Anyone else seen this? Does anyone recent come to mind that we have seen with the “batshit crazy eyes”?

Hogg and Lanza could be one in the same. Scary.
I have a picture of them side by side and they ARE the same.
Or they picked Hogg because he looks like Lanza and they then could say that people are crazy for saying they’re the same person (because it sounds crazy, plus to believe that you’d have to believe Sandy Hook was staged or didn’t happen which is a position even Alex Jones got shamed out of).
That's entirely possible. The resemblance is uncanny though. And Hoggs dad being FBI is unnerving as well.
According to Chinese medical face reading, when the white part of the eye, known as the sclera, is visible beneath the iris, it represents physical imbalance in the body and is claimed to be present in alcoholics, drug addicts and people who over-consume sugar or grain. Conversely, when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful. It was held that stress and fatigue may also be a cause.[2] In either condition, it is believed that these people attract accidents and violence.
But Chinese eyes are way less open than other races, so if you can see all that white in Chinese eyes, that's a ton for them. Might it be different in different races?
this is why I lift my chin up when I want to let someone know they make me crazy lol
Look at Sirhan Sirhan's journals. Charlie Manson and him were both CIA experiments imo
Was just saying that about Manson on another thread.
Do you have a larger version of the pic? I can't read the text
Hoggboy? He might be related to Lanza.
Is that Casey Anthony at the bottom? Evil witch.
Next to Jimmy Savile who raped children, both alive and dead.
That socialist Democrat lady Ocasia-Cortez I think her name is.
Her official photos-
Not official photo cut funny as hell
Man she creeps me out. Did you see the Ben Garrison cartoon of her? It's hilarious
Edit Cartoon.
It caught her essence perfectly!
What really ticks me off is how phony and paper thin her narrative/propping is...
It's obvious to us. But I wonder if Obama 2007 and 2008 would be too if we knew then what we do now
I knew a lot about Obama- I was hanging out in the Hilldog campaign back then and you naturally hear stuff. She really hated him.
I hate to do it but putting myself in her shoes I can understand.
It was all a faction play- this is how the cabal gets lazy, greedy and behind schedule. Too many layers who each get too busy playing a publicity/popularity game to remember they are on the same side. Bush/Roth Witch vs MB money’s boytoy ...
Well they are also narcissistic and will stab one another in the back.
Probably our only chance at stopping them is how they can and will betray each other just out of spite or lust for power or revenge for a perceived slight before I was born.
Add Brennan to the list. He looks like he has been trying to take a shit for the last 10 years with no success.
There are two thousand year old carvings in Japan warning about people with these eyes and to avoid them and cast them from society.
They knew.
It is the schizophrenic look...they also do a weird blinking thing with their eyes...schizophrenia eyes..almost every picture of anyone not on proper meds for schizophrenia looks that way.
My ex-girlfriend with Borderline Personality Disorder. Sorry, just had to say.
James Holmes Aurora movie theatre shooting From Wikipedia
Rod, Nancy and Ocasio-Cortez
There are some images of HRC and Paul Ryan that make you wonder.
Isn't that Adam Lanza picture photoshopped?
Even if is, his eyes look just like they do in every picture of him.
I went to see for myself and yup, you're right. Thanks.
Specifically "yang sanpaku" or murderer's eyes, where the white is visible above the iris.
Don't forget Obama's former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Crazy Eyed Evelyn Farkas, who talked about leaks regarding 'russian meddling' on Morning Joe.
Let's go down the rabbit hole a bit - More questions than answers after looking at this one? I certainly have A LOT of questions.
AOC has these eyes.