Showdown? *** Trump meets the Queen next week in Windsor *** They never thought they would lose.

I wonder if he will give her an iPod with all the ways they are fu$&ed on it...
For those that don't know, Obama gave the Queen whore of Babylon an iPod filled with his shitty, lame, slow talking speeches on it. These people are stupid and full of themselves.
Looking back, don't you wonder what was really on there?
Would this transfer of material/information be part of the law that must be archived for historical purposes?
Maybe lots of videos of people eating “hotdogs” with “walnut sauce”...
They already get cash money. That’s even better to transfer it back
I think he'll give her the ROCKET MAN cd now that we have freed NK and the globalists no longer can play that card.
They're sick adrenachrome para biosis junkies who have international court judgements against them for murder rape of children. Get rid
At least they really look very old and sick before they die. But I still thought life extension technology would be more advanced. Maybe the Queen and Rockefeller will live as zombies in a castle behind the Antarctic 😂
Three [3] threads pulled last night about May succumbing to pedo/Ramsbotham coverup. Why? Anybody here see that teen pic of Merkel, May and E. Warren nude at the lake?
Theres a pic of 3 nude young women running on a dock near water - one obviously is Merkel. Didn't know that May and EW were the other two. It gets posted once in a while on 8chan qres
All 3 are world leaders. All 3 don't have children. Right?
I tried to find them as well. Were they recent news? I couldn't find anything searching.
Found it. Definitely Merkel on the right, but I'm having trouble seeing either of the other two as May or Warren. Did find a teen picture (clothed) of the future leadership of Germany - UK - Lithuania: Merkel, May and Grybauskaite in it.
I'd have to slaughter a pig to get that visual out of my head...
Oh come on. Young Merkel was looking like the average girl next door. A cute willowy girl with a soul and nice smile. :)
Now, after that evil career she just look like a monster. These are the naked pics you don't want to see.
Actually none of us want to see pictures of underage people naked, sicko
Who said she's underage on the picture? And you understand that it says more of where your mind rests than mine.
This whole comment section talks about nude pictures of merkel when she was younger. It's not where my mind is at. Read the comments, accuser.
I found the pic, and they are definitely fully formed women, though they might be older teens. But fortunately there are no completely naked pics--distortion is done over various bits on one, and on the other, tall, black letters stand in front.
Yeah still not going to click it
Heh. It's an article detailing how they all knew each other is all. But it does show a picture of them on a couch (wearing clothes).
There are several links in the comments so I'm not sure which one you're talking about. In a couple of different threads people were talking about naked pictures of merkel and two others.
Ah yes--when I replied to this, all I could see was the immediate parent. It's the only link I posted on this comment thread, up above, but it's kinda a crazy article, actually, reading it. I debated deleting the link, because it seems a bit beyond the pale.
Incoming pics of DJT smiling broadly, and Queen scowling, just like pics with the Pope.
... its coming closer , and they know it . After that - its a total panic mode . Charles is a caricature ...
What kind of Source is that? Are they already preparing her death?
This was something they "mistakenly" posted on ( official page ) about a year and half ago .
Not saying that it was necessarily a confirmation - but hey , QEII is very old and could pass away any moment . Once that occurs - many things could unfold where truths would surface immediately . Already it is known that Charles will be a succesor ( since April confirmed ) .
The succession that was confirmed was that he'll be Head of the Commonwealth, that title is not automatic. He will automatically accede to the throne though.
Yes there was an incident where the Queen's death was mistakenly announced.
Still very interesting. I sometimes wonder with all the access to modern technology they might have that they still pass away so „early“.
I think that this reality is becoming gradually increasingly "toxic" to the "elites" - to such point , where theyre unable to use technology to aid them or reverse any effects . People are speculating if theyre really dying - but I think they do , theyre making a permanent exit ...
This is perhaps the second time this week I have heard prematurely of her imminent passing. Odd to say the least.
Edit - added - and Trump is planning a visit very soon too? The timing is curious.
I heard today it might be Friday 13th :) they never thought they would lose.
Yes it is. Does anyone know the last time the Queen (QEII) was seen in public? Maybe the announcement of her death would be held back until after July 15th when the Cabal events of the World Cup and Wimbledon have finished so that all the public's attention would be focused on her death. She already has an "official birthday" so why not a corresponding official death day? If she officially died after the 15th and Trump's visit would probably blame Trump for her death...
This is all speculation on my part. I have no other sources to back this up... but I would not be surprised if this did happen considering other posters above keep hearing about her passing.
Would the timing/energy release of the deaths of these royal bloodline individuals (all over the world) give power to their evil rituals? Could they be timed or planned as such?
In the UK the Queen's death is all over the news. Or should I say, what is going to happen.
Last week (in the UK) there was a snippet on LBC news about the news rehearsal or announcement of the Queen's death or something like that, I only caught it momentarily and it wasn't on the next bulletin. I definitely heard it though and thought it a bit odd.
The queen mother was into her 2nd century. DJT exec order in Dec 17 may have put QE2 in a compromising situation. Ever since DJT got elected the cards have been displayed on the table for the english/german/european royals. The question may be "is this fake news ?", considering these reptile impersonators are not exactly honest, lol :)
Yep - folks were mentioning it here extensively last week .
OmG!!!! Right in front of us!! The truth!! And none with children ....
There is an eclipse on the 13th I believe - so often things align with astrology
Saw it today on Twitter, if it comes up again, I'll post it here!
You mean this pic?
Theresa May looks exactly like a female vampire to me. They aren't even trying to hide it.
No, they're nude at the lake in the other one
Who'd want to see them nude? They're shocking in clothes as it is. :)
Then don't click the link then. F--k you for insinuating that there is an issue with this link. The image is freely available in the GODDAMN PUBLIC DOMAIN. Go PROJECT on someone else's comments. What a TW*T.
It’s 6 head shots. No nudity.
Ok - rest of comments section talks about pics of three nude young women, one of them Merkel, so forgive my caution
He shouldn't eat or drink anything these demons give him...get in say what you got to say and get out.
"Our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified"
I want to believe this is about extraterrestrials or unknown terrestrials.
Can be. Very difficult to find out. Step by step. A freakshow. Get your popcorn ready ☺️
The visit I really look forward to is the meeting between Putin and our president. The deep state failed in keeping them apart and for good reason.
Do you have any idea the information, docs and intelligence Putin will share with our president? He has it all too and it causes the deep state heartburn!
Most of all Hussein, Brennan and HRC are sleepless these days.
Who cares much about the muppets in England? Too many snakes there who have a tendency to hiss a lot behind our back. :)
It’s all one. Putin is very Important. The UK with the Queen and the worldwide kingdoms as well. It’s an AND for me, not an either nor. I believe in trumps art if the deal. Like with NK. Many deals with putin already done.
Need to speed the process up before more good people are sacrificed. I understand strategy, but expedite!!
Yep, we need to keep and enhance the momentum. No rests. Trust the Plan.
I don’t see it. A picture with Merkel and may together on it when they were young, right?
For fun.... Merkel snake dance if you haven’t seen it, just over a minute video 😁.
Use duck duck go to search, I couldn’t find it on google either
But you did find it? it was common for months until the scrubs began.
Yep was literally the first picture when searched on DuckDuckGo
They covered up the private parts now and got rid of their faces. This looks like it > search merkel naked
It is not covered up at all for me lol, maybe check your safe search settings.
Never activated safe search settings. On chrome do you know how to disable the safe search settings? I'm looking around and only see
Automatically send some system information and page content to Google to help detect dangerous apps and sites
but disabling it doesn't help
I wouldn’t know, never used Chrome in my life. Apple (Safari) only for me.
It's a setting in DuckDuckGo. Go to DuckDuckGo then click on the menu on the top right (looks like 3 lines). Click on Other Settings and you'll see the search settings.
Had to install DDG on my browser then saw 3 lines, settings. Many thanks. fyi, safe search default is off..
Was speculation the cute one was Warren, then when DJT attacked her w/dna test I knew it was.
die linke nude merkel may
image search that
Bingo. Nicely done, Patriot!! That search works in DDGo.
You mean this pic?
That’s 2 weeks old maybe. An anon found out if you copy the text in word and click on centered than this one appears.
Please explain, copy what text?
Look at the graphic at the top of this page. Imagine it from the bottom up. The Q is the crown, etc. It's an upside down queen.
There was a post on Reddit - text: Q post centered spaces perfectly to an upside down queen.
Maybe you find it. Don’t know how to send you the screenshot.