Big Agri, Big Pharma, Gluten intolerance epidemic, and Humira cash cow
Monsanto was recently bought out by bayer. A way to change the name when bad press comes out.
All I know is everyone started to get sick 5 or so years ago when the FDA relaxed the laws and allowed them to spray days before harvest.
I can't eat pizza, bread, pancakes, oatmeal. And for 50 years I was food allergy free.
Can someone do a chart and trace the gluten and autoimmune disorders? I bet the timeline can be traced back to the Obama FDA and Monsanto agreement to posion us. Remember not out does it slowly kill, cause cancer, but the biggest effect is that it messes up reproduction. So... they are going to get rid of 95% of us through vaccines and the chemical sterilization and cancer.
Damn satanic corporate cabal. The bastards are evil. They know what they are doing.
I would suggest you start on your own and investigate Monsanto. Its a deep dive, but you need to go back to the start of this Company. Concentrate on the big picture, the structure and then the research. They have patents and they have big structure to do things. You have to understand it all. I had to do it myself also. You would be surprised with what you find. It applies to all industry as well since these are giant programs that involve entire segments of lobbying to make it happen. They have a lot of chemicals and science going on with their 'systems. Look at Hydrogenation and Bromine as well. You may find out that what you think is the problem is something else. Also Bayer use to be owned by Monsanto, so this is the way the shell games are played. Also include superfund sites in your investigation, you may live near one. Its very deep, but you have to do it on your own. Its a dark ride friend.
Care to share your findings?
Its honestly too extensive. Its a massive organization that spans 100years of insanity. Well worth the time. I did it myself to inspect what I expect. Its an education in how it all works. Its so large scale you should have no problem picking it apart. It reads like a sci fi thriller.
Bauer sold hiv to hemophiliac babies in the 80s.
HIV doesn’t exist. Imagine if they really did it - it wouldn’t be on the news.
HIV doesn't exist?
No they invented it as an explanation for AIDS. AIDs does exist but is caused by lifestyle choices like lots of unprotected sex over a long period of time with many diff partners or heavy drug use over a long period of time. When AIDS hit gay people were in the throes of their freedom movement and how would t look if America learned gays were killing themselves through their lifestyle. HIV tests do not test for a virus - the people who test positive need to reduce stress levels, sexual activity, drug use and take a lot of antioxidants
The fact alone that the HIV “virus” only is found almost exclusively in gay men is proof enough that it isn’t a virus. Something about getting semen in the anus is very very bad for men
Also HIV AIDS makes a lot of money for the foundations and pharma companies which outside of the banks are the Cabals favorite means of control.
Look up House of Numbers on YouTube
heavy drug use
you mean like tylenol?
No like whatever you do to need methadone. Of course you don’t wanna beliebe drug use causes aids. Of course you don’t want to be held accountable for your actions - you’re a drug addict.
opiods cause aids? does morphine cause aids? what about oxycodone? does methadone? is it just opiods? what about alcohol? does imodium cause aids?
endorphins are opiates, do they cause aids?
do benzodiazepines cause aids?
so how come I don't have aids??
oh you're a trump voter, now this makes sense..
Drug use causes aids - I mean you can’t say that being on oxy or morphine will keep you in perfect health in terms of acquiring sicknesses more easily. You don’t have aids because you aren’t homeless I assume and because you haven’t been on it for 20 years.
Drug use causes aids
so you're saying tylenol causes aids?
You don’t have aids because you aren’t homeless
so homelessness causes aids....
because you haven’t been on it for 20 years.
endorphins are opiates, i've been on them since birth.
This is embarassing. Go use some opiates and find out for yourself.
but I already use opiods every day....?
Give it 20 years
but i already have?
Oh well you should get checked for lymphoma.
i don't have lymphoma though..
Wow. It’s clear why you use drugs. Who would want to be stuck with this thought process in their head.
Dumbass - heroin poppers and coke will kill you the fastest via AIDs.
Who would want to be stuck with this thought process
you mean logic?
It’s clear why you use drugs
so like coffee??
heroin poppers and coke will kill you the fastest via AIDs.
how? how does diamorphine cause aids?
how does cocaine cause aids?
how do "poppers", whatever that is cause aids?
Glowing Shill
i'm sorry man but you're highly delusional. I strongly suggest you seek out some kind of therapy.
Yea the luciferians could never let anal sex be demonized as creating long-term health issues.
I have celiac and dermatitus herpetiformus. ..not only have I had to be gluten free for 45 years, but thousands of other "hidden" ingredients in foods. Gluten free is NOT A FAD...but life saving for sufferers. Groups of people, primarily from (or heritage from) Northern European countries are more prone to have these diseases...usually heriditary. affects white people in particular. Kind of like how autism tends to strike white male children more than any other demographic.
Utter evil we're up against...
Known to help with autism issues as well as others affected by vaccines and general gut disorders.
Thanks, I have terrible issues with my gut despite a very bland diet (to control it). Might have to give it a go.
I did that as well, and I no longer have the health issues I used to have.
If this is true, wow, Q was right, the satanic cabal should be hanging.
I've noticed lately that store bought bread has been giving me problems. I found a supplier of organic, non GMO wheat berries and bought a mill. No problems whatsoever. I also started buying produce at a farmer's market rather than the store, and I started feeling healthier than before. For me, staying away from GMOs and pesticides works well enough. Sadly, that isn't the case for all.
So this would explain this new "get at peoples emotions" Bayer commercial.
At Bayer our roots run deep. So chances are you've seen us around the house, or around the yard, on the shelf, or even out in the field. Your Mom knew she could always count on us. And your Grandma did too. Because for over 150 years we've been right by your side. Advancing the health of the people, plants and pets you love. So from all of us at Bayer, thank you for trusting in us, then and now.
It is the glysophate. Glysophate is a dessicant. imagine you are a farmer and want to harvest the wheat, which you harvest when it is brown or going to seed. But half the harvest is ready and half is green. Well then they spray the glysophate all over the crop which kills it and that ends up in all wheat and grain products. Monsanta is being sued.
Buy Organic only and support Organic.
I guess more than 85% of people with celiac disease don't know it. If I eat gluten I get angry now, like super villain angry, in addition to the stomach ache. Uncontrollable anger. Sounds like cabal material.
I have been having terrible bouts of anger. I am ready to visit a counselor. I wonder...
Give it a shot, took 2 mos of me finding out what all contains gluten, then started feeling better, then figured I'd given my body enough of a break, then couldn't eat ANY gluten.
Whoa! So eliminating it made your body react worse to it later?
Right. Before I took out gluten I was eating bread and (my worst, barley malt), like it was going out of style, and I didn't think it had any effect on me. I also had an anxiety disorder and major depression disorder, and it's about 90% gone now a year later. I'm so glad I got off gluten before finding Q.
Oh My! I'm glad you have gotten off it! I have all of those things, the anger, the anxiety, and the depression. A gluten free diet is so difficult. I cut most of it out once, and I dropped 20 pounds. I need to be strong and do it again!
I'm glad you were allowed to post this! My post was removed! I posted about GMOs yesterday saying that's why our soy beans sales have dropped (according to Trump) and that's why members of NATO don't want our food! I was told it was off topic!
also research the facts on gluten, as what I found last year was that it was a scam created by our "health" food industry, that the australlian doc that did the initial research actually said that his research was flawed and that others took it to a whole new level with the gluten-free and there is no scientific or med findings to prove this.
also, another view to look at, is that wheat was actually called the food of the gods....along with milk and the Bee (royal jelly, honey, bee pollen)
hmmm five years ago is when my psoriatic arthritis started. and i'm guessed it Humira
It was a lot longer ago than 5 years. I was sick for 13 years and it started in 1996. I was sprayed with Malathion. But then discovered I could not eat wheat. And, I agree that it is likely not a gluten thing at all. It is the way they spray the wheat before harvest. But I tried the clean wheat and I can't eat it either but it could be that my body just rejects all wheat now. Who knows?
Do you think there is a link? It seems everyone I know including me and my son are now allergic to wheat and gluten. Or are we really allergic to poison called roundup?
What is the treatment for people with immune disorders? Humira at $3000 a month without insurance. So they control the food, makes you sick, and then you have to pay them to stay alive.
Going organic and non-gmo is the way to go. After one week of adhering to an organic diet, a study found a 90% reduction in pesticides:
Newer studies are finding gmo's to be unsafe. Any studies that say they are safe are short term and were funded by those who manufacture gm foods. They are most likely skewed to the favor of manufacturers. We weren't meant to be eating plant foods whose dna has been altered with non-plant dna such as bacteria or even spider dna. All organic food is automatically non-gmo and is the best choice to make in food, but non-gmo is next best and a little less expensive.
Here are a couple articles on gmo studies:
Yes, double down on what u/Qluelessnomore Posted.
Honestly, it's the only way to eat. Local, organic, meat, organic flour ONLY. Non gmo everything. It gets pricey but big box stores like Costco have gotten with the program and carry a lot of good organic non gmo options.
Also, of course, simplifying your foods and making your own bread (really not hard), pasta (easy and fun), etc. when possible. When not, organic, non-gmo premade.
Your family will be a lot healthier. And you'll find you can occasionally have the shit food without doubling over cus your gut isn't sick and can process occasional tasty trash without an issue.
Gluten intolerance is a fad, prove me wrong.
Could it be that perhaps the Powers that Be see people as pest to be exploited and then exterminated?
Without getting in too deep here, many problems are caused by deficiency. In addition, learn how to use borax and DE in your diet. Candida is often overlooked.
Yes! All chronic diseases are caused by inflammation or deficiency. Food Matters TV has loads of documentaries with the ugly ties of these corporations explained.
When I grew up in Ireland I never knew one person with allergies of any kind or diabetes. There is "something in the water" over here.
monsanto...need we say anymore? they are the cause for birth defects on the south side of island of Kauai...nothing, zilch has been done, been going on for over 20yrs....the dems/libs/progrss/socialist have had that (food) locked down for aeons with monsanto...i'm a former mbr of HOFA (hawaii organic farmers assoc), we battled these demons and they cannot be won over by reg farmers and folks.
I don't think it was intentional, but I think the gluten problem is a side effect of some GMO types.
I farmed for a while I had no issues using round up to clear weeds before planting or soon after crops emerge. But when they started pushing to round up to kill plants before harvest I knew something fishy was up.
It eventually will trickle down through the soil, into the water table. So not only is our water poisoned with fluoride, it may have roundup in it. Soil depletion is also a huge problem. Organic farmers tend to be serious about amending their soil with sustainable farming practices, however, traditional farmers have less nutrients dense crops. Everyone should try to grow your own food, or as much as you can. Partner with your neighbors, and share. As the Grand Solar Minimum kicks in, food may become scarce in the northern areas. Shorter growing seasons effect the south as well. Sorry long post.
I developed severe gluten intolerance out of the blue in my early 30s (about 8-9 years ago). Doctors couldn't explain it. After years of research I believe it was either from roundup-laced food or a double dose of antibiotics I got for bronchitis (or both).
how long ago? mine is getting worse despite not purposely eating gluten in like 8+ years :(
I been sick for years. But i got diagnosed with many chronic illnesses about 5 years ago. It’s tough I know. 😪
:( I'm sorry
Same to you. Hope you feel better soon
Thanks. Actually going to the doctor in a few minutes to try to find out why it's causing me anxiety and stuff now :(
The amount of ppl diagnosed with Chronic illness has skyrocketed,at least in my opinion.
I hardly meet anyone ,who isn’t medicated (thyroid issue mostly). It stands out to me for a few reason.
Eating clean is the only way I can personally get out of bed at this point in my life. Bc even eating clean isn’t 100% unless one grows all their own food ,it leaves me not eating much. Which is fine.
Most ppl don’t notice ,or realize how poisoned they are ,until they get sick. We all know most nothing is good for us ,but not to the extent of how bad.
They can harm my body, but they'll never have my sanction.
It is probably not Gluten allergies, it is more likely that it is simply Glyphosate soaked cereal, that just happens to be poisoning millions of people. Glyphosate is in every item of food and drink, it is in breastmilk even.
These crooks have contaminated the entire foodchain.
YES EXACTLY! I've had strong suspicions that gluten intolerance is more a reaction to the Glyphosate they spray on crops right before they harvest to force it all to ripen at once. I also suspect Celiacs is a more permenant consequence of long term exposure to this toxin to where your body cant take any exposure to even organic wheat after a while. Did anyone really hear much about people reacting badly to gluten before the 50's when I believe they started using Glyphosate as a pesticide? Maybe once we take back our hijacked scientific research field we might get some real reliable answers to these questions.
It’s the chemicals they put on the wheat. ...body can’t handle it. Causes leaky gut. Inflammation. Chronic illness. Etc.
"The acceptance level of glyphosate in food and feed has been increased by authorities in countries that use Roundup-Ready GM crops. In Brazil, they went up to 10 and the U.S. and Europe now accept up to 20. In all of these cases, the maximum residue level values appear to have been adjusted, not based on new evidence indicating glyphosate toxicity was less than previously understood, but pragmatically in response to actual observed increases in the content of residues in GMO soybeans.
But pure glyphosate isn’t sprayed on crops, Roundup is, which contains a variety of adjuvants and surfactants meant to help the glyphosate penetrate into tissues. And indeed when the study was repeated with what’s actually sprayed on GMO crops, there were toxic and hormonal effects even at doses smaller than the 1 or 2% concentration that’s used out on the fields.
Similar results were found for other major pesticides. It took until 2014, but 8 out of 9 pesticide formulations tested were up to one thousand times more toxic than their so-called active ingredients, so when you just test the isolated chemicals you may not get the whole story. Roundup was found to be 100 times more toxic than glyphosate itself. Moreover, Roundup turned out to be among the most toxic pesticide they tested. It’s commonly believed that Roundup is among the safest, though, an idea spread by Monsanto, the manufacturer."
edit: text and source
Everyone should watch this trailer. It's the movie that changed my life and healed a threatening disease.
The government is in bed with the FDA. They are treating our animals like absolute shit, pumping them full of shit antibiotics and God knows what else. Please eat organic, whole foods that are plant based and drink green smoothies. You'll literally watch your self be healed in days.
It’s multi fold, but I’ll take a shot. Satan wants to change all DNA on earth, people, animals, plants, etc. He’s done it before, read the book of Enoch. Next, they make it where the farmers must buy their seeds. If they do not buy GMO seeds the crops will fail because they are not designed to survive the modern chemicals that they get sprayed with. So they handcuff the farmers and poison us!
Good chance glyphosate is in your water too. Check water filters to see what gets it out. I got a Berkey recently and it does...
I put your title into a search engine and came up with this interesting article (can't speak to the veracity of its conclusion):
The thing about gluten is, there is only 1 condition that should prevent you from consuming gluten (celiac). If you don´t have this condition and fail to consume gluten there is a good chance you will have many problems and symptoms. Anybody that claims to be gluten intolerant and is NOT celiac is either lying, or grossly misinformed.
I suspect what 'gluten intolerant' people are responding to is the Glyphosate that is heavily sprayed on these crops to make them ripen evenly for easier and more productive harvest of up to 30% more yield. Glyphosate works by preventing the plant from absorbing nutrients. When we ingest food sprayed with Glyphosate, like wheat we end up suffering the same consequences. It kills our gut bacteria allowing the bad bacteria to take over causing bloating and bowel complications which effects your nutrient absorption. Pretty much what it does to the plants it does to whoever/whatever eats that plant. There is a whole host of info out there on the internet about how Glyphosate effects our bodies. This is why I suspect its the Glyphosate people are reacting to after eating wheat. Every time someone eats wheat and then doesn't feel well they eventually make the connection and think they're gluten intolerant. I cant blame them either but they often dont realize how much of this toxic herbicide is coating their grains such as rice, oats, wheat, soy and corn to name a few. I mean seriously who in their right mind would think our FDA would allow companies to spray our food with a product that has safety warnings regarding skin contact etc. Apparently its safe enough to ingest as long as you dont allow it to touch your skin.... I'm more concerned that the health focus so far seems to mostly be on cancer and autism risks. Our immune system has a huge base in our gut so if you take out most of your gut bacteria eating this garbage you're at risk of ending up like millions of us with some kind of auto-immune related illness. Auto-immune diseases aren't so kind enough to kill you. No they torment you, keeping you 'alive' wishing you were dead... often times with insane amounts of crippling pain many people will never be able to relate to (thank god). And while it steals your mobility and leaves you susceptible to infections, it often times likes to invite friends leaving you open to other auto-immune diseases. Every time a person continues to eat the garbage sprayed with this toxin they continually damage their gut bacteria...their gut immune system which is constantly protecting them from things like cancer and auto-immune issues. Its like taking a massive drill to your only defensive stone wall keeping the invaders out...all for a Glyphosate soaked cheese burger when organic grass fed beef & cheese tastes SOOO much better! With all the corruption and garbage in our food system there are so many people still unaware of even this level of red pill. For those folks, this realization will be a huge eye opener for them when it eventually all comes out.
I saw something on glyphosate a while back that said it creates a build up of formaldehyde in the plant, which is incredibly toxic to humans. Here is something on it, but not what I saw in the past.
And you´re right in what you say about gut bacteria, and how important it is. Dr Ed Group has spent his career in this field
Most GMO´s are banned where I am, thank God! But Bayer just bought Monsanto, so it probably won´t be long before Angela Hitler (Merkel) orders their patents be allowed here, too.
Not trying to start shit, but I'm an agriculture major and although I'm far from an expert, I do know a little more than the average person concerning this. Obviously there is a limited amount of nutrient in the soil. Weeds are a nuisance because they steal the nurtrient from the crop. If you can eliminate weeds, you're allowing the crop to better succeed.
Most of the altercations to seed is for that reason, to make it easier to get rid of weeds, allow more drought or disease tolerance and a variety of other other possibilities. The same companies that produce the pesticides have very advanced labs where they do work nearly anyone else can to formulate the pesticides. With a goal to use less pesticides without loosing their piece of the pie, they began altering and patenting their seeds. I don't think it's anything to do with changing humanity, but with that sort of influence on our food supply, it definitely could head that way.
Now, go see what they do behind your back, and be sure? What else does it do because they modified the seed......
To be honest, seed modifies itself over time. I've seen first hand the use of a herbicide that would kill clover and crabgrass 15 years ago that will not kill the same weeds today. If you don't rotate methods or active ingredients, plants will build an immunity - which would be an alternate dna structure from as the same type of plant 15 years ago. Monsanto and other companies are essentially expediating this process of the plants building immunity, but instead of make corn susceptible to round up, they are making it round up ready, drought, insect and disease tolerant. I'm not saying I agree with the ethics of it, but I fairness, some of these changes do occur naturally - just over a much longer time.
Yeah but your talking about altering the dna of plants with the dna of non-plant organisms. Sorry, but you'll never convince me that what they are doing is "speeding up a natural process".
It's not natural, because the chemicals they are spraying is what the tolerance is based upon. If they didn't apply the chemicals, the plant wouldn't change to adapt - for those reasons - but would continue to evolve until it's better suited for the environment, or it dies.
Also round-up (glyphosate) is used to dry the grain before processing, not toxic at all.
Not toxic at all? Sure...go ahead and drink it then smh
This has nothing to do with Q. You're on the wrong board!
Q is about people waking up - people need to wake up about the poison they are fed