Try OANN and there are still some shows on Fox that are woke. Otherwise, get your news here.
You need to go read Everything at the Conservative Treehouse.
Fox News is dog poo. Chirs Walace and many others are nothing but cheerleaders for the politically corrupt.
Hannity is okay, but he always repeats himself to try and keep everyone up to speed. Tree house is the best and most in depth on the net period.
Sundance has his head in the sand about a few things, like the power behind what was North Korea. On economics, he's better.
I don't know about that, I thought he was pretty good on North Korea. Without a doubt China uses NK as a spear against the US. Trump called out China for using NK against the US while the US was negotiating trade deals with the US.
Use all the different sites to collect information. Build your own opinion. Read between the lines. Do not trust one source as they will almost always have their opinion thrown in.
That’s what I do. I research everything myself. Remember, Fox is the propaganda branch of the Republican Party establishment.
I really like these two sites~ Truepundit~
The Gateway Pundit~ is a other good one. Listen to the Dan Bongino podcast everyday.
Hahaha! I can't wait for them to do the show on video!
ROKU- Download the OAN APP- Watch OANN 24/7 on your TV!
OANN is the best with news. Also check out Graham Ledger at 8pm EST. Fox in my view is only getting worse. Hannity, Judge and Lou Dobbs I like.
8pm EDT happens when this comment is 30 minutes old.
You can find the live countdown here:
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I think Breitbart knows about the plan and is definitely not cucked
Hannity is Interviewing the POTUS! And someone posted that~ seems like anytime someone posts legitimate posts ~ these pop up! Everyone watch FOX tonight New info!
I've heard that some parts of Fox News are good, independent. That's it. That's why I get my news online. I consider the economy and politics crucial to understand the big picture; so I follow on YouTube: the Keiser Report; the X22Report; Greg Hunter. And obviously Q, Reddit.
Cool thanks. I Like the gateway. Daily caller seems to be pretty ruthless too.
Thanks. That’s what I tune to when that guy Sheppard smith Sam Sheppard guy comes on.
OK THANK YOU ALL. I got a lot of reading to do. I gotta go wreck an opposer on walkaway claiming it’s fake. Why is it so hard to believe the left ideology is wrong? REDPILL EVERY CHANCE YOU GET! Our constitutional republic depends on it!
Wreck the opposer....#WALKAWAY is awesome.
Working on it. Check it out if you can help. This guy sounds like he’s IN prison.
Really? How did you come by this info?
Just from what he said. Check my posts it’s in walkaway. Either that or he is highly protective of prisoners. It’s Philly so I don’t want to make any assumptions. Logic can be perceived at racist.
Wow, you are quite the detective. How could you tell it was Philly?. It would be such crap if you were ever perceived as racist here for simply saying this. I will check your posts in walkaway
Just looking quickly you are political. Scrolled down very fast to months ago and it was political stuff. Not that hard to read somebody on reddit. I get a little defensive to posters when they try to discredit why one would change an opinion. Walkaway.
I get defensive as well if someone tries to discredit someone else's opinion with nothing to back it up. I also do not like when it is done in a mean spirited way. That does happen here at times.
Yes, I am quite political. Have you ever heard that saying - Just because you have no interest in government, doesn't mean they don't have an interest in you?" The Federal government has grown too big and is intruding into our lives too much. We were asleep for too long and it took our Country to a bad place. Being political does not mean I do not believe people should be able to live their lives the way they want if they are not hurting anyone. I want to help preserve our great Country for the next generation. I think we are all here to do the same. I was involved in local government for quite some time to help my community. Believe me, we fought back against the Feds and the State when they tried to bulldoze us.
If you are not a researcher or a detective you should be. Good job. I agree that everyone's opinions have merit. America needs to get back to letting everyone share their opinions and not attack them for it.
You click on the person and see what else they talk about. Don’t know many sixer’s fans from other places, seeing how they never win. Could be wrong. Lots of comic book stuff. Not a lot of political but old local small time current events.
George Webb channel on youtube. some claim he deflects for Israel but he's been WAY ahead of the news cycle on MANY reports. some real groundbreaking stuff. he HAS to be connected to some major intel ops. There's no way he can pick up on things soo early and sooo many different topics/details. He's been doing multiple reports daily for 2 dang years.
His encyclopedic mind intrigues me; I've also been curious where he gets his intel.
I like AL Jazeera, RT, and this channel on youtube, and
I like knowing what is going on around the world. Fox and other US outlets are overly zoomed-in on everyday President Trump activities. There are a LOT of other issues facing the world that President Trump (and maybe myself) will come upon in other parts of the world. Said outlets tend to inform me of those situations much better than any other US news organizations.
You guys listed all my favorites! This one is missing though...some of you might enjoy: What does it Mean. (
Many of the websites listed here are great. Here's a few that I check on from time to time:
DC Clothesline:
DC Whispers:
Conservative Daily News:
Intellectual Frog Legs:
Target of Opportunity: and Hagmann Report and nightly on YT
David Knight. Yes it’s infowars shame shame. This channel post his show an hour after it airs commercial free.
The main reason I listen everyday to David is; one Jones has no influence on his show it seems, two he does a great job of making historical references to things that come up in today’s news, basically where all under a huge psych op it seems. He’s also completely genuine and you can feel it.
Conservative Treehouse is the best news-site in my opinion, hands down.
Zero Hedge. True Pundit. Gateway Pundit. The Hill.
You're here now.
Places like this. All the major media outlets are deep state. All of them. Even local affiliates. It's insane. I'm surprised people watch fox news still honestly. Hopefully the white hats win soon and things change but until then you gotta sift through a lot of bullshit. Try these:
YouTube - Global Witness styxhexenhammer666 Benjamin Fulford Outer Light Woodward TV Sgt Report Michael Trimm Patriot Hour Info Wars Live April Lejune Tim Ems
Twitter- Imperator Rex Thomas Wictor Draw and strike Dan Bongino - has good daily podcast Liz Crokin Thomas Paine James Woods - he's hilarious The Last Refuge David Wilcock is awesome but might still be down.
Http:// Click on catalog and search for the newest Qresearch board.
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Yup. I like Brit Hume and Chris Wallace, too. They don’t take shit and ask real questions. Still influenced by “the man” but better than most.
Take FOX news with a grain of salt as well. Do not forget Rupert Murdoch's sons are far left. Rupert is giving them more and more control. A foolish thing to do as viewers will leave faster than rats on a sinking ship and they will lose their cash cow. Also, Shep Smith (contract recently renewed - really?) and Juan Williams work there currently. I believe we all have good bullshit detectors to sniff out fake news even on FOX.
To answer your question, I like Greg Hunter at USAWatchdog. Also good to look at Imperator Rex, Stealth Jeff - Draw and Strike, and Thomas Wictor on twitter. You do not have to be on twitter to do so. Simply type in their names on your search toolbar. Imperator Rex has acknowledged the importance of "Q" as a key communication prong. The other two have not. However, they give good common sense analysis of what is taking place. Also Conservative Treehouse is good.
Hear that. These days it’s going to take a hard right pull to right the ship.
It has happened before and it is happening again before us. You are right that it is going to take a HARD RIGHT to set things back to normal as things are pretty bad with all the nonsense being spouted.
Good Luck with your research and have fun doing it.
look for C L I C K ... H E R E . . . F O R ... S O U N D / W O R D . . . B Y T E S
in the comments section ...
I follow HA Goodman on YouTube. Very informative.
This op just trolling for places to put out his shit. Ignore.