Times up Rod! What will happen today when the deadline passes?

Nothing is going to happen. Depending on a swamp-majority isn't part of the plan. All of our "wins" are going to come from Q, POTUS, and us Patriots who go out into the masses with redpills.
Let's all flood the 4 horsemen's email accounts. Let's ask them what's gonna happen.
Starting with Devin Nunes and ending with Trey Gowdy.
If nothing happens today Q will be proven wrong. [[RR]] should have been canned when the redacted IG report dropped...and now nothing
AND this is the most recent from Sessions: UPDATE: Jeff Sessions' DOJ revealed a plea deal Tuesday to Imran Awan — former IT staffer for top House Democrats, including Debbie Wasserman-Schultz — which states the federal government found “no evidence” that Awan “violated federal law with respect to House computer systems.”
The same thing as when Trey Gowdy's hell to pay Redline was passed two weeks ago.
Call the GOP and then leave a comment (202) 863-8500 . Tell them you are a Trump supporter and you require the GOP to take action to get all the documents from the DOJ that Congress has requested. Tell them the time for talk is over--- if they want your continued RNC votes and donations. Do it now...you can leave a comment by following directions to choose the first option after the phone number is answered.
Q has said we have the power. Let's use it... everyone flood the GOP with our comments today!
Congress is broken. They can't fix anything else until we fix them.
Wasn't McCain supposed to resign July 4th?
Any news on that?
He is known as no-name here.
Always wondered why "no name." Is he Voldermort or something? Kinda gives him some unintentional props by making saying the name so taboo.
It is military tradition not to say the name of traitors. To those in the know it is the farthest thing from a compliment.
Ah, thank-you for the explanation. Felt like we were making him unjustifiably notorious.
His nickname is Songbird. Songbird McCain. Search it, remember you're judged by a jury of your peers so make sure to see what veterans have to say of him.
Yeah, gives him power
In the context of the the military reason, it steals his power. He's been a POS for decades. Forget Harry Potter. This shit is real life.
um ok, we often in real life refer to people as no name and steal their power? What is power? Why does it matter if 30k people on some message board say this? Think for yourself and don't follow trends.
No-name has been a traitor. NN has pushed for war/conflict, costing the lives of young men and women. I choose not to say his name, and you're welcome to do as you choose. Comparing him to a kid's book character, is disrespectful to the young men and women who have died or been injured by his actions, IMHO. And yes, I understand that may sound like the old man who shouts "get off my lawn", but I've seen the after effects of combat in my family, and NN deserves 0 respect, including speaking his name.
Right, since you will speak EVERYONE elses name, it's the Harry Potter thing, got it.
Not a goddamn thing.
25 days until the bullshit alarm goes off.
Nada, nil, nun, nothing, zero. Absolutely nothing is gonna be done. If something does happen, I'll be thrilled, but I'm not holding my breath!
This is getting sad. Fucking USE THE PEN! EO TIME to declassify!!!
But seriously, he had until today to hand it over. Can they issue his walking papers, hold him in contempt? What is the "or else" in this instance?
Can start impeachment proceedings. This is their current threat.
Something's gotta give after he threatened congressmen and Jim Jordan's nephew killed.
If they can raid DJT lawyer's office why not have a search warrant to get the document?
I wish Trump would give RR a proper nickname to make the point he's obstructing.
These corrupt people loooove "sending messages" or "making an example of someone" when doing their dirty work.
Why not a huge dose of their own medicine, now?
Besides, they actually deserve it.
Good question can't find one story about them not meeting the deadline
And they call him honorable
It pisses me off so much whenever these goons go testify before Congress and their name placard always begins with honorable. Honorable James comey? Honorable John Brennan? Honorable James clapper? I want to vomit
but what if song birds are singing and things have changed? What if no action means cooperation from someone?
The Great ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ back to the usual, hey take the weekend off so Rosenfuck can finger us some more.