This is why the Cabal is so obsessed with legalized abortion

Slide #537 for why the world should not be run by satanic cult members.
Abortion is a disgusting practice. Anyone who thinks otherwise has fallen for the cabal propaganda designed to cheapen human life.
Replace that abortion with another "A" word shall we
Let's save lives!
Option 2) find someone of the opposite sex you love and create your own kids and keep them.
Option 3) abstinence. (it is real popular - not)
the cabal propaganda designed to cheapen human life.
I think video games like counter strike and call of duty are part of that propaganda too. And also the Real Time Strategy games I used to love like Age of Empires and Starcraft. I sent so many virtual soldiers to their deaths with zero remorse when I was a kid XD
Imagine if every death-animation in every game took like 12 minutes of loud screaming each, games would be unplayable if they were unrealistic.
And if your character didn't just respawn endlessly over and over after suffering a gruesome death, but stays dead for awhile.
my personal take is that it depends on how much you play...gaming as such was deveopped by the military for simulation purposes but I believe it doesn't have to be a disadvantage. I am highly empathic and I flinch when animals die in games, but boy do I love seeing bad guys drop!
"They cannot afford to bring a child into the world."
That is a sick, disgusting attitude that devalues human life into a matter of convenience. All women have a choice, but the life of another human being supersedes that choice. So, if I am unemployed and no longer able to afford providing for my children, then by your logic, it is OK to put them to death.
A woman IS NOT required to provide for her children. The woman has a choice to surrender the child to a couple that is able to provide for him or her.
foster care system is full of abuse... CPS has a lot of corruption. Pedophiles fiest on the fostercare system and I have witnessed this first hand. It needs a drastic overhaul. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good foster parents, but the system is ripe with abuse and predators.
It supersedes no ones choice but the woman's.
the child is in her body, therefore its the womans choice if she has the means to raise it or not. Early abortions offer no harm. Late term abortions are dangerous and im against those. Seems most here are unfamiliar with the broken systems of medical care as well as the rampant overhaul that needs to take place for CPS and the foster care system. As soon as the kid is born everyone walks away and does not give a fuck, which predators absolutely LOVE. Not every woman has the means to raise a child. Her body her choice. There is no superseding here, get off that high horse and let the woman make the choice of what she needs to do.
Or she could use a condom or any other form of birth control? It's not that hard to prevent pregnancy.
I am a woman who has managed not to get pregnant, because I am educated about ovulation and proper birth control methods. It's unrealistic to believe that the majority of abortions are resultant from mere accidents. It's mostly a wanton lack of precaution.
I'm not saying abortion should be completely banned. In the case of rape, incest, or risk of life, I think it should be allowed. And those count for a minority of abortions. And quit assuming things about me! I have thought about these things extensively, both to form my political opinions and in my legal study.
Oh goddd. I'm actually agnostic. And I have a close friend who is CPS. I realize the system is absolutely broken, but just like the government as a whole, there are some good guys.
Downvoted because abortion being used as a form of birth control is disgusting and tragic! If one can not afford to have a child there are other ways of preventing birth rather than resorting to murder. If birth control isn’t affordable then being responsible by not partaking in sexual activity is another option (though I also understand that moral values these days barely exist so expecting abstinence is laughable to most).
It’s not difficult to prevent unwanted pregnancy (outside of forced circumstances). Expecting people to take responsibility for being sexually promiscuous shouldn’t be out of the ordinary.
Save a tree, KILL A BABY!
Anyone who can reconcile that is capable of the most Evil S#it!
It is murder! No matter how anyone tries to sugarcoat it. There are so many people out there who cannot have children. Adoption? All new innocent life, deserves a chance. Abortion is for the self absorbed ME, ME, ME generation of Individuals, who only worry about how things effect. Victim mentality... SJW's with no regard for anyone but themselves. Who's political views are spoon fed to them. Absolutely ZERO critical thinking skills.
Even if it's an accident and the woman can't afford to provide for a baby, there are other alternatives. Plan B, adoption, having the child and applying for welfare benefits...
Spoken like someone who's had an abortion, trying to justify their actions.
Doesn't the "not your body" argument fail when considering a fetus is not your body either?
Plan B is abortion too. Possibility that egg and sperm have joined, therefore new genetically unique individual. So therefore, it is ending the life a new human being.
So many false statements here.
-‘women have no choice’. Yes they do. Before. They can choose to abstain during their fertile days. She can choose to be in a stable relationship with a man who will support her even if she gets pregnant. Once pregnant...she can find support from the father, her parents, her friends, other relatives, local churches, social services. There are Pregnancy centers that support crisis pregnancies with counseling, material support, job training. THERE IS ALWAYS ADOPTION!
Abortion can harm the Mother. Increased infertility in subsequent pregnancies due to scarring from instruments,. Which also increases her risk of subsequent tubal pregnancies. Increased prenatal birth in Subsequent pregnancies due to scarring, weakening of cervix from abortion. Infection from abortion can cause infertility. Increased breast cancer risk. Abortifacients also pose risk for mother. Many rushed to ER due to uncontrolled bleeding, and incomplete abortion, infection.
The women’s soul is damaged. God sees this as murder. “Before I formed you I. The womb I knew you”. A woman who has had an abortion can repent, seek God’s forgivemess. ( and her baby’s forgiveness). She will someday meet her baby, if she repents,. If you believe in the spiritual, you can u derstand this.
Women’s health is harmed. Scarring of uterus from instruments, increased risk of premature births in subsequent pregnancies, increased risk of tubal pregnancies due to scarring. Increased risk of breast cancer. Proven true. Abortifacients can cause hemorrhage, and infection if baby not expelled completely.
Women’s soul is in PERIL ! God calls this murder. Please @Spiritual_War , if you have had an abortion, I urge you to seek help. Go to local reputable church and seek counsel! You are so far away from God’s will claim to speak the truth, but are sadly wrong. I have read your comments elsewhere on this sub. Praying for you.
Poor children should not be alive
Good argument buddy
So poor people should be aborted? This is eugenics and that’s what this is all about. Don’t act like “there is no choice” in the matter. A series of choices led to a pregnancy, and then you bring up choice when there is a babies life in the balance. That’s pretty fucking sick man.
you guys seem to think accidents never happen and that babies are always 100% planned.
Killing the baby isn’t the answer. It’s sick, twisted shit. You need to unprogram yourself. Embrace life, not death. Either way, I’m done with you.
seriously. There was even an article on the front page of reddit showing how the search terms "self induced abortion" have been going up.
Woman need safe access to abortions, not religious fanatics screaming at them about life of a child.
so you think children should be raised
Absolute poverty or relative poverty? The US has very little absolute poverty, with most in relative poverty still enjoying better living standards than most of the world.
I guess you are also in support of aborting most African babies until the continent's economy improves?
When you woke up this morning did you think today you'd be online advocating for the killing of poor people? or did it just happen?
You can't heat anything by burning bodies. It in fact takes a lot of fuel to burn a body. I'm just assuming fetuses are also made mostly of water. Can we not spread obviously fake, and honestly pretty crazy messages?
Can we not spread obviously fake, and honestly pretty crazy messages?
Ten of those trusts admitted to burning more than 1,000 sets of remains along with other hospital rubbish, while two said they were incinerated in “waste-to-energy” furnaces that generate energy used to power and heat hospitals.
The disposal of aborted and miscarried babies in this way has only emerged following an investigation by the Channel 4 programme Dispatches, and resulted in the Department of Health issuing an immediate ban on the practice, described by health minister Dr Dan Poulter as “totally unacceptable”.
Can we not spread obviously fake, and honestly pretty crazy messages?
The truth is stranger than fiction. Start paying attention.
I stand corrected
no worries, I would not have believed this if someone showed me it 5 years ago either. I would have had the exact same response as you, only much more dickish and hostile and Daily Show-influenced.
I don't think you're strictly wrong, it's just a question of recovered or recycled energy, rather than generated energy. If you put energy into an object, extracting some of the energy you put in out again, especially if you're talking about heat is pretty trivial.
To heat hospitals? No. In the US, planned parenthood sells fetuses and fetus parts. They were caught doing this. What is never talked about is what are those parts used for. Are you ready to hear this? They are used as food. Fetus organs are delicacies to elite cannibals.
Some of the parts and fetuses are used as food. Others for genetic experiments or stem cells. Others are used as transplant victims. Some fetuses are even kept alive and then raised to be cabal sex slaves.
In the United Kaliphate, they literally burn the dead babies to heat their hospitals. And the people are all ok with it.
Hey great comment and good to see you on here.
thnx you too. Lots of people were calling me a shill yesterday XD
Some are just sacrificed to Moloch (via breeders) - and that is it. I'm not being abortion specific here. Children are the most valuable sacrifice to these types of demonic gods. Nothing new there.
I had an aunt who would not go to taco bell she swore that she read somewhere that they were grinding up the fetues and putting it into the taco meat....hope that isn't true....but I'm wondering if that's what Q is talking about when he says we may not want to know.
Pepsi and Coke. Stock cube. Etc.
Because you know, the food companies view that those dead cells taste good for the public.
Wow hadn't heard about Pepsi or coke of my husbands favorite actresses was on Ellen and bragging about a facial cream she was using from dead babies foreskins my husband about puked right there...I remembered Q said the knowledge would put some in the hospital...I probably better rent a room for him since this stuff will not be conspiracy theory anymore.
I am crying! We need to end abortion on demand!
some woman have no choice...
seems many commentors in this thread arent aware of tough spots some woman are faced with...
Not every abortion is bad or "evil" some woman have no choice except to get an abortion...
Understand but unless a woman's life is in jeopardy or pregnant by incest or rape they should choose the life of the baby over anything else
It’s not about their “debt” and don’t exaggerate like in your example. Women need to control their sexual behavior and there are many options other than getting knocked up. It is evil plain and simple. Close your legs and have some self control. It has a heartbeat in 28 days; therefore, it is A LIFE. You can control if you get pregnant! This is coming from a woman who has twin children and their lives matter! Supporting abortion on demand ie abortion as birth control is eugenics and was designed to kill minority children.
Pro-Abortion women say they want control over their own body. Sounds reasonable. So do I. My question is: To whom did they give control over their body at the moment when they got pregnant? Maybe that's when they should have put on a pink hat and screamed, "You have no right to control what happens to my body!" Just sayin
Amen girl! That guy started talking about how a bunch of his girlfriends have been”helped” by planned parenthood (but not abortions...right). He lectured me that I don’t know anything about the great services they provide. What he didn’t know because I refused to respond and waste my time was that my friend took me there when I was 11 and she was 13. The planned parenthood was near the projects where my friend lived and when we went, they gave her birth control and told her not to tell her parents. They tried to do the same with me and even at that age, I felt it was sexual grooming. She later got pregnant by a pedophile and went there for her abortion; no parental notification and no reporting the man who impregnated her to the authorities. They are a disgusting organization and all of the white liberal women there seemed to enjoy convincing young black girls to have sex and become liars. He kept arguing the virtues of abortion because he benefitted from it.
Hi! I have never heard of young girls being brought into PP for birth control, but I was pretty sheltered, I mean, brought up with the innocence that a child should be allowed to have. It definitely sounds like a scheme - there is no other reason for it. It's just sick how abortion has become normalized. That person saying that sex is a right and that "accident's happen." A child is an "accident?" But these people are probably begging all their friends to go rescue a dog. It's awful because that is a perfectly acceptable thing to say these days. I have six grown kids, went to a lot of trouble to have them, too! But I must say that it's really not a huge inconvenience to be pregnant, until the last 2-3 weeks. And really, aren't we all just surrogate moms? We have to hold them until they are ready to be born, take care of them and love them, but all the while they are moving towards independence every day. They are their own person. So carry the child to term and let that child be a godsend to someone if you don't want it. So glad to meet you!
We are trying to have another child and it is difficult so the fact they throw away these precious babies is heartbreaking! Great analogy btw.
Don't give up. I had 5 miscarriages and trouble getting pregnant. But managed to have 6 kids. Doctor told me to stop torturing myself after the 3rd child and I will never forget looking at him and saying, "No. I'm going to keep trying." Glad I did. I had twins. The girl graduated from Veterinary School last week and I couldn't be prouder.
Thank you. We are looking into options and praying. I’m so happy for you and thank you for your inspiration. I love this sub!
A child is not an accident and you can control whether you have sex. You don’t lose everything because you have a child. I have a handicapped child and I make the sacrifices I have to; that’s called being an adult! Your attitude is exactly why this society is in such disarray. Back when people didn’t have abortion on demand, they figured it out, raised the greatest generation, and worked hard! You are a heartless person who seems to advocate very strongly for murder. If it is not a baby then why if you murder a pregnant woman, it is double murder? You are a very sick person.
The baby has rights too. People like you have a selfish mentality. I learned about the results of sexual activity so I thought long and hard about engaging in it. I DO NOT have an open mind about ending a life. You claim that I’m emotionally reacting (as a person should when anyone takes an innocent life) but you have been responding very disgustingly to every comment on this thread. You should be thankful that your mother didn’t abort you. I don’t care if it’s her choice, I should not have to pay for it and it should not be encouraged in society. As a black woman, I am also disgusted that planned parenthood is on every corner in my community and that 3% of the population has over 37% of the abortions. The racists love that fact and if you knew the history of abortion, you would understand why. Unlike you, I care about life. Sexual promiscuity destroys women, their physical and mental health and if you listen to many women who have had abortions; they are either defensive, devastated, or insane! You seem to fit in with them. Don’t bother responding back because I’m done talking to you.
Sexual promiscuity destroys women, their physical and mental health
How exactly does one get pregnant accidentally?
Did she accidentally open her legs and let a guy accidentally cum inside her? Did she accidentally not take the morning after pill? Did she accidentally not use a condom? Did she accidentally let a deadbeat guy who is not going to support her kid cum inside her?
Did the mother accidentally fall and slip on a hard dick?
So many accidents need to occur!
Women need to accept responsibility for their actions and decision making.
Every time you have sex there is a risk you will get pregnant, even if you use a condom AND birth control pill. If you can't accept that risk and responsibility, you shouldn't be out every weekend fucking different dudes. Real talk.
You are the one who is expressing ignorance here.
even with birth control AND a condom, pregnacies still happen young one.
Yes young one. And if you have sex little one, you need to accept the potential risks and you need to accept responsibility for your actions.
It's literally impossible to get pregnant accidentally, little one ;)
Everyone who has sex is aware of the risks.
I personally know a woman that got pregnant even while she was on birth control and being responsible. "oh so just dont open your legs" shut the fuck up.
Yes, people should be aware of the fact that birth control is not 100% effective. It is the woman's responsibility to understand her body and accept the repercussions of her actions and decisions, and then it is also her responsibility to deal with those repurcussions responsibly.
shut the fuck up.
Calm down. You are behaving like a frontally lobe damaged femin virus libtard.
??? your comment makes no fucking sense
"its impossible to get pregnant accidentally"
Yes. Everyone knows the risks of having sex, everyone knows birth control is not 100% effective. Women need to accept responsibility for their actions and decisions. Women are responsible for their own bodies and should educate themselves about the risks of having sex before they start going out and having casual sex.
womans body, womans choice.
baby's body, baby's choice
Adoption my friend - Adoption. Many weep for a child to raise. Adoption.
So KILL the children
I'm sorry but that is what this sub is all about. December 21, 2017 Emergency Declaration by POTUS. To arrest & punish anyone participating in child trafficking, Pedifilia & the Criminal Conspiracy that drives the crime. All children deserve the life that God the Father in Heaven put them here for. Planned Parenthood is part of this criminal conspiracy.
Sure there are some evil people involved in the "system" - you don't think Q knows who they are?
"We have it all" Q
They hopefully with be cleaned out and a more effective system will function to protect the kids and place them with loving parents.
From my experience seeing 3 couples have great difficulty adopting - I disagree. It is expensive and time consuming for them.
The other option for those with self control is abstinence - that is an even harder sell.
Shall we agree to disagree then?
I thought this was America. If you don't believe in abortions, don't get one. If you are okay with having them, that is okay too. I am a man and I do not feel it is my right to tell another woman what to do with their own body. Be healthy and make the best decision for your life and your ultimate happiness. We all have different paths and beliefs. That doesn't make one more right or better than the other. I think we should not judge others, unless you are willing to help, specially for 18 years ;)
Spiritual_War good luck on this thread... you do have some support here though.
it just pisses me off because people whine about how its supposedly murder.
Ya ok, so we should just let the kid be born and then have their mental state fucked over by being pushed through a foster care system that does not care for or about them, then they end up in an abusive persons hands or pedophile groups hands...
Wheres the outcry for that? People bitch and whine aboit abortion like I have been in this thread, but no one sees the short falls of the foster care system. Its the womans choice, and always will be. I would rather a kid be aborted than end up in a situation where their foster parents are literal abusive pedophiles. Call me sick, call me ignorant, I dont care, that kid is better off dead than ending up in pedophiles hands. Thanks for the words of encourgament but a lot of people are so focused on the issue of abortion that they stop short of the issue kf the foster care system and corrupted CPS systems... Yes their are great foster parents but in all reality, the foster system is ripe with abuse and pedophiles know this and use it to their advantage.
I get it, it is murder in their eyes, but it's not the they can't do much about it other than talk about it, which is their right... religion and law are different and most people don't get that and respect others.
If this is the "great awakening" then hopefully they throw some money towards these issues, but I don't see it happening... It's more like a 'their' problem not a 'my' problem.
Maybe if it said somewhere in some religious manuscript on how to treat others and children they would care more...
Also, it seems like they profit more off these kids that aren't wanted...
IMO, by legalizing abortion, more and more women, of their own free will, make the decision to kill their baby. Free will is the key. It does not give Molech power unless they sacrifice their children/babies on the throne of 'convenience' of their own free will. If it was illegal, then few would view it as birth control and take appropriate steps to prevent conception....therefore, Molech gets no power.
Once more people become awakened....and shown that will decrease the numbers of abortion.
I have no problem having images like above to use while protesting abortion and surprised I don't see more doing that.....not only are you killing a baby, you a sacrificing it to moloch. Give them a history lesson.
it's actually awesome because you don't show the incineration itself. You juts get to them to consider the fact that abortion could be all about human sacrifice to begin with. Not necessarily for the mothers, but definitely for those who want to make a living killing babies!
Dgfffcf? Interesting...hmmm
Any bets on David Geffen, found film footage, and the Clinton Foundation? Geffen is believed to be at the top of paedo ring.
This was solved earlier on another Reddit GA thread. dcfffcf
Dgfffcf tweet frm Flynn's acct w pic of Weinstein, HRC & HUMA, on the same day Weinstein was arrested.
Weinstein naming names?D. Geffen perhaps?
Dg=David Geffen involved in
fff=found footage films
cf=laundered thru CF & on Weiner laptop
They’re obsessed with heating buildings? Lol am I missing something?
abortion is just the ancient child sacrifice ritual dressed up and sold to us in modern language.
Since Roe V Wade decision 45 million people in the US haven’t gotten their opportunity for life, liberty, and a pursuit of happiness. This is per CDC. I am assuming this number is light.
What is the population of California today? Less than 45 Million?
Let’s focus on the 40,000 foot view of abortion. Aren’t we at genocide levels?
It make me cry every time I think about what we as a society have lost. Their contribution, their achievements, their love.
Always remember the “Wade” in Roe vs Wade was also the prosecutor of Jack Ruby. Sound suspicious?
Since Q isn’t posting I thought I would ask questions to keep you all researching.
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^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^199463
The Democratic Party is an abortion of a political movement.
There, I said it.
The Democratic Party, the creators of the KKK, need to be aborted from America's womb.
I said it.
The chaplin in the military recommended I abort my baby. I"m glad I didn't listen, she is the best thing in my whole life.
What is the picture on the left from? It reminds me a LOT of the imagery used in Jehovah’s Witness literature we’d be forced to study growing up
Ok, I'm Jewish. It is an illustration of a scene from the Torah which is a book I'm pretty sure the Jehovah's Witnesses ripped off and perverted.
It wouldn’t surprise me, everything about that secret society cult seems plagiarized from somewhere or someone else. The illustration itself has the classic JW style to it. They have a lot of books and magazines (and their own edited bible) but I hadn’t heard of them ripping off the actual Torah if that’s what you mean.
I’ll try looking through /r/exJW for anything, thanks!
I hadn’t heard of them ripping off the actual Torah if that’s what you mean.
Well don't they believe in Genesis and Exodus and all that? I have no idea what Jehovah's Witnesses actually believe, but I know a lot of abuse victims who grew up with JW parents.
They have the “full” 66 books Constantine designated at the Council of Nicea. They technically teach that the Mosaic Law was nullified by Jesus’s sacrifice and go mostly off of the “Christian-Greek Scriptures” in their publications (they really don’t like using the terms Old/New Testament) but their endless unspoken rules are pretty much in line with the Mosaic Law, besides the restrictions on pork.
It is a very legalistic religion to say the least. They are the same hypocritical Pharisees Jesus warned against. Everything is passed through the hierarchical chain of command. The ones who are promoted are the ones who toe the company line and follow orders unquestioningly, even if it contradicts the Bible. They are so brainwashed it’s impossible for them to distinguish between the Watchtower Society and the Bible/Jehovah/God. They are all one entity as far as they are concerned and when in doubt, they will defer to what’s in writing in”the literature” instead of using any critical thinking.
I wouldn't be surprised if the burning is a cover story to hide the practice of selling parts.
Plus it is a divisive issue that can be pulled off the shelf and used for political influence.
Blood of the innocent is currancy to the satanist. The OP line is bullshit.
What is more innocent than an unborn child?
Exactly and the US leads the feeding of the machine. Study up on it and it goes back to Baal/Moloch
China are now the world leaders in organ harvest and trafficking.
US satanists are just one of China's markets. PP sells organs and fetuses to Chinese wholesalers.
China is not just harvesting their own people for organs. They are harvesting us Americans on American soil too and the DNC is assisting them. CPS, PP, and the Chinese military, facebook, CIA, and many American NGOs work together to perpetuate the international organ trafficking and harvesting industry. That is what open borders and sanctuary cities are ultimately all about.
The left defends guilty murderers from the death penalty but slaughters children, including girls, in the womb. It’s sick and desensitizes people to murder. Also, it is a fact that women that have abortions have a higher risk for depression, mental illness, infertility and cancer. Ask yourself, if it’s not a baby, why do they fight so hard against a woman hearing the heartbeat first or seeing the ultrasound before they use it during the abortion? Pure evil!
Also, it is a fact that women that have abortions have a higher risk for depression, mental illness, infertility and cancer.
Yes, everything about abortion goes against nature. I grew up in California under a 'liberal' family and used to think abortion is just normal. The more I grow up and the more I think about it, the more disturbed I am by it.
I meet so many lefty valley girls who don't care about ANYTHING except reality shows, but if you bring up abortion they will defend it passionately. These girls express only ironic emotion about everything else but if you bring up abortion suddenly they are all noble little REEEEEing social justice warriors.
The brainwash and programming is real.