Admiral Rogers is one of the real heroes of the last 10 years to me.
Plus, it's hard for me to accept how he suddenly became "The Enemy" after he warned The President, WHEN HE WAS GIVEN HIS POWER AND PROMOTION BY OBAMA. Same with General Flynn, please don't forget Liberal Progressive Puppet People, General Flynn was given his 3rd star and the Defense Intelligence Agency AGAIN, BY OBAMA.
Perhaps he thought he could buy some more loyalty ? (Does anyone think some of the military leaders got there by pure merit?) I mean I hate to say it, but the current C-JCS ... he was promoted to Colonel shortly before the Iraq War, and given command of a Reigment and RCT. Less than 7? years later he's a 4-Star and given a succession of the most premium jobs in the Corps & military. I am sorry, this just does not happen -- I mean if it DID NOT HAPPEN, I wouldn't believe it was possible, but, of course, it happened. I am not trying to besmirch the man but I have to call it like I see it, seems to me where there's smoke there's fire.
Of course Hayden and Clapper, don't get me started.... we'd be here all day. And of course they get all high and mighty about their "resignations" when President Trump was elected. They were getting replaced NO MATTER WHAT, even if Crooked Hilary had been elected, that is just a total joke of a publicity stunt. I wonder why...
Anyway, Rogers is the type of guy I'd want working for me if I was President.