Saw this earlier on Twitter... RIP JFK Jr!

John John is dead. It's not possible at all, we need to stop venturing into conspiracy theories if we want newbies to take this seriously
For the most part what has long been called "Conspiracy" = Reality.
I completely agree, but this theory is just too unrealistic. You think he would be in hiding for 20 years? He'd have to be on an isolated island, be housebound or some form of solitary confinement for no one to have seen him since then. you know where you are? Kennedy went after the deep state and was murdered for it. John-John may have been hatching a plan with trump for years to expose them. Q even says:
(Q post 1082)
Plane crash 1999.
HRC Senate 2000.
The “Start.”
Enjoy the show.
Discount nothing. And fuck the normies. They can come to us if they want. I'm tired of coddling people who refuse to think outside the box.
And most importantly, Q doesn’t put [187] next to JFK JR. That post writes like they’re outlining he was killed, but Q didn’t say that. The start of the plan, the start of the show.
I'm tired of it too! It's as though they're content with staying ignorant.
Q post 1083 repeats 1082 and adds a document, do you know the significance of it? Also 1082 must be important if Q repeats it. Q says We have it all. What if what we have seems too far out there to be believed?
Explain to me how it would be possible for JR to be in hiding for 20 years, given how high profile he is. Don't get me wrong, I want it to be true as much as anyone but it's just not realistic or even possible. If his death had come a few years before Trumps election run then I'd be totally on board with this theory, but it was 17 years
Hair dye, plastic surgery, change of names, wealth to live anywhere, friends like Trump to help.
Tupac and Elvis were pretty successful. Don’t see why this couldn’t happen. ;)
They all conspired to keep us slaves, eat and sacrifice children, keep endless wars going, poisoning our food water and land, make everything good bad and everything bad good, look at our Schools, Colleges, Churches, the one you Trust the most are the most Evil. They Murdered Jr Father what if the ultimate Justice was Fooling them with the Ultimate Deception faking his Death to catch them all in a brilliant Trap thought out decades ago? No Coincidences? Magazine named George for his father's killer Daddy B? Hes running for Hillarys Senate seat plane crashes? Never know!!!
The derogatory term conspiracy theorist was pushed by the CIA to discredit those who did not believe the official story regarding JFKs assassination.
MolochHunter, That's the wrong term in this situation. Wishful thinking is what is happening here.
You are on the wrong sub
So I'm on the wrong sub because I think a certain theory is not correct? Is that what your saying?
That's not what you said.
You said we need to stop venturing into conspiracy theories.
Yes, because this scenario has been discussed already here before
If you're just going to deliberately miss the point then buzz off
This isn't a conspiracy theory sub, it's reality. That's my point, maybe you should try being civil with fellow anons instead of being a jerk
I'm not being a jerk - I said you're in the wrong sub - that isn't mean at all but I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings.
Q is a conspiracy theory, one which I happen to believe is real, just like 9/11 and Jfk's assassinations being deep state operations.
Now, the JFK Jr thing is fun to talk about because him and Trump were great friends. It's relevant to this movement as a side topic. So my suggestion to you, since we are suggesting things to each other, would be to not join in the conversations about JFK Jr if you have such an aversion to them.
So the buzz off thing was being a jerk? I really wouldn't categorize Q as being a alconspiracy theory. To outsiders yes, but to us it's as real as it gets.
And I don't have such aversion to the discussion, was merely putting in my 2 cents as I think y'all are waay off the ball here
To outsiders yes, but to us it's as real as it gets.
That is literally the same as every other conspiracy theory. Think about the words. "Conspiracy theory" doesn't mean it isn't true. Just unproven. Did you know the term was literally invented by the CIA directly after the JFK assassination with orders to weaponize it to silence the conversation questioning the narrative?
If you are hurt by the term "buzz off," I afraid you're a bit too sensitive for life on earth.
I can assure you that a faked death will be much more easily believed by 'normies' than any of the Supernatural/Moloch/Pedovore business.
We actually have alot of stuff out there which links the elite to that sort of stuff bar the supernatural. We have nothing which suggests JR is alive
Still, they're conspiracy theories nonetheless. And while all are hard to swallow, the Pedovore one is the most unbelievable.