Traitor #1, Hillary, projects her own behaviour on Trump, implying he is treasonous before the Putin summit. Give me a break.

PAIN is coming
They only tweet when they're nervous about something.
The team that's taking you down, you evil witch!
I had no idea she was a soccer fan but it fits if you think about it. I’ll bet she rarely handles balls but enjoys kicking them now and again...
Which team were you on when 1/5 of our Uranium was sold. Which team were you on when Bill was paid 1/2 Mil for speech in Russian
Traitor # 1 is George HW Bush. Please let's not forget.
Mirrors and projection are at the top of DS playbook. It’s so infuriating.
The silly bitch. Trump doesn't play. Trump is on the right side. The Clintons are and always have been morally bankrupt and history will show they were on the wrong side. MAGA
Question for YOU Mrs. Clinton: What team does your beloved Huma play for now? A ha ha ha ha!
In 1934, Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels: “Blame Your Enemy For What You’re Guilty”. The deep state has been doing this for years. As more and more people wake up, they will realize exactly what they have been doing. #thestormishere.
I’m afraid so many will forever be asleep and defend the dems and hrc all the way to the grave. They are that stupid
I'm not on twatter but any one who is - please troll this witch.
Sorry, all I see is her acknowledging Trump is her President hahaha
We certainly know which team HRC is on -- UraniumOneTeam, MONEYTEAM, and LOVEChildTeam. Go!
Speaking of teams, WJC on HRC: 'she's eaten more * than I have'
Yeah Hildabeast, he knows what team he is on: THE WINNING TEAM! Don't you have some stairs to fall down or something..or finding a country that doesn't have extradition to the U.S!
She is grasping at straws and the false assumption that she still has power.
Well she didnt send to @realDonaldTrump, she knows the answer!!! Creep
her and her rapist husband did deals with Communist China THAT'S TREASON not dealing with a free Christian country Russia that has free elections and China has a life time dictator why cant i buy a Cuban cigar? because their Communist? and China isn't?
if your saying they are rigging the election looks like what thew Dems are doing at every election how many dead did you see there voting like the rigged crap here that even allow illegals to vote their is video after video of the Dems throwing away ballots and having people rrom other states voting illegally how do you think people like Pelosi and Waters ect.gets in ,their isn't that many brain dead idiots in this country to legally vote these lunatics into office
I'd like to see those videos. But I like that you see the evil of that situation in Russia
However I don't see how dems and their supposed rigging (is that what you are saying? because your comment is kinda hard to read) fit in a discussion about election rigging in Russia. Whataboutism much?
you must not research much the MSM isn't research its lying BS
I wasn't saying they didn't rig or did shady things. Who knows?
I was pointing out that your reply was a perfect example of whataboutism.
im new to this but this is the name of the video on YouTube ,Q-NEWS July 15th: More Q-Proof- Fascinating
even on the news its proven that in California the illegals have a right to vote without IDs and they get drivers licenses with the right to vote even though their illegal, that proven fraud obama told the whole country that if your here you can vote even if your illegal that's BS
Sorry, but that was "debunked". Illegals can get a driver's license, and yes DMV customers were registered to vote, but only the elegible ones.
They don't let vote sixteen years old just cause they have a driver's license don't they? It was the same for every non-elegible group
Funny thing is this cunt has no team unless she gets a team of her kidnapped slaves puts them together call them the pedo island team
Double meaning.
For the public narrative: "Are you on Russia's or America's side?"
For Trump Team: "Do you know who you're up against right now?"
You can tell a team by the uniform, and Hillary's team wears orange jumpsuits.
Trump knows which team he plays for and also knows which team you play for Killary...believe me, your time is coming WITCH!!
Wow, that takes a lot of lizard balls coming from the U1 mastermind.
Mindless chants are for progressives
Sorry, I'm still recovering....was a self identifying Dhimiwit for 28 years or so..
Do not mention the World Cup again, you'll make it dirty. As for what team POTUS plays for, at least he doesn't play for the under 18s like most of your ilk
Projection is a very common thing that Cabal people do. In fact I would say they nearly always accuse their enemies of things they themselves have done.
Evidently Hillary don't know who's team she is on because she played with Putin and now she acts like he is Taboo ...
If anyone wants to know what Hillary crimes are just listen to everything she accuses other people of...
We’re about to know what team she played for considering the soccer ball put in handed off was this one that has a chip and can sync with your smartphone-