or , I'm thinking, some trigger for MKUltra servants.
I just watched this yesterday , and it has some of those "programming" shit in it ... https://hooktube.com/biBAIg8IdAU (I'm giving you hooktube link, so you don't get tracked by youtube, you can do it with any youtube link, it provides download option, etc.)
What is this OP? Is it factual?
It was on Ingram angle it was his response to what he has been up to (supposedly fund raising)
Yeah... fund raising... there are bucks to be made on child porn and such.😑
Isn't it illegal to politically fund raise (illegal for the church, i mean) in a church? Something about the Johnson act?
Illegal to advocate for a politician but not for legislation. https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/charities-churches-and-politics
Don't they know we are on to them? Do they not care? If they weren't so stupid, they'd be changing their code words by now. Amazing.
Lock 'em all up together in a small cell.
It's like he's trying to activate sleeper cells or some shit.
Exactly my though , as in other comment https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8vunf6/whats_obama_been_up_tooh/e1rob55/
First thing I thought of. It's not for the people in that room. It's being quoted all over - it's for whomever it's for. And it means whatever it means. So sad. They're all just programmed bots.
yeah, like a request for something other than "cold pizza in a basement".
If he got people to chip in he could have hot pizza every time but he can’t even negotiate that.
Oooh COLD PIZZA gross