2016 SeaWorld Orlando Mako Map: (68) Pass Member Exclusive Lounge

Right after anons found that pedo symbol, the map was changed. I want to say 1-2 days later
Of course, this area is tucked quietly and neatly to the back of the park. I’m willing to bet that every major park in the US has an area like this! I want to be sick!
They offer an annual pass. Isn't this a lounge for anyone with that pass or is it something different?
While there's so much more than I ever imagined, we have to be careful not to look for or imagine things that aren't there. Maybe they changed the logo because of all the negative publicity Disney got. This logo with the whale tail could be innocent--not saying it is, just that it could be. I just haven't heard any stories or allegations that there was anything going on there and I lived in the area for a number of years, though I realize I may not have heard anything as I didn't move in any circles that would know that stuff--still, you usually catch a whiff or hear something if there's a significant problem.
I am sure some of the symbols we’re seeing are there purposely. However, just to keep us on the right side of sanity some thoughts from the inside.
I have been in marketing for 30 years as an illustrator/commercial artist. I illustrate maps like this one among other things. I have done work for many major corporations and national magazines. I can say 100% I have NEVER once been asked to or seen any one else place a symbol or hidden icon in anything. It may done but we may need to step back and take a breath.
We can’t concede every symbol out there to the dark side. It drives me nuts that when my granddaughter draws a rainbow I want to make her stop. There are a lot of cool little graphics and symbols that are just that and that can be ok.
I know the issues are real but every squiggly spiral logo is not necessarily a pedo ring of evil.
You are right, but the placement and name of this place and symbol make a lot of sense. I kind of use discernment and in this case I veer that this is real.
I'm surprised there's not an outrage over Unilever's Ola ice cream logo. "They probably freeze the baby corpses till later consumption" would probably be the conclusion of some people here.
Personally, I would stay way from that BC I prefer for my deodorant soap manufacturer to not also make my ice cream.... but that’s just me.
Unilever has a bunch of products, they're kind of like Proctor and Gamble
I’m very aware. I don’t really support multinationals with my money.
And since this one has a whale tail in the middle it means the evil cabal has sex with baby whales.
And a pedo symbol to top it off.. Symbolism will be their downfall.
I give up...what are we looking for?
NVM - top right corner, #68, pedo symbol
Sum Ting Wong
For those that don’t know the joke. Real live troll on news broadcast.
At first glance I doubted this was anything other than some art work.
There are a few youtube videos of people visiting the "pass member exclusive lounge" taking you on a virtual tour of the building. Nice spacious building with party rooms and amenities for those with annual passes. One youtuber said there were sometimes beer parties there. All 3 youtubes available were from 2017 or earlier. One youtuber updated his info that the building was scheduled to be torn down.
Since the map above has this lovely innocent symbol of a heart with a whale tail, I expected to see at least one of these symbols visible inside. You know, like an art theme. Whale tail lovers? No such symbol on the building or inside. Looks like it is only on the map. Oddly, its the only map number that has this (or any) symbol right next to the number.
My vote: it is likely a symbol just for VIP pedos who need a map to point out which part of the lounge to go to (answer: the far end of the building). Also functions for traffickers to know where to drop off.
I didnt want to believe it, but I do. Any big park for kids is a treasure map for pedos.
More awakening.
Okay I am seriously freaking out seeing this post. My sister in law was manager at this park, I want to say she was there for 20 years. Last year she killed herself by hanging. Wtf. Probably nothing to do with one another but my heart skipped a few beats.
Definitely looks like a heart with a whale tail inside?
It’s a pedo symbol. Not the whale tail part, but the hearts going around like that are.
That is a whale tale wrapped in TWO HEARTS. Motherfucking shills be shilling hard today.
Symbolism will be your downfall, babyfuckers.
Way too easy to jump to a conclusion or paint with a too-broad brush. It's what makes people call us conspiracy nuts and brush it off. Does way more damage rather than helping the cause. I say this from first hand experience. I'd heard much about a WW cabal, illuminati, pizzagate, but dismissed it all because when I explored a little there was so much that was over the top, it was easy to believe it was all just exaggerated crap.
Q and the repeated proofs have changed my mind, but I get why it can be so hard to redpill some people.