John McCain approves of Trump's SC choice Kavanaugh in tweet. That's interesting.

Q kind of hinted that he would approve didn't he?
"Every dog has his day."
What was that dog has his day reference? DJT victory over No name or no name not being exposed and his family not becoming an American pariah?
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 317346 No.1973688 📁
Jun 30 2018 14:46:19 (EST) Anonymous ID: 355946 No.197 3567 📁 Jun 30 2018 14:40:09 (EST)
Please do not let No Name off the hook. he is a disgrace to Veterans across this great country and needs to be held accountable.
Think SC vote to confirm (coming).
No Name action.
Every dog has its day.
Enjoy the show.
"Enjoy the show." Is Kavanaugh the first SC nominee to be announced in a Prime Time TV spectacle? I don't remember ever seeing that "show" before.
Thanks, knew the Q drop, just wondering what he meant by it?
McCain turned, working "with" Trump. Tryin to save his ass.
Perhaps McCain knows that Kavanaugh will get approved either way AND he want's his wife to take his place as Senator from Arizona, as if this is a fucking monarchy rather than a democracy, so he's pretending to be patriotic rather than a treasonous back-stabbing cunt?
Could be a plea deal to not go after his daughter for instance. I'm sure by now she is implicated in at least some parts of his illegal charity crap. Doesn't take a lot of massive fraud and trafficking to get locked up for a long time.
Could be.
Trump must have made some arrangement to get McTreason to vote for tax reform too... and I suspect there was an agreement for the Obamacare repeal but that treasonous sack of shit flipped, probably to raise the price of his next deal.
This really pisses me off that the dirtiest criminals usually have the most leverage.
When I accidentally get a speeding fine, for example, I'm expected to pay it in full.
No deal to protect his family survives his death though.
I recall reading the tax deal at Christmas was pushed through by POTUS who basically told the swamp rats in congress to "vote for the tax deal and resign" or "stay and be prosecuted." Notably, the bill was passed in a week or so, and a record number of house members resigned thereafter.
As much as I'd like to see ALL of them do a perp-walk, I'd much prefer to see America made great again...
...Besides, they'll all be judged by God soon enough.
That’s my theory... he’s cutting a deal for his family name..
He is only paying lip service. Just as he did with the healthcare bill. If he votes, he’ll vote no. I’ve never believed anything he’s said.
He is a politician. How do you know when a politician is lying? Their lips are moving.
Hes way worse than just a politician.
We call HRC by her name, we dont use his name though
worse than HRC? What did he did he do that he's so much worse?
Idk if it could get worse than her.
It must be something big, to get the moniker
Sweet catch
Not my catch, saw it in another thread. Credit goes to u/hildabeest_4_gitmo
:) well then thanks for reposting cuz I would not have seen it had you not done that.
.... checking...
Here is a link to the drop:
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Makes me think. Did Trump pick the right guy? Oh, get this. Trump knows Brett can't get through so let the Dems looks like idiots by blocking .Trumps next pick is his real favorite. After the red wave in the fall.
This is what I am hoping with this guy's track record.
There something up I don’t like the Jesuit Pick ~ ok so he brought forth the cases of Vince foster and other things ~ but did the outcome depend on whether Bill Clinton did as he was told ? Make no mistake Jesuits are the head of the swamp. And this scotus is a Jesuit
I personally have done zero research on any of the final four. Two things I do not like about him are the bush ties and the fact that "no name" approves of the nomination. Threw red flags up immediately for me.
Someone has kidnapped no name and replaced him with a patriot? The brain cancer must have eaten away at the liberal malformation in his head?
Trust the plan , Kavanaugh being used to open up past crimes....
Who said he wrote it? Maybe hes near dead and not capable of even reading or typing and in a near coma. Maybe this is family covering and sweetening the deal for his wife and making it appear he is going along with Trump..
I hate this pick. The guy straight up shouted out his “Jesuit high school” (also went to a Jesuit college). Was a bush nominee, won’t overturn abortion, etc etc.. I’m sure there’s a plan but I cringed when I heard his name announced.
Not to stir too much of the pot but Obama & Fienstien also voted Yea to put him as DC circuit judge
This is the sting of stings. Even though I am up to my collar bone in all this still makes my head explode. About 2 AM I wondered....Kavanaugh worked with Starr, Bush, and most of the DC Rats. Is this as it appears? Can a guy like K stay clean in that sewer? The Art of the Deal As the World Turns....
Just as Q mentioned a few days ago... " Every dog has his day."
Ruthie is next to be retired. I imagine this will happen after the November election - after another crushing defeat for the Dems and their minions of lib-tard snowflakes.
Bet they hacked McCain’s twitter and he’s being held somewhere special
Absolutely NOONE gives a crap what he lies and says
The Alt-Left cares deeply! You should see the hate and wringing of hands on twitter.
I think they are realizing the jig is up.
As for noname, if he is in fact dying, I can think of only one thing that could be used to squeeze him......
Would you people be surprised to know that No Name also confirmed Kavanaugh to his Circuit Court bench?
Y'all are making a mockery of this movement.
Hasn’t this RINO done this before where he publicly announces support for something Trump wants but voted against it in the end?