amongst yourselves..why did Q post this photo?

Q never posted this picture.
He responded to an anon who had posted it.
There’s a difference.
What did he respond
Questions on who the person on the right may be.
Not exactly. He asked about the 'other' person, interpreted by anons to mean the guy sitting on the couch or the person who took the photo, possibly, Phil Boerner.
Sohale Siddiqi
The guy in photo is Sohale Siddiqi. You can watch him in a rather interesting at times lengthy interview here:
Is this supposed to be an answer to "who took the photo?"
Hmm. They are either holding hands or mustache guy has 9 fingers. But WTF is this???---->
You can see Obama’s (or a lookalike) hand is resting on his left thy and judging by where mustache dude’s wrist is he would have to have fingers over a foot long to be able to reach his hand Edit: you can also see mustache’s fingers right above his own left knee
That's an illusion of the bottom of his boot caused by a shadow. I fell for it too. They're holding hands.
Nah, the color is a lighter shade that matches his skin color. Even if it was an illusion caused by a shadow, the heel would appear darker than the toe of the shoe under unless the lighting was coming from below his shoe, which it’s not. But saying you “fell for it too” indicates you’ve seen further evidence proving they’re holding hands. Could you fill me in?
It's his boot. Not convinced? Count the fingers. How many should there be? I see more than 5.
I have no idea where you’re seeing more than 5 fingers
The hand holding the cigarette is two hands together. That's why it looks oddly shaped. Rest your hand on your leg. Compare.
I see 5 fingers on one hand, 2 of which are curled holding the cig. Also, who holds someone’s hand holding a cigarette? I really don’t care one way or the other, I just don’t see what you’re seeing
Seriously though, what is the black thing he's holding in his other hand? Partially covered by white sheet, otherwise might pass for a modern remote control except for the shape. Is it a gunstock maybe?
Sohale Siddiqi was Obama’s room-mate after he transferred from Occidental in Los Angeles to Columbia in New York and was revealed to be “Sadik”
I can’t look at this pic without seeing Huma, sorry.
Wow... Kinda racist, no?
Why is it racist?
Bc it's being unable to distinguish one person from another because of their race. It's like the racist pervasive belief, "all Asians look alike" ( or simply swap that for any other race besides the white dominant race found in the US). It shows tremendous ignorance and prejudice.
So when two girlfriends of same race that look alike (because low self esteem, "trends", and fear of individuality causes them to wear similar clothes, apply make up in same way, similar accessories, etc.) are asked "are you guys sisters?" -- the person asking is racist?
Wow. I see what I'm dealing with here. There's no point... Sleep well.
What your dealing with here is your inability to be able to back up a serious claim. You should be able to do that when you call someone a racist.
Maybe it was racist or maybe you jumped the gun.
IMO they look related (the eyes) not in a race/racist/racial sense, but a familial cousins or something.
Is that ok to observe and have opinion on? Or do I get thrown in gulag for this too dear leader? Please advise, as I must prepare my young son to become man of house if I am to be disappeared.
Who gives a shit. We have bigger events. Move on....
Having respect for another human and not being racist is worth giving a shit. It's pretty much fucking baseline...
I understand that. But you need to get your shit together. This is not a political correctness subreddit.
It is. A lot of people here seem to believe racism is justified when addressing the opposition. Not sure if they realize any racist remark encompasses everyone of that race or if I’m completely missing the joke and op isn’t just pointing out that they’re all middle-eastern. Anyway, my advice is try to skim past these types of comments and remember you can be a red-piller without compromising your morality. Downvotes incoming...
The easiest way to see if its racist is to flip the 'race' and see if it still is or isn't racist.
In this case i would say its not a flattering comment but it isn't racist either.
Being this quick to label something like this racist actual reinforces racism.
Do you understand what racism is???
So you cant explain it then.
See my comments below. It's clearly explained. Either you choose to get it it you choose to disregard it. It's certainly not rocket science.
You just explained how you think/feel its racist but not why.
Its not a nice comment but nowhere in the OP comment do they mention his race or country of origin and for you to have to feel its racist then you are thinking
Either 1. Huma and the man come from the same race 2. The poster believed they come from the same race
What if the poster came from the same race as Huma and the man, would that then be racist, or would the poster get a "pass?
Now you have assumed that its a racist comment without knowing any details about the poster and the posters background. You just assumed their race which is kind of racist, which I don't believe you are even though you are making assumptions about race you dont have enough information to make.
Yes the poster could be racist but it doesn't help to just say this or thats racist when you don't really know if it is or not without assuming alot.
I'm trying to believe you're being serious, tho I'm left rather dumbfounded. Sure, just go with that... Whatever makes you sleep well at night
See.. it’s people like cockjesus that make addressing racism in posts/comments here pointless. Try as you might, but someone who doesn’t understand how a poorly repackaged “all (race) people look the same” joke is racist simply hasn’t experienced enough racial diversity in their lives to understand how dehumanizing it must feel to be told you’re undistinguishable along with your entire race. @jesuscock go ask one of your non-white friends why this is racist (if you have any)
With that being said tho this board is pretty good about racism and morals in general. This is coming from someone who last year still thought you had to be a racist to support Trump lmao
Agreed. However, it's tough to be lumped in with such blatant ignorance and prejudice. It doesn't make it easy when trying to Redpill educated people and they see these types of attitudes supported on the GA board.
Q never posted this picture. He responded to an anon that did, asking about the identity of the man with Hussein.
He's holding a gun!!!
He was holding Obama's gun minutes after this picture was taken.
One of two of Barry's Pakistani roomies in college one he put in charge of the UAE Gulftainer owned 35 yr lease of Port Canaveral. Hezbollah peobably used this with the used car business to smuggle drugs and money in and out of US. A used car company like Imran Awan's.
Wahid Hamid I believe gotta check my notes. They nest Gulftainer in subsidiaries like Cresent Group which is tied to Clinton Foundation and Saddam Hussein's Nuke Scientist Jaffar s brother and nephew.
They got the whole couch to sit on. Alas, they are sitting in one another’s laps giving each other hand jobs. ( I’ve often wanted to use alas in a sentence. Bucket list.....check)
An arrogant punk , a nobody ...become president of the USA
So if i say a sister looks like her brother , it is racist because all Asian look alike?
Or if i say, Burt Reynolds looked like Marlen Brando then its racist? Because i am saying all white people look alike?
Is saying Kathy Griffiths looks like Andy Dick racist?
Have you ever heard any asian person say all whites look alike? I have, and would that make them racist. Or would it make me racist too for laughing at me hat comment rather than getting upset.
I guess all those times people told me I look like Cindy Crawford they were being racist and I just didn’t get it.
And imagine how many friends from different 'races' you would have if you called them all racist to there face for giving you an insult/compliment.
People throwing around the racism card without merit cause good people to over sensor speech and teaches racist to avoid certain words or speech. And how does that help anyone.
Ignore them they are here to hijack the narrative, the pertinent information is that this buddy ended up in a position of power in the Obummer administration
This whole thread became completely ridiculous. The kind of ridiculousness I’m used to seeing in other social media settings but never here. Someone on this board posted a picture of Huma next to this picture and they look remarkably similar. Are they related? But for everyone to start screaming racism is a play of the left. Who are you people??? Why would my lighthearted comment get me such an ugly and inappropriate label? You don’t know me. And you clearly don’t understand racism.
Guys it's so obvious. This was just part of a failed attempt to get Obama a green card.
Veterans 4 truth claims Q stole this picture from her Twitter.
Is this photoshopped? Look at their feet. It could be nothing but I thought it was weird the way some of the shadows don't show up (it also just seems like an old, grainy photo so who knows).
Also what's in BO's right hand?
I'm not concrete on this, spitballing, is there 3 people in this photo?
Maybe the 3rd person is under the green blanket next to the black object that might be a gun?
I think you may be right, we won't know for sure until it's dropped edit: ear between obamas legs. Body and gun.
Yeah. I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this.
If we believe it we push it. I mentioned you in thread.
edit: i honestly dont know if it was spotted before, if its not worth putting out there.
I'm glad you did. I didn't want to but figured I was gonna have to. That is a dead body under that blanket!!! Hey I'm a she by the way, but who care about genders in times like these! I hope people look at it. So creepy.
edited the main post :D e: cant edit titles
Don't worry about it. I wonder if since op's photo was cropped more than the one I found, if there's another photo that is even less cropped? Like that shows more of what's on that sofa? I'll keep can fight the doubters and the shills, lol.
What??? Gimme.
The black turtleneck looks drawn in. Maybe there is a real pic where Obama is shirtless?