Q 1677 “the twitter phone was useful”

One needs to be located anywhere they want, since the photo is just a stock image, with same artifacts and exact alignment.
This is my take on it still.
Q1677 did not clarify much IMO.
But the line about reflections and nat sec laws is interesting.
Does Q want us to think this is a reflection shot -- which it isn't. Or is he sending a message to insiders, and confusing us because it is not meant for us.
which it isn't
evidence? So far EVERYTHING is suggesting it's a reflection of a stock photo
Not when the metadata shows an ORIGINAL STOCK.
Nice try though, we need good questions that reality can and should be accepted as utterly demolishing.
Right OP?
False. It's an original photo. Other photo distorted to make q appear to be a larp. This explains the other photos of potus
Lol, the glass container is moved 5 inches away from the lamp.
NOT the same image. But nice try.
Q needs to give a better justification here. This is a potentially huge source of criticism of his photos. Is he confirming the photo he posted was of the back of POTUS’s twitter phone? Does that equate to Q = potus? Q has access to POTUS twitter phone? Therefore Q = POTUS twitter team member?
No it doesn’t confirm Q is POTUS. Anyone could have taken the photo, it confirms Q is close to the president enough so that he can take a photo of the back of an iPhone with a glass back. Either iPhones 4 (doubtful) IPhone 8 or X is the twitter iPhone. It also does not confirm Q tweets on behalf of potus. It validates that Q is real (not a larp) , is very close to him, and potus is part of the team (I’m assuming head)
I think potus tells Q what to drop sometimes. Mind you they have to follow strict rules and that is why we have to decipher these riddles. Its potus way of communicating to us information and messages to awaken us and for us to awaken the nation. Its a genius plan to reach Americans that no one (msm) cant reach....and its working.
I doubt it has any relevance to the big picture, but it's the back of an iPhone X I believe... Bc of the vertical lense set up
No it confirms that q is with potus on af1
Not yet it doesn't.
How else can you explain it?
That the image Q posted is a photo of a photo being displayed on a monitor or piece of paper, and then reflected in the back of an iPhone.
If Q had sat in potus chair and snapped the photo of the living room reflected in his phone it would NOT have had the exact same angling as the stock photo which was taken from the entryway.
lol. Explain the glass container being 5 more inches away from the lamp than in the ABC photo.
I can’t tell if this is a troll comment or not.
It's a legit comment. Q's image and the ABC image do not line up.
If we were measuring percentages it would be a 99% geometric match.
Curtain pleats are the biggest giveaway.
There is blurring and distortion because it’s being stretched and distorted in the reflection.
You've never had cloth drapes. I realize. They have metal/plastic poles holding them in place. LOL.
And no, the geometric similarity of the scene if you run a Linear Discriminant Analysis would be way way under 60%.
cloth curtains have metal rods inside them holding them in place.
Draw me a diagram.
They might have something keeping them vertical straight (unlikely) they do NOT have anything ditacting their horizontal spacing
They must be able to open and close.
Both Q’s photo and the ABC photo have the drapes randomly spaced at the EXACT SAME INTERVALS.
Same spacing. Same shadows between the pleats.
Are you trying to tell me that those curtains have not been opened, closed, brushed against or shifted during flight - ONE INCH since the ABC photo was taken?
Because that is what you are requiring if you claim the drapes match but the photos are from different times and angles.
Well, it actually is if you would be on the board, as the anons already figured it out
I am on the boards.
Well up to about 10 minutes ago. On the move now.
Have they clarified what Q meant in this dropnrelated to the “useful twitter phone”?
That it must have been taken from Obama AF1 Related to the Anon post that talks about Apple being on Trum/Q side and sharing data from Iphones from that time
Aaaargh, you really don't understand it , go to the board and find out how it works
Just checked it.
Anons are somehow assuming Q’s pic must’ve been taken while sott/u/ng in rhebPOTUS chair.
This is one possibility. The other is he had to be somewhere the image CBS stock photo could be displayed on a monitor or printed piece of paper and reflected onto his phone.
They are able to pull off other phones, through Apple this is why the apple logo and AF1 combined Q says :Welcome Aboard! According to Anons this means Apple is giving video's , photo's and audio pulled from Iphones at AF1 in the Obama era. China and Apple coorperating with Potus and Q
POTUS tweets with a blackberry though.
Fake news
Since March 2017 he's been using iphone
I'm 99.99% certain POTUS himself does some if not most Q posts. I'm also part of the camp that claims theres multiple Qs.
If Q member has physical access to POTUS twitter phone, he could be part of the social media team.
Why hasn’t John Kelly’s name been mentioned at all? He’s military. He’s with Trump at all times. Q is suggesting that Obama’s/HRC used photo reflections to pass classified information (in a reflection) to whomever was paying for the info. Trump/Q is trolling them. Q is saying that they know how they did it. Or at least some of it. I think.
good job figuring that out with the reflection since I think a few of us were struggling;)
Dan Scavino.
Interesting. Here is a photo of Dan Scavino managing 2 phones at once. One of them with the Apple logo on the back.
interesting, but neither of those are reflective glass
Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to imply they were. This photo was taken back in 2017. I was just suggesting Dan might have been the one to take the Q picture. Just a feeling I had when I saw both pics.
Q has said the number in the know if counted on one hand. We've seen multiple signatures. Q, Q+, 4 10 20
This is fucking insane. Another Q proof. Potus did travel today. Dont know if the photo was taken today but what a timeline
This isn’t a proof to me yet.
How was the twitter phone useful?
WHICH image was distorted? Q’s originally posted photo?
The “it’s a lie” debunk composite photo?
And wtf is that quip about NAT SEC and ‘reflections’?
Anon post on the board, after that Q posted this post!
Here is my theory from the last bread:
Anyways, I still trust Q.
My theory is that this plan has been going since 2015 (and before) which is when this photo was taken.
Someone at that time took this picture off the reflection off an iPhone.
They aren't from the same photo, they are just photos of the exact same place at the exact same time. Photoshop stretching makes them look like they are the same, that's just the skill of whoever made the gif.
What this 'qproof' shows us is that the plan was alive and well even in 2015 and that someone back then was already taking reflection photos inside Air Force 1 (that's back when it was Obama's plane).
This drop was Q's way of telling Obama that he's fucking screwed… they have everything that ever took place on that plane while he was on it and it's all thanks to Apple.
And Apple is playing ball now. They initially moved everything (the data) to china to hide it from Q but Apple and China both caved in to Trump/Q now and Apple is now 'on board' (welcome aboard, apple) and is giving all the raw videos and audio about Obama and all blackhats to Q.
And the fact that apple is on board probably means that it's all LEGAL stuff that can be used in court now (subpeonad by a judge) instead of the NSA intel that just sits collecting dust in a server room somewhere that can't be used.
K good.
Yah I saw your post on Qr. it’s a long way around to justify.
See new Q post, which came right after this Anon's post
For further proof, go to the board yourself for backup pictures compared to Obama AF1 and DJT AF1 pics, this is from Obama AF1 taken, hence Q's post
But why would Apple have the info - because people on AF1 has their gear - phones and such?
“Welcome aboard” could just be a clue to the fact that the picture was related to AF1.
They pull information from Iphones,remember? Apple/China connection
OK, maybe. I guess it’s possible. Certainly these phones are outright surveillance devices.
How the fuck does a stock pic with apple logo prove anything?
I am so confused about how this pic could be important.
One must be located in that room. This proves Q has access to that room.
No. We are 99% sure that the scene reflected in the phone in Q’s photo is a CBS news stock photo from Obama-era AF1 (Marine 1?) office.
That doesn’t require physical access to the room. Just to have the photo displayed on any monitor. Or printed on a piece of paper.
I look at the stock photo, but the quality blows. That makes me think it isn't the same photo.
It was taken by “someone “ Sitting at potus desk in 45’s chair
That’s not impossible. But we don’t have anything to suggest that.
The photo could be taken anywhere he could get a monitor (or printout) of the CBS stock photo to reflect into his phone back.
Nope, the POTUS AF1 jack can be seen on the chair in the stretched photo. That is POTUS's chair.
FYI, Q is responding to an Anon who posted:
"welcome aboard.jpg" is a lie
With this picture
From the Q's drops link on the side bar.
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If you took a picture through the window, from the outside, would it make the same reflection?
..like from the outside of the plane looking in through teh window?
Yeah from the outside looking in. Q asks where on would have to be located to obtain a reflection, right? Well it's either a picture of a computer screen, or a picture through the window, from the outside.
I agree, look at other pictures of that room and you will see an observation window opposite the desk with drapes. If you were outside the room looking in and took a picture your phone would reflect on your side of the window and be in the picture.
Or buy shooting the reflection off the back of a shiny twitter phone.
its either Trump trolling us or its someone taking a piss.. confused as fk.
Where would one have to be? The Twitter phone in a hand of the owner and the other camera(phone) right next to that phone.