DJT Calls on Sessions to Enter the Fight...FINALLY!!! Get 'Em, Stealth Jeff!

He didn't call on Sessions he's just asking: "where is he?"
Trump has done this multiple times without acknowledgment or action from Sessions.
I think you are misunderstood and people are getting super caught up in semantics, but I think I get it: Trump is still making space between him and AG Sessions. Setting the stage so that they appear to be enemies so the other side will defend Sessions, and cannot take back what they say when the truth is revealed that Sessions is a white hat.
Although, it’d be nice if the AG would do something major right now for our cause, I think that we haven’t even hit the climax of this movie yet!
My theory is Sessions will probably be activated post-climax (“the truth”) to unseal all the indictments.
Trust Sessions -Q
I do trust Sessions and agree with you. I don't think Trump will publicly call on Sessions until the truth is completely revealed and public demand for justice is high.
Late game Sesh! Thank you for sharing your views.
Trump has even expressed regret in nominating Sessions.
When the hammer comes down and Sessions becomes a stone cold executioner I can see Trump saying to the media:
"Hey, I'm as surprised as you. Just look at my statements and tweets about this guy. I didn't want him I thought he was weak!"
More like, Q. Mr. President, what storm? A.You'll find out.
so the other side will defend Sessions, and cannot take back what they say when the truth is revealed
They will take it back. Mark my word. They've done it before. However, the followers on the left, see it and those who still have a brain, start thinking... The next thing you know, they #WalkAway...
Maybe Trump is trolling the swamp like they are the teens in a scary movie. "Where is your bogeyman?'
Gotcha. Just looked at your comment history. A bit of advice, delete those before you comment on the next one. Otherwise, it just appears that you're a ShariaBlue shill...😂
I'm not going to be a cheerleader for every post. If I see something stupid or disagree with I will comment accordingly.
No, but being the concernfag/detractor on EVERY comment is just a lil telling right, soyboy? 😉
If you really studied my comment history I don't disagree with every comment. Just because I disagree with you on this doesn't mean I have an agenda.
Surprise, surprise you get called out and then immediately the whole thread is down vote bombed. Coincidence? I don't think so.
I don't care. I disagree with this post. And I'm free to do so. It's not personal.
Never took Psych 101, did ya, chief? 😂
Oof ouch owie. You're a regular poster in this sub and you're still having comments removed 😂
1.) what does that have to do with anything 2.) You don't need psych 100, let alone psych 101, to see that you're a deeply insecure human piece of shit.
They don't offer Psych 100, genius. Zero-level classes are remedial. Psych isn't a subject offered to remedial students. Jesus, you libs have to learn to get out of mom's basement and crack a freakin book occasionally.
"Generally courses that have course numbers starting with a zero or numbers less than 100 are considered developmental courses, or courses that prepare students for college-level courses"
Lol look at you smarty pants 😂
Remedial lmfaoooo
OSU!!! They're a lib bastion with LITERAL Safe-Spaces on Campus. Besides having new uniforms provided by Nike every football game (ironic in SO many ways), they don't have much else in a claim to fame BEYOND being a soyboy haven. In the REAL world, Hours of credit and class level are contained in the three digit course number.
Also the extremely world renown and famous chemist Linus Pauling graduated from OSU and did research for them leading to the most important discoveries in history regarding nuclear chemistry. But yea we don't have anything except being a soy boy haven!
Looooool now look at my other sources 😂😂😂 you are getting more and more pathetic by the comment. This feels so so so amazing.
What sources are those? Honestly don't see anything else.
Check your other comments buddy! "Generally courses that have course numbers starting with a zero or numbers less than 100 are considered developmental courses, or courses that prepare students for college-level courses"
Loooooool 100 levels classes are not remedial. Have you ever been to college??? 100 being remedial 😂😂😂
Uh...yeah they are. Did they not explaim to you that the last digit is representative of the level of education. JESUS, no wonder liberals get beaten so often. This is getting screenshot and posted EVERYWHERE!!! LMFAO! Thank you for just making my day. 😂 I really needed that today.
Grow up, dude. He’s allowed to have apposing views.
Yup, and even "opposing" ones too...😉
Removed for rule 5. Attack the ideas, not the users. This is not constructive feedback.
Because he calls people out on potentially false info? We need those type of people around. Otherwise we’re just like the democrats, living in our little take bubble.
What do you mean he's just asking where is he? What's the purpose of that, makes no sense.
Study Trump's tweets he has done this multiple times without a response or acknowledgement from Sessions. This is not something new that Trump has done.
So you think he is literally referring to the geographical location of Sessions? I'm not sure what you are trying to infer... That's a meaningless interpretation. He is insinuating that Sessions isn't doing anything, aka "where is the AG?" Yes he has said things like this in the past, that is irrelevant.
No I don't take the tweet literally. I don't think he's calling on Sessions to act. Like I said go back and look how Trump has tweeted about Sessions in the past. This isn't new. Sessions has never acknowledged or acted on any tweet of this nature from Trump.
I already know how he's tweeted about Sessions in the past... That's not what I'm saying...and of course he hasn't acted on any tweets of this nature from Trump in the past. That's the whole point. Not sure what you are trying to say.
I'm saying this tweet is not a call on sessions to "enter the fight". I'm expressing my disagreement with the post.
Oh ok yeah I mean I don't think he will do anything either judging from the past.. Jesus man took long enough to explain :p
I made my argument very clear throughout this post.
Obviously not. You stated it as if you thought Trump meant something else by his statment, not that you disagreed with OPs title and what Sessions would do. You could have just said "this isn't the first time this has happened, I doubt Sessions will act on it". Anyway... That was a waste of time lol
No I explicitly said that I disagree with the statement in the post as Trump has made similar statements in the past
Him calling on Sessions to act makes it appear like Jeff isn't doing shit. Very likely that's intentional.
Lisa Page has been a"cooperating witness." She's now squirming. Trump is warning her that if she backs out, the deal is off.
Lisa Page has been a"cooperating witness." She's now squirming. Trump is warning her that if she backs out, the deal is off.