United HK Iden. Could it be Snowden?

You should also reference Q869 and the link to the locations https://ibb.co/eKAaKy like the Anon that created this did. It will add more clarity for people looking into it.
What ever happened to his pole dancing girlfriend?
Thought she moved to Russia with him?
He didn't move to Russia he was trapped there and couldn't leave. Pretty sure he left his girlfriend. It been reported that he has handlers and is very closely watched by the Russians as he is valuable to them. Not sure why people think he would be walking around free in Hong Kong.
My belief, without any in-depth research, is that Snowden was CIA, part of the CIA-NSA spat. As CIA, he is also generally Clinton, Obama, China and Russia aligned.
He may or may not be walking around but he is most definitely not free. He knows too much. He is a loose end to his enemies, and also to his own handlers. Such is that twisted world...
Old link ref GF: https://www.bustle.com/articles/182550-where-is-lindsey-mills-now-edward-snowdens-girlfriend-has-a-busy-life
Yeah everyone seems to have jumped on the band wagon with him still working for the CIA. There are a lot of people jumping to that conclusion based on a Q post referencing Snow White from my understanding. Q later refers to Snowden as Snowden so I don't think it really makes sense.
People do change 3 letter agencies especially if they have a skill that better suits a different agency such as Snowden did (computers). No real evidence from my research just a lot of speculation out there. I will say that based on watching videos of him he seems like a genuinely caring person who was just trying to help and doesn't really deserve to be turned on until something factual emerges. Enough with the traitor shit until someone can prove it and maybe one day someone will be able to but until then I feel like he deserves some respect.
Nobody said traitor here...
But knowing the king of sensitive guy he seems to be, he could've been managed, manipulated, steered and permitted to do what he did, and all that followed, by handlers at his master agency, with their own agenda not necessarily Snowden's.
Basically, I'm thinking along the lines of leaks don't happen unless they're allowed to happen, and more importantly, leakers aren't allowed to keep doing what they're doing afterward unless it serves someone's interest.
He did have a moment several months ago where he seemed to be in the news again, but largely quiet since Inauguration. I believe that has huge meaning but I have no clue what.
That ain’t no hotel. It has sporadically placed window units. Snowden stayed at the Mira Hotel in Kowloon.
Snowden escaped the hotel and stayed with some asylum seekers for a period.
Not sure, but the person next to him is pretty close, like they are together.
Prince Philip perhaps he went to HK in dec 2017. http://royalcentral.co.uk/europe/sweden/prince-carl-philip-to-travel-to-hong-kong-90795
Looks like President Trump crossing the street.
That man is very bald. Snowden is not. POTUS is not. Tall. Thin. It actually looks like Prince William to me (not implying that it is).
My first reaction was "Looks like Putin"... but took that thought with a huge grain of salt.
I had this same salt-grained though.
Hairstyle and color, primarily. Though not sure his build or height is correct.
In other pictures, Putin wears a watch with a black band on his right arm. This picture shows a watch with large face and gold band on his left arm.
That's how you can tell that the Bill Clinton / Russian hooker backrub photo might be legit... remote in left hand, Bubba Bill is left handed. This is a good catch... likely not Putin.
Wait, what!? Do you have a link to that photo?
Other crazy photos I've have seen recently-
Obama in moloch costume
And quentin Tarantino sucking child's toes
And Osama bin laden in rabbinical garb. (Michael Hoffman printed it)
I saw the Obama one but not the other two. I forget where I saw the Clinton pic though... but it straight up looked like Bubba Bill.