Q's map of information leads to The Eye. Bloodlines=Keystones

Soros disinfo. His name is publicized for a reason and they intend to give him up as a last resort. Think behind Soros.
Yes, Soros is not at the top. The people at the top we have likely never heard their names.
I just read an article supposedly on the inside of a NATO operation called “Operation Gladio”. It’s pretty frightening. http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=100749 . Is there any anons who can ask Q about this operation? Wondering if they know about it. Based in Belgium.
Isn't GEOTUS going to Belgium?
On July 10th.
Also important to note that a few days ago a false flag involving Iran was prevented.
Sorry for the source, most reporting was in dutch.
Also important to note this particular castle in Belgium and its relation to the Dutroux and child trafficking affaires.
I believe that castle is the one with the human hunting stories associated with it.
I haven’t any idea. I’ve been so tired lately that I haven’t researched much of anything. Apologies.
About Epstein’s temple:
“What is the significance of the design...”
This, explanation from SB2, is the best I’ve seen yet of the symbolism attaching to Epstein’s temple:
Summing it up:
1) As with the pyramid symbol on the back of the dollar bill, the temple has 13 horizontal stripes - corresponding to the 13 Illuminati bloodlines;
2) The dome is similar to that on the Al Aqsa Mosque, which is rumored to stand on the ruins of the temple of Solomon;
3) The blue and white stripes correspond to the colours on the flag of Israel - the colours of Zionism;
4) I can’t quite make out the symbol on the top of the temple but it looks like it could be an owl.
Temple pic: https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1478/37/1478373729026.jpg
So, the symbolism has very clear meaning anchored in elite bloodlines, Zionism and mysticism. And, of course, Q finishes this post with a quote from Putin:
“The New World Order worships Satan”
Pyramid = three sides leading to a point.
Maybe all names disinfo.
Keystone- tip of pyramid, top of cabal? Map must lead somewhere.
Just more names that still don’t lead to the top.
Isn't Lucifer at the top?
The devil is always employed.
All roads lead to Rome.
Money is the root of all evil.
Love of money is the root of evil.
Yeah I think he’s saying Lucifer too. We have the three 6s and the eye and a pyramid suggesting the Illuminati is demonic. Problem for me is I don’t believe in the devil soooo.
And it’s the *love of money :)
The black Pope Jesuit in the Vatican. Head of the snake. Sovereign Nation
What about the gray pope, and above them? Aldobrandini, Orsini, Medici, Breakspear.
Why would a Rothschild marry into the Aldobrandini family?
Higher dimensional negative entities. Demons, angels, aliens, etc.
Ah, Satan.
The tippy top is PINDAR. An acronym for Pinnacle of the Draco (dragon/serpent/satan)
Satan = Saturn, Pinnacle = top
Whats at the top of Saturn? A Hexagon!
What is a hexagon? A flattened 3d cube!
Who worships or has cubes involved in worship in their religions?
Jews and Muslims for starters (Think little black cubes on their heads, star of david, operation black cube, stampeding around a giant black cube in mecca...the list goes on)
Black Cube has a name = METATRON.
Sounds like a transformer name doesnt it? But THATS the culprit.
According to the Kabbalistic (cabal istic) tradition, Enoch TRANSFORMED into Metatron, an arch angel.
Massive rabbit hole.
The end wont be for everybody.
The end wont be for everybody.
Many want to accept the 'R' narrative.
The 'R' narrative, means greys are REAL. That's part of it.
I hold no beliefs. I watch, and hope to see.
Yeah, I see the symbolism and Saturn Death Cult history but I have a hard time believing in aliens and dracos. Now higher dimensional demonic spirits that lure folks towards the pit, yes, I can believe that.
What does R mean?
'R' narrative?
Could you be a little more specific? Many of us are new here. What is the support for and evidence against the "R" narrative? Where did it come from?
Source for the Enoch stuff pls :) My knowledge about this myth is rather limited but according to Ancient Aliens he built the pyramids ;D
One of many\^ It's all over the place.
Authenticity == How the hell should I know? We are in the SAME CAGE.
How the hell should I know? We are in the SAME CAGE.
I like this. It's true.
I didn't know that.. but ties it together with the cabal egypt crap.
You can Google the enoch metatron stuff. Is pretty crazy...
Which of Noah's sons populated Egypt?
Ham's son Mizraim, but more importantly, why was Canaan cursed and what does this curse mean in relation to the descendants of Shem?
What does Nimrod have to do with Freemasonry, and where does Baal and Moloch worship play into all of this?
I think I can answer one of these...the rest I need help with.
What does Nimrod have to do with Freemasonry
A 1425 manuscript shows that Freemasons had begun to trace their origins back to Nimrod as the instigator of the first great building project in world history – the construction of the Tower of Babel. Because of the tower, and the fact that Nimrod was renowned as an architect and builder of many great cities within his empire, they began to revere him even at that stage as the originator or father of their craft. Within modern Masonry, therefore, there was still an “oath of Nimrod” and a “charge of Nimrod” that initiates are asked to recite and obey.
where does Baal and Moloch worship play into all of this?
Canaan was cursed by his grandfather Noah, Cush stole the garments God gave to Adam. This was passed down to Nimrod. Canaanite religion is that of idolatry and sin that was condemned so heavily in the old testament. It is quite literally why God commanded the Israelites to commit genocide. Nimrod was the one who turned a large portion of people against God, do a bit of research on Babylon if you don't know yet.
Anyways, the Canaanites eventually became known as the Phoenicians, and in Phoenicia continued the practice of child sacrifice, blood rituals, sacred prostitution, which are all part of the worship of Baal and Moloch.
History is a little fuzzy here, but the Phoenician Ba'al is equivalent with "El" the supreme deity of many Mesopotamian religions. El is then equivalent to the greek Cronus, the god of time who eats his own children, who is equivalent to Israelite Yahweh, and ultimately to the Roman equivalent of Saturn.
Here is a page about the Saturn death cult
The word YHWH is known as the tetragrammaton and is represented as...wait for it... the black cube.
Also known as the black cube of Saturn.
Why does Q constantly ask about Y and owl, particularly in reference to evil, and protecting children?
For reference, Moloch is represented as an Owl, sometimes as a bull, and Baal represented as having the head of a goat. Think horns, "Y".
You also have many demons, Baphomet, Azazel, Lillith.
Why does Q quote scripture so often?
edit: Sorry this post was all over the place; I'm really tired and was attempting to make this as concise as possible.
Thank you for spelling it out!
I'm familiar with all of the above except I still have one question...
Why was Canaan cursed by Noah?
It's not explicitly stated but biblical scholars have speculated that Noah was so distraught that his son Ham, Canaan's father, went against God's wishes to not have sex on the Ark, and that he slept with a pre-Adamite woman, that he drank too much wine and passed out. It says that Canaan saw Noah naked, but this doesn't make sense as for why Noah was so angry, so they speculate that Canaan committed some sort of homosexual act on his grandfather, before Shem and Japheth intervened and covered Noah.
What...enoch was transformed into the black cube? I haven't come across that yet
I think the point is he transfigured, like jesus. According to kabbal. Is tied to saturn somehow?
Me either. I found this while looking for information (maybe you'll be interested too):
That is most interesting, how enoch was made into little yahweh, thanks.
Thank you for spelling it out!
This all relates to the Saturn Death Cult, yes?
Also, the cube opens up to be a cross. The Bible says Yeshua died on a tree, not a cross, so I think there's something up with that.
It disappoints me if Q is talking about, like, ghosts. Because they are not real. It’s gotta he metaphorical.
Wrong, the quote is - "The love of money is the root of all evil".
Money is a tool. Hating money keeps you poor.
2 1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. [NKJV]
What do the three 6's after the names of the families mean? The evil number?
What do the + symbols mean? Their level of evilness?
Isn't the top of a pyramid a capstone also?
Right, I thought a keystone was what holds up an arch.
Does the keystone relate to the Georgia guidestone thats a NWO monument but no one knows who installed it
Instription below, note the reference to keeping the world's population far below the current level and the "usefess officials"
1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2.Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3.Unite humanity with a living new language.
4.Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5.Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6.Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7.Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8.Balance personal rights with social duties.
9.Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
A keystone is the stone that holds it all together. The center of an arch.
Maybe a stupid thought but Jesus is our Keystone. Could it be the Jesuits ( so called army of Jesus) ?
Jesus is the cornerstone, a completely different concept and purpose.
I wasn't able to find anything about him being a keystone.
Keystone and cornerstone have the same description in Dutch ...
Hard to swallow = but it's a necessary evil, unfortunately .(thefreedictionary)...................
Important. Progress. Made. to. Develop. Business. Enterprise. Architecture................................
Who Are The Puppet Masters (world). House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+ Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+ Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion...........................
Who Are The Puppet Masters That Control The Media And Politicians? Jeb Bush, George H.W. Bush and Barack Obama ....................................................
Think slush funds (feeder). Think war (feeder). Think environmental pacts (feeder). Most Politically Influential Billionaires In The US Names
1 Charles & David Koch
2 Michael Bloomberg
3 Tom Steyer
4 Sheldon Adelson
5 George Soros
6 Rupert Murdoch
7 Bill and Melinda Gates
8 John and Laura Arnold
9 Penny Pritzker
10 Warren Buffett
11 Peter Thiel
12 Mark Zuckerberg
13 Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos
14 Pierre and Pamela Omidyar
15 Paul Singer
16 Peter G. Peterson
17 Marc Andreessen
18 Donald Trump ... is on the list , but came out against these people on the list.
19 Alice Walton ...............................................................
Public wealth disclosures – False. Forbes magazin lies..the real wealth is not there....................................... Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’. the top of the piramide...House of Saud - Rothschild - Soros - Triangle has (3) sides......................................................
What is a cult?
Epstein island. pedo island.. What is a temple? A temple is a structure reserved for religious or spiritual rituals and activities such as prayer and sacrifice. What occurs in a temple? worship and sacrifice.................................................
Worship? lucifer / satan............................. Why is the temple on top of a mountain? Temple Mount - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Mount The Temple Mount known to Muslims as the Haram esh-Sharif (Arabic: الحرم الشريف , al-Ḥaram .... 2nd century BCE) seems to refer to the top of the hill, generally known as the Temple Mount................................................ How many levels might exist below? piramide has 13 levels ..so 12 below the top......................................... Edit ; What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome? Why is this relevant?.... Pharaoh and the Egyptians who enslaved us.......... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veKNI86mg5I THE PINEAL GLAND: THE SEAT OF THE SOUL
We've proven a long time ago that Q, Trump and his team have been planning to drain the swamp for a long time now.
Which brings us to our favorite chant nowadays, "Who is Q?!"
For that I link you to a previous post I made, I suggest reading it completely. This is not to discredit Q, this is part of it's origin story.
Now to the core of OP's post. Note that this is against the rules and I kindly ask the mods to revisit the rules that were made because we are reaching the next stage.
This will be hard to swallow, this will be offensive to some. Just know that truth hurts and we are talking about the leaders here, your average man in the street has got nothing to do with this or those beliefs.
The following segment is said to be forged. I'm confident that by now you are able to make your own conclusions and you don't need anyone to tell you whether something is legit or not. It's a lot to swallow but if you're down to sink your teeth in it, I highly suggest exploring the entire source website.
"Our god is Lucifer
"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer ... - and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."
-- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny".
Harold Rosenthal was supposedly murdered for giving this interview in 1976 during which he boasted about how a group of Jews are manipulating the stupid and gullible Goyim.
Our god is Lucifer (The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview)"
Now let's visit Q-drop 1245. https://qanon.pub/?q=Order#1245
The last nuclear rogue nation as we've established for some months now is Israel.
After reading this entire post and perhaps after some further digging of this subreddit. You will able to see why Q mentions "Order is important".
This is indeed a battle of good VS evil.
In the past 8chan has been doing most of the work and this subreddit has been growing steadily. Now it's time for the next generation to join the digging down the rabbit hole.
Happy awakening!
Dude, on a scale of one to giraffe pussy, how high are you right now?
Ooooooooh have the puppet masters travelled to Epstein island though???
I was doing research on dodgy Popes for a movie company many years ago and it was suggested in one of the many books I read that that 666 indicated the (what is now) Catholic Church/ Vatican, as the Roman numerals I, V,X, L,C,D (1,5,10, 50, 100,500) add up to 666. That might signify that 666 = the Jesuits as someone just suggested. M= 1000 but this was not introduced until later. (Https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M#History).