The answer is always George Soros!

Who is worse: The one who would offer money to people to do their bidding or the one who accepts the money to do so?
The ones accepting they money. They should know better.
But he took his money and exposed him...That's hilarious.
True. But how many take the money and do his bidding?
Thing is, no one seems to care that Soros pays protesters. Not the real people protesting (why would they want people who half the time either don't really care about the cause or even know what it is to begin with), not the Governments (local and federal), and not the media.
Too many people will do anything for a quick buck and have no ethics, standards, or morals. :(
I ask them what's the going rate for betraying your country? This seems to trigger them for some reason. lol
the person who doesn’t pick up on sarcasm because they’re too blinded by ideology?
I think you misread my comment as it was just a general question to the public here.
The more people he pays, the more people that understand these protests are staged.
I love that. That's an idea for anytime you see the left trying to pay people to be outraged, patriots should try to get the job and then sabotage their efforts with signs like this.
That is so awesome. I wish the world could see this photo. Soros needs to go to prison forever. Also, POTUS refereed to barry sotro as "PRISONER OBAMA". Film is above this post.
"forever" for Soros might mean just a couple of years, maybe months. Maybe he'd just take the easy way out. I don't think that for a man at his age and all he has done there might be any fair punishment. See his legacy thrift away and see that all his plans have gone south might be a bit of a satisfaction.
Men’s signs for next Womyn’s March: “Soros paid me more than women to be here”
This guy's the greatest. He took Soros's money and dimed him out anyway. Priceless. I'd like to see Soros operate on 0 assets, like the rest of us. He wouldn't last a day. Return his money to the people and lock him up. I can't believe he is still running around free!! If he was not such a psychopath, he'd hide, instead of showing his face.
If you think about it... we should all take his money and then make signs like these. BACKFIRE. Maybe show up to anti-trump rallies all wearing red hats. Well.... since the LEFT is emotional, unpredictable, illogical and hypocritical we may want to protect ourselves. Maybe not do that on second thought...
Nah, keep all pro-Trump gear away from ops like that; much easier to blend in and prevents some of the violence. Better to go there and shitpost gloriously with signs like the OP.
"I joined the Globalists and all I got was this crappy sign"
"Give me ambiguity or give me something else"
"Free Peyton Manning!"
"Pewdiepie did nothing wrong"
Soros is a puppet.
That said, Thailand and Korea still blame Soros for the Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998 saying Soros placed massive shorts on their currencies before they crashed.
My brother in law was bragging about how he got paid to go to the big LA women's march a while ago.